InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: I think my brain exploded.
Sesshoumaru: Good. Maybe now you'll stop tormenting me.
Dream: No way!
Inuyasha: -Smirks-
Dream: You're next.
Inuyasha: What?
Dream: You heard me. I won't enslave you like I did to Sesshoumaru, but I will torment you.
Inuyasha: I hate you.
Dream: I love you to. n-n
: -Smirks- Good.
Dream: -Glomps Sesshoumaru- I love you. XD
Sesshoumaru: Release me.
Dream:No way. -Plays with his hair-
Sesshoumaru: Stop this at once.
Dream:I feel the need to rant about how much I despise Kagome.
Sesshoumaru: Why don't I do it? It's me the idiot authors are forcing her upon. I despise her more than Inuyasha. That's saying something.
Dream:I've no doubts about that. I just can't even begin to fathom why people even write it or even like it. it doesn't even make a decent crack pairing. And I usually loved crack pairings. It shames you greatly my dear.
Sesshoumaru: Unfortunately. Such is the fate for one such as I. I would never love such a bitch as her as they make me do. And the only one that should punish Inuyasha is me! Not her!
Dream: I know. I know.
Kagome:What's going on?
Dream:Oh dear lord it's the whore. I mean bitch. Slut. It.
Sesshoumaru:Save me would you?
Dream: Never fear! We shall kill her now! Inuyasha, can I borrow your sword?
Inuyasha:Uh... Maybe.
Kagome: What?! Ooh Inuyasha.
Dream: -Pokes a dagger against Kagome's neck- Run little whore. Run. You have till the count of five.
Kagome:-Eyes widen- You can't be serious!
Dream: One.
Kagome: -Starts running-
Dream: Alrighty folks. While Sesshy-kins and I go after Kago-slut, we hope you enjoy the chapter. -Runs off after the bitch with Sesshoumaru-
SEXY SESSHY: Thank you for the suggestion. n-n
God_of_Insanity: Longest review ever received. So far.
To answer your questions, since I know I never said why, breeding him in his humanoid form would have been an incredibly difficult task. Maintaining control of someone who could probably choke you to death or rip out your throat if you got to close, might be a bit difficult even if he was constantly chained to a wall. Containing his youki would have been a different matter entirely that would take to long to explain.
Aside from that, it would be a lot easier for Sesshoumaru to kill himself. If they left him alone chained to a wall in a dungeon, he could very well plunge his own hand into his chest and rip out his heart. Or at the very least find some other means with which to do it if his hands were chained above his head. Possibly in his weakened state, bring forth any amount of poison he could and try to kill himself that way. Even with his immunity to his own poison, it could probably do a significant amount of damage if he could get a potent enough amount of it.
Even if they managed to keep alive long enough for the spell to fully set in, killing the pups would be a much easier task as well. It's just not a viable option.
He would most certainly never allow himself to remain prisoner if he couldn't find a way to escape. In a smaller version of his true form, containing his youki and maintaining control is a hell of a lot easier than the other option. What with training and all, it would just be an easier option for them.
I love long chapters. Reading them. Writing them. Love 'em.
-Shuts down- Ah great. Now look what you did! Dx
I have a life.... it's just not a very exciting one.
Awh okay then. I'm pretty sure I have everything else set. I just need names cause I feel way to lazy to come up with anything myself.
midnightsweet: Glad to know you like it. n-n Hope you enjoy the chapter.
DemonLadySesshoumaru: I believe I did mention that the chapters would alternate. It's a lot easier for me to do it this way, and it keeps my muse happy. The sorceress will make her appearance somewhere in chapter five with a mention at the end of this one. Most likely anyways.
memorietrail: There will always be more! Until the story is finished. In which case there won't... oh the horror.
Nikkie23534: I wasn't aware my updating was scream inducing. Hot damn I'm good. XD
Chiaki Dark: Muahahaha. It'll get worse from there. A lot worse. -rolls in the angst- I'm a lover of the angst and dark stuff. I already realize I'm going to be incredibly cruel to him. Poor Sesshy-kins. Ah well. He'll get over it.
Warnings: Uh...
Disclaimer: It's a shame because I still don't own it. And if I did, you can bet your asses that I would kill Kagome and then demand that people stop trying to ruin Sesshoumaru's name by pairing him with the whore of doom in the abominations they call fan fiction. I hate the bitch.
Chapter 3
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Inuyasha watched from his bed, legs stretch out along the floor, and his feet tapping against the wood, as his older brother ventured away from him, exploring his room. The inu had awakened some time ago, and with a smile and nod of approval from Inuyasha, had set himself to the task. The younger male watched with amusement glinting in his golden eyes as Sesshoumaru's black nose twitched, inhaling and identifying the scents around him.
It had been a light shock to Inuyasha when Sesshoumaru had looked upon him with those pleading golden orbs, silently asking to explore his new home. Now that he was though, it was endlessly amusing. Every few moments Sesshoumaru would look back at him, standing before another object, asking for permission to sniff it. When Inuyasha neither said nor acted to prevent him, Sesshoumaru would sniff to his heart's content.
Sesshoumaru could identify nearly everything in the room. Either through familiarity to an object from his past, or his olfactory acting up and sending the signal to his brain that he knew this exact item from somewhere. He simply had no idea from where it was from. He could detect traces of other youkai that had entered this room, but those he could not identify. Most he would place as servants at best. He saw no reason for Master to allow others within his bed chambers. The idea of anyone other than servant or family was foreign to him. Rarely had he ever been in one the personal chambers of anyone after Urai.
His golden gaze drifted to Master, watching him with curiosity. He had been given a surprising amount of freedom within the Master's room, but he knew that even that was limited. Perhaps the Master just wanted him to be familiar with his surroundings for the time he would be here, before he was sold again to some other cruel, unforgiving Master.
He did wonder though what kind of youkai he would be mated to this coming mating season. He knew it was only a short time away. It was inevitable that he was to be bred again. Perhaps Master would be kind and give him to another canine. There seemed to be a lot of those from the scents that filled his nose.
Finished with his explorations, Sesshoumaru returned to Master, sitting beside him. He glanced up at the silver hair inugami before lying down at his feet, as was expected of any good pet. This position was always demanded of him when Master was seated. Should Master be standing, he was allowed to sit at his side. He knew the rules. Disobeying would earn him a beating. Past mistakes for which punishments had often been severe, were deeply ingrained within his memory. He knew his place well.
In the beginning the masters had been cruel to him. He was beaten daily for any indiscretion. In those years before his first breeding, he had been fought as promised. Thrown into a ring with a youkai able to access its own youki. He had made miracles to survive those fights, even if more often than not he left the ring at the brink of death.
Never did he leave a fight uninjured, and underneath his thick coat of fur were the jagged scars. Never able to completely heal because of his lack of power. He supposed that those scars would always mar his once flawless body.
Inuyasha leaned forward, looking down and watching his brother. He lowered hand and gently grasped one of those long, soft silky ears between his fingers, tugging slightly.
Immediately, Sesshoumaru's head jerked up in response, staring up at his master. A questioning look glittered in golden orbs. Waiting for master to say something. Do something. Anything.
Inuyasha smiled and beckoned for the inu come onto the bed with him. He watched as confusion clouded those beautiful eyes, but slowly the elder youkai pushed his body to its feet. Tail tucked firmly between his legs, Sesshoumaru crawled onto the bed and lay down beside his master.
Gentle fingers scratched the top of his head for several moments before the silence was broken. “Are you hungry?” Inuyasha inquired, his hand moving down to the back of Sesshoumaru's head.
Sesshoumaru's head shot up and he stared wide eyed at the master. Master was asking if he was hungry? This confused him. Previous masters would always determine when he was allowed to have food. Many of them tormenting by placing a bowl of fresh, dripping with blood meat in front of his nose and forbid him from eating it, drool pooling within his maw. Often he would go days without food because master had forgotten he needed it to survive.
He didn't know how to respond to the inquiry. If he said no, then the master may not say anything and let him be. If he responded with a yes, master may see this as him stepping out of line and punish him for the grievance. He knew he was never allowed to ask for food. It was privilege. Not a right. Those were the rules when one became a pet. He knew them well enough.
He whined softly and declined, shaking his head. Had he been in humanoid form like he vaguely remembered so many years ago, a dark blush would have colored his cheeks at the deep growl rumbling from his stomach. Master chuckled and pulled his legs to himself so he could rise from the floor.
“Let's get you some food,” Inuyasha said, pushing himself up to his feet. He turned to look down at his brother. “You will never be denied a proper meal. Never again. You are allowed to ask for anything you may desire. You are no longer some breeding bitch like the rest of those bastards made into be. You are free, Sesshoumaru. We will return you to your human form. You will be completely free once more. I swear it.”
Sesshoumaru stared at him, eyes wide. Did the master mean this? Could it possibly be true? He had said such things, but he did not know what to believe. It confused him. The master sounded sincere, but still he did not know. He didn't not want to nurture such false hopes.
He whimpered softly, his distress obvious to Inuyasha. The younger youkai dropped to his knees and gathered the inu into his arms, pulling him partially off of the bed. He lifted one hand and stroked his trembling head.
“I know this might be hard for you to believe or understand, but you are my brother, Sesshoumaru. I mean this. I lost you once. I won't lose you again.”
Brother? I don't... I don't understand him. Master... what do you mean?
Those clawed fingers till moved upon his head. Soothing him as best they.
Safe. Here in the arms of this master, that was how he felt. He was safe. He was protected.
Sesshoumaru padded quietly after his master. Confusion still trailed through his mind, and he simply could not find a way to understand it. Master had called him brother. Was this true? He didn't know. Some small part of him want to believe those words, but that false hope made itself known. The larger part of his mind that did not pushed that small thought away, telling him it was all just lies.
No matter how sincere master sounded, or that one part of him wanted to believe, he could not. He had lost faith in trust in anyone years ago. Master Urai had made sure of that.
He had resisted many times in the beginning, but Master Urai had broken his mind and his will. That first damnable litter had been forced upon him by the cruel master. He still remembered the pain of the thick organ shoving itself into his unprepared, virgin hole.
The curse of the o-fuda did not include changing his body to female form to during mating season or to aid him in giving birth to the accursed abominations. He had only one hole with which to do it all. He could still remember waking in the middle of the night, whining and howling in pain. All of his lower back was in a terrible amount of pain, blood matting his once white fur.
Deep within, the master's seed had made it's way to the newly formed womb. In a matter of days, he had miscarried. Refusing to eat had helped in destroying the barely formed lives growing with him.
It was one of the few times he had not been beaten for the loss of the misbegotten spawn. Master Urai had forgiven him for the miscarriage, accrediting it all to the mating and the pain of growing the womb. His body had been quite unused to having female organs inside him. Master Urai had taken him several times to ensure conception.
Even now he would always remember the pain mating brought. His master's rarely allowed preparation before his mate for that year was allowed to take him. The howls of his own pain would forever echo in his ears.
His curious gaze drifted along the walls as he followed the master. They were not bare like many of the walls of his former masters. Hung along the walls were various tapestries and paintings. Some small. Some large. He assumed that the ones along this hall were those of the family.
As they passed by on particular tapestry, his entire body suddenly froze. When the master turned to inquire what was wrong with him, a small gasp of realization hit him.
It was him. The image woven before him, hanging on this wall was him. A towering form larger than his own current one. There was no doubt about it. it was him. He took a single step forward, eyes taking it all in.
a soft whimper of distress escaped him. He didn't understand. Why was this here? What did it mean? Who the hell was he?!
He felt strong arms wrap around him again, pulled against an equally strong chest.
“Don't you see?” master murmured in his ear. “You are my brother. That is you. Father had it specially made just for you the first time you transformed into your true form. He was so proud of you.”
Sesshoumaru's head turned and he looked at the master. For him? This had been made... for him? He didn't know if he should believe this. It was to much, to fast. He'd been here less than a day and master had already called him brother. Now this... this image. This depiction of him.
Long ago, before his destruction, he would have been ecstatic to learn he had finally returned home. Years of abuse, neglect and slavery had torn him apart. Warped him into a cowering, obedient little mass of fur, bending to his master's will. Had he tear ducts, he would have been crying about now.
Soothing hands touched him as those strong arms held him. Master wouldn't lie to him. Master -dare he say it- cared for him. He was not like the others. He could see this now. These past few hours in the master's presence had shown him as much.
He just didn't understand all of this. He wished he knew. He wished and hoped he could remember his former life.
“Father,” Inuyasha said as he approached his parents. He had left Sesshoumaru in his room to sleep.
“What is it?” Touga inquired, turning from his mate to his younger son.
“Father I... I don't know what to do for him.”
“What do you mean? What happened?”
“I was taking him to the kitchens to get him something to eat, and he saw the tapestry. One you had made after his first transformation.”
“So what's the problem?”
“I think he's scared. Confused. He doesn't know who he is, and I think seeing that might have done something to him. He ran back to my room and disappeared under my bed. I can't get him to come back out.” He'd barely seen it, but Sesshoumaru had managed to get himself under the thin mattress. There was a distinguished lump under one part of it where Sesshoumaru was curled on the floor.
His parents frowned in thought. Touga had told his mate everything he knew when the female had come to him, having caught the scent of her eldest son.
Never had they known Sesshoumaru to ever be afraid or show fear. It was strange and unnatural to them.
Sesshoumaru's slavery had certainly done a number on him. The cold hearted, emotionless youkai they had known and loved had vanished, only to be replaced by a frightened pet, eager to please to avoid punishment. They didn't know how to help him. The situation was becoming more complicated.
Touga wished that sorceress could have been here today upon William's arrival, but that would be asking to much. They would have to wait for her.
Sesshoumaru was cared and confused. His former life had quite literally been beaten out of him. His fear certainly had its sources and foundations. It was all justified.
One hundred and fifty years was not a long time by youkai standards, but that time was skewed when one became a slave or a pet. It could seem like an eternity to them. Rehabilitation would take months, years even, and a load of patience Touga's youngest just did not have. The boy had his work cut out for him.
“Just do what you can, Inuyasha. I know this won't be easy, but he is your brother and he needs you now more than ever. You must have patience, my son. Sesshoumaru's mind is a delicate thing, and we don't know what he's thinking or how he feels. I can only hope that within the next few days lord William will be able to contact the sorceress. Perhaps then we will be able to understand him better.”
Inuyasha sighed softly and nodded. “Yes, Father.”
“For now, just bring food to him. We must give him time to adjust. His home is a new place to him now.”
“I understand, Father.” Inuyasha bowed to his parents and departed.
Touga sighed and looked to his mate. She smiled at her mate. “Inuyasha will find a way,” she murmured.
Touga simply nodded.
Inuyasha stood off to the side in the kitchen, leaning against a wall and watching the servants work. He had asked for one of them to prepare a plate of fresh, raw meat, and bow of fresh water.
Word had spread quickly that the young Prince Sesshoumaru was returned home to the Western Lands. Word of his present form had spread like wild fire.
A young female jackal youkai had jumped to the task. She had arrived in Japan nearly two hundred years ago with her family, mate and his family, seeking safety with the ally of their former lord. Touga had taken them in and gave them a new home.
The dark skinned bitch had watched the brothers for years, and the signs were obvious to anyone who looked for them. She had known from the first meeting with the two that Inuyasha was head-over-heels in love with his brother.
Incest in youkai families was hardly looked down upon, even between male siblings. Such matings were often encouraged if one of the two had been born with the ability to bear pups. Or in the case of Prince Sesshoumaru, forced upon them.
She knew know though that as soon as Sesshoumaru was returned to his humanoid form, they would be mated. She could tell. She knew that Inuyasha would let no other have him. The elder youkai was precious to him. Lord Touga was sure to encourage and support the mating. He had to know, and he had to see that it was the only possibility. If he assumption was correct, Sesshoumaru would likely accept no other to be his alpha.
Her claws easily sliced through the venison, picking up strips of the bloody meat and setting them aside to slice them into smaller chunks. She didn't want to provide to little, and she figured Inuyasha would finish what Sesshoumaru did not.
She pulled back the longer strips when she finished, and called for a bowl to place the meet in. one was set beside her on the counter space, and she set to slicing the strips into smaller chunks. When a pile of meat was a big enough, she swiped them into the waiting bowl, returning to cutting more. She was sure to fill the bowl and add a little more. She wasn't sure how much the youkai would eat, but she doubted it would be much.
Knowledge of pets told her that master's rarely fed them, and when they did it was never much. Pets were often starved, and some had died because of it. they would have to work on getting Sesshoumaru's food intake up. It would take awhile, but they could do it.
Riziki finished cutting the meat, piling what was left in the bowl. She left it there and moved to gather a new one and fill it with fresh water. Back to her space, she collected the meat and approached the young lord.
“Inuyasha,” she said, handing them to him. “From what I know about pets, I do not think he will eat much. So, I suggest for now you hand feed him until we can get his food intake up to a normal level. It is common practice for masters to starve pets, and give them little to no food when they are fed. His body will be used to only small quantities. For now, I suggest giving him only a fourth of that is in the bowl, unless he wishes for more. He will know his own limit.”
Inuyasha smiled and nodded his head. 'Thank you, Riziki.”
“Of course, my lord. I wish to see your future mate happy and healthy.”
Inuyasha spluttered, staring wide eyed at her. Riziki smiled and laughed heartily.
“Don't tell me you never thought about it!” she exclaimed in mock exasperation. “My lord, what ever will we do with you, hm? It's hard not to see the signs of your love for him. I am quite sure your father will even encourage a mating between the two of you, and I doubt you would let Sesshoumaru go to any other.”
Inuyasha offered her a small smile. “I guess you're right,” he grumbled, a light blush painted on his cheeks.
Riziki smiled. “Now be on your way, my lord. Your mate awaits.” She laughed as Inuyasha glared at her one last time before turning and walking away, leaving the kitchen. Riziki smiled and returned to work. Oh how she loved being in the kitchen.
Inuyasha huffed as he made his way back to his room. Riziki was such a know-it-all sometimes. He paused. Would he really be allowed to take Sesshoumaru as his mate? Gods above he hoped so. she was right about one thing. He would never let any other have his brother. Sesshoumaru was his and his alone. Gods be damned if anyone took him away again.
He scowled at the thought as he ascended to the floor above, turning the corner and moving towards the family section. By the stairs was the area for important guests. Lord William would be staying there for some time. At the far end were the family suites, his parents bed chambers at the very end of the hallway. Sesshoumaru's was directly to the right along the hallway, and his own was a bit down from that.
Stepping up to the sliding door, he lifted a foot and nudged it open as best he could before shoving his foot in and sliding it open. He stepped inside and closed the sliding panel with his foot.
“Sesshoumaru,” he called, moving a bit closer to the bed before sitting down. Beneath the furs and the futon, he could see the distinct lump that was his brother. “Sesshoumaru I brought you food.”
The mass wriggled, and a black nose poked out from underneath the fur. Inuyasha smiled. “Come on. It's really good. Venison. You like venison, don't you?”
White fur followed the nose, and stopped. The little black nose twitched and inhaled, catching the scent of fresh venison. Surprisingly to him, there was no other underlying scent. It was purely meat. Slowly, Sesshoumaru crawled out from under the bed, paused momentarily to sniff again and scuttled towards Inuyasha, his belly scraping along the floor.
Inuyasha smiled at him. “That's better. Riziki told me to give you about a fourth of what's in the bowl. Is that okay?”
Sesshoumaru looked up at him before looking back at the bowl, eying it hungrily. His mouth watered just at the site of it. how long had it been since he last had fresh, untainted meat? Far to long his liking. He whined at the master.
He'd had time to think while under the bed. This master... this master would not punish him. Right? Right.
Inuyasha laughed and set both bowls down, clawed fingers plucking a chunk of meat from the bowl. He smiled and tossed the meat to his brother and watched as Sesshoumaru scrambled up to grab the meat, snapping it up out of the air. Sesshoumaru whine his pleasure as the blood from the meat covered his tongue. Oh it was so good!
Inuyasha chuckled. Well that certainly was surprising. He hadn't expected Sesshoumaru to be so eager to eat. He smiled at his brother and picked up another piece. He held it up and waved it back and forth, watching as Sesshoumaru's head moved to followed it.
He laughed and stopped, moving his hands closer for Sesshoumaru to take. The elder youkai took it delicately from his fingers, teeth grazing the tips of his claws. Inuyasha pulled his hand back to pick up more meat. Sesshoumaru was certainly acting like he'd been starved. He supposed he was. But he also knew that William had probably been feeding him daily, so he thought it might be okay to let Sesshoumaru have the entire bowl.
He knew Sesshoumaru would eat it all if he let him have it with the way he was eying it. Inuyasha smiled and pushed the bowl towards hims. Sesshoumaru look at him in surprise, his eyes asking if he could really have the whole thing. Inuyasha nudged the bowl towards him.
“Go ahead. It's for you anyways.”
Sesshoumaru lowered his head, shoved his mouth into the bowl and practically began to inhale the contents.
“Hey hey slow down,” Inuyasha said. “I don't want you to make yourself sick.”
Sesshoumaru lifted his head, blood dripping from his muzzle. He just nodded and resumed eating at a slower pace.
Inuyasha sighed and leaned back, watching him carefully. Well. It looked like Sesshoumaru was back on the road to health faster than they'd thought.
William sighed and scratched his head. Apparently locating the woman would be more difficult than he thought. Five days had passed since he arrived at Lord Touga's castle. He had sent out several birds, each with a message attached to their legs. So far, only three had not returned. He still had hope that one would return with a message saying she was on her way.
His hopes were still high. Last he knew the woman was still Siberia, though in reality she could be anywhere in the entire world. She was known for her traveling ways. He had no doubts though that she would be found, and he was positive she would help.
The woman had always loved a challenge. Giving Sesshoumaru a voice would certainly be a challenge for her. The o-fuda would hinder her, but he knew that if anyone could do it, it would be her.
Runa was resourceful. Incredibly so.
Though her heritage was incredibly strange, it mattered not. Runa was an old and powerful youkai of the sea. Though despite her need to stay near water at all times, she could be found traveling barren deserts, drawing water from the depths of the earth to suit he needs.
He sighed as he looked out through the open window, waiting to catch sight of one of his birds. An hour passed as he sat there watching and waiting. The moment he turned away, a fluttering caught his attention and he turned back to see a Peregrine falcon fly into the room and settle on the back of a chair.
He pushed himself away from the desk and moved to the bird, taking the scroll carefully from the leg it lifted up. The bird screeched and he smiled, stroking the animals back once before lifted its wings and flew out through the window. Probably to hunt.
He unfurled the scroll and read through the small print. A smile bloomed across his lips. Excellent news!
He pushed himself up from the chair and hurried to leave the room to locate Touga and inform him. He stopped a passing servant to ask if he knew where Lord Touga was. The youkai nodded and directed him to the Lord's study.
He thanked the servant and headed on towards the study. He paused outside the door, lifted a hand and knocked.
“Enter,” a voice called from within.
William slid the door open and smiled at the inu lord behind the desk.
“I have wonderful news, my lord,” the eagle said, stepping into the room.
Touga lifted his head, looking at the eagle. “Oh?”
William smirked and moved forward, setting the scroll on the desk. “One of my birds returned with a message from the sorceress.”
Touga smirked. “That certainly is excellent news.” He unfurled the scroll and read the missive. “Three weak?” he inquired, looking at the eagle.
William shrugged. “Two to three, but she'll be traveling by sea.”
“How? By ship?”
William shook his head. “She'll swim. Her heritage is mixed, but she is a youkai born to the sea. By ship her journey would take nearly a month. She only says two to three weeks because she will need time to feed. I gather she'll be here by the new moon if not sooner.”
Touga nodded and set the scroll down on his desk. He gestured for William to sit down. The eagle gratefully took a chair.
“How is he doing?”
“Better. Inuyasha tells me he's been eating more every day, and seems to have started doing a few things on his own. Apparently my son even lets him sleep on the bed,” he chuckled. “The other day I walked in to see Sesshoumaru completely covering Inuyasha with his body. It really was quite a sight to see Inuyasha struggling to push him off so he could breath. I couldn't help but laugh and Inuyasha glared death at me.”
William laughed at that. “Well it's good to know he's doing better now.”
“It is,” Touga agreed. “That first day was rough, but Inuyasha says he's opened up a bit more. Unsurprisingly, Sesshoumaru has nearly attached himself to Inuyasha. I never see my sons apart. Sesshoumaru is always somewhere nearby. It's amazing really. I think he's learning that here he's free to do as he pleases.”
William nodded. “That certainly is excellent in so short time.”
“Aye,” Touga agreed. “Though he still is uncertain, and many things will have to be done to get rid of some habits. When they're out of the room, Sesshoumaru still walks three steps behind him, and whenever Inuyasha turns he lies down and rolls onto his back. Anywhere Inuyasha sits down, he lies at his feet, or when he stops walking Sesshoumaru sits just behind him.
“I suppose though that all of this would be due to his training. A few days certainly is not enough time to erase one hundred and fifty years of training and beatings. It will be hard for him to get over these obstacles, but I have no doubts that my son can do it. if Sesshoumaru has changed this much in only a few days, I have no doubts that Inuyasha can do anything.”
William nodded. “I agree,” he replied. “Your youngest certainly is a good influence.” The eagle paused to think of something. “My lord, I've been meaning to ask you something.”
Touga looked at him. “What is it?”
“Will... that is to say... will you allow Inuyasha to take Sesshoumaru as his mate?”
Touga smiled faintly at that. “I have thought long and hard about that very idea. I believe I will consent should Sesshoumaru agree. I would not want to force him into anything.”
“Of course not,” William agreed. “I just believe that Inuyasha would let no other have him. The few times I have seen them about, a certain look in Inuyasha's eyes caught my attention, and it led me to believe that as soon as he could he would take Sesshoumaru as his mate. I was certain you may have already known, but the idea would just not leave my mind. Forgive me for asking.”
Touga shook his head and smiled. “It is perfectly alright, William. Besides, it would do well for my allies to know that my sons intend to mate. I do not doubt that Sesshoumaru will let Inuyasha take him. Old fears may resurface if another were to touch him in that way. It may undo everything that had been done. I have faith in Inuyasha to do what is right for himself and for Sesshoumaru.
“I have known for years that the boy loved him, and had it not been for the inability to bear pups before, I would have discouraged any relationship between them. I suppose Sesshoumaru's kidnapping was both a blessing and curse.”
William sighed. “Indeed. It is unfortunate that it had to happen. I do wonder though if any of the litters survived their first years,” he said thoughtfully.
“Doubtful,” Touga replied. “If I know Sesshoumaru than even if any litters were successfully born, he would not care for them. He would not care for pups forced upon him by a cruel bastard. If he did not kill them in the womb, then they would starve to death. I would be surprised if any did survive though.”
William nodded his agreement to that. He was sure the lord knew how his son's mind worked in at least some ways. Sesshoumaru would be unwilling to care for pups he did not want.
It was natural for a youkai to cast out unwanted offspring from an equally unwanted mating. Rarely did the mother of the offspring care for them. It was nearly impossible for anyone to find any sort of wet nurse for the offspring, as only the milk and blood provided by the mother could keep them alive. Any other milk was incompatible. They would not be hard pressed to obtain blood if the mother was a pet or slave, but youkai had the ability to forcibly stop themselves from producing the milk the offspring would need to live off of for the first six months of life.
Not even a beating could encourage the mother to produce. Most would rather take the punishment or even death than to willingly aid in the survival of what they considered abominations unfit to live in the world. William himself had only heard of a few rare occasions where offspring did survive without the natural mother's milk. Although he did not know the strength of any of the surviving youkai. He supposed it didn't matter though.
“As would I,” the eagle agreed. “It is certainly rare though for any surviving offspring to survive without the mother's milk.”
Touga frowned. He knew what William spoke of. “Aye,” he responded. “I know of only a few such instances where offspring did survive, but from what I know these offspring are not nearly as powerful as they could be had they been able to feed properly.”
“Oh?” William inquired, eying the lord. “I had only heard they survived. I never found out the strength of them.”
Touga nodded. “A former ally of mine before he died had such offspring. He had taken a powerful female youkai as his pet and forced her to bear his children. She refused to feed them herself even at the threat of death and a wet nurse was found for them. By some miracle they survived those first six months, but they could not equal their father or mother in strength and power. They had little more power than the average hanyou, and despite intense training regiments they did not succeed much in getting stronger.
“I have heard of none that either equaled or surpassed the parents with the lack of the mother's milk. Feeding from the mother has a lot to do with how powerful a youkai becomes, strange as it is. I never really did understand how that works.”
William laughed and shrugged. “Neither did I. I always believed it had to do with the blood. Though it does play some part into it, somehow it seems that the mother's milk would enhance it.”
“Hm. I suppose you would be right,” Touga replied. “I suppose the women would know more about this though.”
William couldn't help but chuckle. “I agree,” he mused. “They are far more knowledgeable in children than we are. They just want our seed to create them. They don't care what we do or don't know.”
“Wouldn't that make us no better than breeding stock?” Touga questioned, smirking at his friend.
“You know. You may be right about that,” William responded, releasing an exasperated sigh. “Oh woe is us. Good for nothing but to provide the seed to create the offspring that may as well hate us anyways for all the attention they give us.” He propped his arm up on the arm rest attached to his chair and dropped his chin into the palm of his hand.
Touga threw his head back and laughed. It was a bad joke, but it was at least partially true. Sometimes anyways. More often than not his sons would have gone to their mother for advice on something rather than him. He would tease his mate about it, and she would just pat his arm lovingly and laugh it off.
“I believe that about sums it up,” he chuckled. “I've been meaning to ask though. How is your mate?”
“Splendid! Elizabeth couldn't be happier with the twins. After having four daughters, she was quite relieved when they were born. Oh don't get me wrong. She loves all of the girls, but to tell you the truth they fight more than boys do. My brother has three boys of his own and two darling little girls. Most of the fighting in his household goes on between the girls. The boys are sparing when they fight, but I swear those girls are a nightmare sometimes.
“Several years ago I was visiting with my mate our eldest daughter for a few days. The two girls were arguing over a doll, and a fight broke out. It's quite scary to watch when two girls go at it like they did. They were pulling hair, scratching, biting and slapping each other.”
Touga sighed and shook his head. “Well I'm quite lucky then to have never experienced that unfortunate event. Many allies and acquaintances here in Nippon have girls of their own, but they have never fought such as that. Neither have I heard of much fights. It must be a European thing,” he teased.
William just rolled his eyes. “Perhaps. Then again, we tend to completely spoil our girls whenever possible. You'd understand if you'd ever had a daughter of your own.”
“You may be right, but I will never know that pleasure. My mate does not wish to have any more children, and I will take no other mate. Not after the death of Izayoi. I am fortunate to have Inuyasha though, because it means that I still have something left of her. That is all I could ask for.”
William nodded. “It is sad to know that such a wonderful youkai such as her had to suffer such a horrible fate. I find it unfortunate I never had the pleasure of meeting her.”
“Aye. I am sure she would have been please to meet you as well.”
William just smiled.
Runa rolled in the water as she swam, her fluke pumping to push her forward. She adored traveling in this form rather than her humanoid form. The water surrounding her body was completely comforting to her, and she missed it every time she went to land. It was a wonder how a sea youkai of her nature could survive on land, but then again she wasn't what one would call an ordinary youkai.
In her youth she had been captured by humans of her native homeland, and had lived on land for nearly three years before they finally released her. The humans had been kind to her, and damn near worshiped her for so-called miracles she had bestowed upon them.
It was a natural ability to convert sea water into fresh water, and she had done so for the humans in times of drought. They absolutely adored her, and she loved every minute of the attention lavished upon her.
She grown bored of them though when it neared the fourth year. She had left in the middle of the night, the dogs not even raising the alarm. It would have done no good though for the dogs to even attempt to alert the humans. She would have left them anyways. It was impossible to keep a youkai of sea trapped on land.
The open ocean called to the soul, and she could not resist the call.
She had located her family, and informed them all that she intended to travel the world. She could stay with neither side because of her mix, and despite their protests that she stay, she bid them farewell and took her leave.
As she traveled and explored new places she learned and gained knowledge of many things. As the years passed, she grew immensely in power. She seldom fought, for she was firm in the belief that it solved little, and she was prone to fleeing than staying to fight unless absolutely necessary.
Few challenged her if ever though.
Somewhere along the way she had succeeded in obtaining the ability to draw water from anywhere, be it the plants or the earth itself. With that kind of force to be reckoned with, she was largely left alone to her own devices. She preferred it that way. She did not need others to be happy.
Often she would remain in certain areas for up to three months at a time, exploring anything and everything. She wanted to know the entire world. Her ventures had taken her even to the southern most point in the world, the frozen wasteland. Food from the sea was scarce, but the flightless birds were delicious. They would put up quite a fight before she managed to snag them and devour them.
She had gorged herself once on the black and white birds of the ice, and had found herself incapacitated for nearly three days. She just could not get enough of them. They were like a drug to her. As much as the delicious seals were. Those and the birds were a delight to her pallet. She missed the taste, and vowed she would return to that place to feed once again.
She did wonder though why William was calling her to Nippon. The lands were interesting, but she supposed it must be important if it was an urgent matter that she arrive as soon as possible. When the bird had come to her with the message, she had found it quite odd, but she owed William a few favors and so she could not help but respond to his plea. She would help with whatever it was he needed. Provided it was actually important. If not, she would smack the eagle something good and leave to return to her travels.
She would arrive in no more than three weeks, and she would help with whatever the eagle needed of her no matter how troublesome or irksome it may be to her
She sighed and pushed herself up, breaking the surface of the water to take a breath of fresh air before she submerged again and continued with her journey.
Troublesome indeed.
Chapter word count: 6,716
Story word count: 22,118
Dream: I just have to note, but we had some seriously fucked up weather that started on like May 21st or May 22nd. It was some crazy ass shit with a lot of rain, some snow in a few places that I know of and even tornadoes! I ain't never seen no damn tornado or heard of one being in California. Dust devils yeah, but never a tornado. Apparently it's supposed to lead up to a big earthquake I think. o.o We're all doomed. Dx