InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ Was Sesshoumaru brain dead? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Corner Thingy:
Incase anyone was wondering, hotdogs and Mountain Dew is really good together. ^^'
Thank you to Catherine, my savior! Aah how I butchered the English language, and she comes in to the save the day! :D Imma give Catherine a cape ^^
Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha. T_T
With all you did nothing has changed
So lie like a waste by the side
Kagome slowly made her way up the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest as she walked through the ever so familiar halls. She fondly remembered spending her summers here with Sesshoumaru and the children. Rin and Shippou clinging onto every word their grandfather said to them, though most of the time his words held wisdom; the older youkai was known for causing grief in his mischievous outings with his grandchildren.
As Kagome neared the large, mahogany wood doors that held Sesshoumaru's father, she watched as Inuyasha pushed one of the large doors open, she admired the thickness of the door and the detail of what appeared to be dogs of different size and designs marring each side of the door. Inuyasha looked at her and nodded towards her.
“He's waiting for you,” Inuyasha spoke in a hushed tone as he held the door open for her. Kagome nodded her head and swallowed hard as she stepped into the dimly lit room.
The room was lush with old paintings from the Edo and following periods adoring them. Artifacts spread throughout the area. Kagome was well aware of the actual age of Sesshoumaru and his father. While Inuyasha was but 600 years old and Sesshoumaru near 800, their father was around 1,400 years old. He had seen many good and bad things come to pass and taken it all in stride as those humans he loved passed along just as dust in the wind.
“Kagome?” An old and wise deep voice spoke from the bed centered in the room; the sheets were a rich red color, shinning in the moonlight, the material could only be of silk. Kagome noticed a rich, dark purple sleeve resting on top of the sheets as she neared the bed.
“Hai, My Lord,” The old man chuckled softly.
“Nearly 9 years of knowing me and still such formalities?”
“Gomen, old habits die hard I suppose,” She came closer to the bed and stared at the visibly aged man. His markings oddly similar to Sesshoumaru's, however the bangs that covered his brow were much like Inuyasha's, but his face was narrow such as Sesshoumaru's was aged to be.
“My lovely daughter-in-law,”
“Former,” She commented with a sad smile reminding herself of the harsh reality of her present non-existent love life.
“To human law, but to youkai, you are still his mate; he has not revoked his mark from you,”
“Hmm, would explain the fleeing of youkai males while I'm at a club,” The elderly youkai chuckled louder this time, Kagome held his large hand in her smaller one and squeezed gently looking into his bright, sun yellow eyes that reminded her too much of another youkai.  He looked old, worn and definitely ready to pass on, his eyes held a look of accomplishment and understanding, he knew his time was coming and was very satisfied with his life's events.
“What did the doctors say exactly?”
“And the youkai doctors?”

“Old Age,” He smiled at her wisdom of the youkai secrecy. He never could understand his eldest son's dismissal of such a worthy woman, and now with her immortality by bearing a strong youkai's mark, his confusion seemed endless.
“I want you to know he still thinks of you, and during his sporadic nightmares this old youkai can hear him whisper your name,” It was no lie that he could sense his son's hidden regret for leaving the girl, he just couldn't understand why he never made an attempt for reconciliation.
“Do you think he'll revoke the mark ever?”
“His youkai side and he are arguing presently over such a thing, he wishes you to be free of him completely, however his youkai refuses to release you as his mate,”
“I never asked to be free of him,” Kagome turned from the elder youkai's knowing eyes. The confusion consumed her being as to Sesshoumaru's actions, he had one day decided he was finished with her, handed over divorce papers during a private dinner, and said that he was ready to move on with his life. Was having a family with her not moving on?
“The children are here?” He changed the subject, weary of the girl's ragging emotions.
“Iie, gomen. I felt as though they shouldn't be awoken that early, had someone told me exactly what the pressing matters where I would have-”
“Nonsense, I believe it's best if such young ones do not witness the end of an elderly youkai, especially the young kitsune boy. It can be stressful to smell such strong death at an early age.”
“They believe you hang the moon and stars,”
“I feel the same for them,” His hand moved to lie on top of hers and he gently patted her hand, smiling at her with a tired gaze.
Kagome sat down on the bed then took his hand into both of hers, holding it tight. The dimly lit room, left soft shadows on the elder youkai's face, the moon shinning from the window giving him a look of immortality, slightly ironic in the current situation.
“How is being a pediatric doctor?”
“Tiring, but worth it I believe. I'm glad to say I've been listed on the top 10 pediatrics in Japan,”
“And soon the world, I hope you do not fret over the children at times.”
“I find it hard not to, however mom normally hits me and tells me to stop bringing my work home,” He laughed at her comment and smiled knowingly.
“How is your mother?”
“She is well; elderly just as you, but still helpful with the children,” Kagome looked to the side, admiring one of the paintings that adorned the walls, she sometimes wondered what it would have been like to live in such times, where magic and fairytale stories were realities.
“I see the stress of your past two years on your face my dear,” The elder youkai studied her face; it was not a false statement. She looked stressed, drained and mildly desperate for something more.  
“I could take that in a very rude way,” She attempted to glare at him, but failed miserably when he chuckled at her.
“Well I assume I shouldn't hog your last moments, Hm?”
“Allow this old youkai a kiss from his daughter-in-law?”
“Hai,” Kagome bent down as she brushed his bangs to the side and gently kissed his brow.
“Good, now if you would please round up my sons and make sure they are not killing each other,”
“Of course My Lord,”
“Kagome,” His warning tone made her smile at him as she stood up. She walked to the door; she paused and looked at him as she opened it.
“I'll bring them to you,”
Inuyasha headed his way downstairs to have a talk with his dear older half-brother. He was fuming inside, he called her! Brought her here to watch their father die! Wasn't watching her own father die at the age of 11 enough for her? But watching a man whom she saw as a father figure die as well; was Sesshoumaru brain dead?
Inuyasha smirked at the thought of Sesshoumaru in such a state. He schooled his face a bit as he entered the living room where Sesshoumaru sat staring into the fire.
“You asked her to come here?” 
“Why must you ask questions that have obvious answers?” Sesshoumaru glanced at his brother in irritancy.
“Because I'm trying to figure out whether somewhere along the way you became brain damaged,”
“No dear brother, that's you,” Inuyasha growled at his remark.
“She watched her father die at 11 for god's sake!”
“I'm well aware,”
“Then you're aware that this is pretty much the same thing for her!”
“She's 11 still?” Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed as he watched his brother fume and walk back and forth.
“Be still, you're making this Sesshoumaru even more irritated,”
“She's going to watch another father to her die!” Inuyasha lunged at his brother, his claws out. Sesshoumaru jumped from the couch and landed gracefully behind him. Inuyasha turned around quickly and lunged at him once more, and just as before, Sesshoumaru jumped out of view. Inuyasha had to stop himself from going into the fire place.
“Your mark is still on her,” Inuyasha stood up straight, not making another attempt to attack his brother as he turned to face him, his eyes blazing much like the fire crackling behind him.
“You're making this harder on her, if you really want to be rid of her then you should release the mark,”
“Why, so you can have her next?” Inuyasha growled once more at his remark and resisted the urge to tackle him.
“All I'm saying is that she's gonna have a pretty hard time finding someone else with your mark still on her left shoulder,”
“You presume I want her to move on?”
“You'd be a sick bastard if you expected her to wait for you to suddenly say `I'm an idiot for leaving you,' and then have her rush back into your arms like it used to be,”
“Whoops I forgot you are a sick bastard!” Sesshoumaru growled and glared at his brother. His comments were grating on his nerves and presently making his youkai side agree with the proposition of making amends with his ex-wife and possibly ex-mate if his youkai side would ever release the hold.
“Just because you and your demon side can't get along doesn't mean she has to suffer,”
“Who says she's suffering?” Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru with a face of `duh!'
“Yes Inuyasha, who say's I'm suffering?” Both Inu brothers turned around to the woman they were talking about, standing in the threshold of the living room with a  dull look on her face as she ran a hand through her hair in the ponytail.
“I, um, you see we were-”
“Enough Inuyasha, you two should at least put aside your bickering for the last day of your own father's life,” 
Inuyasha stared down at the ground in shame as Sesshoumaru looked away from the woman's captivating brown eyes. Kagome tapped her foot and crossed her arms over her chest. These two behaved at times like a 6 and 9 year old, forget the two extra zeros, these two could certainly pass as grade children at the sibling rivalry that never stopped even in pressing matters such as this.
“Come on, your father wants to see both of you,”
Why do I like ending my chapters with verbal lines? Well anyways on to the next chapter!! ^^
Oh yeah sorry about shortness, next chapter is longer ^^ Proomiissuu~<3