InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ Sesshoumaru is not also a craddle robber? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Corner Thingy: I suppose at 6:30am I may not make the best chapters in the world, well let me know. ^^ I'm having a hard time sleeping while I have such livid ideas for this story. I'm warning you guys now, sadness will ensue in following chapters. DEeeaaaattth! >=O
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, I am earning nothing by writing this.
Once again! Thanks to my beautiful Catherine! My editor, my goddess! The wind beneath my wings and more :D
She saves you guys from reading my crappy version :P
Oh me oh my, another day is dawning oh what a bummer I don't own Inuyasha. D:
As everything just falls apart
'Cause everything just fell apart for me
I cracked my head and broke my heart
Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha walked side by side to their father's chambers with a very tired Kagome lagging behind them. Kagome yawned quietly and looked at her watch. Just past 5:30a.m, she sighed and followed the two older men back into the dimly lit room.
"Ah my sons," The elderly youkai spoke as they neared his bed.
"Do you know how much longer father?" Sesshoumaru's voice carried a twinge of remorse. His silver hair slipped over his shoulder as he turned his head to look at his father from a better angle.
"Soon I believe, very soon. I wanted to see you both before I leave this world. I pass the company to you Sesshoumaru; you have been leading Taisho Co. with a firm handle for the past 10 years. It honors me to watch you work quite possibly better than myself..."
"That is nonsense father; I would have never been able to run the company properly without your teachings." Kagome smiled at Sesshoumaru, he always seemed inferior when it came to his father, and though it might have hindered other children; it made Sesshoumaru strive to do better then his father.
"For you Inuyasha, I leave to you my fortune."
"Father, I cannot take that, I'm doing fine on my own. My business is really taking off in America-"
"Hai, I am well aware that you're doing fine, however it is my wish to leave this for you." Inuyasha nodded and let the argument rest.
"Kagome my dear, I fear I have nothing to give for your loyalty to an old dog." Kagome smiled and shook her head.
"I could not accept anything either way; you've done enough by listening to me when my days seemed harder than others." She held back the tears as the understanding of her father figure dying finally settled in. He had listened to her worries with her beginning relationship with Sesshoumaru, and held her as she cried when she received the divorce documents.

Though he could not explain his own son's actions; because he himself had no earthly clue as to his son's reasons, he would still take care of the girl as he would his own family.
"I have lived to see many things come to this world, and many things leave. My one regret is that I never met Kagome before Sesshoumaru, for I would have swept her off her feet in a better fashion than Sesshoumaru."
"Father!" Sesshoumaru growled at him as Kagome giggled in the background.
"I do believe that would make you a cradle robber!" Kagome covered her mouth as more giggles escaped her mouth. Inuyasha joined her with a small chuckle.
"And Sesshoumaru is not also a cradle robber? I do believe he was the same physical age the day you were conceived." Kagome turned bright red and stopped her giggling.
"Enough." The old Inu youkai spoke as he waved for his eldest son to come closer to him. Sesshoumaru bent down towards his father, turning his head for his father to speak to him in a hushed tone.
"If you let her go fully, she'll find another my dear son. I do not know why you left her in the first place, but correct a grave mistake before you regret it for the rest of your long existence." Sesshoumaru's eyes widened slightly at his father's words, whilst his youkai howled in agreement. He stood up tall and rigid as he stepped back, his father gave him a knowing look.
"Now, leave me so that I may spend my last few minutes in peaceful solitude." All three nodded. Inuyasha hugged his father lightly and gave him one last smile before leaving the room. Sesshoumaru bowed to his father and began to head for the door, but paused as he watched Kagome.
"One last kiss my lord?" She smiled gently at him and kissed his forehead once more.
"I meant it; you would have been star struck." She giggled once more at him.
"And my mother would have forbid it once she learned how old you were and of the two sons you had."
"Hai, mothers are troublesome, see to it that you don't smother your children."
"Of course I won't, however I will have to spoil them twice as much with you gone." Sesshoumaru exited the room and Kagome bowed to the dying youkai before her. She opened the door silently and looked at him for the last time, quiet tears trailing down her cheeks.
"Sayonara Inu No Taisho." Kagome smiled at his look of honor as she used his full title, she then walked out of the room and closed the door shut behind her.
With a loud sigh she made her way down the stairs once more, her hand running along the delicately embroidered railing. She took the house in with a stride, it was elegant, and it was covered with priceless artifacts, yet it still held a sense of homeyness about it. Very much like the owner she mused.  
As she met the landing she heard the mournful howls that only Inu youkai could make. She looked into the living room and saw the two sons of the great Inu No Taisho howling at his death. Kagome sat in the large recliner and watched as the two Inu youkai mourned their father's passing.
She silently studied Sesshoumaru; he seemed much more emotional since their time away, and perhaps a bit more handsome. She mused that someone must have broken through him, and he just has been working out or something.

However, maybe it was because after being away from him so long she forgotten his god like appearance.  His more emotional state was from his father's death of course, Kagome shook her head; she was going crazy being here.
The Inu brothers continued on for a few more minutes. Once they felt their announcement had been reached nation wide, Inuyasha left upstairs to prepare their father for the morgue. Sesshoumaru turned to see Kagome curled up on the recliner sleeping. Sesshoumaru picked the small framed woman up into his arms bridal style; slowly he made his way up the stairs to one of the many guest bedrooms.

Kicking the door open with his foot, he noticed that this was the room she had used the first night she had ever stayed here. Gently, he placed Kagome onto the silk sheet covered bed. As he stared down at her, he caught himself from sighing as his hand brushed her bangs from in front of her face.
Sesshoumaru listened to her even breathing for a few moments, slowly Kagome turned to her side, her mark on her shoulder shinning beneath the shirt. He held himself back from the desire to lick his mark upon her beautiful body, he turned from her and exited the room to prevent from anything unwanted to occur.
'Would it really be that bad to touch what is ours?'
Sesshoumaru growled as his youkai decided to make an appearance in his head.
'Leave me be, you're presence is not welcome.'
'I want her back, and so do you just admit this and we'll be fine...'
'We are quite alright without her, so silence.'
'Take yourself out of denial, we need her, we want her, just get her back.'
'I need no one.'
'You can't keep denying these fee-'
Sesshoumaru leaned up against the wall adjacent to his father's bed chambers. He would be taking his residence within this house now. Inuyasha would leave for America once the funeral was over. Leaving him to deal with the company, not that he minded, Inuyasha's way of dealing with business was not to his standards, of course not even his own dealing with business was to his own standards.
"They'll be here within the hour for his body, the funeral will be held the following day."
Sesshoumaru nodded to acknowledge he had paid attention to Inuyasha's words.
"Did you say sorry to her?" Sesshoumaru growled.
"I have nothing to apologize about."
"Oh okay, and we'll pretend that father never said you shouldn't let her go?"
"He said such words?" This time Inuyasha growled.
"I'm not an idiot, I could hear the words he spoke to you while she was oblivious, he's right you know. The moment you let her go someone will be there to take her in." Sesshoumaru studied the door next to Inuyasha pretending to ignore his constant blabbering.
"Wait! Maybe you know that, and that's why you won't take the mark away! You really are twisted, let her move on you ass." Inuyasha walked off to do whatever he deemed worthy of his time. Sesshoumaru did not want to honestly dwell on what an idiotic hanyou; who knows not when to keep his nose out of other peoples business, does with his free time.
Kagome yawned and stretched against the silk sheets.
"Silk sheets?" Kagome sat up and looked around, her memories of the earlier part of the day coming back to her. She looked to her watch, 12:43pm, why didn't anyone wake her up?! She quickly stood up and met cold hardwood floor on her bare feet, sending a chill up her spine.
"When did I take my shoes off?" She looked to the side of the bed and noticed her Dockers, attempting to ignore the cold floor she retrieved her shoes and silently placed them on her feet.
"Where is my phone?" Kagome felt her pockets, and around the bed but did not find it.
She quickly got out of bed and proceeded to go down stairs, ignoring the hanyou jamming along to the radio in the din. She reached the living room and noticed Sesshoumaru staring into nothingness.
"Do you do that often?" Sesshoumaru looked at her and narrowed his eyes.
"Yeah, you know that whole staring off into nothingness thing? At least when you used to do it around me you looked like you were actually thinking of something." She smiled at him then remembered her cell phone was presently missing. She began to look around the living room for the object she desired, Sesshoumaru watched her with mild amusement, disregarding her borderline insult.
"Lost something?" His eyes never left her frantically moving figure.
"Yes my cell phone, could you call it for me so I can find it?" Sesshoumaru didn't answer her; however, he pulled his phone out and began to dial her number. Suddenly a buzzing and the Darth Vader tune could be heard within the recliner. Kagome paled at the tune, oh dear, she quickly dived at the recliner and pulled the phone out in triumph. She quickly declined the call and looked to Sesshoumaru whom was raising an eyebrow at her.
"Yes?" Kagome smiled sweetly, attempting to play innocent.
"Darth Vader?"
'Um, it's just my ringer for everyone-" As the fates were against her, her phone began to ring once more, but this time it was a midi file of Mozart Moonlit Sonata. She looked at him sheepishly.

"I, um, you see, uh..."
"Answer the phone Kagome." She blinked a few times then answered it immediately.
"Mama! Are the kids at daycare?"
*Of course dear, do you think I can't read?*
"No, I know you-"
*Is everything okay?*
"Hai, well sort of."
*What was the emergency about?*
"Inu No Taisho passed on Mama."
*Oh? OH! Is he there?*
"Hai Mama."
*Did you tell him off?!*
*Why not?*
"Mama, his father just died!"
*And he broke your heart!*
"Ano...I'll be heading home any moment now okay?"
*Hai, the children were very concerned when there was no Kagome waking them up.*
"I'll explain to them when they come home, the funeral will be tomorrow."
*Alright, take care Kagome! Don't take any of his crap!*
*Ja ne!*
Kagome hung the phone up and looked at Sesshoumaru with a sheepish smile once more.
"I could tell." Kagome fumed slightly at his smart ass remarks, they ignited a flame inside her that only he seemed to have the ability to do.
"The children are at daycare?"
"Hai, I was supposed to work today, but don't worry I called Miroku out on a favor for me."
"I wasn't worrying." Kagome's eyebrow twitched slightly in annoyance, really, where was the emotional version of him from last night; perhaps it was just his father's death.
"Why are you never there when I come to pick the children up?" Ah the question she hopped he would never ask. Should she lie and say she worked or say 'Oh I've been hiding from you.'?
"Do you dislike seeing me that much?"
"You broke my heart, and are still breaking it." A heavy silence filled the room, never minding the noise of a hanyou's tone deft voice in the next room.
"Why did you want a divorce?"
"I woke up one day, and realized what we had was infatuation that had gone too far, I did not want to mislead you any longer so I decided to end it as quickly as possible." Sesshoumaru forced himself to school his features as he watched her heart break within her eyes once more. His true reasons were his own, it was best no one knew the great terrible Sesshoumaru was afraid of what this woman could give him.
"And the mark that remains?" Sesshoumaru took a deep breath, and waved his hand across Kagome. Suddenly Kagome's eyes widened as her hand went to where the mark once was. It was gone! That was it; all ties to him were finished. Kagome felt the tears stinging her eyes, that oh so familiar feeling since the day he left resurfaced.
"I'll see you at the funeral." Kagome grabbed her car keys on the coffee table, and proceeded to exit the house, slamming the door forcefully behind her, leaving the very last remains of her heart with the insufferable youkai.
Inuyasha walked into the hallway from the door.
"She left; she's also no longer marked." Sesshoumaru's voice carried nothing within; it was just monotone and oddly forced. His eyes still laid on the door his ex-mate had left through. Had he done the right thing? He truly did love her, and she to him, but love was a foolish endeavor, it only brought upon sadness once one side of the party strayed. He'd watched his mother suffer from her love, and the look in Kagome's eyes when they would be alone was the exact look his mother held to his father, it was frightening to think history would repeat itself.
"You fucking asshole well don't call me crying when she's dating someone new, you're the one who broke all ties to her."
"We have children."

"That's not going to tie her to you as a lover, just as a parent to two children." Sesshoumaru grunted and walked off.
Inuyasha shook his head; his brother really was a dumb ass.
Hey hey! I didn't end it with a dialogue! :O Now some sleep and then some more chapters.