InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ Mama, Papa is calling for you ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Corner Thing:
Hey-o. Sorry about the wait ^^; Please don't kill me. I'm in the middle of writing Chapter 7 and getting the other edited. ^^; Due to my chaotic college and two job schedule this may take a bit, so bare with me. ^^
Thanks to Catherine, as always. My savior of literature!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha in any way at all. T.T;
And I don't feel the need to go on
I was happier singing along the way
I had things, I need to say
            ; Shippou and Rin dug into their mother's legs as they whimpered and cried into her long black skirt. Kagome patted their heads gently as she looked down at them, holding back her own tears. They stood under a tent where many others now crowded under as the sky began to cry for the late Inu No Taisho. The Cemetery was rather large, lush and green, the rain causing the green grass to shine more so.
“Mama, will we ever see him again?” Rin sniffled and rubbed her nose as she looked up at her mother. Rin's big brown eyes stared up, wanting the answers to questions that plagued her fragile child mind.
“Perhaps, maybe some day far away when you leave this earth as well,” She kneeled down to both the children and held them tightly to her as both of her little ones cried once more.
Rin was but 4 years old but held a conversation as if she was 10; Shippou was 2 years older than Rin and just as Rin, he was highly intelligent for his age. When Sesshoumaru and Kagome first took in the two children they fought constantly, it was non stop rivalry. Though Sesshoumaru had such a similar childhood Kagome refused to have her children fighting that way.
So she did exactly as her mother did for her and Souta when they would fight. Every time Shippou and Rin physically fought each other they had to sit in the corner for 10 minutes holding hands, and once the 10 minutes were up they had to hug. Slowly but surely they began to form a bond, though at times this bond lead often to their teamwork to be mischievous little devils, they were still very close and Shippou was very protective of his little sister.
Shippou was trying his hardest not to cry, in order to be strong for his sister, but once Kagome said that it would be a long time before they would see Grandpa Inu, he couldn't help but cry. Kagome cooed softly into her children's ears trying to sooth their turmoil; it hurt her deeply, like a knife being twisted deep into her gut.
Sesshoumaru stood off to the side, next to the black marble casket; he stared blankly at the three forms huddled together. That was his family, that was his world 2 years ago, it hurt much more than he'd like to admit to be so distant from his children now. Sesshoumaru looked around the group of people, recognizing a few, his father was an important man, and though the weathercast had said no rain for today; which was the reason for an outside funeral, they were apparently very, very wrong.
`You're a fool for what you did'
Sesshoumaru let out a small growl and proceeded to ignore his rather annoying demon side, right now was not the greatest time to begin a conversation with himself.
Thunder roared in the sky and he watched his little girl jump, she had always been scared of thunderstorms.
He slowly made his way to his children, Rin turned to see him, her eyes full of tears and she lunged at him, Shippou soon followed. They cried, at the resemblance their father had of Grandpa Inu, and the sudden thought that maybe one day they wouldn't see their papa either.
“Papa, you won't leave Shippou and me will you?” Sesshoumaru bent down just as Kagome had done and looked into Rin's sorrowful brown eyes.
“Iie, I could never leave you or Shippou,” Sesshoumaru held both the children close to him and closed his eyes; this was his world, his two children. He loved them both with all his heart, and though leaving Kagome meant he wouldn't be around them as much as before, he still continued to take them away every other weekend and at times for full 2 week spans.
Kagome watched with mild joyful eyes as the children clung to their father, she had feared the divorce would force the children away from their father, but after a year or so of consoling, reassuring the children that their father still loved them and it was neither one of their faults for the divorce, their bond with their father remained. Kagome pulled her coat tighter to her as she began to make her way from under the tent.
The rain poured onto her head and down her face, she allowed a few tears to escape her eyes as she made her way back to the crowd. Kagome took in a deep breath, the slightly chilled air filling her lungs; she breathed out once more and looked up the sky while closing her eyes. The children would be spending the next week and a half with their father. Perhaps she could go to her longtime best friend Sango's house in the mountains. She was over due for a vacation at work, she nodded her head. Yes a vacation was exactly what she needed, though she would be utterly bored without her children. Perhaps she could find someone else to replace the hole left within her heart? Shaking her head slightly, she felt the heaviness of the water that was soaking into her hair.
Turning her head up to the sky she closed her eyes and licked the rains drops off her lips.
“If you're not careful you'll catch a cold,” A rough voice spoke from behind her, Kagome turned around to see an ookami youkai standing there smiling at her with an umbrella held in his hand. He handed her another umbrella not yet unfolded, Kagome took the umbrella and bowed in thanks then proceeded to open it.
“It's good to see you Kouga,” Kagome smiled at the black haired, blue eyed gentleman. He took a few steps closer and grasped her free hand in his.
“I'm sorry we have to meet again on such terrible circumstances,” His eyes glinted slightly at her as he gave a small smirk.
“I assure you, Sesshoumaru is more of an ass now that you're no longer around to tame him,” Kagome giggled softly, using her hand that was holding the umbrella, she awkwardly wiped some of the tears from her cheeks.
Kouga had been a long time business partner with Sesshoumaru, and also most likely his only friend. Sesshoumaru tended to keep to himself while Kouga butted into his life whether welcomed or not, Kouga never cared to ask.
“I'm sorry that you have to put up with it,” Kagome shook his hand slightly and began to pull away but Kouga kept her hand; she looked into his brightly blue depths and noticed some indefinable emotion swirling around.
“How are you holding up?” Kagome turned her head to the side to see her children now running around a growing dizzy Inuyasha. Their father has obviously settled their sorrows for the time being, or the thought of torturing their uncle was just too exciting to let go even during a time of mourning.
“Just fine,” She turned back to him and smiled brightly.
“Did you hear I've been listed as a top 10 pediatric?”
“I wasn't talking about your career,”
“You sound like him,” Kouga let go of her hand and gave her a devilish grin.
“Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?”
“Na-Nani?!” Kagome stared at him in disbelief, Kouga's grin widened as he watched the girl loose her composure from a simple request.
“Come on Kagome, I know you're not going deaf,” He looked back to see Sesshoumaru glaring at him, the bastard was eavesdropping on his conversation.
“It's time to play the fields again my dear Kagome! Why not start off with a handsome man such as myself?” Kagome groaned at his ego, seriously what was it with youkai's and their damn egos?!
“I don't think-” Kouga put his fingers to her lips and faintly heard a growl somewhere far off.
“I wont take no as an answer! I assume you have the same cell number?” Kagome nodded her head numbly.
“Don't you think it's weird to pick up a date at a funeral?”
“I've done odder things, I'll call you tomorrow and we'll set something up, okay Kagome?” He grinned as she nodded her head, his fingers from her lips trailing down to under her chin.
“I'll speak with you later Kouga, I need to save Inuyasha from my children,” She handed him the umbrella and walked off towards the tent.
Inuyasha was semi grateful for the distraction the children gave him; after all, anything was better than talking to most of the people here. They were mainly old youkai paying their respects, none really knew his father on friendly terms, exclude the few that were actually his father's friends, however most of his father's friends had also died of old age.
However it was when they started to pull at his hair and run around him that the distraction became a huge annoyance. Inuyasha huffed as he closed his eyes, trying to get the running children out of his mind. He was going to be sick, he was sure of it.
Kagome came over to rescue her old friend from her children's playful borderline torture attention.
“Alright kiddy's, let's leave your poor uncle alone,” The children froze and looked to their mom. The funeral was coming to its peak, the burial of the great Inu No Taisho was about to occur. The mischievous children ran to the side of their mother as they made their way to the front row of lawn chairs.
Inuyasha took the first seat followed by Sesshoumaru. Kagome timidly walked up to the next chair.
“Let's say goodbye to Grandpa Inu,” Kagome spoke softly to the children, they nodded. Rin took the seat next to her father followed by Kagome then Shippou. The rest were distant relatives, Kagome strained to remember meeting them at her wedding with Sesshoumaru.
The preacher began to speak from the bible and immediately Sesshoumaru tuned him out instantly. While his father remained devout through the last 100 years of his life, Sesshoumaru found conformed religion not something he wanted to bring into everyday life. His eyes trailed to the woman sitting two chairs down. She was patting the redheaded boy's head lightly and smiling at him while the young girl was resting her head on the woman's leg.
His ex-wife, his ex-mate held his heart in her hands and would never know it. Sesshoumaru looked straight ahead and attempted to clear his head, his hand tapping the pack of cigarettes in his pockets, god how he couldn't wait to smoke one after he left the grave yard. The preacher continued on and Sesshoumaru found it very hard to keep his mind from the woman near him. Her scent trailed with the soft breeze to his sensitive nose, teasing his self-restraint and seeming to mock his choices to ever believe love was a foolish endeavor.
Rin looked to her father and moved from her mother's leg to resting her head on her father's. He looked down at her and she looked up at him with those large brown eyes, just testing him to refuse her. He let inaudible sigh out, this little girl had him wrapped around her little finger.
The preacher ended his rambles, he signaled for Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha to rise. Each of them took a hand full of dirt as a few men lowered the casket into the ground. Rin gave a muffled whimper and buried her face into Kagome's lap, Sesshoumaru looked back to see the whimpering girl, his eyes caught with Kagome's.
Since her arrival Kagome had steered far from Sesshoumaru, never looking him in the eyes and now he understood why. The look of heartbreak from the day he removed the mark remained in the pools of brown. Inuyasha nudged his brother as the casket reached the bottom of the ground. Inuyasha tossed his dirt into the grave, Sesshoumaru followed. Kagome and the children stood up and proceeded to grab a handful of dirt.
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” Sesshoumaru spoke and turned away. His father was forever gone; Sesshoumaru was alone in the world of business now.
As people began to pass by dropping dirt into the grave Sesshoumaru walked off into the rain.
Kouga dropped the dirt into the grave and began to walk off; before he could even react Sesshoumaru was in front of him.
“Jesus man! What the he-” he couldn't finish his statement because a certain someone's fist impaled his jaw. Kouga stood firm as his head began to reel, the pain in his jaw shooting all around his face, `Damn him!' Kouga retaliated and began to swing his fist; however Sesshoumaru gripped his fist in his hand and proceeded to crush his hand. The stress had built up, the anger, the pain; the longing of her in his arms had all built up and by watching this pathetic ookami's attempts to take his woman from him, he was now far past boiling point.
Kagome heard the cracking of a jaw, she knew that sound from anywhere, and after watching Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru fight so many times she was much too closely familiar with the sound. Her head jerked up and she looked past the crowd that was heading towards the casket, while others began to converse, she saw the growing fight between Sesshoumaru and Kouga. Not wanting to make the whole crowd aware to the growing situation she looked to Inuyasha, he looked to see what had previously had Kagome's attention. Inuyasha quickly grabbed the children's audience and Kagome made her way to the two fighting youkai.
“You can't be mad at me! You took the mark off!” Kouga whispered out, his hand being crushed.
“She is my ex-wife, I would have thought better of you than to go after someone's leftovers,” Sesshoumaru's eyes began to tint pink. Kouga propelled himself up by kicking into Sesshoumaru's chest, earning him freedom of his hand, Kouga landed a few feet away from Sesshoumaru, standing on top of a tombstone.
“You're just upset because of what you're father said!” He jumped to the ground and began to move closer to Sesshoumaru's who's aura was slowly beginning to spike. With this occurrence people began to turn around at the sudden spike of power.
“That's right, Inuyasha told me. He was right man, someone else is going to find her, and make her forget all about you. The man who refused to accept her love!” Kouga's voice raised as his nose picked up the on coming of said woman. Let her know the real reason for Sesshoumaru's discarding of her.
“I would watch my mouth if I where you ookami,” Sesshoumaru's voice was ragged and full of hatred.
“Enough!” Kagome stepped in-between the two, sick of their conversation of her. She rubbed her left temple and looked to each of the youkai.
“For god's sake behave for one day! One single day, for the memory of a great youkai, alright?!” Kagome stomped her foot at them.
Sesshoumaru turned away from her and proceeded to walk off while Kouga came up to Kagome. He took her hands in his and smiled at her gently.
“I'm sorry Kagome, I shouldn't have let him affect me so,” Kouga went to kiss Kagome's hand knowing full and well that a certain youkai was still paying attention. Before his lips were even 5 inches from her hand he was sent flying backwards. Kouga's back slammed into a rather large stone Celtic cross, a large cracking noise was heard around the area. Kagome went to rush to his side but her hand was grabbed by the offending youkai.
“Leave him-” Kagome turned around and slapped Sesshoumaru's face as hard as she could. Instantly his hand let go of hers and she turned to him, her wet hair falling in front of her face.
“Sesshoumaru Taisho, leave me alone,” Each syllable fell from her lips with such venom, such resentment, such hatred. Sesshoumaru touched the growing red mark on his cheek, utterly shocked at her words and that she would ever violently assault him.
“Inuyasha!” He was there in a flash next to Kagome.
“Please make sure Kouga is alright, I think I've worn out my welcome,” She looked to see her children following behind Inuyasha.
“Come on sweeties, we need to head back home,” The children looked around trying to analyze what was happening, but Kagome took their hands and began to lead them to her car.
“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru's voice sounded out, so desperate, so hurt. The words she spoke stabbed him in the heart and with each step she took it felt as though someone was taking said knife out and jamming it back in each time. Kagome ignored him and continued to walk.
“Mama, Papa is calling for you,” Rin tugged on her mother's hand and turned her head to look at her father who had his own hand reached out towards them.
“I know sweetie, but we need to go. You'll see your papa this weekend,” Kagome opened the back passenger's side door and Rin climbed in. Shippou looked along the small gravel road and ran to the back driver's side door and jumped into the car. Kagome buckled Rin's Child's Car seat and shut the door.
“Please…” Kagome opened the driver's door and looked at Sesshoumaru who stood at the back passenger's side of the car. She said nothing to him, not a single word as she got into the car, buckled up and turned the car on. Rin pushed her hand up to the window and looked at her papa.
“Bye, bye Papa!” Shippou faced the opposite side of the car that Sesshoumaru stood from. Shippou was smart enough to know that his father and mother were fighting again, and that his father most likely was in the wrong.
Kagome began to drive off, her eyes darted to the rearview mirror and watched Sesshoumaru's figure blurred from the rain on the back window, and then fade as she moved farther from him.

Wowzah! D: That was harder to write than the rest of the chapters. Boo! ^^:;