InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ For My Laina ^^; ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Corner Thingy:
I have to be honest… I hate writing non Kag/Sess scenes… this was hard T_T and what was even harder was… you'll see T___T
Also bare in mind Japanese cars are opposite from American, it'll make this a bit easier to understand I think ^^;
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Warning if you do not like character deaths, do yourself a favor and skip this chapter.
But now its like a swallowed tape
That holds up my face from inside
'as everything just falls apart
'Cause everything just fell apart for me
The phone rang and Kagome looked at the caller ID, the number didn't look familiar, Kagome contemplated answering, however putting aside her better judgment she picked up the house phone.
“Kagome,” Kagome held herself from screaming. How many times was he going to call her? It had just been 3 days since the funeral and his oh so dramatic scene. He must have used someone else's phone this time. Really, this was becoming quiet annoying. She watched as Rin began to walk past her towards the living room.
“Rin! Sweetie your Papa wants to talk to you!” Kagome quickly handed Rin the phone as she smiled brightly at her mother and pressed the phone to her ear.
*Hai Rin,*
“Papa! How have you been? Everything okay? I miss you Papa!”
*Hai, I miss you as well Rin,*
“When we come to your house can we go swimming Papa?”
*Of course Rin,*
Kagome smiled in triumph for handing the phone quickly to her daughter, she danced a little in front of Rin causing her to giggle. Kagome heard her mom call for her from the kitchen and she left waving to Rin. Her mother probably wanted help with preparing dinner.
“Even though Mama is mad at you Papa I still love you,” Rin smiled at the phone, she really did love her Papa and Mama, regardless of their fights.
Kagome hummed softly to herself as she began to chop vegetables for her mother. Tonight she would be going out to dinner with Kouga, and hopefully there wouldn't be a certain youkai stalking them. She stopped her current task and her brows furrowed. Really, he had wanted to be rid of her, removed the mark and even said he wanted her gone. So why was he calling her? Kouga had said he refused her love, well that was his fault. Kagome nodded her head and went back to chopping up the cucumbers.
“Kagome, you should get ready for your date tonight,” her mother said smiling brightly, she was relieved that Kagome was finally moving on, it was very hard on her to watch her daughter walk around like a zombie for the past 2 years.
Kagome rushed out of the kitchen as she noticed she barely had 30 minutes before Kouga's arrival. `Shit!' she bolted up the stairs and barely noticed that Rin was presently talking her Sesshoumaru's head off about Blue's Clues from the phone.
Kagome began to brush her hair out as she tried to wiggle out of her white work scrub pants. Once she finished both tasks, resulting a couple times of falling down, she ran into her closet. She pulled out a black skirt which bunched up at the bottom in waves; she slowly slipped it on and grumbled slightly that it was a bit too snug. Maybe she should lay off the snacks? Shaking her head she pulled her maroon shirt off and replaced it with a button up white blouse.
She walked over to her dresser and began to go through her jewelry box, rummaging she realized every piece she had was something Sesshoumaru gave her, but suddenly she came across a silver chain with a small blue crystal tear hanging off of it.
Her father had given this to her for her 11th birthday, she smiled softly and placed the necklace on herself, making sure the tear drop was centered she ran back into her closet for some shoes. After a few minutes she came out with some black stilettos, she looked at them and placed her hand on her hip. Well first things first Sesshoumaru had given these to her, and well they seemed a little desperate. Kagome went back into her closet and appeared with a pair of black open toed high heels. She sat on her bed and grabbed her black panty hoes she had laid out previously.
“Kagome! Kouga is here!” Kagome groaned as she pulled the panty hoes over her legs.
“I'll be down in a minute!” Kagome quickly placed her other foot within the panty hoes and stood up, turning around and bending over she double checked to see if her panty hoes were properly on. She pulled them around some and finally was satisfied at their position; she slipped into her high heels and pulled the back straps up.
Kagome quickly sprayed her Passion perfume on herself, throwing the bottle onto her bed she ran out, and tried her best not to fall while going down the stairs.
“And yesterday Souta came over and played tag with Shippou and me. He's going to leave for Kyoto soon, Mama said so. Is Uncle Yasha still there?” Rin was talking a mile a minute and Sesshoumaru feared what she would be like as a teenager.
Kagome came down the stairs shocked to see her youngest child still on the phone. She walked over and looked down at Rin with a stern gaze.
“Mama! You are all pretty! Are we going somewhere fancy?” Rin squealed in delight.
“Iie, I'm going out with an old friend sweetie, are you still talking to your father?”
“Hai! I told him that Souta played with us yesterday and-”
“Sweetie I know you love to talk to your father, but I'm sure he needs to get some important business done.” Rin frowned and looked into the phone.
“Papa, do you have to do important business things?”
*Hai my sweetheart.*
“Okay, Rin will be good and say goodbyes. I love you papa,” Kagome walked off and into the living room where Kouga stood presently playing rock paper scissors with Shippou.
“Ja Ken Po!” the two males called out together.
“Ha! I win again!” Shippou began to do a victory dance much like the one Kagome does often.
“That dance looks oddly familiar,” Kouga looked to Kagome and smirked.
“I have no earthly idea what you're talking about,” she turned her nose up and grinned at him.
“Well maybe I have a slight idea,”
“Mama! Are you going out with Mr. Yamashita?”
“Hai, we are going to dinner Shippou, Grandma is cooking Rin and yours dinner right now.”
“Yeah! Have fun Mama!” Shippou bolted off towards the kitchen ignited by curiosity to know what he would be eating.
“Shall we?” Kouga offered his hand to her and Kagome accepted. They began to walk out of the house, Kouga slinked his arm around her waist and pulling Kagome close to him. Kagome looked at him slightly surprised but did not pull away.
Kagome's laughter filled the restaurant as Kouga finished his story of Inuyasha and Him “accidentally” dying Sesshoumaru's clothes pink.
“You should have seen his face; I swear I could see the veins popping on his brow!” Kouga grinned smugly as Kagome began to erupt in a smaller fit of laughter. She truly was pleasant company.
“Some desert tonight?” their waitress came up and smiled sweetly at them. Kouga looked to Kagome but she shook her head, she was extremely full from their delightful dinner.
“I don't believe so, thank you though,” Kouga smiled, his fangs being bared in the process. The waitress nodded her head and set a black book down onto the table and left.
Kouga picked up the bill and pulled his wallet out, after placing a few bills within it he stood up and moved over to Kagome, extending his hand for her. Kagome blushed lightly, whomever said chivalry was dead never met a youkai, she took his hand and they began to exit the restaurant.
Kouga let go of Kagome's hand as the reached her front door, she smiled at him and bowed slightly.
“I had a wonderful evening Kouga, thank you for treating me to dinner and a walk in the park,” Kouga took Kagome's chin within his hand and pulled her face toward his. Kagome watched Kouga's eyes slide close as he neared her face, suddenly piercing sunlight eyes flashed in the back of her mind and she turned her head slightly causing his lips to meet her cheek.
Kouga stepped back from her and scratched the back of his head.
“Too soon eh?”
“Hai, gomen.” Kagome bowed to him.
“Nonsense, I'm sorry,” Kouga gave a small wave.
“Take care Kagome, I'll call you later so we can maybe go see a movie next time,”
“I would like that,” she waved back to him and he began to walk off. Kagome entered the house quickly and slid the door shut behind her.
Kagome moaned softly as she slipped her heels off, her feet where killing her. Thank god she didn't wear the stiletto's she might have had to cut her feet off before the night was over. Kagome grabbed her heels and headed upstairs, trying to move as quietly as possible, her mother really was a light sleeper, and she didn't think she would appreciate being woken up around 12 in the morning.
Kagome sighed in relief as she opened her bedroom door, however something was off there were two small lumps under her bed sheets. She slowly pulled the sheets back and stifled a laugh while she looked at her children curled up in her bed. Kagome tossed her shoes behind her and crawled into the bed, her children instantly clinging to her in their sleep.
She mused that she could shower and change clothes in the morning, her arms wrapped around Rin as she curled to the front of her while Shippou clung to Kagome's back. Her mind wandered to the kiss or lack there off. Why did she have to see his eyes that very moment? Why couldn't the memories of his lips and touches leave her alone for one day?
`Because you are still madly and deeply in love with that jackass,' Kagome thought to herself bitterly.
She yawned and snuggled closer to Rin, well she could worry over that stupid thought in the morning, her eyes slowly drifted close, the moonlight dimly lighting the room as the three bed occupants dreamed of wonderful delights.
Kagome ushered the child down the stairs to their car, she was currently juggling her purse, coffee and car keys while also trying to get her work shoes on. She was taking them to their father, where they would be for the next week and a half, and then after she dropped them off while purposely avoiding Sesshoumaru she would head to work.
“Just great!” Kagome groaned out as the rain began to poor as the children finally got into the car. She buckled Rin up and looked to make sure Shippou had himself buckled up. Quickly she ran to the driver's side and got in.
“Ready kids?”
“HAI!” Kagome started the car then buckled up. She placed one of the kids CD's in, a happy chipper tune began to emit from the speakers as she began to head to the highway.
As she was heading closer to the highway her cell phone began to play the tall tale Darth Vader theme. Quickly she turned the kids music down which earned a surround sound awe.
*You're late.*
“Thank you for that stunning report captain obvious,”
*I honestly don't find that funny,*
“Well that's your problem, anyways I'm almost to the highway, and we'll be there soon okay?”
*Alright, it's raining so please drive carefully Kagome.*
“Aaw, you care,”
“Ja ne!”
*Ja ne*
Kagome flipped the phone shut and just as she did the light turned green, Kagome began to drive through the intersection when a sudden honking was heard. Kagome's head jerked to the source of the sound and watched in horror as a car at top speed headed towards the passenger side of the car.
She began to turn her head towards the children however the impact caused her to slam her head against the window, cracking the tinted window and rendering Kagome unconscious.
“Hi! I'm looking for Higurashi Kagome, I'm her mother.” The nurse looked up at the woman and sighed softly, she really hated her job at times.
“Mrs. Higurashi then?”
“Yes, is everyone okay?”
“Ms. Higurashi and her children were in a car wreck ma'am. The doctor looking over them will be with your shortly, if you could please stay in the waiting area he will be with you once he's finished,” the nurse began to lead her to the waiting room.
Mrs. Higurashi sat down slowly, fear gripping her heart tightly. She knew only a doctor could give her precise diagnostic of their condition but the wait killed her, she looked at her phone and contemplated calling Sesshoumaru, he would surely worry noticing they didn't show.
“Sesshoumaru, Kagome and the children were in a car wreck please come up to Metropolitan Otsuka Hospital,”
*Has anyone told you their conditions?*
“No I'm waiting for the doctor,”
*I'm on my way.* the line went dead and she stared at the phone, who else should she call? Sango, Kagome's close friend, yes she should know.
After three more calls Mrs. Higurashi had alerted Sango, Miroku and Kagome's work of her current state.
“Mrs. Higurashi?”
“Hai?” she looked up to see a tall stature man standing in front of her, his brow covered by black bangs, she noticed a wave of what seemed to be his hair braided behind him down to bellow his back. His attire was very similar to what she would see Kagome wear for work, white scrub pants a nice plain shirt and a long white lab coat.
“I'm Doctor Bankotsu I've been watching over your daughter and her children since they arrived,” he extended his hand towards her as she stood up.
“I see, please tell me how are they?” she shook his hand firmly then clasped her hands in front of her.
“Your daughter is fine, minor head injury from impact. Her son however has glass cuts along the right side of his body, minor cuts here and there, nothing needing of stitches. However he seems to have a broken collar bone, the car mainly hit the back passenger side of the car,” she looked up at him; Rin's car seat was on the passenger side.
“And my granddaughter?” Bankotsu sighed and looked the woman in the eyes.
“Your granddaughter died on impact ma'am,” Bankotsu caught her as her knees buckled and she began to fall forward in sobs.
“There must be a mistake! Rin Taisho! Her name was Rin Taisho! She has raven black hair and big brown eyes, please Dr. Bankotsu, there must be a mistake!” she sobbed uncontrollably into his lab coat. He looked down at the elder woman sympathetically, there was nothing he could have done for the little girl she was dead on arrival and was barely alive for more than a few minutes when the EMT's took her body out of the car.
A nurse stood next to Bankotsu and cleared her throat; he looked at her as he began to help Mrs. Higurashi sit down in one of the waiting chairs.
“Doctor Bankotsu, sir, there is a Sesshoumaru Taisho looking for your patient Kagome,” Bankotsu looked to the older woman whether she knew of this person.
“He is the children's father, Kagome's ex-husband,” Bankotsu nodded his head sharply and turned to the nurse.
“Send him over here,”
“Yes sir.” The nurse walked off and quickly a very upset Sesshoumaru came storming over.
“What is going on?! What's wrong with them?! Where are my children?! Where is my Kagome?!” Sesshoumaru yelled out looking at the doctor in front of Mrs. Higurashi in rage.
“Mr. Taisho, please calm down,” Bankotsu turned fully to look at the man in front of him.
“Tell me what's going on!”
“Mr. Taisho, your ex-wife and children were in a very serious car wreck,”
“I know this!” Bankotsu ignored his rude interruption; it was rather regular in his job.
“Kagome is fine, just minor head injury, your son,” Bankotsu looked at his chart.
“Shippou, has several cuts along the right side of his body form the flying glass, as well as a minor head injury, however he has a broken collar bone. As for your daughter, Mr. Taisho, she died.”
Sesshoumaru stood there still, unaware of the elder woman crying louder in the chair near him, nor aware that the doctor had continued to speak His heart shattered, his eyes watering over, for the first time in what was probably 700 years Sesshoumaru cried. Mrs. Higurashi took one of Sesshoumaru's hands and looked up at him, tears flowing down her cheeks as well.
“I am so sorry Sesshoumaru,” but the words didn't reach his ears.
“Doctor Bankotsu?” the same nurse from the front desk came up to him.
“Higurashi Kagome has woken up, she's requesting her mother,” he looked back to Kagome's mother then to the nurse, rubbing his left temple he sighed softly and waved his hand a dismissal to the nurse.
“Mrs. Higurashi would you like to see your daughter?” she began to wipe her cheeks and under her eyes dry, composing herself she stood up looking to Sesshoumaru as the tears still trailed down his cheeks, his eyes void of anything at all.
“I would very much like to go see her, could I possibly tell her about Rin?” she looked to the doctor; perhaps if she broke the news to her daughter it would be easier? She knew better than that, no matter who told her the news she would be heartbroken, and inconsolable.
“Of course, please follow me this way,” Bankotsu began to make his way to her room; Mrs. Higurashi looked back to Sesshoumaru.
“I'll be right back Sesshoumaru,” she patted his back and left him to his pain.
Once again the words did not reach his ears, he was numb so very numb. His little angel was gone, his little flower picking hyper active daughter was gone. Sesshoumaru stumbled over to the chairs and sat down; he leaned over and held his face in his hands, the tears still pouring from his eyes.
Mrs. Higurashi stepped into the bright white hospital room; she looked to her daughter whom was hooked to two IVs, heart monitor, blood pressure and an oxygen tube in her nose for safety reasons. Kagome turned to look at her mom with a glazed over look, she ached everywhere but at the same time felt nothing. `Hmm weird pain killers,' Kagome mused.
“How are you feeling sweetie?”
“I'm alright, how are the kids?” Mrs. Higurashi choked back a sob as she walked closer to her daughter. Bankotsu leaned against the door frame keeping an eye on Kagome's monitors.
“Shippou suffered a head injury much like you, they said the window glass caused some cuts along his body and a broken collar bone from the strong force of the crash,” her mother paused, looking out the window into the clouded midday sky.
“And Rin?” There was silence; Kagome's brown eyes began to water up with uncontrollable fear.
“Mama and Rin?” Kagome repeated once more, trying to will her mother to look at her.
“Kagome, sweetie…” slowly Mrs. Higurashi's eyes trailed to her daughter's.
“Mama?” Kagome's voice cracked, Bankotsu walked over as he noticed her blood pressure and heart rate rising quite drastically fast.
“Kagome, Rin died,” there was another moment of silence.
Kagome looked to her mother then the doctor, pain squeezing her heart so strong, tearing away any happiness she had felt, her vision began to swirl as the build up of tears flowed so fast down her face.
“No… No… She couldn't, No…” Kagome shook her head frantically trying to will it all away, this was too much, her little girl was gone, and her sunshine was gone. What would Shippou do without his playmate? What would she do without her little girl?

Kagome's head jerked up towards the ceiling, her hands clenched into tight fists against her chest,
“NOOO!!” Kagome screamed as loud as her lungs would allow her, ignoring the fact she knew hospital's policy of silence, she didn't care, she never would care, her baby, her little girl was gone.
Sesshoumaru's head jerked up as he heard Kagome's shrilling cry of anguish echo through the halls, his eyes were slightly pink as the pain of his lost began to stir his demon side.
“Kagome,” her name fell of his lips in a tormented whisper, he wanted to be there to hold her as she cried, and they could cry together, his mind twisted in pain and anguish, he wanted his Kagome, more so he wanted his Rin.
Holy crap… I'm borderline tears. Well… this chapter is dedicated to my niece who died Sept 20th 2005… She was just 3 years old T_T my little Lelaina Rose Henry. T_T
Le sigh.
Alrighty, on to chapter 6. How in the hell am I going to follow this up? D: