InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ I don't understand why she wont wake up! ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Corner Thingy: I don't really have much to say, this chapter is long however, and I'm sorry about the cut to the funeral but… I felt it necessary to see the reaction of Shippou… the realization it held to him… and his rage…
Also, I tried my hardest to keep with a Shinto ceremony, seeing as how Kagome lived in a Shrine and such... however… I kept the casket, no ashes sorry. ^^;
Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha, if I did… I'd probably have a lot character death and everyone would probably hate me T_T;;
To answer a question from a review on chapter 5,
In this story I haven't really stated whether Sesshoumaru has Tenseiga or not, and I believe I'm going to leave it out of this story. Sorry. Rin's gone for good. ;_;
And the hell of it is what we are
We finish and wish we could start again
Our skin tears away as our memories fade with age
Sesshoumaru rested his chin in the palm of his left hand, his elbow resting on a mahogany wooden desk. Papers around him in certain stacks, signed, unsigned, agreements, new contracts, and contract renewals all pertaining to his job.
He had left the hospital this morning, spending the night in the waiting room, occasionally checking on Shippou whom woke up this morning, then at Kagome and Dr. Bankotsu's request sent to National Children's Hospital to be treated by Kagome's friend Miroku. Explaining to him his sister was gone was harder than he could ever imagine, the little boy couldn't grasp the concept completely. He feared that with the funeral the realization of his sister gone would be understood. Kagome had spent the night in Shippou's room, the hospital had ran a few more scans on her head that night and around 1a.m. declared that she was alright for release.
`Kagome,' Sesshoumaru closed his eyes tightly. He had done just as he wished, he held her as she cried, though reluctant at first the girls cries became too much from having to explain Rin's death to Shippou, so he cradled her to his body and let her cry allowing a few tears of his own to roll down his face unnoticed.
Sesshoumaru looked to the telecom on his desk as it blinked red signifying his assistant wanted to speak with him, using his other hand Sesshoumaru pressed the button farthest from him.
“Sesshoumaru-sama, Kouga-sama is here. He wishes to speak with you,” Sesshoumaru held back a growl of annoyance; this was not the time for an overly expressive ookami whom was ogling his ex-wife the last time he spoke with him. Knowing denying the ookami would just result in him possibly busting his door down, and at his present emotional state he didn't have the will to fight him, Sesshoumaru for once in his life caved into the ookami.
“Send him in,” Sesshoumaru released his finger over the button of his telecom and leaned back in his chair, his arms resting along the arm rests, his head propped back as he looked slightly towards the ceiling, waiting for Kouga's madness to ensue.
Slowly the black wooden door opened, and a rather passive Kouga closed the door, he like Sesshoumaru, wore a black suit, however instead of a plain black tie like Sesshoumaru, Kouga wore a bright red tie. Kouga slowly closed the door and sheepishly looked at Sesshoumaru as he began to cautiously make his way to one of the guest chairs. It didn't even take 12 hours for the news of Rin's death to reach the public; after all she was the adopted daughter of the man who owned the great Japanese Business Enterprise, Taisho Co.**
“Hey,” Kouga looked to his friend and waved once.
“Look I heard what happened with Rin I'm really sorry to hea-”
“Enough, I've heard enough `sorry' for something no one could prevent. Perhaps the incompetent driver, the man was lucky he died on impact, because I surely would have assured his death,”
“You know what's coming up don't you?” Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow and turned his chair to the wall behind him looking up to his rather large calendar. In three days it would be September 24th, a loud sound of cheers could be heard in the back of Sesshoumaru's mind. Their wedding, they were married on the 24th, he looked to Kouga.
“You're point?”
“Well considering all that's happened I thought you know,” Kouga smiled brightly at Sesshoumaru expecting him to catch on but that proved to be a wrong assumption.
“Jesus man! Your daughter died! She's your wife! Your anniversary, do something!”
“We're no longer mar-”
“Man shut the fuck up, you slammed me into a stone Celtic cross, which still hurts by the way, because I was about to kiss her hand, if that doesn't scream that you still love her I don't really know what else does,” Sesshoumaru began to tap his claws against the hardwood desk, his annoyance of Kouga's outburst rather evident in the fire that burned in his eyes.
“Or how about the way your eyes still soften when anyone says her name, which I do notice I'm not that oblivious, face it man you still love her and want to be with her,” Kouga stood up quickly and slammed his hands onto the table.
“Just put your pride aside and go back to her. What made you leave her anyways?”
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed dangerously, the ookami was treading on thin ice right now, this was not a good time to speak to him about his love life, his daughter had just died, he himself had realized this morning after watching Kagome hold a crying Shippou that he did in fact want to be with her again, regardless of his ridiculous fears. He was with her for 6 years and it took one line to ignite fears he once held before Kagome's wonderful existence within his dull never ending life.
2 Years Ago
A 26 year old Kagome hummed softly in the kitchen of their 3 bedroom upscale condo, her hips swaying gently as she began to toss around the stir fry. She quickly glanced up to the clock and made a guess that her husband would be home within a few minutes, turning off the stove she began to hustle around the kitchen for a minute or two getting the food in serving dishes.
“Shippou! Please turn off the T.V. and get ready for dinner!” Kagome heard his `aw' and the noise from the T.V. stopping. Kagome went back to humming and swaying her hips. She moved towards the upper cabinets to her right and pulled out 2 full sized plates and two smaller plates. She began to dance towards a highchair that held a 2 year old Rin giggling excitedly at her mother's arrival. She set one of the smaller plates down in front of her Rin began to excitingly coo loudly and beat her hands against the plate. Kagome sat the other plates along the table next to the highchair, moving over towards the counter closer to the table she opened a drawer and pulled out some silverware and then some small kid like plastic utensils.
A 4 year old Shippou ran into the kitchen just as Kagome had set the utensils down, setting Rin's spoon next to Kagome's plate, Shippou clung to Kagome's right leg and looked up at her smiling wildly.
“Mama! I wanna help!” Shippou whined softly, his smile fading a bit.
“I'm sorry Shippou, I promise next time I'll remember to call you earlier.” Kagome grinned but then looked down at her son with a stern look; he had gotten here a bit too fast.
“Shippou, did you remember to wash your hands?” he looked innocently up at his mother.
“Uh, I…” he unlatched from her leg and Kagome gave him another stern glance.
“Mister,” Shippou made an `eep' and proceeded to run to the bathroom to wash his hands. Kagome cringed as she heard Rin's plate crash onto the floor.
“Rin,” the girl began to cry knowing she had done wrong. Kagome picked up the plate and looked at her,
“Rin you know better,” she looked to her mother with watery big brown eyes. Kagome leaned down and kissed her nose and Rin began to smile again.
“Now I have to get you a new plate, silly girl,” just as Kagome was moving to set the plate in the sink she heard the front door open.
“I'm in the kitchen!” Kagome yelled out, Rin wishing to join in she squealed loudly, kicking her feet against the highchair. Kagome set the plate in the sink and quickly grabbed a fresh one, just as she was making her way towards the table Sesshoumaru entered the kitchen and slinked his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him, he looked into her eyes with a devilish gleam.
“Welcome home,” she smiled softly at him, his eyes immediately softening at the sound of her sing-song voice. He leaned towards her and quickly claimed her lips; he wrapped his other arm around her waist as well and locked her against him. Rin squealed once more in joy of her parents joining.
“EEew!” the two pulled apart to see a very disgusted looking Shippou standing in the doorway. Kagome laughed as Sesshoumaru chuckled softly, unwrapping his arms around his wife who quickly sat Rin's plate on top of her own, to ensure no more dirty plates.
“Oh Shippou someday you'll see differently,” Kagome smiled brightly at her son as him and his father took their seats at the table, Kagome making her way to the food.
“Love is a purely wonderful feeling, and I hope someday you get to share the feeling with someone special,” Kagome grabbed her full serving dishes and turned back to the table, she looked at her husband with a worried glance, he seemed to be taken by shock from her words.
“Ano, Sesshou? What's wrong?” she set the plates down and moved towards her husband, pushing the back of her hand against his forehead.
Sesshoumaru stared straight forward in shock; Kagome spoke the same exact words his mother had said to him, not even 2 days before they discovered his father's affair with Inuyasha's mother. Love, his mother taught him, was a foolish endeavor, and for a very long time he had believed her words, with Kagome he healed, he willed the betrayal his father caused upon his mother to be gone from his mind until this very moment.
“Love is a pointless feeling that only brings about pain,” Kagome stepped back shocked at his words and the pure coldness they carried.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kouga leaned over his desk and began to wave a hand in front of him.
“Hey Sesshoumaru!” immediately his wrist was grabbed by Sesshoumaru and tightened rather painfully.
“Le'go!” Kouga attempted to pull his wrist away however a noise of bones crunching under pressure was heard, causing Kouga to whimper out a bit, this really wasn't how he wanted this to go, he had wanted to cheer up, or help out his friend. At his whimper Sesshoumaru was knocked out of his trance and quickly let go of Kouga's hand, sending him stumbling back and falling into one of the guest chairs.
Sesshoumaru shook his head and looked down at his desk deciding which paper he should use to block out the feelings his memory lapse forced within his body. However the ookami apparently has some more things to say to him.
“Listen, I know you're not one for talking and all but if hell freezes over, or if your really ya know upset and all you can talk to me,” Kouga smiled at his friend whom had pulled a piece of paper to cover his face.
“I may not be as cheerful, beautiful or sexy” Sesshoumaru growled and he began to crimple the piece of paper.
“As Kagome, but I can listen to you man,” Kouga leaned back into the black guest chair, putting his feet on the edge of Sesshoumaru's desk he began to push back causing the chair's front legs to lift up so Kouga could recline a bit more.
Sesshoumaru set the paper down, while smoothing out the paper with one hand he signed the bottom line, feeling satisfied with the agreements for the new proposal of business policies towards some company they had recently taken under their wing.
“Will Inuyasha be here for the funeral tomorrow?” Sesshoumaru gave a stiff nod of confirmation and grabbed a larger pile of paper and began to read, trying his best to ignore the ookami's terrible stench, or the feet on his desk. Perhaps he was truly softening up in the business world, or maybe all this death was taking its toll on him, either way he just wasn't in the mood to start fighting with the smelly, annoying, incompetent, ex-wife-stealing ookami.
Kouga moved his hands behind his head and just stared up at the dark brown ceiling, really now, did Sesshoumaru have to make his office look like a cave with all the dark colors?
Sesshoumaru nearly let out a sigh, and had Kouga been paying attention to him he could have seen his shoulder slump. Sesshoumaru set the pile of papers down and propped his left elbow up on his desk, then rested his chin in the palm of his hand like before the ookami had come. Half closing his eyes Sesshoumaru's eyes trailed along the papers upon his desk, his eyes narrowed as he looked to his left wrist, the stripes causing his memory to cloud over with a better time of his life.
9 years ago
A very young looking Kagome was laughing at a bemused Sesshoumaru, she was full of life and vigor, recently jumping into the college word and excited to no ends at making friends with Inuyasha and then his older brother along with a fellow class mate named Miroku. She had been so scared that once she made it to college people would find her too naïve to hang around. Though she and Inuyasha were great friends his brother caught her attention. They were currently on what Kagome would later call their first date.
“You honestly can't say that you didn't find that movie funny?” she looked up at him as they walked side by side in the busy streets of Tokyo.
“I hardly find 8 young men inflicting pain upon each other and doing idiotic pranks for over an hour funny, it was immature and a waste of my money,” as the street became heavily crowded Sesshoumaru subconsciously wrapped a protective arm around her waist and pulled her close to the side of his body.
“Okay well I will admit parts of the movie weren't really that funny but Rent-A-Car-Derby was hilarious! With the blow up dolls and all!” she began to laugh at the memory of the movie, her laughter sounding like a beautiful chapel bell ringing.
Sesshoumaru looked down at her just as she looked up at him and they froze into each others gaze. Sesshoumaru's sunlight gaze rendered Kagome speechless, they always seemed so cold when they were around Inuyasha or anyone else for that matter but here, with just her, his eyes showed warmth, acceptance, and most of all understanding.
Kagome gasped softly when his grip around her waist tightened, now when did his arm get there? His eyes flashed some unknown feeling as she looked away, he turned his head forward and they continued their journey.
“Would you like some sushi?” Sesshoumaru suggested as they neared a not so crowded Sushi bar.
“Hai I would like that,” Sesshoumaru led them into a small but respectable Sushi Bar, taking their seat Kagome scooted next to Sesshoumaru in the booth, a bright smile gracing her lips.
Kagome looked down at his hand that rested on the table and noticed the strips on his arm, she had always been curious what did they feel like? Where they tattoos? Inuyasha never liked to give her information about his brother.
Without thinking she began to trace her pointer finger along the strips, the skin was amazingly smoother than the rest, if that was possible his skin was so smooth anyways. Sesshoumaru watched her with a low gaze, her innocent touches felt heavenly, the soft way she trailed her finger along him was kind and gently, it had been centuries since someone touched him such a free way, but of course this girl didn't know the Sesshoumaru that terrorized the Edo and following eras.
“What do think you're doing?” Kagome `eeped' and pulled her hand away however Sesshoumaru snatched her hand and held it gently within his, her hand so small in his overly big, clawed and lets not forget poisonous hand.
“I was just wondering what your tattoos' felt like,” she looked up at him smiling nervously, was he upset with her? She never really feared him, despite everyone else's reactions towards him; his ego infuriated her too much to be afraid of him.
“They are not tattoos,”
“Then you put make-up like that on yourself everyday?” Sesshoumaru's shoulders visibly slummed, really for a girl who had know of the youkai world her whole life with living at a highly prized shrine by the youkai society she really was oblivious to any information about them.
“They are markings of my rank stupid girl,”
“Hey! Name calling was not necessary!” Kagome glared at him but her mind trailed back to the main point.
“Your rank?”
“Hai, before humans were so overly numerous my family publicly owned a large part of west Japan. These `tattoo's' are birth marks from my parents powerful status and my birthright to the Western Lands,” Sesshoumaru watched as the girls expression changed from confusion to admiration.
“Wow! Amazing! Do your children inherit the markings?” Kagome's eyes shined in curiosity, now she had to know everything about these birth marks they were just too interesting, very much like the person they adorned she mused.
“If I have a boy he will bare a jagged stripe on each cheek like my fathers, if I have a daughter she will bare the moon and a smooth stripe on each cheek for they are from my mother,”
“But you have two smooth stripes,” Sesshoumaru turned his head more towards her, their foreheads barely inches away and he looked at her with annoyance slightly within his eyes.
“I'm well aware,” Kagome stuck her tongue out at him.
“But why?”
“While I inherited each stripe from them obviously, neither stripes appear jagged like my fathers because I inherited more of my mother's looks so therefore I took on more of her markings than my fathers,” Sesshoumaru honestly was not enjoying explaining so much about his reason for marking, the information being something not normally explained to non-relatives.
“So if Inuyasha was ever full demon he would have marks like…” Kagome trailed off as Sesshoumaru nodded confirming her unfinished assumption, she sat there thinking as Sesshoumaru ordered their sushi for them. She honestly had never met such a gentleman until him, was it just because he was so old, or maybe he really cared? Kagome shrugged off and went back to her train of thought concerning his markings.
Kagome's brows furrowed in confusion once more something was not settling right with her.
“But why do you have both your mother's and father's?” Sesshoumaru's brow twitched slightly at her game of 20 questions.
“My mother's family ruled over an island near the western lands so I inherited her land as well, the mark announces my claim so therefore no one can falsely rule the land, any more questions child?”
“I'm not a child!”
“I wonder sometimes,” Kagome huffed and looked away, crossing her arms against her chest, seriously he could be so cool and then an ass within moments.
Sesshoumaru did not like Kagome not giving him her full attention, with one hand he pulled her chin to will her face towards him, her eyes still looking else were not noticing how his eyes fell onto her lips, a small fire ignited within him, he wished to know what her lips felt like against his.
Not being one to deny his own wants, Sesshoumaru dipped down and softly placed his lips upon hers, to say that got her attention would be an under statement.
Though the kiss was short and innocent Sesshoumaru would never hear the end of `Using our first kiss like a child starving for attention'.
Sesshoumaru was relieved that this time the ookami did not notice his sudden mental distance, however when he heard the snoring a feeling much greater than annoyance took a hold of him. Smirking dangerously Sesshoumaru shoved Kouga's feet off his table, resulting in Kouga flipping back in his chair onto the floor.
Sesshoumaru's mind reflected on his memory as Kouga's cursing and damning went unnoticed. Kagome, he had to have her back. He loved her, he was not his father and she was not his mother. Things would not go the same way; they would never betray each other. Sesshoumaru nodded his head, Kagome was his sanity and without her, he was slowly slipping into the darkness his mind had created over centuries of violence and constant betrayal. Rin's death made his need for her and the family they had created painfully obvious, however it would take much on his part to convince Kagome of his revelation.
That would wait until after Rin's funeral, right now he had to care for his son. Possibly grieve consoling would be order, to help Shippou cope and understand fully the disappearance of his little sister. Though his son was highly intelligent, this did not mean his nativity was gone. Sesshoumaru stood up, and looked toward Kouga whom seemed to still be ranting.
“When will you stop-”
“Enough, I wish to go see Shippou and Kagome,” Kouga nodded his head and looked at the papers on his desk, his work was piling up. Kouga felt a light bulb flicker in his head, or maybe it was a flea biting him, either way he had an idea.
“I'll take care of your business work here Sesshoumaru, I've worked with you forever, I'm pretty sure I know how you want-”
“Any new contracts you need to leave alone,” Kouga gave a toothy smile, trying his hardest to not make a comment that Sesshoumaru was accepting his help.
This would be an awesome place to end ^^
Pain held a strong hold on Kagome's heart; in fact pain had pretty much claimed her heart forever it would seem. However the reason for this certain amount of pain was the look Shippou was giving her mother as they sat in front of a small group of family, and friends. The Shinto Priest had not begun the ritual yet, and the guests were still seating, Kagome's mother was somewhere amongst the small group of people greeting and talking while Kagome stayed with her Shippou.
As to Shippou, he looked angry, sad and extremely confused all at once.
“Mama, where is Rin?”
“Sweetie, remember, Rin's in that casket,”
“Why can't she come out? I bet its dark in there. Mama, Rin's gonna get scared in there!” Shippou's voice escalated in volume and Kagome's heart began to race as she watched panic and confusion incase her child whom wore a clavicle brace.
“Sweetie, Rin's not awake inside there. She's dead, we talked about this in the hospital,” Shippou stood up and ran to the small white casket in front of them and began to scream.
“RIN WAKE UP NOW! RIN!” he pushed at the casket some, Kagome jumped up and pulled Shippou to her.
“Mama! Wake up Rin! I don't understand why she won't wake up!”
“Remember Shippou, the car hit our car 2 days ago, Rin died from the force. Please Shippou understand sweetie Rin can't come back,” by now some of the people were watching with solemn faces as the little boy tried his hardest to understand why he wouldn't have his sister around anymore.
“I want my sister! I miss my sister! Mama, give me my sister back, right now! Do something!” Shippou began to hyper ventilate from all the erratic breathing his crying was causing. Kagome held back her cries as she attempted to sooth her hysterical son by rubbing her hand in a circular motion on his back.
“Please, I'll be good. We'll never play pranks on you or papa. Please wake up my sister, please!” Shippou sniffled into his mother's now slightly damp black blouse.
“I wish I could baby, but Rin isn't going to ever wake up, like Grandpa. They are together now, and we wont be able to join them for a very long time,” Shippou nodded his head slowly, trying his hardest to accept her words. He no longer had a play mate when at the house, or a best friend, or someone to protect. Shippou's eyes opened slowly, his tears slowing down, he noticed his father approaching them rather fast. Suddenly out of nowhere anger at his father built up in Shippou, anger he couldn't control.
“It's your fault!” Shippou moved from his mother and ran at his father; he pointed an accusing finger at him and raised his voice even higher.
“You weren't around enough! She missed you! Since you didn't stay she left me! This is your fault Papa! I blame you for my sister never coming back to me!” Sesshoumaru stopped; staring down at his son he felt a tight stabbing feeling of what he would assume his heart. His son was blaming him for the car wreck, and in a sense Sesshoumaru did blame himself, had he not rushed Kagome to get the kids there at a certain time, perhaps the car would not have hit them.
“Shippou! Do not say that to your father!” Kagome walked over to them, with a stern look, how could he do that? Blame Sesshoumaru for what was obviously not his fault.
“Kagome, no, let him vent.” Sesshoumaru knew this would be hard on Shippou, he was also faintly aware that he might blame someone, like himself for the disappearance of his sister. Kagome nodded her head, still apprehensive of letting her son blame the death on his father, but then again Kagome blamed her father's death on her mother for many years, until Kagome's mother finally took her to counseling. Perhaps that was in order for Shippou, right after a very long vacation, Kagome nodded to herself this time and watched as Sesshoumaru and Shippou embraced.
“Kagome dear,” a gentle old hand touched her shoulder and she turned around to see her tearful mother.
“The ceremony is about to begin,” Kagome nodded her head and looked to Sesshoumaru and Shippou. Sesshoumaru's eyes locked with hers, giving her a curt nod he proceeded to lift his son into his arms and follow Kagome to the back of the chamber. Taking their seats on the ground, Sesshoumaru and Shippou's acute hearing listened to the others begin to take their seats and quiet down. Kagome's mom took a seat next to Sesshoumaru and Shippou while Inuyasha finally made his appearance by taking the following seat. Sesshoumaru could feel Inuyasha's gaze on him, a gaze which had annoyed him what seemed his entire life.
He turned his head towards Inuyasha and just as he had done with Kagome gave a sharp nod. Inuyasha took a deep breath in and nodded just the same, the gesture was a long time occurrence of understanding that they were there, and no they weren't going to fight, for now at least. Sesshoumaru's brows furrowed in annoyance as a smelly ookami's hand squeeze his shoulder once, all this attention proved to be bothersome.
Shippou began to squirm in his father's embrace, Sesshoumaru took notice quickly and let go. Shippou sat between his mother and father, a feeling of security consumed him as each parent placed a hand on the leg closes to them. Perhaps for now, he would ignore that this was his father's entire fault.
Everyone's attention began to focus on the Shinto priest whom sat with his back towards them, facing several flowers and fruits which adorned the casket the little girl's body rested within. A large framed picture of Rin now centered upon the casket, the girl looking straight to the camera smiling, her brown eyes glimmering and her gap between her teeth visible.
As the service progressed Shippou began to cry silently, Kagome's mother instincts took notice and she began to make soothing circles upon his back, simmering the upset child. Sesshoumaru looked to Kagome, tears rolling down her porcelain looking skin, reaching over his son he began to wipe away her tears, Kagome gasped softly and looked to Sesshoumaru. Their eyes locked, his sun-glazed eyes pierced Kagome's heart, and her left hand subconsciously gripped her shirt where her heart laid.
Kagome breathed in deeply and looked away, a small blush creeping over her cheeks, his gaze, was the one she remembered from their more intimate times. The look that made her feel as though she was the only one in the world, that everything would be alright, and for that split second she looked into his eyes, she believed.
Kagome stood outside the shrine as Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Kouga and Souta carried Rin's casket to the hearse. Shippou gripped her mother's leg tightly, burying his face into her skirt he breathed in deeply, taking in his mother's scent that seemed to always sooth him. His mother's gently hand ran through his hair as she tried her best to school her features, she would cry alone, she would remain strong for her son, for all those around her.
The four gentlemen placed the casket into the back of the hearse with remorseful glances as the door began to close. All of the gentlemen exclude Kouga made their way towards the limo behind the hearse. Sesshoumaru held the door opened and allowed Kagome and Shippou in first, followed by Kagome's mother. Sesshoumaru stepped into the limo with Inuyasha and Souta not far behind.
Once seated within the limo Shippou began to cry softly and bury his head into Kagome's lap.
“I don't want to put Rin in the ground mama,” Kagome leaned towards her son and whispered softly into his ear.
“Shippou, we have too, she can no longer be with us above the earth, and we need to say our last goodbye's honey,” Shippou cried out louder gripping onto Kagome's skirt, soaking her with his tears of anguish, this just wasn't fair.
Sesshoumaru sat next to Kagome and gripped her hand that was not presently rubbing Shippou's back. Kagome stared at their hands in shock, he was holding her hand, looking at her with those beautiful eyes, but it was he who broke her heart, and him who revoked their matting mark. Kagome began to pull her hand from his but his grip tightened. Reluctantly Kagome's eyes looked into his, desperation was radiating off the normally stoic demon. He needed her; right now it was only she who could tame his hurting heart.
Kagome looked out the window as the limo began to move, sighing softly she caved in. For today she would allow Sesshoumaru peace with her, but tomorrow would be another day.
Kagome began to gently shake the presently sleeping Shippou as the limo came to a halt in front of the cemetery.
“Sweetie, it's time to say goodbye to Rin,” everyone began to move out of the limo excluding Shippou and Kagome.
“Mama,” Shippou yawned and looked up to his mother with heavy eyes.
“Hai little one?”
“I want another sister; could you please get me one?” Kagome's eyes widened and she looked away.
“I'll see what I can do sweetie,” Shippou sat up quickly.
“You and dad could make a baby! Grandma use to say she wanted you two to give her another grandchild. So could you maybe talk to dad about it?” Kagome's eyes closed as she breathed in deeply; oh this was becoming an interesting conversation.
“Shippou, we talked about this before. Your father and I-”
“I know but, you two are getting along today right? I'm sure dad wants another child too!” Kagome shook her head and began to scoot out of the limo bringing Shippou with her.
“We'll see, come on sweetie,” Kagome stepped out of the limo followed by Shippou; he grabbed his mother's hand tightly.
“I don't want to do this mama,” Kagome looked down at him and nodded her head in agreement; she most defiantly did not want to say goodbye to her little girl. Shippou reluctantly trudged along with her mother as they followed the casket as it was being carried to the burial sight.
Then it began and with what seemed like eternity the final words from the priest and the lowering of the casket, Kagome calmed her breathing down, feeling the tears sting at her eyes for release, her heart begged to mourn but Kagome refused it the privilege. That was left for when she would be alone.
“Mama! Tell them to stop! Tell the men to stop lowering the casket!” Shippou began to tug frantically on his mother's shirt as she looked down at him. Tears cascaded from Shippou's youthful eyes, he didn't want to say goodbye he didn't want to lose his sister!
“Mama! DO SOMETHING! Rin's in there Mama! PLEASE MAMA!” Shippou's cries escalated into screams just as Kagome kneeled down and scooped her son into her arms, holding him tightly as he trashed in her embrace.
“Baby, we have to,” Kagome whispered softly into his sensitive youkai ears.
“NO! Someone give me my sister back!” the small crowed remained silent observers as Kagome tried her best to sooth her hysterical son. Sesshoumaru stood there with a passive look adorning his face, he couldn't bare this any longer, his son was in such pain and there was nothing within Sesshoumaru's mighty power that could sooth Shippou.
The casket reached the bottom, making a rustled noise much like Sesshoumaru's father's casket did not even a week before this.
Kagome led the slightly calmer Shippou to the pile of dirt next to the grave, just as they did before they each grabbed a hand full of dirt, Sesshoumaru doing the same with them as well.
“Shippou, let's say goodbye to Rin now,” Shippou whimpered and nodded his head reluctantly.
“Bye-bye Rin, I'll miss you,” and Shippou let his handful of dirt fall onto the casket.
Kagome felt a few tears betray her and slip down her face as she too let her handful of dirt fall; Shippou shoved his face into Kagome's legs and cried hysterically once more. Kagome pulled Shippou up to her and even though he was 6 years old and heavy she managed to hold him like she did when he was a toddler.
Sesshoumaru's heart began to twist painfully as he held his hand above the grave.
“Sayonara Rin,” Sesshoumaru's baritone voice carried throughout the whole cemetery, his hand letting go of the dirt and watching in desperation as the dirt touched the casket's top.
Sesshoumaru moved aside to his son and Kagome, Shippou looked at him and reached outwards him from Kagome's embrace. Sesshoumaru nodded and accepted the little one into his arms and held him tightly, his weight not being as much of a problem form him as it was for Kagome.
Kagome's mother made her way to Kagome and wrapped her arms around her, expecting her to let her emotions flow but Kagome just stood their frigid as Sesshoumaru walked off a bit with her son.
“Shippou I would like to say sorry for not being there as much as you and Rin wanted me to be, but that will change,”
“You and Mama are going to be together again?” Shippou's innocent question made Sesshoumaru gut wrench.
“Iie, I will be coming by more often and we'll spend more time together, you have your father's promise,” Shippou nodded his head; he knew his father's promises were golden, he had never broken one.
“Also Shippou, it is okay to be angry with me or your mother for that matter, it's only natural,” Shippou nervously looked up at his father, the anger was still there but not as strong as before, possibly from letting it go.
“I'm not as angry now but…”
“It's okay Shippou, you're allowed to feel,” somewhere in the back of Sesshoumaru's mind he wished his father had only said the same thing to him when he was just a pup.
“So since you'll be there more, can you and mama make me another little sister?” Sesshoumaru's jaw tightened at another innocent question.
“Not right now Shippou,”
“But maybe later?” Shippou's eyes brightened with hope.
“Yes, later.” Sesshoumaru couldn't help the smirk that pulled on his lips, yes most defiantly later.
** Taisho Co., I know so original. = (Sorry ^^;
Aaahhss… I've written two funerals now T_T; I don't know if I like this one… I was trying very very hard to get Shippou's emotions within it =3
But show Kagome's wish to remain strong for her son.
And Sesshoumaru's…. Sesshoumaru? D:
I unno, anyways, Death death death = healing = love = Sess/Kag ^^ sure does ^^
Ch 7 is almost done and Ch 8 will most likely be the finale. ^__^
Almost done with my very first long fanfic! Hooray! <3