InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ Who Was I To Make You Wait? ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Arthur Corner Thingy:
Hahaha! Chapter 7! >:D Get ready for slightly warm and fuzzy feelings =3 Except I bring in another character, and I think this might have been a mistake. Ah wells. ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait?
Shippou looked up to the older lady whom was sitting rigidly in the velvet red seat across from him. The elder lady leaned her head down, her glasses moving down her nose relieving her green orbs. Shippou squirmed in the black leather couch he set upon alone, his feet dangled above the ground trying his best to keep his eyes from the older redhead across from him. He looked like her, he mused slightly, he could be his real mom but then again he never really cared to know his real mom, plus this lady wasn't a demon.
As far as he was concerned Kagome was his real mother, before her, was just some woman who gave him life.
“Shippou,” her kind smooth voice spoke years of experience with children.
“I heard you had a sister,” Shippou looked at her and nodded his head.
“What was her name?” he looked outside the window into the busy world of Tokyo. This was his mom's and dad's doing, they said he needed someone to speak with about Rin, about how he felt. They said that they could listen to him yes, but a professional could help him understand his emotions.
“Rin,” Shippou looked back to the lady.
“Her name was Rin, and she had dark brown hair and big brown eyes. We use to play hide and seek when she was 3, she didn't really play that well but it was always fun to find her because she'd squeal,”
“Do you miss her?” it had been just 2 days since her funeral and some how it had seemed like Rin had been gone for ever to Shippou, like his life with Rin was something in his dreams at night, made up from his vivid child imagination.
“I do, but I know,” Shippou paused and looked towards the door.
“I know I won't see her again, and I think that makes the missing part worse,” the woman nodded her head as she titled it to the side slightly.
“Did you like your sister?”
“Not all the time, she use to cry a lot when dad would take us home, and she would cry when I wouldn't play with her at daycare when I'm not going to school, but I love her,” the woman stared at him in amazement, rarely did children understand the difference between like and love.
“Mommy told me that I didn't always have to like someone, but loving them was different. Just like when we went to the store one time and I started to throw a fit because I really, really wanted some chocolate mommy took me aside and told me that she didn't like little boys that behaved that way, but I still knew she loved me but just didn't like me acting like that,”
“What about your dad, you've talked about your sister and your mother and a little bit about your dad; do you like your dad?”
Shippou turned away from her again.
“Higurashi Kagome! Please come to the office!” Kagome hustled through the hospital hall ways; really did they think she could be everywhere at once?
At first they wanted her in the ICU then they wanted her in the ER now the main office? Seriously, she should just clone herself! While making her way towards the front office Kagome looked down at her watch, 2:40. Shippou was at his meeting with Dr. Edria Cohen, one of the top child physiologists worldwide, she had begun her studies in Israel, then after years of practice moved to finish her years of work in Tokyo, of all places.
As she neared the front office a strong sent of roses wafted into her nose, smiling softly, roses reminded her of sliver hair. She blushed softly at a thought of silver hair on a naked body. Speaking of silver hair, Kagome's train of thought began to wander to Sesshoumaru. He had been around the past few days, she wondered numbly if he even realized what today was. Shaking her head Kagome came towards the office as a group of the girl nurses were awing about something or another.
“Someone called for me?”
“Kagome! Who is he?” She gave the main nurse a startled look, `he'? Suddenly she noticed what seemed to be 8 dozen roses in vases of 12 spread about the office leading into her personal office.
“Nani?!” Kagome pushed the nurses aside as the nurse whom spoke to her first held a card. Snatching the card out of her hands she barely noticed a gentleman carrying in the last two vases of roses
`A dozen roses for every year I've know you.'
And beneath the delicate hand writing was a crescent moon, Kagome sighed softly as her finger idly trailed over the moon. He remembered, today would have been their 8th year anniversary, but instead of celebrating their year of marriage, since it was no longer he announced the years he had known her. She began to shake her head, no, this was all wrong. He was through with her, not sending her damn roses!
He was supposed to be picking up Shippou from his appointment then they would all eat dinner at her house with her mother. It had been that way for 2 days now; Kagome had just sucked it up at his presence, understanding his desire to be near Shippou more so than before. This was not about her, he was not trying to get into her life again, no way, no how. It was for Shippou, but all those glances her way, the soft way he would say her name just like before. The way he pulled the chair for her at the table, the unconscious way his hand found hers. Kagome couldn't take it; no she just could not take this crap anymore. Throwing the card behind her she stormed off into her personal office and slammed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. With that she sat down at her desk, slumped down and laid her head on the table then proceeded to cry.
Everyone outside her office just stared in shock, what in the world just happened? Eri, the nurse whom was holding the card before Kagome began to shoo the nurses back to their job, no one really thought her coming back to work was such a good idea but Kagome insisted, saying that helping other children would allow her to cope better. Eri had known Kagome since high school, and knew probably better than anyone that she was not ready to be back to working. Looking to the office door Eri sighed softly and reached to the delivery man and signed for Kagome. Picking the card up off the floor she set it next to the last two vases the man had carried in.
“Kagome's done for today,” she looked around at the women and they nodded, reaching for the phone on the other side of the counter Eri began to make calls to inform the rest of the staff of Kagome's sudden inability to work for the day.
“I don't really like my dad sometimes,” Shippou answered honestly.
“Oh, and why?”
“He made mom cry for leaving for no reason, he told me and Rin he had his reasons and when we were older he would explain but that for now we had to understand that him and mom couldn't be together anymore,” he sighed and looked down. He had already gone through counseling about his dad.
“I've already told another lady about all this,”
“I know Shippou; I wasn't speaking of their separation I was asking about if you liked him now?” Shippou began to fiddle with his thumbs thinking over the question.
“No,” he tried to clear his head more, figuring out if it was true or not.
“He's around a lot more isn't he?”
“Yeah but only because Rin left and he wants to spend time with me incase I leave too!” Shippou yelled out, it wasn't fair! He gets all this attention now? `Too little too late' as his mom would say.
“You're very wise and perceptive for a 6 year old, in fact I feel like I'm talking to a teenager right now,”
“I know mom always dotes on how mature I am. Dad said it's just youkai way, he said we don't stay verbally ignorant for long,” she nodded her head then looked up at the clock.
“It appears our time is up but Shippou I'd like to ask you one last thing before you go,”
“Okay,” Shippou looked at her nervously, she seemed alright but first impressions weren't always right.
“When you go home I want you to ask your mother for a picture of Rin to bring for our talks in here, a way for you to visualize her being here, if you ever wish to speak with her,” Shippou nodded his head as he jumped onto the ground and headed towards the door
“Oh and Shippou,” He turned to face her.
“Everything is going to eventually get better,” something lifted from his shoulder and he smiled at her brightly.
“Okay,” and with that he left her office.
“Good afternoon Shippou,” Shippou looked up at his father whom was standing in the plain waiting room.
“Hey dad! Ready to go home?” Sesshoumaru nodded and Shippou took his large hand in his smaller.
“I am, are you ready to go home?” Sesshoumaru put some emphasis on the word home but Shippou didn't really notice he just nodded his head as they headed towards the elevator. They were going to the shrine, they were going home.
“Kagome?” Eri tapped softly on the door, it had been half an hour since Kagome locked herself in the office and Eri began to worry since she had stopped hearing a soft sob.
“Y-yeah?” Kagome's meek voice barely made it through the door.
“I told the staff you're off for the day, go home Kagome, okay? Don't worry about tomorrow, just come back when you're ready,” Eri waited but she received no answer, sighing softly she walked off to attend to business.
On the other side of the door Kagome stared into her hands blankly. What in the world was she going to do? Her little girl was gone, her son in 2nd grade missing class for funerals and leaving early for counseling, then her ex-husband whom seemed to be lingering around her a bit much more than usual and sending her signals that he enjoyed being around her like old times.
Kagome grunted, old times, the old times where the good times, she supposed numbly. However her life seemed kind of boring without Shippou or, Kagome choked on a sob, Rin around.
Sesshoumaru tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel; Tokyo rush-hour traffic was absolutely dreadful. He grunted, perhaps next time he will not bring his car to Tokyo. His gaze moved to the rearview mirror where we watched Shippou looking outside the window taking in the area.
Noticing people were finally moving Sesshoumaru began to lightly press the gas, only to come to a stop not to soon after. Growling he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
“Shippou,” he looked back into the rearview mirror as Shippou's eyes were directed towards his in the mirror.
“Would you mind if I smoked?” he knew that Shippou did not like his smoking, nor did Rin, however it didn't hurt to ask.
“Yeah, just don't let mama smell it on you,” Sesshoumaru grunted at the comment, she would throw a fit if she did smell.
Sesshoumaru quickly rolled down the drivers' side window and lit up a cigarette in record time. Taking in a long drag he enjoyed the rush of nicotine in his system, calming his nerves he mused, or perhaps it was psychological? As he watched the smoke trail along the wind his mind reeled back to his ex-mate. He had been enchanted with her once again, well more as if he finally let himself be enchanted, no longer denying the fact he needed her, he loved her. However the more he seemed to show her affection the more she'd stray from him, action spoke louder than words right? Perhaps, this was not something for actions but talking.
Numbly noting the moving traffic Sesshoumaru made an agreement to speak with Kagome tonight.
Kagome locked her office door behind her; she felt the eyes of the nurses and doctors on her form. The smell of roses invaded her nose stronger than in her office, she did not feel the need to deal with the roses today, perhaps tomorrow?
She shook her head, no she wouldn't be coming back to work tomorrow, Eri would surely send her home the moment she stepped into the building, so she would take her suggestion, come back when she was truly ready to tend to children again, a time when Rin would not become every child she tended to.
Shrugging her shoulders Kagome figured Eri would decorate the office with the flowers and with that issue cleared she left the office.
Making her way quickly to the nearest subway station she found herself shocked as her long time friend Sango, carrying a large bag, came running up to her.
“Kagome!” Sango rushed at her, bringing her into a hug. She had just left the hospital hearing that Kagome was already headed home she had hoped to run fast enough to catch up with her.
“I'm so sorry sweetie; I tried to get here sooner. Honestly I did,” Kagome looked at her friend, unshed tears building up.
“Kagome, its okay, you can cry now,”
“I already cried today, I just can't seem to stop, funny hu?” the tears began to trail down her cheeks and Sango began to rub her back, whispering encouragement into her ear.
“He won't leave either, that damn man, he's just making matters worse, and I see Rin when I'm near him. I hear her adoration of him ringing in my ears. He keeps treating me as if we were together again, I can't do it Sango, I just can't,” she ranted into her friends shoulder, she was of course upset that Sango could not make it to the funeral, but knew Sango had a life of her own to lead.
Sango let loose a few tears of her own as people just walked past them, as if they didn't exist, their bond was strong, stronger than any friendship she had ever had. When Kagome hurt, Sango hurt. Her grip tightened around her best friend, trying to will her friends pain away.
Kagome attempted to pull away and Sango allowed, they held each other's hands and smiled sadly.
“I'm sorry we had to see each other again on these terms,”
“I was meaning to come down to see you,” Sango stated.
“Just like I was meaning to come up there and see you,” they both laughed softly, even with the few years of separation, their friendship was still strong, the sisterly bond never broken.
“Would you like to come home for dinner? I'm sure if I call mom now she could set out something for you,” Sango nodded her head in agreement.
Quickly Kagome grabbed her cell phone as they made there way to the subway, Kagome smiling brighter as her friend's presence soothed her fried nerves.
Sesshoumaru and Shippou entered the shrine house. Shippou hastily took his shoes off.
“Shippou makes sure to do your homework,” he stared down at his son in contemplation.
“We didn't have any today papa since its Friday,” Shippou's green eyes looked into his father's and he gulped slightly.
“I'm sure I have something I should study for though!” Sesshoumaru nodded his head as the kitsune took off.
“Shippou, if you truly do not have homework, play some video games,” Shippou turned back to his father in shock, he never approved of his video games.
“Hai!” Shippou ran off to the living room as Sesshoumaru slipped his shoes off without a struggle. Judging by the smells Kagome was still not home, it bothered him deeply he could remember a time when he could come home to her cooking and the children laughing.
“Sesshoumaru? Is that you?” the elder voice of Kagome's mother drifted to his ears as he began to make his way to the kitchen.
“Oh, welcome. Kagome called to say Sango will be joining for dinner, would you mind setting an extra place for me?” Sesshoumaru nodded his head and grabbed an extra mat and chopsticks then made his way to the dinning area.
“Sesshoumaru, how long do you plan to torment my daughter?” Sesshoumaru's slightly widened, but remained calm as he set the chopsticks down.
“I was not aware I was torturing your daughter,”
“Hmm, well I'm not as oblivious as Kagome likes to believe, I see the way you've been acting around her and I can guarantee it's only hurting her. If you do in fact have intentions with my daughter once again,” she paused as she stared at him from the threshold between the kitchen and dinning area.
“Make them known before you hurt her anymore,” she walked back to the kitchen and began to hum softly.
Sesshoumaru growled, seriously was it that hags business the way he's behaving towards Kagome? Stepping into the living room to watch Shippou play his video games Sesshoumaru massaged the bridge of his nose. His youkai began to purr as the heavenly scent of Kagome began to make its way towards the house. However, he stiffened as he smelt her friend Sango, hmm; this would not be a pleasant reunion. He distinctly recalled Inuyasha stating that Sango was out for his blood when he had left Kagome, he shook his head he was not afraid of some ningen.
“Kagome! He kissed you?!” Sesshoumaru's ears twitched slightly as Sango's voice came to his ears from outside the shrine house.
“Ssshh! don't say it so loud, no, well he was going to but I turned my head,”
“Why?! Kouga's a hunk! So dreamy,” Sango's eyes began to glass over as her mind wondered onto the ookami, Sesshoumaru picking up the woman's sudden arousal in disgust.
Sesshoumaru's hands balled up into tight fists as he realized exactly what they are currently cackling on about.
“I saw his eyes,”
“Hm who?” Sango coming out of her daze as her friend continued on.
“Sesshoumaru, I saw his eyes when Kouga came closer, and I couldn't do it,”
“So what? He left you, he's loss!” Sango smiled reassuringly at the girl, unaware said youkai was listening to their conversation.
“It's not that easy, I think I still love him, even after all…” Kagome trailed off.
Sesshoumaru's hands relaxed as blood dripped down his palms to the tips of his fingers.
“Plus he's always around now, and acting like he use to. Well sort of,”
“He's around?! Is he inside right now?” Sango's scent heightened to threaten. Indeed this reunion would not turn out well.
“Well you noticed his car by the stairs didn't you?”
“Not really,” Kagome sighed at her friend.
“Well he's in that house, come on it's getting chilly out,” Kagome opened the shoji doors and entered the threshold, Sango following close behind.
Sesshoumaru remained in the living room, not too far from Kagome and Sango's present area. Wouldn't luck have it that just as she took her shoes off, she looked up towards him, and his bleeding hands.
“Sesshoumaru!” Kagome rushed to his side and took his hands into her hands inspecting the wounds.
“Why did you do this to yourself?” She looked up at him her eyes worried and scared.
“Unintentional, do not worry over it,” Kagome shook her head and led him by his hands towards the downstairs bathroom. Sesshoumaru's head turned behind him as the little ningen onna led him away; his eyes caught with Sango's and felt the pure hatred in her eyes. `Stupid ningen.'
Once Kagome had cleaned the blood off of his hands she watched as the wounds fully closed without any assistance of antibiotics. `Must be nice to have that,' she mused in her head.
“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru's voice unconsciously caused a shiver to run down Kagome's spine, her back against the wall as the two bodies were cramped inside the small half bathroom.
“Kagome, look at me,” he commanded, but her gaze remained towards his hands, every once and an awhile at the sink. Sesshoumaru took his right hand and pulled her chin, forcing her face to face him.
“Kagome,” his voice laced with annoyance at her refusal to look at him that was when the salty scent of her tears invaded his nostrils. He was hurting her, and not even knowing it. Sesshoumaru dipped his head down and caught her eyes with his, the tears breaking from her lids and trailing down her cheeks. His left hand began to wipe some of her tears away; his gently caresses only causing more tears to flow.
“Please stop, whatever you want from me, just take it and leave,” her voice was so weak, so broken. His form towered over hers and he suddenly pulled her into his embrace, Kagome gasped and her hands came up to her chest, pushing against him.
“Baka, I'm not leaving you anymore,” Kagome's struggles stopped and she gasped for air once more, this wasn't real he wasn't truly saying this.
“The mark, the divorce,”
“Was this stupid youkai's mistake, to ever let something so important to me go,” Kagome cried out softly and buried her face into his chest.
“You don't mean it; this is all a dream,”
“No Kagome, I do. This Sesshoumaru loves you more than any in this world,” Sesshoumaru pulled from her slightly and stared into her teary brown orbs.
“I have loved you all along,” he bent down and captured her lips; Kagome leaned up towards him on her tip-toes. The kiss was sweet, innocent but spoke so many things they couldn't say. Suddenly their reunion was interrupted by banging on the bathroom door.
“Dinner is ready Kags!” Sango called from the other side of the door, annoyance noticeable in her voice. Sesshoumaru listened to her retreating footsteps and pulled his lips finally from the now wide eyed Kagome.
“Dinner?” Sesshoumaru spoke so eloquently as if he had not kissed her.
“No,” Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow.
“It doesn't work like this, you can't say you love me and kiss me expecting it to all be fixed, you owe me an huge apology,” before Sesshoumaru could speak she walked past him and opened the door, leaving him alone in the cramped bathroom.
Dinner was to say the least tense. Kagome sat across from Shippou while Sango next to Kagome across form Sesshoumaru, and Kagome's mother sitting calmly at the head. Sango sending Sesshoumaru glares every once and awhile, which in turn caused Kagome to hit Sango, Sesshoumaru smirking leaving Shippou utterly confused and Kagome's mother attempting to conjure up civilized conversations.
As dinner finished up Shippou dragged his father off to watch T.V. with him while Sango and Kagome were left to dishes.
“Well I believe I will retire for the night ladies. Kagome don't forget I leave for Souta's for a few days,” Kagome looked at her mother with wide eyes.
“You're going to leave me alone with Sesshoumaru?!” she whispered out harshly.
“Kagome, whatever is going on between you and him should be taken care of, and what better way then with me gone,”
“I can distinctly remember you telling me to tell him off when his father was dieing,”
“The death of a child does interesting things to people Kagome, they realize their mistakes and that life is too short to spend it alone,” Kagome's mother left the kitchen as Sango began to fill the dishwasher.
“Can you believe her?!” Kagome turned to her friend in rage, her mother was delusional! Granted the way Sesshoumaru's eyes were filled with love when she was in the bathroom with him… Kagome violently shook her head.
“I know you're going to become angry with me but did you see the way he was looking at you when we entered the house?” Sango closed the dishwasher and kept her back from Kagome.
“He loves you, the idiot that he is, he truly loves you and like your mother said, he's realized his mistake. Kagome, you'll be happy again, don't you want to be happy?” Sango turned around with tears in her eyes.
“I want you to be happy,” Sango's voice broke half way through her last words, Kagome gasped her lower lip quivering as she twisted the dish towel around that she held.
“Two years, I've watched you wither away, put your life into your children and work. I want my Kagome back,” Sango took a few steps towards Kagome; she looked at her best friend as tears began to fall down her cheeks as well.
“I don't need him to be happy,” Kagome huffed out.
“I know you don't but I think being with him again, being loved is what you need and he wants to give you his love again; I saw the blush on your face. He kissed you didn't he?”
“Hai,” Kagome looked down as Sango pulled her into a friendly hug.
“He said he loves me…” Kagome whimpered.
“I'm sick of crying, I'm sick of hurting,”
“It's part of life; it's a part of growing. The pain will fade with time, and eventually it'll be alright to smile again,” Kagome nodded her head as they pulled away from each other.
“Now where am I going to sleep?” Kagome smiled softly and led her friend upstairs towards the guest room between her and Shippou's room.
Once Shippou had been tucked in Sango suddenly had stated she needed some sleep, talking about a long trip and such straining her. So suddenly it was just Kagome and Sesshoumaru in the living room as some random cable show aired.
“Kagome,” she sat up straight at the chilling sound of his voice, she suddenly became unsatisfied with their lack of distance, granted Sesshoumaru occupied the chair farthest from her couch; this was just not enough distance from him.
“I meant what I said, I…” Sesshoumaru trailed off attempting to find the correct words, his eyes watching her every anxious twitching move.
“I am sorry for leaving you alone, for hurting you so deeply, for making you unhappy for so long,”
“It's alright,” she looked at him smiling sadly.
“Love is a pointless endeavor, neh? That's what you said right?” Kagome's smile faded and she turned her head from him, not noticing him standing up from the chair making his way to the couch Kagome occupied.
“You should know,” Kagome `eeped' as she noticed Sesshoumaru's arms on either side of her, and him leaning down, boring into her soul with those enchanting eyes rendering Kagome still, her breath hitching up in her throat.
“That everything I say is not right,” Kagome's eyes widened as she let her breath of air out, he was admitting he was wrong! Please someone record this! Someone write this moment down! Sesshoumaru was admitting he was wrong!
“Kagome I… I want to be with you again, together forever, truly forever. No more idiotic past indiscretions of love, no more fearing of my parent's mistakes to be our own,” Sesshoumaru paused and watched Kagome's eyes shimmer with hope and love. Those eyes, which he would stare into when his life seemed unmanageable, when work was more than difficult, his father's shadow towering over him, those eyes always reminded him he was loved. That in the end their love was all that mattered.
“If we do make mistakes, I want them to be ours. I want to love you out in the open again Kagome. Please be mine again,” Sesshoumaru's voice dropped his confidence tethering away with each passing word, he was going out on the line, and he had severely damaged their bond together he only hoped Kagome wanted to nurture their bond back to health as much as he did.
“Sesshoumaru,” her voice cracked while saying his name. Could she do this again? Knowing how terrible it felt to be rejected from him? Could she risk being in that position again? She looked into his eyes, searching them for all their emotions. Love, pure undeniable love, uncertainty and need shone within his eyes. Need, he needed her, just as she needed him. She hated herself once she felt the tears streaming down her face, noticing the flickering of worry along his irises.
Could she do it? Could she love him again? It would never be as it was before, but they could make it better than before, they could talk more, share their fears of the relationship more. However, what about the pain? What about the past years of loneliness… was it worth it?
“Sesshoumaru, I don't know…” his gaze lowered slightly, disappointment and rejection filling his heart. No, we would not be deterred that easily, he demanded to have this woman back.
“Give me the chance, to show you I mean this,” Kagome looked into his eyes. `Is it worth it?' her mind questioned again, would this be alright to do? To take this risk?
“Hai, but later, it's late,” she smiled softly as Sesshoumaru stood up straight allowing Kagome the room to stand as well. He grasped her hand in his, and the side of his mouth twitched slightly seeing the genuine smile on her face. It was the first step, and the first step is always the hardest.
They silently walked hand in hand towards the front door. Sesshoumaru turned to Kagome and she looked up at him, her eyes shinning anew.
“Tomorrow neh?” Sesshoumaru nodded his head. Suddenly his lips captured hers in a soft kiss, these kisses reminded him of the beginning of their relationship, and this right now, right here with her was the beginning once more. Sesshoumaru knew he had a long way to go, however tonight was a start, he talked to her much more than before about how he felt, what he wanted for them.
He pulled away after a few more seconds and smirked at the blush that stained her beautiful face. Turning back towards the door he headed to his car, returning to his hotel room for the night.
Kagome shook her head trying to stir away the light headedness. Making her way upstairs Kagome stopped and pushed her hand on her heart that was still racing.
It would be worth it in the end, to do this once more, to be with the one she truly loved. It would be worth it.
Hahaha ^___^ I feel fuzzy inside. Yeah yeahs.
So they need to sit down and have a talk, most defiantly. =3
About and such..
I might make 9 chaps perhaps 10???? >_> <_<
We'll see ^___^
But kagome's mom is going away for a few days so that means Sesshoumaru, Kagome and Shippou time! ^__^ The healing and such, the bonding.
The happiness and loves! :D
I made Sesshoumaru OOC T____T;;;
Siiiigggh.. I loose so badly for that T_T;