InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ My little Maru (teehee) ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Arthur Corner Thingy:
Here we go again! ^_^ Chapter 8! Something happens! :O They meet someone! ^_^ and stuffs. Hope everyone enjoys!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Cause you know,
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I missed you
Shippou opened his bright green eyes, his youkai hearing picking up what seemed to be like fighting occurring downstairs. Yawning while stretching, Shippou made his way out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he neared his bedroom door. Just as the door was fully opened he could clearly hear something similar to crashing and a yelp. His eyes widened and his youkai side on high alert he rushed down the stairs.
Coming to a halt as he descended down the last steps, his still groggy eyes took in the scene.
His mother currently had her little brother on the ground in a head lock pounding him on top of the heading yelling out some indignation toward him.
“Momma?” Shippou called out unsure, his mother tended to be rather unpredictable when in a rage.
Kagome turned her head toward her son, her eyes shinning brightly with kindness as she smiled at him.
“Yes sweetie?”
“YOU'RE A TWO SIDED BIT-” Souta's words ended as Kagome punched him once more on the head.
“Why are you hurting uncle Souta and what is he doing here?” Shippou slowly came closer, still cautious of the crime scene.
“Well sweetie, your uncle his here to take Grandma for the weekend, and as to why I have him in a head lock well Shippou, your uncle is two-timing and I'm being the good big sister and teaching him a lesson,” as if to make her point Kagome punched him once more on the head.
“Grandma's in the kitchen, I believe she's almost finished with breakfast.”
“Is dad going to be here for breakfast?” Souta's eyes became large at the mention of the man who broke his older sister.
“Hai, he'll be here shortly. If your uncle and I are still having our lesson could you see to him honey?”
“Course mom, Morning Souta, please learn your lesson, mom is a great teacher,” Kagome's eyes shinned with something drastically different from kindness as Shippou padded his way towards the kitchen.
“Sesshoumaru is coming?”
“Hai since…since...”
“Since Rin died?” Souta finished her sentence for her, it killed him inside to not be by his sister's side at the funeral, nor to be there for his mother but sadly his current employer was a slave worker and refused him the vacation day.
“Mm-hmm. Well he's been hanging around Shippou and I lately, we've even begun to talk about trying-”
“No,” Kagome let go of her little brother in shock at the sudden authority his voice rung out, how had she not noticed he had matured so much over the years?
“Don't do it Kagome,”
“And why not?”
“He'll just…”
“Leave me again? I've taken that into consideration, we're going to talk this through before any concrete choice is made on whether we will see each other exclusively again,”
“Hmm, okay if you say so. Just promise me something sis,” Kagome gave her brother an odd stare as he turned to face her.
“If he does hurt you, promise me I can kick his ass,” Kagome grinned at him.
“Yeah well, I have a feeling you'd be getting your ass kicked instead,”
“Hah! I've been working out! See Kumi likes muscles but Naomi isn't too-”
“TWO TIMER!” Kagome tackled her brother once more; she head locked him and began to leave Souta on the receiving end of some mighty vicious noggies.
Sesshoumaru stared at the main house on the shrine grounds, contemplating what to say, what to do when it came to Kagome for now on. He'd prefer to sweep her off her feet, take her and Shippou back to his house and stay in bed with Kagome for several hours on end, intending to provide Shippou the sister he desires.
Shaking his head lightly he once more walked towards the main house, his steps graceful, the shrine grounds were rather barren, after all it was a early Saturday morning and as he recalled business tended to boom in mid day on Saturdays. He recalled hearing that Kagome's mother was leaving today, therefore Kagome would be in charge of the shrine which would take way from time with his Kagome.
“Unacceptable,” a sudden idea to hire a staff for the shrine occurred within Sesshoumaru's mind. However there would be no chance to construct said staff before mid-day, later he would bring in a staff, it would most likely help ease Kagome's mother's load. Though the hag tended to wedge her way into his actions towards Kagome, her blessings on a reunited marriage would be most important to Kagome and, grudgingly admitting important to himself as well.
Today he had something planned for Kagome, something he had never felt necessary to do. In order to show he wanted to truly be with Kagome, perhaps now was the time to allow Kagome to meet his mother?
He had made the preparations, calling his mother, as awkward and annoying that conversation was, his mother agreed to meet the woman he had previously spent 6 years with and now planned to recommit to said relationship for eternity. He numbly recalled his mother's shriek that she had a grandson and mournful overtone as he stated the death of Rin.
Sesshoumaru's mother was less than happy to find out what his son had been hiding from her for years. `Technically', Sesshoumaru thought, `never talking to her wasn't hiding from her.'
“TWO TIMER!” rang from the house and Sesshoumaru's eyes betrayed him to reveal slight confusion. Undoubtedly that was Kagome's voice, but who was she calling a two timer, taking a light sniff he picked up Kagome's little brother's distressful scent. The two timer is revealed.
Stepping up to the front shoji doors Sesshoumaru knocked softly and listened as the sound of Kagome beating upon Souta came to an abrupt halt. The door suddenly opened, looking down he saw Shippou smiling brightly at him.
“Mama told me to say that we can wait for her and Souta in the dinning area, Grandma already has breakfast ready,” Shippou bolted off toward the dinning area and Sesshoumaru followed though his attention was the scene he was passing by. Kagome looked at him and smiled softly, Souta sending him a glare and Sesshoumaru retaliated by sending his best glare towards him.
“Ano… Sesshou, we'll be in there in a minute,” Sesshoumaru held himself from showing visible shock at Kagome's usage of her nickname towards her. Kagome however blushed as the realization of what she called him came to her. He turned his head forward and continued his way towards Shippou's retreating figure.
“Mou! Mama that was delicious!”
“Yeah, I've missed your cooking Kumi and Naomi can't cook that-” Kagome bobbed Souta on the head and glared at him.
“Stop it sis!” he rubbed the top of his head while glaring the best he could at his sister.
“I will when you dump one of them,” Kagome snorted and turned her head away from Souta. Souta doing just the same as Kagome, his head turned from her.
“Souta dear, I have my luggage at the door, so whenever you are ready,” Kagome's mother choose to steer away from commentary at the twos argument, she would make her opinion known to Souta in privacy.
“Right!” Souta jumped up and proceeded to take up dishes and headed towards the kitchen.
“I'll go see if I have forgotten anything,” Kagome's mother rose from the table slowly Shippou following after her.
“Sesshou, hm?” Kagome blushed visibly at Sesshoumaru's question.
“It slipped,”
“I would not mind if it slipped continuously,” Kagome's eyes locked with Sesshoumaru, her blush becoming brighter and spreading across the rest of her face. Sesshoumaru smirked; he always did enjoy watching her skin flush.
“We are going to leave the shrine before it become busy today,”
“Mou? I can't what if some early tourists,”
“Kagome, the shrine does not open until 12, as of now it is 8:30, we have time,”
Kagome nodded her head; however curiosity got the best of her, as it tended to do.
“Where are we going?” Sesshoumaru looked away from her, watching Souta finish up within the kitchen.
“To see my mother,” Kagome gasped, her hand covering her mouth.
“Sesshoumaru, I don't think that's a good idea. I mean she never even knew we were together before hand. I'm human as well and if I remember-”
“Enough,” Kagome froze.
“I have already informed her of our past and soon future, as for your race,” Sesshoumaru paused.
“Her opinion as to your race matters not to me,”
Kagome stood up quickly, Sesshoumaru turning to face her.
“I have to get ready! I can't go in jeans and a shirt, I should put on some make-up and-” Before Kagome could notice Sesshoumaru stood up and was now at her side quickly he pulled Kagome to his chest silencing her for the second time.
“I would rather Kyoko see you as I do, a naturally beautiful woman,” Kagome blushed while pushing her face into his chest.
“Why Sesshoumaru?” He looked down at her, Kagome bending her head up to look at him.
“It would please me to have my mother know the woman I have chosen to spend eternity with,”
“Sesshou, we never said anything about being together again. Remember we're going to take this slow,”
“I am aware, but my plans do not change none the less, only slowed down,” Kagome drastically wanted to smack the smirk off his face.
“Why didn't anyone wake me up for breakfast?” Sango's sleepy voice broke their intimate moment. Kagome jumped back and blushed furiously while Sesshoumaru held an impassive gaze.
“Well it's 8 in the morning and I didn't know if you'd want to be up that early, Sango could you do me a huge favor?”
“If I do this, will you make me some food?” Kagome smiled and nodded her head.
“There are some leftovers still! I just need you to get the shrine ready for me,”
“Where will you be?” Sango sat down and began to pick at the food still left on the table as Souta came in to grab some more dishes, they both nodded to each other. Sango looked back at Kagome noticing the lack of reply.
“We are visiting my mother,” Sango choked on rice as she looked Kagome in the eyes and she nodded. `His mother hm?' Sango shrugged her shoulder and gulped down the glass of water Souta had set in front of her not even a second before.
“You guys should get going neh?”
“Hai, where's Shippou?” Kagome looked around; she hadn't seen him since her mother walked off.
“Where is your son always? Playing video games,”
“Nani? He's my son when he plays video games neh? I believe you signed the papers as well,” Kagome gave him a stern look, ignoring Sesshoumaru's low growl. Turning away she headed towards the living room to collect her son for their departure.
“Hey Sesshoumaru,” Sesshoumaru turned to face Souta, awaiting some wise ass remark as the boy tended to do.
“Hurt her again and well let's say I have friends in high dangerous places,” Sesshoumaru looked less than thrilled at the threat. Had he been anyone else Sesshoumaru would have not thought twice about taking said remark and shoving it down his throat however this was Souta, Kagome's little brother and however much he would grate Kagome's nerves when they were younger he doubted Kagome would be alright with him killing Souta.
“Indeed, however I am more than sure your friends are mine as well, and everyone knows better than to cross I,” Souta looked at him and shrugged his shoulders, couldn't say he tried to threaten the dude. Souta walked off after hearing his mother call him from the front door. Sango continued to shovel food in her mouth ignoring the conversation for her own good.
Sesshoumaru watched Sango in disgust for a few moments however once he heard Kagome's mother leave he made his way to the living room to retrieve his future wife and son.
“Sesshoumaru I really don't think this is a good idea,” Kagome stated for the umpteenth time this morning as they stood in front of a rather fancy condo near downtown Tokyo. Shippou's hand gripped Kagome's tightly, he had been informed where they were going and he was rather apprehensive, after all Grandpa didn't say very many nice things about Grandma Kyoko.
“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru spoke sternly.
“I'm human Sesshoumaru!” Kagome stated franticly, her anxiety rising and Sesshoumaru's beast became very distressed by this. On instinct he pulled Kagome to his side opposite of Shippou and nuzzled her neck growling softly causing Kagome to blush at his actions. `Just like before,' she thought numbly her fried nerves calming down with each vibration of his growls.
“Let's go,” Walking ahead of them Sesshoumaru knocked on the door. Kagome gasped as the door opened to only show an elder male Inu Youkai with jet black hair and grey eyes, Sesshoumaru preceded to growl at the youkai.
“Ah Sesshoumaru, please come in. Kyoko is expecting you and your entourage,” They followed the Inu Sesshoumaru holding back growls. Kagome noticed his slightly creased brow and took his hand with the one Shippou was not clinging to as a life line. Sesshoumaru looked back at her, his features softening; his gaze fell down towards his son who smiled at him. Sesshoumaru nodded and faced forward as they neared a sitting area.
A woman whom appeared as Sesshoumaru's female doppelganger sat on two large sitting pillows, her white hair flowing around her.
“No need to get up Kyoko,” Sesshoumaru said with slight bitterness, Kyoko only smirked, her eyes trailing towards the woman holding his sons hand then the kitsune boy.
“You had said you adopted but a Kitsune?” Shippou `eeped' at the female youkai's gaze and clung to Kagome's leg.
“And a human woman Sesshoumaru? Tch tch, so much like your father,” Kagome tensed up, worry setting in at Kyoko's words. This was truly and fully a bad idea.
“Please sit. Toshiben,” Kyoko turned to the male Inu Youkai.
“Please leave me alone with my son and his company,” he nodded and left the room, Kagome and the rest sitting upon pillows across from Kyoko.
It was silent for quiet a while, Kyoko staring intently at Kagome and Shippou whom was sitting in Kagome's lap, as if trying to itch their faces into memory. Turning towards Sesshoumaru she smirked once more, her gaze fell back on Kagome.
“Your name my dear?”
“Kagome,” She spoke a bit rigidly, Sesshoumaru's hand finding hers and holding it gently.
“And the kitsune's?”
“Shippou is his name,” Shippou looked at Kyoko and gulped.
“Do not fear me little one, I would never hurt one tied to my family,” Sesshoumaru snorted loudly at the remark, Kyoko glared at her son.
“Give me no attitude Sesshoumaru; you have not spoken with me for centuries you have no right to be rude. On the contrary it is I-”
“You left mother,” he spat out the last word bitterly, Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru, her brow furrowed her eyes shinning worry over her love.
“You left and never spoke to me,”
“And then when I did try to make contact you brushed me aside!” Kyoko spoke up in her defense at her son's accusations.

”700 years mother and suddenly you wanted to speak with me; you left me with my father and his wretched slut of a wife,” He growled out viciously this time the memories flooding his mind.
“And incompetent hanyou pup, I had asked to stay with you and you refused saying anyone of the Taisho blood was filth,”
“Things change Sesshoumaru!” the animosity in the room escalated drastically.
“You tried to kill me when I came of age,” his voice was forced his eyes seeping red.
“I feared you would try to take away my land by your father's will,”
“My father never asked any thing remotely close to that from me, rather he never spoke to me so I left the House of The Moon and wandered on my own for 200 years,” Kagome took in the information in shock, `He spent 200 years alone?'
“You left the House of The Moon?” Kyoko asked in shock.
“Hai,” His voice wavering slightly with rage.
“You two reconciled however, you own his company,” Kyoko spoke trying to make sense.
“I was set in charge because Inuyasha could not run the company at the time Inu No Taisho resigned and the only reason there was a reconciliation is because of Kagome's kindness,” Kagome gasped once more, she had no idea they were even upset with each other when she came to know them, nor that her actions effected their relationship any.
However it was true, Kagome's coming to Inu No Taisho for advice on how to handle Inu youkai's sparked something with him, causing him to realize his idiotic distance from his eldest son.
There was silence, Kyoko staring at Kagome in awe and Shippou staying still within his mother's one handed embrace. Sesshoumaru stared ahead at nothing in particular, he took a light sniff and growled slightly at the reminder of what he was smelled when the door opened.
“You re-mated,” Sesshoumaru stated more than asked.
“Hai, did you expect me to stay heartbroken forever over your father's infidelity?” Kagome gasped softly at the mention of said action that was after all what tore apart their marriage, she noticed the way Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed and she gripped his hand tightly as if reassuring him `Everything is okay'.
“I heard,” Kyoko looked at Kagome and smiled sadly.
“That my words from the past hindered your happiness with my son. For that I am sorry had I known my words would stay etched with my little Maru's mind I would have never let them leave my mouth,”
“Iie, it's quite alright. Life is full of hardships, just makes us stronger,” Kagome smiled brightly at her and Kyoko's expression became unreadable.
“I see. What of the little girl who died?” Kyoko spoke boldly knowing well the wounds were fresh, and as if on cue Shippou sniffled and buried his face in his mother's stomach her hand wrapping protectively around him.
“Rin was her name. She was 4 and died in a car wreck,” it was then that Kyoko took into notice the small cuts along the kitsune's arm and the spare few on Kagome's neck.
“I am sorry to hear that she has left the mortal realm,” Kyoko spoke in a hushed tone, the mood in the room becoming subdued.
“My son has informed me that the two of you will be mated once more?” Kagome gasped and held back the urge to slap Sesshoumaru's forming smirk off his face.
“Nothing is final, we are taking this slow as of now,” Kyoko nodded her head.
“I see my little Maru still makes choices on his own,” Kagome nodded vigorously at her comment. Sesshoumaru growled out at the conversation over him as if he was not present.
After an hour or so Kagome looked down in her lap to see her son taking a light nap, Kyoko took notice as well and cleared her throat.
“I believe we are through for today, perhaps you will not wait a few centuries before you see me again my little Maru?” Sesshoumaru nodded to his mother while standing up and motioning for Kagome to do the same. Carefully Kagome rose, being cautious of the sleeping kitsune, Kyoko stood as well and Kagome took notice that she was perhaps just a few inches shorter than Sesshoumaru, making her around 6'1.
Kyoko waved her hand to motion Sesshoumaru to leave, giving his mother a light glare he made his way towards the front doors, making sure to stay away from his `Step-father'.
She came up towards Kagome and rested her hand on her shoulder and smiled softly. Kagome's eyes widened as she looked to Kyoko, her eyes shimmering with something close to admiration.
“I would like to thank you for all that you have done for my son,” Kagome blushed softly at her words.
“I honestly haven't done anything,” she smiled weakly and Kyoko's smile widened.
“You have given him love and your trust, which is much more than I believe anyone has done for him. Even I could barely give him love after his birth, I believe it is now called post partum depression, seized hold of my mind for many years after his birth leaving him forlorn and emotionless from birth.” Kyoko sighed softly, her hand tightening on Kagome's shoulder.
“Understand that I do love my son however for an old Inu Youkai, as I emotions are seen as a hinder and unfortunately I sent this message to my son as well. Do not give up on him, he is very different from the emotionless adolescence I once knew of him, keep your hope that things will continue to flourish between the two of you,” Kyoko paused and looked towards the hallway Sesshoumaru had walked down.
“I believe I should escort you towards the entrance, if Toshiben's scent trailed along yours I fear my son would not let even such an innocent occurrence slide. Male Inu Youkai's are very possessive and since Toshiben is my mate Sesshoumaru's distaste for him grows with minutes of being near him,” Kyoko walked off, Kagome following behind her.
As they neared the front doors to leave Sesshoumaru caused Kyoko to gasp by bowing shortly to her, a warm smile played along Kagome's lips as Sesshoumaru's hand took Kagome's pulling her close to him.
“Mother,” he inclined his head towards her.
“My little Maru, do not be foolish once more and loose this special ningen,” Kyoko looked towards Kagome and nodded her head, Kagome doing the same, turning Sesshoumaru and Kagome, still holding the sleeping Shippou exited the Condo.
“Nyaa, that went better than I thought,” She looked up at Sesshoumaru and smiled brightly.
“Indeed,” not elaborating on his comment, as he tended to do they make their way to the car.
As Kagome made the last step of the Shrine's large stairs Shippou stirred to life and jumped out of her hands running towards the main house, to most likely play video games.
“Oh god it's almost 12:30!” Kagome looked at her watch then proceeded to run off towards the house leaving Sesshoumaru alone on the shrine grounds.
He made his way towards the Goshinboku, his hand rested on one of the large roots sprouting from the ground. The irony of Kagome's family running this shrine knew no bounds; so many terrible incidents within his past took place here. His near demise from his own mother, several vicious brutal fights with Inuyasha, and yet it was here with her so many years ago that he realized the chest warming feeling he had towards the human woman was love.
As Sesshoumaru stood there lost within his thoughts, Kagome exited the main house dressed in her ceremonial miko garb. She slowly made her way towards him, her hand touching his back, he turned around quickly looking down at her, his eyes shinning love and Kagome gasped, taking a step back.
It was still overwhelming at times to see his eyes shine like they use to, the action would cause her blood to pump faster, her heart to flutter with the same love and hope would pump through her veins. Sesshoumaru wrapped his left arm around her back and pulled her against him, her face flushing as she faced his white shirt covered chest. Sesshoumaru curled his pointer and middle finger of his right hand and pushed her chin up to look at him.
“Kagome,” he whispered her name so softly she barely heard him, his head dipping down and she knew what was coming. Sesshoumaru captured her lips with his, turning his head slightly their noses rubbing against each other. Kagome stretched up to him, her arms coming around his neck pulling him down farther to her, their lips pressing together with passion.
Sango peeked outside the main house doors and saw their loving embrace; she smiled and closed the door, moving to the living room to join Shippou in video game paradise.
A cool fall gust of air blew around them, their hair molding together as Sesshoumaru's tongue slipped between his lips to seek Kagome's mouth of a haven. A soft whimper escaped her lips as she readily accepted Sesshoumaru's intrusion. He growled as her heavenly taste played along his palate, his tongue worshiping ever inch of her mouth. Once more a breeze came but from the other direction, sending the autumn colored leaves to dance around the couples loving embrace.
Kagome felt herself become light headed her knees bending slightly, Sesshoumaru's right hand cupping her cheek gently as his left arm tightened around her to ease the pressure of her feeble knees. Slowly the kiss ended, their lips reluctantly pulling apart, Kagome's cheeks held a rosy hue and Sesshoumaru smirked down at her, their eyes locking, oblivious to their surroundings, all that matters was there, with them and now. She knew in her heart that their love was bringing upon them a magnificent future life together, irreversible bonds were forming between them stronger than before. Kagome sighed in bliss while stilling looking into Sesshoumaru's eyes, there was something she need to say, something she had always felt even within the 2 years of separation.
“I love you Sesshoumaru,” the words came out gently and Sesshoumaru felt his heart burst within his chest. Those words, those heavenly spoken words that danced across his angel's mouth sent Sesshoumaru to crash his lips to hers again, the kiss rougher but more passion filled.
A few tourists were making their pillage up the numerous shrine steps to see the couple kissing, the wind still blowing wildly around them. The sight was beautiful, the miko garb flapping in the wind as leaves still twirled around them by some magical force, their hair obscuring the view of their face. A Miko and a Youkai's love for one another broke boundaries and taboo's that never had a chance against their pure love.
Nyaa some of this didn't come out as I liked it, not a lot of Sess/Kagness T_T;
But the end nyaaa! I had fun writing it however not totally satisfied with it, revised it a few times. Added in, took out etc, etc… tch.. okies.
This will more than likely end up 10 chapters lol.
I'm really glad people are enjoying the story so much, I was so apprehensive to release any of this story. Well! I hope everyone enjoyed and…
Look for Ch 9 soon!