InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When its all over. ❯ A nice way to wake up (edited) ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Chapter One~
-Modern Era Japan-
She was the first to wake she had slept on her side facing Inuyasha who was sleeping on his back due to his injuries he couldn't sleep on his side like she was. Her eyes slowly opened `the suns already up? Ohh my I must've over slept' Then she noticed Inuyasha was still asleep. She smiled to herself ` I've never seen him sleep so peacefully the battle must have taken a tremendous amount of energy out of him' she glanced at his bandages `I should probly change tho's before he wakes up so it wont cause him so much pain as it would for me to do it when he is awake' She quietly slid out of bed and went and got a first aid kit specially made for `Inuyasha' sized `boo boo's'
She set the big metal case on her nightstand and pulled back her flamingo pink bed cover and sheet. Then went to the task of unwrapping his `giant owwies' She was sitting on his lower waist so not to hurt him. `There almost completely healed' all that was really left was a cut on his left shoulder sort of deep still, and a small gash on his side. At one time there was a hole straight threw his stomach caused by one of Naruku's tentacles during the battle that's where he lost the most blood. She gently ran her fingers over the spot where the hole was and felt his stomach muscles tenses then relax under her feather soft touch. " I remember... the first time ...that happened" she said mostly to herself as she seemed pretty focused on his stomach moving her hands around the area where the hole was.
"Yura ran her blade straight threw your stomach... I was so worried...I had got a super first aid kit from mom." she laughed mainly to herself. " I had to use the 'S' word just to get you out of the tree" she giggled " And then I had yelled at you to take your clothes off and you had said-"
"BEG me to" a supposedly sleeping hanyou said. She couldn't help the blush or the smile that graced her face just then nor could she get rid of it. "Ya. And then Keade saw us and thought we were..." she blushed an even deeper shade of red and he just full out turned into a tomato! For some reason she looked down at his stomach and found his belly button rather interesting at that moment 'stupid girl don't you understand my body is special' she smiled to herself.
"Oh and by the way good morning Inuyasha" "Feh! What's so good about it?" she looked up at him and tryed to fake a mad face but it ended up with her scrunching her nose and narrowing her eyes and it made him smile. All she did was go 'humph' and stuck her tongue out at him
" hehe aww lighten up Inuyashie " he raised a eyebrow "yashie?" she just gave him a sideways smile. But he dismissed the rather childish nickname he took his left hand and pinched her on the leg for the childish name but not hard enough to leave a mark " hey! Oww! Inu no baka!" "Wench" "inu-kuro" "bitc-" "finish that word and I'll 's' you all the way back to Feudal Era"
He grabbed her waist "women you do that and you'll be 'sat' right along with me" she squirmed around on his waist to get free. "Hey let me go! Stop! My sides! There ticklish!"
"Really...I didn't know that" he said smirking evilly "no! No! No! No! Don't please don't!" he grinned as he started to run his nail's up the sides of her peach silk nightgown. The ghostly soft touch made her body shiver. Then she started squirming trying desperately to get free but as you probly guessed it didn't work.
Her movements against his hips caused him to stop his torturing movements against her sides with his hands. When he did she put her hands over his that were currently very still on her waist. She grabbed his hands and put them up to hers seeing how small hers looked compared to his.' I wonder if she even knows what thos movements were doing to my quote lower area ' he shivered. Just then his stomach growled she smiled "is somebody hungry?" she said a bit overly cocky "you got that right! I feel like I haven't ate in a year!" she mumbled "...figures...leave it up to you to act like your starving just so you can eat all the food in the house..."
He raised an eyebrow “huh what did you say?" "Ohh nothing" She said in a innocent voice then she got off of him " I'll go get you something to eat stay here and try not to move around so much"
"fine women but I want ramen" "yes master" she said sarcastically. As she left the room Inuyasha yelled “Yup that's right I am master woman get ramen now...please” shutting the door behind her she giggled at his comment. Inuyasha spotted a light blue book on her night stand 'wonder what that is...' he grabbed the little booklet noticing it did have a lock but it was undone it said 'This diary belongs to Kagome Higurasha'
'I shouldn't have this...' he thought while a bigger part of him wanted to know what she had wrote inside this little book of secrets `open open open open open it!' he gave in and opened the book.
Its had opened to the page where she finally realizes just how much she likes Inuyasha...
Dear Diary,
He went to see her again...Kikyo what makes her so special! I mean god
She has only tired to kill him what 19 times? .... I don't mean that I'm probly
Just saying that cause I'm mad and a bit jealous of her I guess. I mean call me
Crazy but lately with him I feel like I'm starting to like him on more then a ...friendly
Level... Is that wrong for me to think that,for me to feel that way? I'm so confused
My feeling my thoughts their all jumbled together I don't know how think or feel
Right now...I was by the god tree this morning trying to figure out what's wrong
And for once everything was clear Inuyasha, Kikyo I understood why
Every time he went to see her I got mad, sad, and now I realize I was also in a way
...Jealous. I was walking in the woods I had just came threw the well I wanted to
Surprise him. I had came early I saw them embracing each other and I froze I wanted
I wishedI could just run away forget what I saw. But I couldn't my legs wouldn't move and when
He looked at me I wanted to scream I caught you Inuyasha I caught you with her! Then it
Dawned on me what I meant! I meant it like.... he was mine like we were more then just friends. But we're not he love's Kikyo I'm just her reincarnation.I was by the god tree thinking about what happened when it finally all hit me. And my whole world came crumbling down. It was so clear all this time I guess I just decided to choose not to see it.
A song came to mind called everywhere to me by an American singer.... whenever I'm in trouble, whenever I'm sad he is there for me. Granted he may be a jerk, ass, inu no kuro, baka, stubborn, selfish, immature hanyou but when it comes down to it he can be the bravest, strongest, sweetest, most understand person…when he wants to be. I broke down today in front of the sacred tree when I found out.... I loved him I started crying I know and understand that he probablydoesn't feel the same way about me but I still do...I still have to tell him. And I don't want to try and break Kikyo and him apart she was there first he was hers first and only. She died for him how can I compete with that? He loves her I would never make him pick between Kikyo and me because it's not right to do that. And yes maybe it is because I'm afraid of the answer I'd get but can you really blame me? I have decided to stay his friend I'm still going to help him find shards and I'm still going to get jealous when he see's her but I have to at least have his friendship that's enough for me...
~End Entry~
He set the little blue book back down. He felt weighed down, he couldn't believe he had actually hurt her that bad and then kept doing it over and over again it was like a knife was stabbing him repeatedly straight threw his heart. He knew she cared but he didn't know she did that much and to such a passion. 'I knew I shouldn't have read that book' he glared at the little blue book on kagome's night stand.' I have to find some way to make it up to her' Her bedroom door opened.
"Hot ramen coming threw,” she laughed as she used her foot to shut the door behind her. He felt guilty for reading the being he knew he was about to get caught but he decided to keep cool and play it off he let out a heavy breath " its about time women I'm starving!" she giggled" ok. Ok just don't bite my hand off" she helped him get into a sitting position propping pillows behind him so he could stay that way without any pain. They ate in silence, well that is until one Kagome Higurasha started shooting off funny faces and the weird glances while trying to eat ramen noodles with chopsticks, and let me tell you that isn't a easy task.
She had a noodle hanging out of her mouth she went semi cross-eyed trying to watch herself suck it into her mouth or at least that's how it looked to him. He busted out laughing when somehow the noodle got stuck to the tip of her nose. She grumbled and blushed because he started laughing but got the pesky little noodle off her nose nonetheless.
A while after they had finished eating she glanced at the clock. " Oh my inuyasha look its already 8 o'clock" "so what's your point?" "Today's Sunday" he looked annoyed "SO?" " I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW YOU DOLT!"
He would have fell over due to the deafening blast to his ears if he hadn't already been laying down at the time "ohh" was all he managed to say " ok I'm going to go take a quick shower then its bed time ok?" he crossed his arms and looked at her his nose pointed upwards "Feh, whatever" she sighed but went and grabbed her nightgown, towel and under garments and went to take a shower.
While she was busy bathing and singing to another famous American singer there was a certain very annoyed very confused hanyou in her room. Inside Kagome's room of plain panted walls giant brown oak polished dresser, blue carpet flooring, bright pink bed sheets, cute and cuddly posters, ton's of homework and school book, and a closet full of junk, outfits, shoes, and what not's, was a silver haired boy trying to figure out what he could do to make up all the pain he put her threw...without her noticing he is doing it ...well at least without her noticing he read her diary.
' I've got it! I'll take her to where I was born my mothers castle. Its beautiful there and I know she has a thing for flowers and bunnies and....' he got lots in a world of 16 year old girls favorite things.... the door opened and kagome's walked in. Still a little damp from her shower he looked at her gapping at the image he remembered her from a year ago the little 15-year-old brat was now a beautiful 16-year-old young women! And boy did it show she had curves and was very well developed but in a modest way meaning she wasn't to big or small in areas she was perfect in all places...or what her long dark purple night gown would allow you to see.
He cleared his throat "ok twerp ready for bed" she yawned and stretched showing off some of her upper thigh's "hehe why don't you tell me yashie" he lifted the bed covers a invitation for her to lay down with him which she gladly took she snuggled up against him this time they were both laying on there sides he was facing her back. His left hand, which was outside of the covers, went loosely around her waist and reached up and turned the light out and then turned so she was facing him. His golden eyes glowed like two mini suns in the dark she blushed not that he could see "good night Inuyasha"
He leaned down regardless of how much he was screaming in his mind not to his body was moving on its own accord and went to kiss her on the forehead as his 'good night' but she heard a sound out side and moved her head up to listen and it ended up meeting his lips to her bubble gum pink ones the kiss ended as fast as it began both blushing they decided it best to just not say anything. She snuggled into his chest and he put his arms around her waist and they soon fell asleep but not before this crossed kagome's mind ' THIS WILL BE A FULL PAGER FOR MY DIARY!' she grinned and fell asleep 'I cant believe I I I just kissed her? somebody shoot me! .... Tomorrow is going to be a ...amusing day' was inuyasha only thoughts before sleep claimed him as well.