InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When its all over. ❯ Going back (Edited) ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two
-Sengoku Jidia-
(Feudal Era Japan)
The sun had just begun to rise high above the beautiful green treetops in the great forest of Inuyasha. The birds, foxes and squirrels had just begun to wake from their nice little cozy homes in the trees and ground. In a small clearing, somewhere deep in the forest a campfire had finally died out and a young fox demon had just begun to wake.

It was a little red haired freckle-faced fox demon. He had elf-like ears and to small cute little fangs. He had human hands and little fox feet he also had a small little bushy tail. He had on some clothes from the modern era it's was a green shirt that said I'm cute and green shorts that said on the back Your not. Kagome had given them to him, or as he call's her Okaa-san meaning mother even tho she isnt his real mother. Shippo's parents were killed by demons known as the Thunder Brother's.

Kagome and Inuyasha had stumbled upon the little cub when the Thunder brother's Mantan and Hiten captured Kagome about 9 months ago. And Shippo decided to stay with them ever since much to Inuyasha's dislike of course. And well it so happened that Kagome and the little fox demon grew more and more fond of each other until they were practically inseparable. But of course once more that didn't go to well for a certain silver haired hanyou named Inuyasha…Soon after Shippo awoke so did Sango…

Sango is a young woman about 17. She is a demon exterminator and she uses a giant boomerang like weapon to defeat her opponent she has fairly long black hair and purple eyes only make up she wears is right over her eyes a bright shade of red. All of her family and village (except her brother Kohaku) were killed when her family received a scroll to goto to a village to exterminate a giant spider but when they got their the spider had taken over the old lord's body and her younger brother and he ended up slaying his whole family all but sango and she saw the string and broke it but she never saw the one on the lord. By the time she did it was already too late. Naruku ended up making sango hate Inuyasha. But she soon saw the truth and she joined the gang.

Next to wake was miroku a lechery monk who's only thoughts are of the hole in his hand and how to grope sango or kagome or anyother wandering young beautiful woman. The gang found him a little bit before they had stumbled so ungracefully on sango he had almost sucked kagome inside his wind tunnel on his hand but luckily he didn't soon after she ask him to team up with them and 'how could he say no to a beautiful lady ' so he made number 4 in the group. Yes it was a rather strange group there was a half demon, a young fox demon, and a demon exterminator, a monk, a miko who is the reincarnation of Lady Kikyo. But as weird as the group was they couldn't work better together as a team.

"Hey Miroku me and shippo are going to the hot springs so stay here and pack up camp " 'the hell I will a chance to see sango naked in the spring...' he almost drooled at the thought"and don't even think about peeking you pervert! O sango will let you have it plus some!" shippo added. Miroku put his hands up in deft "ok I promise " while miroku packed shippo and songo went to the spring for a nice relaxing bath....

"Ahh the spring feel soooo goood" sango said as she got into the water "I agree!”Shippo yelled jumping into the warm water sango started bathing and shippo swam circles around her splashing her. Then laughing when she would chase him they finally tired out and got out and dressed "I hope kagome comes home soon" songo looked at him "me too shippo me too..."
Once they walked back to camp and got miroku the tiro set off to start their long walk to the village ...meanwhile....
-Kagome's room-
(Modern Era Japan)
"Beep beep be-clash clank thud" 'annoying thing.' Inuyasha thought as he rolled back over and put his arm back around Kagome trying to catch a little more sleep. He had just destroyed the machine known as 'Kagome's I'm late machine' and she was late it was already 7:56 she would never make it in time. Kagome snuggled closer to the large source of heat and sighed her eyes slowly opened and the first thing she noticed was the light shinning threw her window 'crap! I over slept!' she was about to bolt out of bed when she looked down and saw the most adorable thing.

Inuyasha had his arms wrapped loosely around her waist and his head on her pillow his lips were parshaley parted. She smiled in aw'he always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Its the only time he isn't being a baka!' she giggled and the little sound woke him up "heh? Whats so funny wench" she tapped him on the nose " ohh nothing" he growled playfully. And she giggled and tryed her best growl back. 'That was pretty good' he showed his pearly white fangs and she leaned her face closer to his their noses were almost touching his breath caught in his throat.

She slowly closed her eyes and....stuck her tongue out. And they both busted out laughing he flipped their positions and stuck his tongue out she giggled "what happened to the Inuyasha that was so easy to hate" 'he saw what it was doing to the only person that like him for who he was 'he thought "he grew up" she smiled but it soon faded when his eyes turned serious "kagome we have to go back" she lowered her gaze "I know..." he smiled at her "well wench lets go already” she shoved him playfully off of her "ya ya whatever"

She got up and pulled out her yellow trade mark back pack out along with a blue one, a pink one, red one, orange one, green one, purple one, black one, a white one and a tie-dye one. " My god kag you really think we need all tho's I'll break my back trying to carry them all" "we can make two trips then I want to surprise them all with some stuff from my time plus I'm gonna stay there for a while trust me you'll like it" he just snorted "here be useful take these to backpack's and give them to mom you and her can go shopping"

He grumbled but got up and grabbed a brown and tan bag and did as 'told' 'well that's a first' she giggled but started grabbing the completely over packed bags and started carrying them to the well and dropped them carefully down in the well and watched them disappear she then grabbed her clear bag and put it on and waited for Inuyasha to return.... She fell asleep waiting she had already moved the stuff, put it in the well, dressed, and everything she was tired...

The shrine door opened `shhlnot' was the sound it made as it closed behind a very tired hanyou. “Hey kagome I'm back! Ready to go?” he glanced down at her sitting there quietly “kagome?” he threw the bags in the well and crouched down beside her “Kaggie?” `She's sound asleep how strange' he took his pointer finger and his thumb and flicked her nose earning a rather annoyed snort from her.
“Gah falling asleep are we trying to find a way outta going back huh well it ain't gonna happen! We are going back and that's final!" she stood up on unsterdy legs "oh stop your complaining inuyasha. I'm not trying to find a way out of going back I just got... tired is all..." he looked at her and for a second she thought she saw a glimmer of worry in his eyes but she didnt think that was possible and she knew for a fact it wasnt worry when he sniffed at her "keh! Well you surely dont smell sick...." he shrugged she sighed 'eh this is gonna be a long day' she shook her head trying to ward off the sleepy feeling that still surronded her but to no avale.

Inuyasha grabbed her around the waist and glided her towards the entrance to the well.and before she could blink he jumped in with her and the walls of the well sparkled deep purple and they were trasnported to the fedual era in a matter of seconds.'uff' she said as they landed on the other side
He jumped out of the well with her as they hit the ground she sat on the egde of the well while he threw all of her bags to her. She had given up on trying to catch them.he jumped outta the well with her yellow bag. She felt a familur aura aprouching them from the east she looked in the direction but the sun were in her way.

She shielded her eyes with her hand she saw miroku and songo in the distance."Songo Miroku! Hey guys over here!" she yelled waveing to her friends they quickened thier pase to reach her faster. When they got to her Miroku was hunchled over trying to catch his breath. Shippo jumped straight into his mothers awaiting arms while songo looked questioningly at Inuyasha she started walking around him looking him up and down witch annoyed the him tremendously “Hey songo what'tha hell ya staring at?” “You” she said none too bluntly “why” he snorted “ I'm just wondering why you don't have bumps and bruses all over your body”

“Ya-“ shippo chirped looking over his mothers shoulder “normally when you stay with Kagome for over a day alone you need medical help when you get back!” he squeaked “Why you little shrimp! I ouata knock you into the next town!” he growled clenching his fist moveing towards the little fox cub. Kagome swirled around so she was looking Inuyasha dead in the eyes “don't even think about hurting shippo! Or ill `S' you” she warned in a dangerous sounding growl “Keh.” He said as he shrugged and walked towards the well grabbing 3 of the 12 bags and throwing them over his shoulder like they weighed nothing then almost losing his footing as the big shift in weight almost made him fall backwards after muttering `keh' and `I'm going to visit the old hag' he was already gone walking towards the village.

Songo also grabbed three bag miroku grabbed four and kagome grabbed the last two well more like dragged the last two. They reached the village a short while after Inuyasha did there was a lot of noise going on across the field by keade's. Inuyasha was running back to keade's tiny hut from the other side of the field. As they dropped the bags in keade's hut they stepped back out to see what inuyasha was in such a rush for.

“Hey Inuyasha whats up” kagome said to him as he stoped right in front of her “the village wants to see us all across the field I don't know why” kagome looked at him in confussion “uhhh?” she said dumbly “well we best not keep them waiting” Sango spoke up, Inuyasha bent down with his back towards Kagome “hey kagome get on its faster if you ride on my back..slow wench.” He said “hey! Baka that was uncalled for don't you think?”She wined he shrugged “ehh keh not realy” he said smileing evily. She saw the playfulness in his eyes as she climbed on his back and slapped his arm playfully “inu no baka” this only made him chuckle as he took off running towards where the villagers had gathered leaveing the rest of the gang stunned and gapping at what they just saw.

“Wha wha were they ja just getting along?!” miroku said with a look of pure amazment on his face “ I I think so” songo said also still gapping “uhuh” was little shippo's `very smart' answer. he had jumped off kagome when she got on inuyasha's back not wanting to be to close to the half demon after the comment he made to him earlier that day “uh.. right then lets get on our way lest the villagers get a temper with us” miroku said snapping out of the daze.They started walking the long way across the field welll more like jogging trying not to get to far behind Inuyasha and Kagome.