InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When its all over. ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7
Feudal Era
Miroku and Songo were the first to awake. And went into the village to prepare them for the what might happen now that Naraku is dead.
Soon after Shippo awoke to a rather strange noise. A rock had been tossed into his bedroom via window. Shippo rubbed his eyes with his little fists and noticed that there had actually been several rocks thrown into his room twenty at least.
Shippo climbed out of bed and walked to the window to see Rin standing there with a pile of rocks in her hands and before she could stop herself one of the very rocks she was holding went flying towards his head.
Rin watched as it smacked Shippo flat on the forehead and watching him fall forward out of the window. “SHIPPO!” Little Rin dashed towards her little fox friend “Shippo! Shippo! Did Rin hurt Shippo Rin is very so very sorry Rin is”
When she got over to him it looked as if he had one single red chicken pock on his forehead between his eyes. Rin couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.
Shippo got up rubbing his forehead “Rin that really hurt Shippo” He said to her as if he was speaking to a little child even tho he was only a child himself barely eleven. “so whats up?” He said trying to play it off like t he red dot wasn't even there.
“Lord Sesshoumaru invites Shippo to spent ten whole days with Rin at the castle”
Rin squealed jumping up and down.
“Whoa a castle cool! Really Rin?”
“Yup yup! Shippo can stay with Rin for ten whole days Shippo can!”
Shippo thought for a second “Alright! … but mom would never let me go…”
Rin's eyes got all big and teary and she hung her head “Rin understands” -sniffles- “Rin will play with jakken Rin guesses” -more sniffles-
“Aww Rin it okay I'll go we just wont tell them! How mad could they get?”
`Inuyasha is going kill me… but Rin… Please don't be mad mom I want to be with Rin'
“YAY!” Rin squealed again with happiness and they took off into the forest.
Kagome and Inuyasha were the last to awake… Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes and noticed they were in the same position they were in when he fell asleep. “…Inuyasha …why… why wont you love me…” Inuyasha looked up at Kagome `She is still asleep… she must be dreaming… of me.' “No… don't leave …. Don't leave me…” `Even in her sleep I'm hurting her.' He felt a pool of sadness slowly starting to consume him again.
“Gods… Kagome why would you want something as shameful as me you deserve so much more then a ugly hanyou…” Inuyasha gently brushed his hand across her cheek to wake her.
Kagome's eyes flickered open and she was immediately staring into to golden suns. Kagome lifted her small hand to Inuyasha's cheek and smiled down at him “There's the baka I found it so easy to hate.” She said teasing him.
“Feh. Woman why are you so perky?” Inuyasha pushed the words she said in her sleep out of his mind focusing now on trying to make her happy.
Kagome giggled a little “Perky huh? I'll show you perky” She pounced on inuyasha straddling his waist and grabbing his wrist's.
Inuyasha yanked his arms all the way above his head making Kagome lean down till she was inches from his face.
Kagome's breath caught in her throat. But she looked away “don't tease me” she accidentally said out loud. Her mind suddenly filled with fear `ohh know! Why did I say that!'
`Kagome… am I hurting you again? What do you want me to do? Please just tell me…'
Inuyasha's eyes clouded over with this sad glaze and he let go of her wrists and wrapped his arms around her waist holding her tight to him and burring his face in her neck.
Kagome tensed at his strange movement `Inuyasha has never been so open about his emotion's and now its like… he cant help it'
Kagome had to lighten the moment so she grabbed his ears gently and ran her nails from the base of his ears to the top. At first she didn't even hear him breath and then she started to feel his hands move in circles on her lower back. `I wonder if he likes this'
Inuyasha's body was reacting to her `Dose she even know whats that's doing to me' He was nipping on his lip and staying silent `Kagome had always had a thing for my ears.. I should be able to give her a minute or so before she has to quit…' he groaned silently.
Kagome felt his chest vibrate and figured he was enjoying himself.
Inuyasha shut his eyes and just gave into her arousing torture just trying not to let her know what she was actually doing.
Kagome noticed inuyasha had closed his eyes so while still rubbing his soft cute little silver dog ears she leaned close to his left ear and whispered his name “Inuyasha…” trying to see if he was asleep.
His eyes shot open when she said his name like that . He could still feel her breath on his ear “Gods… Kagome” He moaned huskily into her neck only to mentally knee himself for letting himself say that.
Inuyasha felt ashamed of letting himself be touched like that by her he didn't deserve it she was better then him.
Kagome froze at the sound of his voice it sounded deep, needed, only in her most sinful of dreams did he ever call her like that . Kagome looked down at his face and saw a disgusted look on his face `I disgust him…' her eyes brimming with tears “Sorry… I I didn't know…I didn't mean to make you feel sick … the thought of us must really disgust you…”
Kagome slid off of him and put her back to him.
As Inuyasha heard that he whirled around pushing her onto her back and he positioned himself to hover above her. “ Look at me Kagome.” His voice commanded her.
Kagome did as was told but she wouldn't look him in the eye.
“You would never disgust me that was the farthest thing from my mind Kagome”
Kagome look up at him.
“Your lying I say you face disgust was written across it!”
Inuyasha grabbed her wrists. “ I felt degusted of myself for letting you touch me like that. Not because your ugly or because you don't deserve to its not it its because I'm just a ugly undeserving hanyou and your so… So dam breath taking sometimes it almost unbearable!”
`No turning back now inuyasha' he thought to himself. He brushed his aroused member against her thigh “If you think for one second that this means you disgust me then your crazy! I cant help it everytime you look at me a certain way or touch my shoulder like you do , or even your smile, this is what you do to me. I don't know why you're the only but you're the only one who can… you're the only one”
Kagome felt shivers run down her whole body.
“Gods Kagome… I've hurt you soo much by lying to you or by just not showing you how I felt so from now on … for better or worse im not lying anymore”
Kagome looked up at him “So I know what your body feel's for me … What dose your heart say then Inuyasha.”
“I don't know” inuyasha had answered honestly what he felt for her went beyond anything he ever felt for kikyo he didn't know what it was just that he didn't want to lose her.
“Kagome from now forward I will try to act on my feelings instead of hiding them from you”
`Why Is he doing this he is acting like a sinner who just found god' but she just nodded dumbly.
“And right now… I think I want to…” Inuyasha bit his lip as kagome licked her bubble gum pink ones.
“What do you want to do inu-” He silenced her with his lips to hers in a small friendly kiss.
Their eyes still closed as he ended the kiss “… Kiss you” Inuyasha breathed above her.
Kagome touched her lips where inuyasha's had just been. Kagome's heart was racing.
“What d-d-d-do y-you want to d-do now?” she spoke shakily.
“I want to show you where I was born my mothers castle … or whats let of it”
Kagome without thinking spoke what she was thinking he eyes were still shut “You sure you don't wanna kiss me again…”
Inuyasha chuckled a bit and kissed her forehead and moved to her ear “later”
“Meanie” she breathed against his neck and nipped at it.
Inuyasha blushed. “That is for later too…much later”
They left soon after that with not as much as a goodbye to anyone.
Inuyasha let his feelings guide him with kagome and in turn kagome trusted him with her's.