InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When things change ❯ Graduation Day ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own InuYasha and Co.

Chapter 3:
Graduation Day

"Today’s the day," said the stranger.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~ *~*~**~*~*~*~**~

Sesshoumaru was walking to the store so he can buy something for Emika.

"Today’s the day. After this day I can’t see Emika anymore, well in form that is. I going to miss her. I just wish I can keep my memory of her when half of my soul returns to my body. I remember when I asked her brother to help me out."


"Jaken, watch over Rin," demanded Sesshoumaru.

"Yes sir!" Said Jaken.

"Be careful Sesshoumaru-sama!" said Rin.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~**

Sesshoumaru had walked to the temple that had the God of lighting in it. In other words Universe twin brother Sanosuke.

"Ahh, Sesshoumaru-sama, you finally came and see me. I was waiting for the day you’ll would come, plus Universe had told me that one day you’ll would come and seek my help. Please come in." Said Sanosuke.

Sesshoumaru had walked into the temple liked he was told. This was the first time he had seen him. When Sesshoumaru looked at him, he thought he was looking at Universe herself , but he had pointy ear instead of cat ears, his eyes were all red, and his hair was short with a black color; he looked more like a youkai then a human like Universe did. He once remember Universe telling him that she took after her mother looks and  twin had took after their father looks. Then also remember her telling him that both of her parents were cat hanyous. They had three children, two boy and girl. The youngest child had no youki powers in him; so he was born as normal human boy. Sesshoumaru had met him when he was still a little boy, then as soon he turned 15, he lift Universe to become a bandit. She was so heart broken when that had happen, she came over to visit Sesshoumaru and cry on his shoulder for about an hour. That was day he said that he loved her. 

" So, Sesshoumaru-sama tell me your crisis." demanded Sanosuke.

" Well I want to know if I can somehow go and see Universe other half in the future and watch over?" asked Sesshoumaru. Sanosuke had a smile on his face when he asked him this.

"Well, there is a way you can  go and see her in the future. Universe had given me a piece of her shadow crystal. With this crystal you can you go to the future and watch over her. You will still look like your self but you will have human traits on you. She will not know that you are a youkai. But there is a catch to this, once she is needed in past again you will return to your body here in the past. Once that happens then you will forget about her. Do you understand what I am telling? Do you agree to this?" asked Sanosuke.

"Yes I do understand , and I also agree to it." Sesshoumaru told him.

"Okay, but there is one more thing I have to tell you is that half of your soul will be here, and you still be yourself, but you will not know about me and what I did for you. You awake at night thinking this was a dream. Are you ready?" Asked Sanosuke.

"Yes." Sesshoumaru had told. Sanosuke had came up to him and held up the black crystal. The sprit of Universe came out and kissed him on the lips, and Sesshoumaru closed his eyes. Sesshoumaru felt his soul being pulled in half, when he didn’t feel it anymore he opened them to see himself still kissing the sprit of Universe. He went to say her name but he couldn’t, then he saw himself disappearing with Universe.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, you can not talk right now. Until you are in the future you can talk. Come and follow me." Sanosuke told him. So Sesshoumaru did what he was told., he followed him until he reached a old looking well.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, this is called a bone-eaters. This well has the gate way to this world and the next’s. The well had closed when Kagome whet through it with InuYasha, but InuYasha is still here in this time because the well knew he did not belong there in that time. The well will open for you, and Kagome will never know about it being open. Once you are there your family in that time will be waiting for you. You are very rich in that time, your last name will Takahashi, your will be 15, and you live your life as a normal human teenage boy. You understand right?" asked Sanosuke. Sesshoumaru had nodded, then he jumped into the well. He felt magic pull him into a time he didn’t know. When the light around him stopped, he looked up to see a roof above him. Sesshoumaru had climbed out of the well, and just as Sanosuke had told him there standing right in front of him was his fake family. Then felt like the knowledge of time came to him, it felt like he lived all his life. ‘I will find you Universe, and I will protect you.’ Thought Sesshoumaru.

"Let’s go home Sesshoumaru." Said his "mother". Sesshoumaru nodded his head, and they left the Shrine. ‘So, this is where Kagome lives. I can smell her everywhere and Universe scent. She was here resent. Maybe this would be easier then I thought.’ Thought Sesshoumaru with a smile on his face.

~*End of Flashback~*

Of course that was four years ago. Sesshoumaru had left the store because he couldn’t find anything that he liked. He was walking down the sidewalk, then he saw something in the corner of his eye. Their he saw red and it looked like black roses. ‘She’ll loves these, and it will go perfect because today’s the day I tell her I love her.’ Sesshoumaru had picked them up and paid for them.

"Would you like a card?" Asked the Cashier 

"Yes I would." Sesshoumaru told her.

"Okay, and what would you like to say on it?" asked the Cashier. Sesshoumaru had thought for awhile and then he came up with something.

"I would like it say that, ‘Emika, you are my best friend, but I love you more then a best friend. I love you.’" Sesshoumaru had told her. The cashier did what she was told, then she put the card in flowers.

"Here you go sir. Thank you and have a nice day." She said to Sesshoumaru with a smile on her face, while she handing him the flowers.

"Thank you and you too." Sesshoumaru told her. Sesshoumaru walked out of the flower shop, and then he looked at his watch. ‘Hmm, I only have five minutes to get to the school, and it’s  twenty minutes away. Well I have to use my youki to get there.’ Thought Sesshoumaru. He looked around him, and then jumped into the sky. He start jump over the buildings as fast as he can. The school was in sight, so he jump down from the building that he was standing on. He started to walk to the school now, when he was at the school he looked down and saw that he still had five minutes to kill.

"Well maybe I shouldn’t ran to the school." Sesshoumaru said with a frown on his face.

"Sesshoumaru!!!!!" Sesshoumaru looked and saw Emika running to him. She had the biggest smile on her face when she saw him. When she reached him, she jumped into his arms.

"Emika." Sesshoumaru said while he was hugging her. Emika looked up at him with sad eyes, and said something that made his heart met:

"I missed you Sesshoumaru. I was so lonely walking to school this morning." She had tears in her eyes. That made Sesshoumaru hug her tighter. He put his face a the crock of her neck.

"I am so sorry" he told her. Then she let go of him.

"I have to go and get ready. See you after the ceremony, right?" Emika asked him.

"Count on it." He told her with a smile on his face.

"Okay bye then." She told him. Sesshoumaru watch her walk away. Then he went to go find somewhere to sit down.

~*~*~*~*~*~**~**~**~***~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~** ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*

It was time for the Graduation ceremony and Emika mother and father saw Sesshoumaru had saved them seats, so they sat right next’s to him.

"I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up now. It seems like was just yesterday she was in diapers and now here she is, a woman" her mother had said. Her father just nodded his head in agreement.

The music had started, and everyone in that class walked out. Sesshoumaru saw Emika and his breath stopped, she looked so beautiful. Today’s the day he is going to tell her that he love.

The ceremony went by fast. They got their diploma’s, and then they went join their family. Emika went up to Sesshoumaru and saw that her mother and father was there as well.

"Congratulations Emika!" her mother told her.

" I am proud of you Emika." her father told her.

"Thanks mama and papa, but is anything else you guys would like to say to me?" she asked them. They looked at each other and then looked at her and shook their heads. This got her mad.

"Dammit! Today is my fucking birthday. How could you forget?" She asked. Then she ran away from them.

"Wait Emika, we didn’t mean to" her mother yelled at her, she was getting ready to run after her; until her husband grabbed her arm.

"Don’t Sesshoumaru will claim her down. Lets go home and wait for her." Her husband told her. She looked back to see Sesshoumaru walking to were Emika had ran to, and she looked at her husband with tears in her eyes and nodded her head. So, they turned and walked to the car.

Emika was crying so hard that it felt like her head was going to explode. When Sesshoumaru found her once again his breath stopped. She looked so beautiful, sitting by the lake, with the sun reflecting off of it, and hitting her in the right places. Sesshoumaru went to sit next to her.

"Emika look at me." He demanded her. Emika did want she was told, she looked at him and her heart skipped a beat. She looked into his eyes and it looked like he looking at her with love in his eyes. Little did she know the same was happening to Sesshoumaru. When she looked at him, his heart skipped a beat. Her cheeks were red from crying, the red in her eyes made the blue in her eyes pop out more. Sesshoumaru had put his hands on face, and wiped the tears on her face with his thumbs. When he was sure the tears were gone, he just kept his hands there on her face. They stared at each other eyes, and then they got closer and closer. Their faces were inches apart, and Emika held her breath. ‘Oh my God! Are we going to kiss?’ Emika thought. When that thought was done, Sesshoumaru had close the gap between them. Emika was shocked at first, but then she closed her eyes. The kiss was sweet at first, but then Emika had moaned into the kiss. Sesshoumaru moved his head, to make it deeper. The kiss got passionate and heated fast. Emika wanted to make kiss even more heated, so brushed her tongue against Sesshoumaru lips. He growled at that, and open his mouth. Now it was a tongue battle for dominances, and of course Sesshoumaru had won the battle, but Emika didn’t care at all. When air was needed they broke apart.  They were panting like a dog.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Emika told him, while she was touching her lips. ‘He’s a great kisser. That was everything I ever hoped for in my first kiss.’ Sesshoumaru was looking at her, and he smiled he knew this was her first kiss, but if only she knew that they kiss a lot in past. For now she think that this was hers and his first kiss.

"Emika, Happy Birthday." Sesshoumaru told her. She looked at him with a smile on her face, and she also had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru! You are the only one that said that to me." Emika told. Then she jumped on him and kissed all over face, then his lips. When she was done, she hugged him around his chest. Sesshoumaru was looking at her, and smile. ‘Well it’s now or never’ he thought. Sesshoumaru had sat up, with her on he lap. Then he reached behind him and pull out the flowers. He hand them to her, and then she looked at him with tears in eyes and a smile. She told them and she saw the card in them. She pulled out the card and read it. Sesshoumaru was watching her, and when she pulled out the card he got nervous again. ‘It’s been a long time ago since I last said ‘I love you’ to her, and I was nervous then too’ Sesshoumaru had thought. When he heard her grasp, he took that as a bad one, and looked away.  When Emika looked up at him, she saw that his face was turned. She took her hand and grabbed his face; to make him look at her.

"Is true Sesshoumaru? Is it true that you love me?" She asked him with hope in her eyes.  He looked at her and say that, and he let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.

"Yes, Emika I do love you. I love with all my heart." He told her.

Emika had tears coming out of her eyes, she was so happy right now; she didn’t care she die right now. All she knows that Sesshoumaru loves her, and she loved him back.

"Oh Sesshoumaru I waited so long for you to say that. I love you too!" With that said he kissed again. But this was not like there first kiss, this kiss was so much gentler then the first. They broke apart, and smile at each other.

"I have to go to Kagome’s now. I will call you when I get home. Is that okay?’ Emika asked him. He nodded his head.

" I can walk you to Kagome’s if you like." He told her. She nodded her head with a smile. Sesshoumaru got up and helped her up. They walked to Kagome’s house hand and hand. When they reached the shrine, they kissed each other goodbye. Emika walked up the stairs, while Sesshoumaru watch.

"Goodbye forever Emika. Next time I see you I will not know you and same goes for you." He said sadly.

"Are you ready Sesshoumaru?" Asked the stranger. When Sesshoumaru looked who it was, he saw Sanosuke. He nodded his head, and looked at Emika again. He closed his eyes and waited till he felt whole again.

~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~* ~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~**~*~*~

Emika walked up the stairs and saw the shrine was empty. Emika felt something in the well house and when she walked up to it; she saw that Kagome and her mother was there talking to each other. She couldn’t make out what they were talking about. But what she saw next surprised her, see saw Kagome jump into the well, and a light surround her. When the light was gone, Kagome’s mother turned around, and started to walk out of the well. Emika went and hide on the side of the well house. When she was sure she was gone, Emika went inside to check it out. When she looked into the well, Kagome was nowhere to be seen. ‘Maybe it was my imagination’ she thought. 

When Emika was about to turn around; something that looked like her grabbed her and pulled her into the well. Emika was scared she didn’t know what was going on. When the thing pulled on her, Emika had hit her head on the side of the well. Then everything went black.


Well there you have it chapter three. Tell me what you think about it.
Thanks for reading!!!
