InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Waking Up To Trouble ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 11

Waking Up to Trouble

Everyone thought Kagome was as good as dead now. Then everyone saw a red figure grab her from the air. "Inuyasha!" Sango and Miroku shouted.

Inuyasha landed on the ground in front of Miroku and Sango. He caressed her cheek. "Watch her for me." Inuyasha growled.

Miroku took Kagome from his arms and nodded. Inuyasha walked towards the youkai growling. The youkai was still shouting from the loss of his hand. "That wench will pay for what she's done." The youkai shouted.

"You won't get a chance." Inuyasha said. He noticed that every time the youkai fought his forehead glowed. Getting a better look he saw a tiny jewel in his forehead. It was white but turned black when he attacked.

Inuyasha jumped onto the youkai's arm dodging the swings from the youkai and jumped up to his forehead. With one swipe to the youkai's forehead the jewel shattered. He hissed in pain and fell backwards.

Inuyasha jumped towards the ground. The villagers had seen everything. The hanyou had defeated a huge youkai and saved the village. Maybe they were mistaken about him. No one got the chance to say anything to him though.

As soon as he landed he grabbed Kagome and headed towards Kaede's hut. He knew she could heal her if she was hurt. He didn't think she passed out from the fall. Something else must've happened to her.

Miroku and Sango watched as Inuyasha took off as soon as the youkai was defeated. After a while they turned around. The villagers were staring off at the direction Inuyasha went to. "Well? What are you all staring for? Let's start cleaning up." Miroku said.

The villagers all nodded and went in different directions. "Should we go check on Kagome-chan?" Sango asked. She picked Kirara who was now in her small neko form. She was still out cold.

"Hai, I want to ask Kaede-sama some questions." Miroku said.

"Kagome-chan is at Kaede-sama's? How do you know?" Sango asked.

"Inuyasha doesn't know any other healers." Miroku said.

"Oh." Sango said. "Well let's go."


Inuyasha arrived at Kaede's hut. He could smell her in there. "Oi!" Inuyasha called out.

Kaede walked out of the hut. "What is it you need?" Kaede asked. She saw Kagome in his arms. "What happened?"

"Can you look at her first?" Inuyasha asked. Kaede nodded and led him inside the hut. "I can't smell any blood on her so I don't know what's wrong."

"I think I may know." Kaede said. She motioned for Inuyasha to set her down on the futon. After he set her down Kaede dipped a cloth into a bowl of water and rung it out. She set the cloth on Kagome's forehead. "What happened?"

"Youkai were attacking the festival. Kagome and I were in the field when I heard screaming. I told her to stay put while I went to take care of the problem. She came anyway and a big forest youkai came and grabbed her." Inuyasha said. "I was out after he hit me and I don't know what happened. When I came to Kagome was falling to the ground."

"We can fill in what happened." Miroku said. He and Sango both walked into the hut.

"Go ahead." Kaede said.

"After Inuyasha was knocked away the youkai grabbed Kagome-sama. He asked for the Shikon no Tama and squeezed her. She screamed and then glowed a bluish white color. The youkai screamed out in pain and his hand was burned off of his wrist." Miroku said.

"That's when Kagome-chan started falling and Inuyasha caught her in mid air." Sango said.

"Hmm, I believe what happened were Kagome's miko powers. She was in need of help and her power unleashed." Kaede said. "I'll need to start teaching her some things soon."

"So, she's okay?" Inuyasha asked.

"She is fine. She just needs some rest." Kaede said. "What were you doing at a festival?"

"I asked Kagome to the festival. We left early because she knew I was uncomfortable. I could hear the whispers of the villagers." Inuyasha said.

"They probably like you now." Sango said.

"How do you figure that?" Inuyasha asked.

"You saved their village and Kagome. The villagers love Kagome dearly and would hate to see something happen to her." Miroku said.

"Hai, I heard some villagers wanted to thank you, but you already left." Sango said.

"Keh, now they change their minds." Inuyasha mumbled.

"You should go back. Maybe you'll get a reward." Miroku said.

"Houshi-sama!" Sango yelled.

"I don't want a reward." Inuyasha said. He looked down at Kagome. She was still sleeping.

Kaede changed the cloth on Kagome's forehead. "She should stay here tonight so I can keep an eye on her." Kaede said.

"I'll go tell her family." Sango said.

"I'll go with you." Miroku said. They both got up and left the hut.

"You can stay and watch over her if you'd like." Kaede said.

"Arigato." Inuyasha said. He wanted to watch over her anyway. Now he had permission.

"Would you like a futon?" Kaede asked.

"No, I'll be fine." Inuyasha said.

"Explain about her powers if she wakes up before morning. Just tell her they were awakened. I'll explain the rest when I wake up. I'll be in the back room." Kaede said.

Inuyasha nodded. He moved closer to Kagome and changed the cloth on her forehead. He was just glad she was okay. He was worried when she passed out while she was falling. He thought the youkai might've done something.


The next morning Kagome opened her eyes. She felt like all the energy had been drained from her body. She tried to sit up but only fell back down. "Are you all right?" Inuyasha asked.

"Where am I?" Kagome asked. She recognized the hut but couldn't figure out where she was.

"You're at Kaede's hut." Inuyasha said. "She kept you here because she wanted to keep an eye on you."

"What happened?" Kagome asked.

"Your powers awakened." Inuyasha said.

"That explains the weakness." Kagome said.

"Weakness?" Inuyasha asked.

"I'm too tired to move." Kagome said. "Were you here all night?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Kaede said I could stay here and watch you."

"Did you catch me?" Kagome asked. "I remember the youkai dropped me after his hand burned off."

"Hai, I did catch you." Inuyasha asked.

"Arigato." Kagome said. "You keep saving me."

"Keh." Inuyasha said. "Well you can't seem to be able to do it yourself."

Kagome giggled and tried to sit up again. "What are you doing?" Inuyasha asked. He sat behind Kagome to sit her up.

"I'm hungry." Kagome said.

"I'll cook for you." Kaede said coming out of the room. "Good to see you're awake."

"Arigato Kaede-sama." Kagome said.

Kaede started a fire to make some soup. "Did Inuyasha tell you about your powers?" Kaede asked.

"Hai, they awakened." Kagome said. She was blushing because she was in Inuyasha's lap.

"I'll need to teach you some things when you regain your strength. I can't teach you too much. Most of it you'll learn on your own." Kaede said.

"Hai." Kagome said.

"Do you know how to use a bow?" Kaede asked.

"No." Kagome said.

"I'll have to teach you." Kaede said. "If you are the reincarnation of my sister you should be able to get the hang of it quickly."

"Was she good at using a bow and arrow?" Kagome asked.

"She never missed a target." Kaede said as she stirred the soup.

"What happens now that her powers are awakened?" Inuyasha asked.

"She'll get more powerful and learn some new things." Kaede said. "It may be very tiring but it's something you must learn."

"I'll do my best. Is the village okay?" Kagome asked.

"The village is fine." Inuyasha said. "Some huts were damaged and there were some injuries but no more than that."

"That's good." Kagome said. "What about Sango and Miroku?"

"They went to tell your family you were here. I don't know where they went after that." Inuyasha said.

Kaede handed a bowl of soup to Kagome and Inuyasha. "Arigato Kaede-sama." Kagome said.

"I must go check on a sick villager. Rest here." Kaede said. She got up and walked out of the hut.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha's bowl was on the floor next to him.

"I'll wait until your done." Inuyasha said. He couldn't eat while she was sitting in his lap.

"I'll move." Kagome said.

"You can't sit up by yourself." Inuyasha said. "I'll wait."

"Kagome!" Someone called from outside the hut.


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Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.