InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Shiny ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 13


"What's what?" Inuyasha asked he looked up at Kagome.

Kagome turned his head downward. "That." She pointed.

Something shiny was coming from the tree. Inuyasha had never noticed that before. Was it always there? He picked Kagome up and jumped down to the bottom to get a better look. Now that they were on the ground they couldn't see where the shine was coming from. "Can you tell where it came from?" Inuyasha asked.

"I think it came from here." Kagome pointed in the middle of the tree about 4 feet from the ground.

Inuyasha used his claws to pick at the bark. It peeled off to reveal the shine they had seen earlier. "What the..." Inuyasha mumbled. He clawed the bark off of the tree to find out what it was.

"What is it?" Kagome asked from behind him. She couldn't see anything because he was covering the area.

Inuyasha uncovered the shiny object and stepped back so Kagome could see what it was. They were both surprised to see something like that buried in a tree. "A katana?" Kagome said. (Bet you never would've guessed that.)

Inuyasha reached over and grabbed the katana. It pulsed and he stepped back. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked.

"It pulsed." Inuyasha said.

"What?" Kagome asked.

He reached for it again and it pulsed. He pulled it down from its position in the tree and looked at it. "It's a piece of crap." Inuyasha said. The blade was so rusty it couldn't cut anything.

"What was it doing in the tree?" Kagome asked.

"How should I know? You're the one that saw it." Inuyasha said.

"Let's go ask Kaede." Kagome said.

"I don't care about this rusty piece of junk." Inuyasha said. He threw it on the ground.

"I want to know why it was there." Kagome said. She picked the katana up and looked at it. "It looks really old."

"It looks like a piece of junk. Just throw it away." Inuyasha said.

"No, I want to why it was there." Kagome said. "And if you say one more thing about it I'm leaving."

"Fine." Inuyasha said. He grabbed it and tied it to the side of his pants. Picking up Kagome he jumped back to his spot in the tree. He grumbled all the way up.

Kagome giggled and leaned her head on his chest. Inuyasha gently grabbed her chin and brought her level with him. Leaning forward he caught her lips in a gentle kiss. Kagome gasped not expecting him to do that.

Inuyasha took the surprise and used it to his advantage and slipped his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues brushed against each other's and sent chills down their spines. The kiss was interrupted when the tree swayed to its side.

Caught off guard they both fell out of the tree. Inuyasha jumped to catch Kagome but couldn't reach her at all. She screamed and closed her eyes waiting for the fall. She fell into someone's arms. Inuyasha wasn't anywhere near her. Who caught her?

She opened her eyes and looked up. The smirking face of Kouga was what she saw. "Kouga?" Kagome said.

Inuyasha landed a little rough on the ground. "Kouga!" Inuyasha yelled. "Put her down."

"I'm not listening to you." Kouga said. He lowered Kagome down onto her feet and clasped both of her hands in his. "I know we didn't get off on good terms but I forgot you were human and humans have different customs."

"Huh?" Kagome said. She was trying to get her hands out of his.

"I'll learn human courting." Kouga said.

"What?" Kagome said.

"I'll learn human courting. Youkai courting is too different from your customs. I can see why you reacted like you did before." Kouga said.

"WHAT!" Inuyasha yelled.

Kouga ignored Inuyasha's outburst. "I'll learn for you, Kagome." He said.

Kagome didn't know what to say. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. How was she going to tell him she wasn't interested? "That's not necessary Kouga." Kagome said.

"Of course it is. You're my woman and you deserve to be courted." Kouga said.

Inuyasha had had enough. He ran and kicked Kouga in the stomach. Kouga stumbled back a little bit but managed to stay on his feet. "You'll pay for that, Inukurro." Kouga growled.

Inuyasha growled back and they both readied themselves for an attack. "Stop!" Kagome yelled.

"Not until he's dead." Kouga growled.

"You're the one that's going to die." Inuyasha said.

Kouga charged Inuyasha and dodged a kick. Inuyasha did a back flip to avoid a hit. Both of them were doing good not to get hit. Kouga made the mistake of assuming too much and was kicked back towards the forest.

Growling he stood up and knocked Inuyasha off of his feet. He hit the ground but quickly stood up and went to charge at him again. Something had grabbed a hold of him from behind. "Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled. She had jumped on his back.

"Stop fighting, onegai." Kagome said.

Both Kouga and Inuyasha stopped what they were doing. "Since Kagome is upset I'll leave. But don't think I'm giving her up." Kouga said. He winked at her and left.

Inuyasha patted Kagome's hand on his shoulder. "You can let go now." He said.

"Oh." Kagome said and got off. "You shouldn't fight."

"He was trying to claim you." Inuyasha said.

"I'm not going to take his offer." Kagome said.

"That's not the point! He touched you!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Only my hands. It's not like he hurt me." Kagome said. "You don't have to be so jealous."

"I'm not jealous." Inuyasha said.

"You sure?" Kagome asked. "You're acting like it."

"I'm not!" Inuyasha said.

Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed. "I just remembered something." She said.

"What?" Inuyasha asked. It was evident in his voice he was still mad.

"Okaa-san wants to meet you." Kagome said.

"What? Why?" Inuyasha stuttered. He didn't want to meet her. What if she didn't think he was good enough for her, or she hated him? What if she forbid him to ever see Kagome again? It would be too much. He wouldn't be able to stay away from her.

"She just does." Kagome said.

Inuyasha was still a little skeptical about meeting her Okaa-san but nodded. If it was for Kagome he would do it. Besides her Okaa-san probably wouldn't let her see him if she didn't know who he was. "Okay." He said.

"Let's go." Kagome said.

"Right now?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hai, then she won't bother me about it later." Kagome said. She grabbed his hand and dragged him a little ways before she stopped. She turned to face him, a slight blush creeping up her face. "Umm... Inuyasha I don't know how to get out of the forest."

Inuyasha chuckled lightly and picked her up. He was wondering when she'd realize that they were still in the forest. Running through the forest, he headed towards Kagome's hut.


Inuyasha stopped in front of Kagome's hut. He was still a little worried about what her Okaa-san would think. "Come on." Kagome said. She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. "Okaa-san, I'm back. I brought Inuyasha with me."

Kagome's Okaa-san walked into the room. "Oh, hello." She said.

"Hi." Inuyasha said.

Kagome's Okaa-san noticed Inuyasha had ears. "Oh how cute." She said.

Inuyasha blushed at the comment. "Kagome, you didn't tell me he had such cute ears." Okaa-san said.

"Inuyasha's a hanyou, Okaa-san." Kagome said.

"Really? Inu, right?" Okaa-san asked.

"Hai." Inuyasha said. It didn't seem like she cared. "I'm half inu youkai."

"Your Okaa-san was human?"

"Hai, how did you know?" Inuyasha asked.

"I can just tell." Okaa-san said. "Well, would you like to stay for dinner? It will be done shortly. I'm sure Souta would love for you to stay. He admires you."

Inuyasha nodded. "Arigato." He said.

"I'll call when it's ready." Okaa-san said.

"Hai." Kagome said. "We'll be sitting outside."

They both walked outside and sat down on the grass. Inuyasha had a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked.

"She didn't care I was a hanyou." Inuyasha said.

"Of course not. It's no big deal." Kagome said.

"It's been a big deal all of my life. I met you and now it seems like it was never an issue to begin with." Inuyasha said. "Everyone you've introduced me to doesn't care about my blood."

"I told you. The people I know are more accepting. I wouldn't introduce you to someone who thought like that. I don't have any friends like that." Kagome said.

"You don't seem like the type to hang around people like that." Inuyasha said.

"Inuyasha!" Souta shouted. He ran towards them. "Are you staying for dinner?"

"Yeah." Inuyasha said.

"Cool!" Souta shouted.

"Dinner is ready." Kagome's Okaa-san called out. They all walked inside to eat.


When dinner was over Souta helped clear the table while Kagome went to say goodbye to Inuyasha. They both walked outside. "Arigato for dinner." Inuyasha said. "I've never had a meal that tasted so good."

"I'll invite you to eat with us more often." Kagome smiled.

Inuyasha leaned forward and kissed her. Their last kiss was interrupted because of Kouga. Inuyasha held back the instinctive growl and concentrated more on the kiss. His tongue pushed pass her lips and brushed against hers, taking a quick taste. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

Kagome nodded stupidly and walked back into the hut. Inuyasha smiled and ran to the Goshinboku.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Hope you like it. I bet none of you guessed that it was the katana that caught Kagome's eye. Well in the next chapter you should be finding out more about the katana. Hopefully I'll be able to get it out soon. I've been busy with homework. I have this huge essay project to do and it might keep me busy. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

This is the unedited version. I'll post the edited version once my puppy slave edits it. Probably tomorrow. I'm posting it now because I don't know when I'll be able to do it later.

Editor: Hey everyone, sorry I was gone yesterday when queenie posted the unedited version, but it's all fixed up and pretty now, so enjoy the reading.