InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Thunder ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 16


Everyone was silent as they walked to Kagome's hut. She needed to tell her Okaa-san about Shippo. She didn't think she would refuse to let Shippo stay but needed to make sure. Inuyasha walked beside her as she carried the injured kitsune. She wanted to know what happened but thought best to wait to ask for the full story.

As they neared the hut Inuyasha sniffed around for any danger. "Your Okaa-san is in the hut." Inuyasha said.

"Good then I'll be able to tell her." Kagome said. "You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"I'll come." Inuyasha said. He wanted to be with her just a little while longer.

"Are you mated?" Shippo asked.

"Does it smell like we are?" Inuyasha asked. Kagome blushed. How could such a young kit know about that?

"No, you smell like each other." Shippo narrowed his eyes at Inuyasha. He sniffed at the pair. "You're courting her."

"Let's not talk about this right now." Kagome blushed furiously. "We're here."

They all walked into the hut and found her Okaa-san in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Kagome your back early." Okaa-san said. "Ah Inuyasha will you be joining us for dinner? Who's that?"

"This is Shippo." Kagome said. "Can I talk to you alone?"

"Sure." Kagome's Okaa-san said and walked outside for privacy.

"Can you take Shippo while I talk to Okaa-san?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha eyed the kit but nodded. He grabbed the kit and watched Kagome leave. "Don't take too long." He said.

Kagome walked outside. "Okaa-san, would you mind if Shippo stayed with us? His parents were killed today, and he almost died...and I kind of already promised he could stay because I didn't think you'd mind. I'll take care of him most of the time, but I might need some help." She said in one breath. "He's really kawaii."

"Of course I wouldn't mind. Poor little thing. How did it happen?" She had to admit he was cute. He was short with paws on his feet and human hands. He had red hair, green eyes, and pointed ears. He was wearing blue pants with a green shirt that had leaves on it and a fur vest over that.

"I don't really know. I don't want to ask him now, or he might cry again." Kagome said.

"Where is he going to sleep?"

"He can sleep in my room." Kagome said. "I don't mind."

"I'll cook a little more then. Will Inuyasha be staying?"

"You'd have to ask him." Kagome said. "Arigato, Okaa-san."

She smiled and left the room. "Inuyasha, will you be staying for dinner?"

"I wouldn't want to-"

"We've talked about this before. You're not interfering." Kagome's Okaa-san cut him off.

"I guess if you don't mind." Inuyasha said.

"Of course not. I love having you over." She smiled. "So Shippo, I hope you don't mind soup tonight."

"I love soup!" Shippo said excitedly.

"It should be ready in about ten minutes." Higurashi-sama said. (I'm just going to call her that okay. I don't think anyone has solved the mystery on her real name. If you know please tell me!) "Why don't you guys step outside until it gets done?"

"Hai." Kagome said. She took Shippo from Inuyasha and they all sat outside the hut. "So Shippo, where did you live?"

"We lived in the mountains." Shippo said.

"That's pretty far away from where we found you." Inuyasha said.

"We were being chased for a long time." Shippo said sadly. "Two youkai, Hiten and Manten...they were out looking for new fur coats."

"That's horrible." Kagome said.

"Otou-san died saving me after they killed Okaa-san. I saw a bright flash and I was blown away." Shippo sniffed.

"Gomen Shippo. Stuff like this shouldn't happen to you." Kagome hugged him.

"What if they come after me?" Shippo asked.

"I'll protect you." Kagome said. "I'm sure Inuyasha would help too."

"Who said I would?" Inuyasha crossed his arms.

"Because I might get hurt protecting Shippo and you wouldn't want that, would you?" Kagome asked.

"Keh!" Inuyasha replied. Of course he wouldn't let Kagome get hurt. He wouldn't even let the runt get hurt either.

"Dinner is ready." Higurashi-sama called out.


After eating they all took a little walk outside to the field nearby. It was still early and warm outside. "I guess Souta ate with his friends." Kagome said. He hadn't shown up at all during dinner.

"Who's Souta?" Shippo asked.

Kagome sat down on the ground and placed Shippo beside her. "Souta is my little brother. I'm sure you two will have a lot of fun together." Kagome said.

"He's always hyper." Inuyasha said.

"How would you know? You haven't seen him that much." Kagome said.

"All kids are hyper. You'll have your hands full when this one gets better tomorrow." Inuyasha pointed to Shippo.

"Hey! I'm a good kid." Shippo defended himself.

"Sure you are." Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Stop teasing him." Kagome said.

"What? Its true kitsune are tricksters." Inuyasha said.

"I won't be to Kagome. She's going to take care of me from now on." Shippo said.

"Keh." Inuyasha said. "I should be going now. It's getting late."

"I should get going too." Kagome said.

"Do you want me to walk you?" Inuyasha asked.

"No, we'll be fine. Besides, you usually stay near me until I get home anyway." Kagome smiled.

"How did you know that?" Inuyasha asked.

"I can feel your aura." Kagome said. "I am a miko. I've gotten used to yours since I see you a lot."

"See you tomorrow then." Inuyasha said.

"Ja ne." Kagome said. She started to walk home with Shippo in her arms.

"He's still near." Shippo sniffed.

"I know." Kagome smiled. She noticed he started to shake. "What's wrong?"

"They're back." Shippo said. He buried his face in her chest.

Inuyasha smelled the youkai around. They were heading towards the field Kagome was at. He jumped down from the trees and landed in front of them. "There's youkai headed this way." Inuyasha said. He noticed Shippo buried in Kagome's chest and he was shaking. He looked up at Kagome confused.

"He said `they're back'." Kagome said.

Suddenly a bright flash headed towards them. Inuyasha picked Kagome up and jumped to the side barely dodging it. "You missed, Manten." Someone from the forest said.

Two figures walked out of the forest and looked directly at Shippo. "There's the little fur ball." A different voice said.

"Who the hell are you?" Inuyasha growled.

"The Thunder Brothers." The taller of the two said. "I'm Hiten, and that's Manten."

Hiten was tall and almost human looking. His red eyes and pointed ears said he was a youkai. He had on weird armor and a blue sash wrapped around his chest. He had black pants and in his right hand he held a weird looking staff.

The other guy who they assumed was Manten was short and ugly. He was round and had a big head. He had on identical armor and a white sash tied around his chest. His pants were black and he had a fox around his waist.

"Otou-san." Shippo said sadly.

"Otou-san?" Kagome said.

"He's around Manten's waist." Shippo said.

"That's so awful." Kagome said.

"We're here for the kitsune." Hiten said. "Manten wants a hat to match with his new belt."

"You can't have him!" Kagome yelled. "Your sick and disgusting!"

"Quiet woman or we'll kill you when our business is finished." Manten roared.

"Hmm...I sense something from her." Hiten said. He brought his hand to his chin. "I've heard rumors of the Shikon no Tama reappearing in a miko."

"You think that's her?" Manten asked.

"I do sense a lot of power within her. She is a miko." Hiten said. "Let's rip her apart and find out."

"Hai, Hiten." Manten said.

"No one lays a hand on either of them." Inuyasha growled and flexed his claws.

"Like you could stop us, hanyou." Hiten spat. "With my Raigekijin I could tear you apart with one blow."

"Inuyasha-sama, you must take his threat seriously. That power could kill a whole army. They use the power of lightning."

"Myoga! Where the hell have you been?" Inuyasha asked.

"Does it matter now? Use the tetsusaiga to block the lightning blows!" Myoga yelled.

"That piece of shit? That couldn't block a piece of paper." Inuyasha said.

"Just listen to him." Kagome said.

"Fine." Inuyasha said. He pulled the tetsusaiga out of its sheath and held it in front of him.

"I think the hanyou wants to play." Manten said.

"I'll deal with him. You get your new hat and the girl." Hiten said.

"Hai, Hiten." Manten said.

"No you don't!" Inuyasha shouted. Before he could do anything about Manten Hiten threw a lightning blast at him.

(I could so stop it here but I won't.)

"I'm your opponent." Hiten yelled. He charged Inuyasha and swung his Raigekijin at him. Inuyasha blocked it with the tetsusaiga.

`I guess it has some use.' Inuyasha thought. He kicked Hiten away from him and charged him with the tetsusaiga.

"What's that rusted piece of junk going to do?" Hiten asked. "It's the perfect weapon for you. Worthless...just like its user."

Inuyasha growled and threw the tetsusaiga. "I don't need a weapon to fight you." He growled.

"Inuyasha-sama what are you thinking?" Myoga hopped up and down. "Now you have no way to protect yourself from the lightning blasts. They're too big for you to dodge them."

"I can manage." Inuyasha said.

Kagome threw up a shield as Manten got closer. He didn't see what happened and ran into it. He was knocked back a couple of feet. He stood up and shook himself off. "You'll pay for that." He growled. He opened his mouth and a bright light formed from inside his mouth. After a while it blew right at Kagome.

The shield blocked the blast of lightning from his mouth. It was getting harder and harder to keep the shield up. The blast was so strong and she wasn't very experienced in her miko powers. Just as soon as the blast got over with her shield dropped and she flew back onto the ground rolling a couple of feet away with Shippo.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted. The distraction gave Hiten a chance to strike. He slashed at him and cut his shoulder. Inuyasha fell back. "Dammit!"

"Your precious woman is in trouble and you're about to die. I thought you'd be more of a challenge." Hiten said. "No matter...I would've been wasting my time on you anyway."

Inuyasha growled and punched Hiten in the face, knocking him back ten feet. Hiten was shocked and rubbed his face where he hit him. The shock gave Inuyasha a chance to grab the tetsusaiga. He jumped and grabbed it. "No one has ever hit me in the face before. You'll be the last." Hiten said angrily.

"Like you could kill me." Inuyasha said.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed.

He turned around and looked at Kagome. "Kagome!" he yelled. Manten was choking her on the ground. "Fuck!"

"Kitsune-bi!" Shippo shouted and shot a blue flame at Manten's face.

Manten shouted and released Kagome in favor of helping his face. Kagome took the chance to run. She grabbed Shippo and started to run but fell as Manten grabbed her leg. "You bitch!" He shouted. "You'll pay for that kitsune!"

Inuyasha saw what happened and was grateful for what Shippo did. Suddenly the tetsusaiga pulsed in his hand again. `What the fuck?' He thought. `Maybe it'll be of some use again.' Inuyasha kicked Hiten back and threw the tetsusaiga.

"You must have horrible aim if you threw it behind you. I'm in front of you baka!" Hiten yelled.

"I wasn't aiming for you." Inuyasha smirked.

"What?" Hiten said. He heard yelling from behind Inuyasha. He looked and found his brother hunched over, the tetsusaiga through his chest. It didn't look like the tetsusaiga. It was transformed and looked like a fang. "Manten! You bastard, you killed my brother!"

Kagome grabbed Shippo and his father's fur off of Manten and moved away from him. "I'll kill that girl of yours for this!" Hiten shouted. He summoned a great big lightning ball and aimed at Kagome.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted. He jumped up towards Hiten to stop him but was too late. He slashed at him and cut him in half diagonally. He turned around and ran towards Kagome but the blast had already reached them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

So I didn't stop it at that one spot but I left an evil cliffy anyway. Ahaha! Anyway, I made the chapter longer. It's 7 pages. I won't be able to update until Sunday because I have to go to my mom's house. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks to readers for reading, reviewers for reviewing, and my puppy slave for editing. Love ya!

(You have to see Troy it's the best movie ever! Sorry I had to say it.)