InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Departure Plans ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 17

Departure Plans

Inuyasha ran towards Kagome and Shippo, fearful of what happened to them. He prayed that they were alright. Kagome was lying on her side with Shippo next to her. He was trying to shake her awake. "What happened?" Inuyasha asked.

"She...she protected me from the blast." Shippo sniffled.

Inuyasha picked her up and held her in his arms. There were barely any flesh wounds. A couple of small cuts were on her face, arms, and legs. "Come on runt we're going to Kaede-baba's." Inuyasha said. Shippo nodded and hopped onto his shoulder.

It wasn't long before they reached Kaede's hut. Inuyasha couldn't smell or see her anywhere. Sniffing a little more, he found she went to another village, the one where the festival was held. Finding the trail he followed Kaede's scent.

He found Kaede walking out of a hut in the village. "Kaede-baba!" Inuyasha yelled.

"What is it Inuyasha?" Kaede said with a sigh.

"Kagome's hurt again." Inuyasha said.

"What happened?" Kaede asked.

"I'll explain later, but Kagome needs help now." Inuyasha said.

"Kaede-sama, you may use our hut to treat Kagome-sama." One of the villagers said.

"Arigato." Kaede said.

They followed her to her hut, which wasn't very far. It was three huts down from the one Kaede had come out of. "It's no problem. We still haven't been able to thank the young hanyou for saving our village a while ago." She said. "You ran off before we could say anything."

"Kagome was hurt, and she needed help fast." Inuyasha said.

"Well the village does thank you for your defeating of the youkai." The lady said.

"I couldn't just stand around and do nothing." Inuyasha said.

Inuyasha laid Kagome down on the futon that the villager brought out. Kaede began to look for any serious wounds. Inuyasha turned around in case Kaede had to undress her. "The villagers feel horrible for the way they treated you earlier." The lady said.

"They didn't do anything." Inuyasha said.

"They were thinking horrible thoughts. They were scared of you and thought you'd do something horrible." The villager told him.

"Were you one of those people?" Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her.

"No, if you were with Kagome-sama, then I believe you are decent." The villager said. "We owe a lot to her and Kaede-sama. They've both helped us countless times."

Inuyasha nodded and listened for any uncomfortable movements or noises from Kagome. "Oi, are you done yet?" Inuyasha asked.

"I can't find out what's wrong with her. She has no serious wounds." Kaede said. "What happened?"

"It's my fault." Shippo said revealing himself. He was hiding behind Inuyasha. Inuyasha had forgotten all about the kitsune brat. "Hiten and Manten were coming after me and went after Kagome when they saw her."

"It's not your fault brat. She would've protected you even if they weren't coming after her." Inuyasha said.

"What happened exactly?" Kaede asked.

"If you'll excuse me. This sounds like a private matter. I'll get some water for Kagome-sama." The villager grabbed a pail and left.

Inuyasha began to tell Kaede what happened. "Hmm the blast should've done much more damage." Kaede said. "Kagome doesn't bare the wounds of a lightning blast."

"What do you mean?" Inuyasha asked.

"She should be burned, scarred, anything. Nothing but cuts is visible on her body. She probably got them from all the rolling around." Kaede said. "Are you sure nothing else happened?"

"I told you all I know." Inuyasha said.

"I saw a blue flame around her after the blast." Shippo said.

"A blue flame?" Kaede asked.

"Hai, it came from Otou-san. She was holding him as the blast hit and then he went away." Shippo said tearfully.

"Maybe the foxfire from him acted as a shield." Inuyasha said.

"That alone couldn't reflect a lightning as powerful as you described." Kaede said.

Kagome moaned and opened her eyes. She could hear mumbling and it woke her up. "Kagome!" Shippo shouted, relieved that she had woken up.

"Not so loud." Kagome said. She tensed and looked around. "Is everyone all right?"

"Don't worry about us, baka, worry about yourself." Inuyasha said, amazed that she thought of everyone else before her.

Kagome saw how everyone was fine. "How did you manage to come out of the blast alive?" Kaede asked.

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.

"Such a powerful blast should've killed you." Kaede explained.

"What?" Inuyasha yelled. "You never said that. You said she would've been burned or scarred or something."

"No need to worry you over something that didn't happen." Kaede said. "What happened, Kagome?"

"Well the lightning blast was coming at us and I knew I couldn't dodge it so I shielded Shippo as best as I could and threw up a shield. It was too late and the shield didn't hold and threw me forward." Kagome said. "I don't remember what happened after that. Shippo are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Shippo said.

"Shippo said a blue flame surrounded your body." Inuyasha said.

"A blue flame?" Kagome said.

"I see now. The combination of Kagome's last minute shield and the foxfire must've been enough to block the blast. All that happened was she was knocked unconscious from it." Kaede explained.

"I'm just glad Inuyasha and Shippo are okay." Kagome said.

"Why did they go after you?" Kaede asked Kagome.

"The Shikon no Tama." Kagome said.

"Again with the jewel." Kaede said.

"I wish I knew what it was. Maybe then I'd understand why they were after me." Kagome said.

"I do believe there is someone who might know about the jewel." Kaede said.

"Who?" Kagome asked. "I'd like to find out if I could."

"In a village about two days north of here." Kaede said. "The jewel was originally created there, or so I've heard. It may just be a rumor."

"I'd like to check it out." Kagome said. "If youkai are going to attack me, I'd like to know why and what for."

"I'm going with you." Inuyasha said.

"I can go. It shouldn't be too much trouble." Kagome said.

"Don't give me that. You've been attacked so many times since I've met you." Inuyasha said. "I'm going and that's final."

"Inuyasha is right. It's very dangerous for you to go alone anywhere." Kaede said. "You don't have any training."

"I want to go to." Shippo said. "I don't know your Okaa-san that well and I'd rather go with you."

"It may be dangerous." Kagome said.

"I'll be brave." Shippo said.

Kagome giggled. "I'm sure you will be." She said.

"You should ask Sango and Miroku if they'll join you. You know how they like traveling." Kaede said.

"Especially Sango." Kagome said. "I'll be sure to ask them."

"You could ask them now. You're in their village." Kaede said.

"What are we doing all the way over here?" Kagome asked.

"The old hag wasn't in your village and I followed her scent here." Inuyasha said.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome hit him for his rudeness. "I guess I should ask them. You don't mind do you Inuyasha? They're really good fighters."

"If they prove useful then I don't mind." Inuyasha said. He was only letting them because Kagome would be sad if he didn't let them go. She'd probably invite them anyway.

"Let's go then." Kagome stood up too fast and fell back.

Inuyasha caught her and helped her stand up straight. "You need to take better care of yourself." Inuyasha said.

"I do, I just stood up too fast." Kagome said as she stood herself upright. "Arigato Kaede-sama."

"Anytime." Kaede said. "Be sure to thank Nami-chan for the use of her hut."

"I will." Kagome waved goodbye and they headed for Sango's hut. Knowing Miroku, he'd be there with her.

"Ah Kagome-sama, good to see your up. Are you feeling okay?" Nami-chan asked.

"Hai, I'm much better. Arigato for letting me stay in your hut." Kagome said.

"I'm just glad I could be of some help." Nami-chan said. She bowed and left for her hut.

"So that's her name." Inuyasha mumbled to himself.

"What?" Kagome asked.

"That lady was talking to Inuyasha earlier. She said the village wanted to thank him for getting rid of some youkai and that everyone felt horrible for the way they treated him." Shippo said.

"They did?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah they did." Inuyasha said.

"That's so nice." Kagome said. "See, you've done something nice and now they've accepted you. Although they should've just accepted you anyway."

"You're the only one besides Otou-san and Okaa-san that have accepted me without me having to do some good deed first." Inuyasha said.

"What about me?" Shippo asked. "I accepted you."

"Because I helped avenge your Otou-san." Inuyasha said.

"I would've accepted you even if you didn't." Shippo said.

"Sango and Miroku have accepted you too. So have Okaa-san and Souta." Kagome said.

"It's all because of you." Inuyasha said.

Kagome blushed as they walked closer to Sango's hut. Yelling ruined the mood. "Get back here Houshi-sama!"

Only one person would scream something like that. Sango was chasing Miroku around with her weapon. "It was an accident Sango, I swear!" Miroku tried to convince her.

They both stopped when they noticed they had company. "Ah Kagome-sama, Inuyasha." Miroku said.

"Kagome-chan, Inuyasha." Sango said.

Shippo crawled up to Kagome's shoulder and dove into her yukata. (So I don't know if there's room enough for him to fit but go with it. I can't make everything right ya know.) "Oi runt. Get out of there." Inuyasha growled. He would've reached his hand in and got him out but that would be indecent.

"Who's that?" Sango asked.

"This is Shippo. Shippo you can come out. They're really good friends of mine." Kagome reassured the frightened kitsune.

He slowly poked his head out and settled onto her shoulder. Inuyasha hit him on the head causing him to fall off. "Itai, what did I do?" Shippo whined.

"Don't go crawling around in her clothes." Inuyasha growled.

"Inuyasha, that wasn't very nice." Kagome picked Shippo up and held him in her arms.

"He's just jealous that Shippo was somewhere he could not go." Miroku said.

With one fluid motion Miroku was down on the ground rubbing his head. "Damn lecher." Inuyasha mumbled hiding the hint of pink on his cheeks with his hair.

"So, where did you meet Shippo?" Sango asked.

"We found him in the forest. His parents were killed and I'm taking care of him from now on." Kagome said.

"That means you have to be more careful with young ones in your care." Miroku said as he stood up. Once again the monk was on the ground nursing his head.

"You never learn do you?" Sango asked.

"We came to ask if you wanted to come with us to a village about two days north of here." Kagome said. "I want to find out more about the Shikon no Tama."

"Kaede-baba said the jewel originated there." Inuyasha said.

"Where did you get those cuts?" Sango asked. She noticed she hadn't seen them before. She had a couple on her legs, one on each arm, and one above her eyebrow and one on her cheek.

"We were attacked by the Thunder brothers." Kagome said remembering what they called themselves.

"I've heard of them before. They're very powerful." Miroku said.

"Not anymore. I killed them a while ago." Inuyasha said.

"You did?" Sango asked.

Inuyasha nodded. "They weren't that difficult to handle." He said. "Somehow, the tetsusaiga transformed into a fang."

"How did that happen?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know. It pulsed and I threw it." Inuyasha said.

"I can explain that."

"Myoga-jiji." Inuyasha said murderously.

"If you kill me you'll never know how to use the tetsusaiga." Myoga cowered.

"How do I use it?" Inuyasha asked.

"The tetsusaiga was forged from your Otou-san's fang to protect humans." Myoga said. "Your desire to protect Kagome made the fang transform."

Inuyasha pulled the tetsusaiga out of its sheath and it transformed into a fang again. "This is Otou-san's fang?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hai, it can't be used against humans. The tetsusaiga can eliminate a hundred youkai in one swing." Myoga said. "Of course, you have to unlock that power."

Inuyasha put the tetsusaiga back into its sheath and placed it at his hip again. He secretly thanked his Otou-san for creating it so he could protect Kagome. "So are you going to the village or not?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hai, I'll go." Sango said.

"I shall accompany you as well." Miroku said.

"Let's leave tomorrow." Inuyasha said.

"I'll have to talk to Okaa-san." Kagome said.

"Hai, I'll have to talk to Otou-san." Sango said.

"Mushin won't care if I accompany you on this journey." Miroku said. Mushin was Miroku's master. Although Miroku surpassed him long ago, Mushin now drowns himself with sake all the time.

"We can leave midday tomorrow to give everyone a chance to prepare and talk to their family." Kagome said.

"That sounds good." Sango said.

"I don't mind." Miroku said.

"Meet at my hut and we'll leave from there." Kagome said.

"I'll come earlier than that." Inuyasha said.

"We should start preparing and get a good nights sleep so we can finish packing tomorrow." Miroku said.

"Hai, I'll see you tomorrow then." Kagome said goodbye.

"Hai." Sango said. "Nice meeting you Shippo."

"Bye." Shippo waved.

Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo headed for their own village to prepare for tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Sorry this is a little late. I was working most of the weekend and didn't get an opportunity to write. My mom and sister decided to hover around me the whole time. I made the chapter a lot longer than usual. Eight pages. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Raigekijin- Hiten's lightning staff

I got a review asking if I read the reviews. I do. I get a lot of them and I read every one of them. Makes me feel special. Hehe.