InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Sesshomaru ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 20


"What the hell are you doing here Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha growled as he stepped in front of Kagome.

"Is that all you can say to me?" Sesshomaru stepped out of the trees and into the clearing. He was tall and stood elegantly. He had long silver hair that went down to his mid calves. He had the same amber eyes as Inuyasha but they were cold and emotionless. He wore a strange kimono with a feather boa around his shoulder.

"Its all I have to say!" Inuyasha spat. "What are you doing here? Aren't you usually patrolling your lands?"

"I am patrolling my lands. I haven't been around here lately, and thought it was time I came to check it out. I was surprised to see you here." Sesshomaru said. "It's been fifty years since we've seen each other, dear brother."

"I'd rather never see you again!" Inuyasha growled.

"I've noticed you have the tetsusaiga in your possession." Sesshomaru looked to his hip.

"Yeah, what about it?" Inuyasha put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"I was wondering when you'd find that." Sesshomaru said. "Otou-san had clues on how to find it. You left, so you never heard about it."

"I heard you wanted it." Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why would I want that sword? I'm much more powerful, I do not need a sword to enhance my power." Sesshomaru said.

"Keh." Inuyasha mumbled. "Damn Myoga and his lies."

"Are you traveling with humans now?" Sesshomaru asked looking towards the girl he was shielding from view. Before Inuyasha could answer Sesshomaru appeared before him and threw him out of the way.

Sesshomaru lifted Kagome's chin and examined her. "Hmm...seems that she does have some power. You are a miko." He said.

"Get the fuck off of her!" Inuyasha shouted.

Sesshomaru shot some poison towards Inuyasha to keep him where he was. As soon as Inuyasha saw it he jumped back. He couldn't help Kagome if his skin was melting off. "I'd advise you to stay back." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at him and turned back towards the girl. "There's something inside of you."

Kagome stood still as Sesshomaru observed her. His claws were mere centimeters from scratching her face. She showed no fear as Inuyasha's brother was holding her. "I see the half breed has marked you." Sesshomaru said with the same emotionless voice.

"What do you care?" Kagome glared at him. She didn't like him touching her.

"Do you not fear me?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Why should I?" Kagome asked.

Sesshomaru let out a little smirk and let go of Kagome's chin. "The girl is brave. I am done with my patrolling over this area." Sesshomaru said in a voice that promised he'd be back to see them. A dark cloud engulfed him before it evaporated and he was gone.

Inuyasha ran towards Kagome and looked at where Sesshomaru had touched her. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? That fucking bastard!" Inuyasha growled.

"I'm fine." Kagome said. "All he did was hold my chin. I thought Myoga said he was after the tetsusaiga."

"I think he is. He just wants me to lower my guard." Inuyasha said. "Damn runt."

"What?" Kagome cocked her head in confusion. Within moments Shippo came flying into the clearing towards Kagome. She caught him in mid air. "Shippo."

"Miroku and Sango wanted to know what was taking you so long. They sent me to find you." Shippo smiled in triumph.

"Arigato Shippo. We were just about to head back." Kagome said. They all started to head towards the village.

"What's that smell?" Shippo sniffed a little bit. "Smells kind of like Inuyasha."

"It was my half brother." Inuyasha said.

"You have a half brother? What was he doing here?" Shippo asked.

"His name is Sesshomaru, and we don't exactly get along." Inuyasha said. "He was 'supposedly' patrolling his lands. Fucking liar. He just wants to make sure I have the tetsusaiga."

"Do you really think he's after the sword?" Kagome asked.

"Why else would he have come? Usually he would just avoid me." Inuyasha said. "I doubt he came all this way just to look at you."

"Was there a reason he did that?" Kagome asked.

"Look at you? Who knows? Sesshomaru is an emotionless prick." Inuyasha said.

"Could you watch your language while Shippo is around?" Kagome said.

"Keh." Inuyasha folded his arms. They walked to the village in silence.

When they got to the village cheers could be heard. Inuyasha's ears flattened to his head at the volume of their noise. What the hell was going on? The villagers must've been excited that they rid of their youkai problems.

Inuyasha managed to sniff Miroku and Sango out. It took him a while since there were so many people around. They were sitting outside of a hut waiting for them. "Inuyasha, Kagome what took you so long?" Sango asked.

"We ran into my half brother. That's all I'm explaining right now. I'm still pissed that we saw him." Inuyasha said angrily.

"Okay, well, the villagers want us to stay the night so they can honor us. They're grateful for the help." Sango said.

"Hai, I wouldn't mind staying if you don't." Miroku said.

"I don't see why not. We could get an early start tomorrow, and find the next village." Kagome said.

"I'm hungry." Shippo's stomach chose that moment to grumble.

Kagome giggled. "I'll see what I can do about getting some food." She set him down and went to find someone. "Shuichi!"

"Hai, Miko-sama?" Shuichi said.

"Don't call me that. My name is Kagome. I was wondering where I could cook some food or something. We're all hungry." She said.

"Don't worry. You guests in our village. We will put you up for the night and provide dinner. It is being cooked as we speak." Shuichi said.

"Arigato." Kagome said.

"Aki should be around shortly to show you to your rooms." Shuichi said. He waved and left.

Kagome made her way back to the group. Just as Shuichi said Aki was already talking to the group. "Kagome, he's going to show us to our rooms." Sango said.

"Shuichi told me." Kagome said.

"Follow me." Aki said. He led them down towards the end of the inn and opened the rice paper door. "Unfortunately we only have two rooms. So you may choose who you are sleeping with."

"Arigato Aki. We'll figure something out." Kagome said.

"Dinner will be brought to you shortly." Aki announced.

"Can you bring it to this room? We'll all stay together until we go to sleep." Kagome said.

"Hai." Aki said and left.

"This village is very generous." Miroku said.

"Well, we did take care of their youkai problem." Inuyasha said.

"Hai, but it's kind of my fault youkai attacked." Kagome said quietly.

"It's not your fault Kagome. It's not like we knew we were being watched." Sango reassured her.

"Still, if I hadn't come here-"

"It doesn't matter now. It couldn't be helped. At least we stopped any others from being hurt. No sense in blaming yourself for something you couldn't prevent." Inuyasha interrupted.

"He's right Kagome. Stuff like that can't be helped." Miroku said.

Aki and some of the other villagers walked into the room with dinner. They brought each person their own tray. "This is a lot of food." Kagome said. There was rice, soup, fish, meat, bread, and other stuff she hadn't seen before.

"Well, you saved our village. It's the least we can do." Aki said. As soon as they trays were set they left the room.

Shippo dug in immediately as did Inuyasha. "I don't think I can eat all of this." Kagome said.

"Give whatever you can't eat to Inuyasha and Shippo. They look like they could eat more." Sango watched as they shoved bite after bite of food into their mouths amazed.

"I'm sure they could." Kagome said.

After everyone ate, the trays were taken away. Everyone was ready to settle in but they still had to figure out sleeping arrangements. "So how is this going to work?" Miroku asked.

"I'll share a room with Kagome. You and Sango can have the other one." Inuyasha crossed his arms.

"Why do I have to share a room with Houshi-sama? I can stay with Kagome." Sango argued.

"Because he can sense youkai auras and I can smell them. That way if we're attacked there will be someone in the room who can sense it." Inuyasha said.

Sango opened her mouth to argue. Kagome could probably sense auras too, but thought it best if her and Inuyasha were together for a while. Besides Inuyasha probably wouldn't back down either. She closed her mouth and pouted.

"What about me?" Shippo asked.

"You can sleep with either one of us." Kagome said.

"I want to stay with you." Shippo jumped into Kagome's lap.

"Okay. We should all go to sleep now." Kagome suggested.

"We have a long way to go tomorrow." Inuyasha said.

"I agree." Miroku smiled. "Shall we go, Sango?"

Sango pushed the hand he held out for her and rushed past him. "You sleep on the other side of the room. Come on Kirara."

Kirara mewed and ran past Miroku to catch up to Sango. "Ah, things are getting better and better between us." Miroku sighed happily and left.

"Keh, it's all in his head." Inuyasha snorted.

"At least he's happy in his dream world." Kagome laughed. She grabbed the futon on the floor and started fixing it up. Inuyasha stayed where he was, watching Kagome from the corner of his eye as he put his hands in the fold of his haori.

"I'm so sleepy." Shippo said rubbing his eyes.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Kagome asked Inuyasha when she noticed he wasn't moving.

"I will later. I don't need as much sleep as you do." Inuyasha said.

"Oyasumi nasai." Kagome laid down and wrapped her arm around Shippo.

"Oyasumi." Inuyasha whispered. His ears stayed alert to any enemies that may be lurking around.

Later that night Inuyasha decided to go to sleep. Nothing was happening outside and he was being hypnotized by the rise and fall of Kagome's chest. It took him a while to realize he'd been staring at her breasts for a while. When he did notice he decided it was time to sleep.

Risking his life, he crawled next to Kagome. He'd never really slept on the floor before. He wanted to be near Kagome so he'd try it. He wrapped his arms around her and she instinctively snuggled into his warmth.

As soon as he was about to drift off he smelt a fowl scent. Suddenly without warning the roof of the building was ripped off. Kagome immediately sat up in her sleep and looked up.

"Well now, what do we have here?"

Hope you like it. I know it has been forever since I've updated, or at least to me its been forever. I left ya with another cliffy too. Can you guess who this is? I just got done with a major project so I need some rest. Then I'll have finals to study for and it'll be hard to do that since no one at home likes to leave me alone. I've also been having problems...again. It's complicated and I'm sure you don't want to hear about them.


allin656: Don't worry there won't be any Kikyo, Inuyasha, Kagome love triangle. If she is in the fic at all it won't be much of a part. I don't really like Kikyo so I don't want to waste my time on her.

Vashies-Girl: Sorry about the grammar problem. The punctuation may be a little off. I just fixed my computer so the setup on this thing is a little different. Sorry.

Meh!(): Thanks for the criticism. I didn't realize that about the characters. I'll try to work on that. Thanks again. One more thing, There will be lemons in the future. Sorry I left that out. It probably won't take as long for them to get together like my other fics. But I can't promise anything.

Arigato puppy slave, readers, and reviewers. Keep sending me ideas! Love ya!