InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ The Enemy's Identity ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 21

The Enemy's Identity

"Well now, what do we have here?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Inuyasha growled. Sango, Miroku, and Kirara ran into the room and looked above them.

"I'm someone who's been after you for a while. I thought It was time to introduce myself. It would be rude to keep attacking you without knowing each other's names." The person said.

He was standing in mid air on a purplish black cloud. He was covered in a baboon pellet. "I am known as Naraku." He said.

"Naraku?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Hai, the one that is after the fare miko and the Shikon no Tama. I'm also the one that cursed the monk's family with the Kazaana." Naraku laughed.

"Why? Why do you want the Shikon no Tama? Why is everyone so sure that I have it?" Kagome yelled.

"Because, it has great power. Far more power than I can desire. You do have it. An energy that is not your miko powers radiates off of you. Anyone can sense it, except your friends. They've always known you with that power so they think it's a part of you. The hanyou doesn't know because he simply does not care." Naraku explained.

"It's rude to just barge into in an inn like that! You just ruined this place! And for what? To introduce yourself? Well you won't be getting the jewel, so I suggest you leave." Kagome glared at Naraku obviously not afraid of him.

Naraku smiled. "I like your sense of courage. I will be getting the jewel sooner or later." He chuckled before disappearing in the smoke.

Aki and some other villagers ran into the room. "Is everyone all right?" He asked.

"Hai, we're all fine. But your inn was damaged." Miroku pointed to the torn off roof.

"That's all right." Aki said. "As long as everyone is okay."

"Gomen, I didn't mean to cause so much trouble." Kagome said as she sank to her knees.

"It's not your fault, Miko-sama. The youkai did this, not you." Aki reassured her.

Kagome bowed her head and just stayed where she was. "We should go find somewhere to camp out. We wouldn't want to cause anymore trouble than we have." Miroku said.

"Are you sure? We could find another place for you to sleep." Aki said.

"No, we'll be fine camping out. It's not too dark so we should be able to find an area close by." Miroku explained.

"If your sure. At least let some men guide you with torches." Aki said.

"Arigato." Sango said. "Gomen about your roof."

"It's no problem." Aki smiled. He signaled for some men to grab torches.

"I'll grab our things and have Kirara carry them." Sango said.

Kirara mewed and transformed so she could carry their supplies. Inuyasha picked Kagome up and held her in his arms. He knew she still felt guilty about what happened. Hopefully he'd be able to ease her guilt a little bit.

"Shall we go?" Miroku asked.

Everyone nodded ready to go and went on their way. They left the village and traveled the path that lead through the forest. Soon enough a clearing was spotted from the path, the perfect place to make camp. Miroku thanked the villagers with the torches and apologized once again for the roof incident. They told him to think nothing of it and wished them luck on their journey.

"That village is really nice." Sango said a little shocked at their kindness.

"No kidding. We just got their roof torn apart and they helped us look for a place to camp." Shippo said.

"Well we should get some rest now." Sango said.

"I agree with Sango. We have an early morning tomorrow." Miroku said. They both grabbed their bedding and laid it down on the ground. Sango glared at Miroku when he placed his futon too close to her. He smiled and moved it further away.

Inuyasha jumped into a tree and settled himself on the branch, and then settled Kagome in his lap. "It's not your fault." He whispered.

Kagome nodded and rested her head on his chest, unaware of the position they were in. She was facing him while straddling his hips. The same position she was embarrassed to be in last night. He rearranged their positions last time but since she didn't notice he wasn't going to bother.

He gently kissed her forehead and rested against the tree, alert for any danger. This time he wouldn't let his guard down. He was glad that Kagome hadn't noticed him trying to lie down next to her.

A part of him was disappointed. He wanted to see if she would mind him sleeping next to her on the floor. After she got over the embarrassment of sleeping with him in the tree, she didn't seem to mind so much. Would she mind if he slept next to her? A part of him was afraid to find out.


The next morning the group got an early start. The sun woke them pretty early. They ate breakfast and gathered their things. They wanted to get to the village as soon as possible. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more distractions.

As they traveled everyone began to notice that Kagome's mood was a little happier. Shippo had given her a flower and she smiled happily at him. This time it wasn't fake or full of guilt. The flower now rested tucked behind her ear for all to see.

Shippo carried himself full, of pride, and happy that he cheered her up. He hated seeing her unhappy even if he hadn't known her that long. She became almost motherly to him right away and he was thankful that she took him in.

The group moved on throughout the day only stopping for short breaks and meals. They were making great time. Kagome and Shippo on Inuyasha's back while Sango and Miroku were riding Kirara. The group moved faster as they traveled that way.

"I can see the village!" Shippo said.

Everyone looked ahead and saw it. It was a small village, but there were plenty of people from what they could see. Quickly, they headed towards the village. Wanting nothing more than to hurry up and find out about the jewel, they moved faster.

The village people watched as they saw the group of travelers quickly head towards them. They didn't know if they should run, or offer to help them. They did nothing, and waited to see what was going on. The leader of the village stepped out of the crowd and into view as they all stopped.

He had long black hair that was tied in a loose ponytail. He wore a black ceremonial robe that was decorated in red patterns. He had green eyes and he was very tall. The villagers all gazed at the visitors as he addressed them.

"Is something wrong?" The village leader asked.

"No, but we seek information. We've had terrible run in with youkai on our way here, and would like nothing more than to get the information we seek so that we may be on our way home." Miroku said.

"Please come this way. We shall get you settled and then discuss the information you seek." The village leader said.

"Arigato." Kagome said.

They all followed the leader and looked around. The villagers were whispering to each other. Hearing nothing offensive Inuyasha left them alone. They probably wouldn't get the information they wanted if he started something. He ignored them as they made their way to a large building.

People came in from different of the room and gave them pillows to sit on and something to drink. "I am the village leader, Tagachi." He said.

"Arigato for you hospitality, Tagachi-sama." Miroku said. "My friends and I appreciate it."

"We are hospitable towards those who have no means to harm us. I don't believe you came here to fight." Tagachi said. "It is unusual that you travel with youkai."

"Ah, yes, we are an unusual bunch." Miroku said. "I am Miroku, a servant of Buddha, Kagome over there is a miko, the kitsune in her lap is Shippo, the hanyou next to her is Inuyasha, and next to me is a taijiya, Sango, along with her neko Kirara."

"So you are an unusual bunch. Its unheard of that companions like you travel together." Tagachi said. "You must all have tolerance for one another's kind."

"I don't believe in discriminating against people because of their blood." Kagome said.

"For a miko, it is unbelievable that you are traveling among youkai, especially the taijiya." Tagachi said. "Although I do not understand why we discriminate amongst those who are not human."

"You don't hate youkai?" Sango asked curiously.

"No, they are no different than humans. They have more power than us, but that's it. Both youkai and humans kill. Youkai just have a greater strength to do it." Tagachi explained.

"Too bad more people don't think like you." Miroku shook his head.

"The people in our village think the same way. It has always been this way. We do not accept those who believe youkai are evil." Tagachi sipped his tea. "Tell me, what information do you seek?"

"The Shikon no Tama. What do you know of it?" Kagome asked.

"Has it reappeared?" Tagachi asked.

"Not exactly." Kagome replied. "Please tell us what you know."

"This village was the jewel's home for many years. The story has been passed down generation to generation in hopes of maybe finding the jewel again so we may keep it in our possession." Tagachi explained. "The Shikon no Tama, also known as the Jewel of Four Souls, was created by the most powerful priestess known. Midoriko-sama created the jewel with her own soul."

"How is that possible?" Miroku asked.

"Midoriko-sama was among the few priestesses that could purify the evil out of youkai. She fought many youkai constantly to save their souls. Those that did not want to be purified battled against her for several days. For seven days they fought non stop. Midoriko-sama was an unusual priestess, for she was also a warrior. On the seventh day she grew tired. Almost too tired to keep fighting. To solve the problem of the unpurified souls, she tore into her own flesh and removed her own soul and combined it with the three youkai that remained unpurified. With the last of her strength, she created the Shikon no Tama." Tagachi said.

"She sacrificed herself." Kagome said softly in shock.

Inuyasha grabbed her hand and brought her closer to him. "So she created the jewel out of her and three unpurified demon souls?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hai, it is said to this day she still fights the battle within the jewel." Tagachi said. "The jewel give incredible power to whoever possesses to use it. Youkai and humans alike all crave for the power of the jewel, most with evil intentions. The jewel disappeared when Kikyo-sama, the jewel's last protector took it with her to the afterlife."

"Can the Shikon no Tama be brought back?" Miroku asked.

"I suppose it could be possible." Tagachi said. "I have not heard of its reappearance."

"We believe it may have resurfaced." Sango said.

"Has it? Where is it?" Tagachi said. "Without a proper protector the jewel could fall into the wrong hands."

"We're not absolutely certain. We believe it is with Kagome." Miroku said. "It seems that the jewel has come back with Kikyo's reincarnation."

"You are Kikyo-sama's reincarnation?" Tagachi asked Kagome.

"I'm not sure of anything at the moment." Kagome said.

"Where is the jewel?" Tagachi asked. "May I examine it to see if it is the real thing?"

"If indeed Kagome does possess the jewel, it remains in her body. Several youkai have attacked her for the jewel. We are told that it has a separate feeling of power from her miko powers, but we are unable to feel it since we are so close to her." Miroku said.

"I see. If you do have the Shikon no Tama, be sure to guard it. If a youkai or human with evil intentions gains possession of the jewel, then the world itself may come to an end." Tagachi said in a serious voice.

"Arigato for all of your help." Kagome said. "I am very grateful."

"Please allow me shelter you for the night. I'm sure you are all weary from your travels. You may stay in our guest rooms." Tagachi said.

"That would be greatly appreciated." Miroku said.

"Sano, please show our guests their rooms." Tagachi ordered. "He will explain your options of sleeping arrangements."

"Arigato." They all said. They followed Sano towards the end of the hallway.

"You may either each have your own separate rooms or you may share." Sano said. He pointed to the four rooms they could choose from.

"Kagome and I will share a room." Inuyasha said.

"Then I will share a room with Sango." Miroku smiled.

"You can sleep by yourself, Houshi-sama!" Sango snapped.

"I want to stay with Kagome." Shippo exclaimed.

"If that is how you wish it. Inuyasha-sama, Kagome-sama you may use this room. " Sano opened the rice paper door of the last room on the right. "It is the largest room. Sango-sama, you may take the one across from them and Miroku-sama, you may take the one next to hers. I assume the neko will be sleeping with you, Sango-sama?"

"Hai." Sango said.

"Shippo will be staying in our room." Kagome said. "Arigato."

"Dinner will be sent in shortly." Sano announced.

"But nothing was said." Miroku said.

"Tagachi-sama insisted that dinner be made and brought to your rooms. He likes guests of his palace to be content as long as they stay here." Sano said.

"Can you have all the meals sent in this room? We'd like to eat together, if you don't mind." Kagome said.

"Of course." Sano nodded and left them.

"This village is very nice." Sango said as the group entered Inuyasha and Kagome's room.

"I agree." Miroku said.


Kagome was setting up the futon on the side of the room as Shippo placed the last of the trays outside of the door. They were to be picked up later. A little while after dinner the group retired to their rooms, tired from their travels.

"Are you going to sleep Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"Not yet." Inuyasha said.

"Oh." She said. She laid down on the futon and covered herself. "Oyasumi."

"Oyasumi." Inuyasha said quietly. He closed the rice paper door that lead outside so he wouldn't disturb her sleep. He sat cross-legged with his arms folded keeping an eye and ear on the lookout for danger.

The door slid open and Shippo sat down next to Inuyasha. "What do you want runt?" Inuyasha asked.

"Is something bad going to happen to Kagome?" Shippo asked.

"Of course not. I'm here to protect her." Inuyasha said.

"Oh." Shippo said.

"Why, what's wrong?" Inuyasha asked.

"I'm just worried that something would happen to her. I haven't known her for long but, she's like an Okaa-san to me now." Shippo said.

Inuyasha sat there a little stunned at the kit's confession. "I'm sure she sees you as her son, even if she doesn't realize it. She has motherly instincts towards you." Inuyasha said.

"You think? Do you think she'd mind if I called her Okaa-san?" Shippo asked.

"Probably not. You should talk to her about it first." Inuyasha said.

Shippo smiled, happy that he had this talk with Inuyasha. His smile disappeared as a howl could be heard nearby. "What was that?" Shippo asked.

"I don't know. I'm going to check it out. Stay here." Inuyasha said.

"No! I want to protect Okaa-san too." Shippo said trying out his new name for Kagome.

Inuyasha smiled before nodding. "Let's go." He said. Shippo jumped onto his shoulder and they ran into the woods on the search for the howler.


Kagome sat up in fright as she clutched a hand to her chest. She had a dream about the jewel and it scared her. She had died in a fight for the Shikon no Tama. Looking around she noticed no one was around. `Where could Shippo and Inuyasha have gone?' She wondered.

She stood and walked over to the door that lead to the hallway. Maybe they were walking around. As soon as she slid the door open she was hit and knocked back into the middle of the room. She groaned in pain as she touched her cheek. She gasped as she saw her attacker. "Tagachi-sama?" She said in shock.

He walked towards her with a knife in hand. "You have the Shikon no Tama. I want it." He said.

"But I thought you wanted to protect it." Kagome asked.

"That was what my ancestors wanted. The more I heard about the jewel's power the more I wanted it for myself." Tagachi said.

"I don't even know if I have it." Kagome said as she backed away from him.

"I'll find out either way." Tagachi said. "Don't think about calling your hanyou friend. Him and the kitsune left to investigate a howl nearby."

"What?" Kagome said.

"I have a decoy out in the forest. I knew your hanyou would investigate." Tagachi said.

"How did you know he'd go?" Kagome asked.

"I saw the way he acted around you. He cares for you more than your other companions. So to keep you safe, he'd check it out." Tagachi got closer and closer to Kagome.

Finally he jumped towards her. Kagome saw him coming and kicked her foot up in hopes of doing something. Out of pure luck the knife flew out of his hands and to the other side of the room. Tagachi angrily glared at her. "I see we'll have to do this the hard way." He said.

He reached out and wrapped his hands around her neck cutting off her air. Kagome fought to get him off of her. The harder she struggled the more tired she grew. Her vision grew blurry and she could barely make out Tagachi grinning at her. He was enjoying watching her die.

"Inu...ya...sha..." Kagome said before her vision blackened and her body went limp.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

AHAHA. I know my evil cliffhangers. Is she dead? Find out in the next chapter. Hahaha. Holy Hell this is a long chapter! Nine freaking pages. Well I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think. Thanks for all the reviews! Ja ne.

Commitmentette: I'm not sure if Kagura or Kanna will be in the fic. I think if people want them in I can somehow throw them in. I haven't really thought about them. Thanks for saying something! Thanks for you review.

Thanks to my puppy slave. For those of you who don't know him. He's my very good friend Galen. You should read his fic it's really good even though he hasn't updated in FOREVER!!(Editor: There's a perfectly logical explanation for this: I don't want to fail my senior year, so I'm busting my ass my last few weeks. I swear I'll make it up to my readers when I graduate) (Here's the link: http ://w ww .fan fiction .net/p rofile.p hp?use rid=52 1136.) (Copy and paste this into your browser, but be sure to take the spaces out of the address so it'll work. Or if you're too lazy to do that, look for the writer with the pen name Daman 388.) Although its understandable because the school year is almost over and the teachers like to throw enormous amounts of work at you before you leave. Or at least that's what my teachers are doing. Anyways Reflections Of What Might Be is a really good fic. I love it. Just thought you'd be interested.