InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Neko Savior ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 22

Neko Savior

Tagachi thought he had the upper hand. As soon as Kagome's eyes flickered closed he grinned in triumph. It was easy as soon as he got the hanyou out of the way. Unfortunately for Tagachi, he forgot something very important.

Kagome fell to the ground as Tagachi was ripped away from her and thrown against the wall. He brought a hand to his shoulder and felt blood. Then from the corner of his eye he saw a neko. There were no neko youkai around. Wait...the girl, Sango had one but it was much smaller.

Kirara growled at Tagachi as he stood up. She jumped in front of Kagome and nudged her with her nose lightly trying to rouse her. Nothing, she didn't stir at all. Tagachi chose the distraction to grab his knife and he threw it at Kirara.

Having fast reflexes Kirara moved out of the way but her foot was cut in the process. Roaring she limped back towards Kagome. She had to protect her, injured or not. Hopefully Sango and Miroku would wake soon and help out.


Inuyasha and Shippo were running through the forest, as the howling got louder. The scent of whatever was howling reached their noses and they ran faster. They reached a clearing with nothing around.

Both of them searched the area but found nothing. The scent heavily stained the area. Confused they both shrugged and headed back towards their room. Something wasn't right. Something Suddenly a chill ran down Inuyasha's spine and he could faintly hear Kagome's voice calling his name.

He grabbed Shippo and took off as fast as he could. "What's wrong?" Shippo asked shocked at the speed they were traveling.

"Kagome's in trouble!" Inuyasha said.

Within minutes they were back at their room and the scene they returned upon was horrifying. Kagome was on the ground almost lifeless, Kirara was standing next to her in a defensive stance, blood running down her front left leg, and Tagachi was standing at the doorway with a menacing smirk on his face.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Inuyasha growled. He ran towards Kagome and shook her awake.

"Is she dead?" Tagachi asked. "Is your heart ripped in two now that you will no longer see her alive?"

"You did this." Inuyasha said.

"She had the jewel." Tagachi said.

"You..." Inuyasha wasn't able to finish his sentence. He was filled with too much rage. He flexed his claws and ran towards the soon to be dead village leader.

Tagachi hadn't expected Inuyasha to run towards him. He thought he'd sit in grief while he got away. He punched him in the face making him crash into the room across from them, which had Sango in it.

Inuyasha hadn't realized it was Sango's room until he almost tripped over her. How could she stay asleep for so long? He patted her with his foot. She did nothing. She just laid there sleeping.

"What did you do to them?" Inuyasha asked.

"I just put some sleeping medicine in their foods. Why do you think I had it brought to you? The monk should be sleeping peacefully too." Tagachi said as he struggled to get up. That punch did a lot of damage to him.

"Why keep Kagome awake?" Inuyasha asked.

"And deprive me of her screams as I cut her open? Nothing is better than hearing a woman's agonizing wails." Tagachi smiled. "She wanted to do it the hard way, too."

Hearing his sick and twisted plans only angered him even more. Inuyasha grabbed Tagachi by the neck and slammed him to the ground and threw him back into his room. "Go ahead and kill me. It won't bring her back." Tagachi laughed weakly.

Inuyasha growled ferociously before leaping at him. His claws went through his chest and he coughed up blood. Even through his anger he could hear a pulse. A very weak pulse, and it belonged to Kagome. He dropped the sick and twisted leader and ran to her.

Shippo was in tears beside her with Kirara. "She's alive." Inuyasha said.

"She is?" Shippo said.

"Can't you hear her heart beat?" Inuyasha asked.

Shippo leaned down and pressed his ear against her chest. It was very weak but it was there. Inuyasha picked her up and shook her gently. "Wake up Kagome!" He shouted.

He nuzzled her neck and hoped to Kami-sama that she would wake. His prayers were answered when Kagome sucked in a breath of air. She coughed uncontrollably and grabbed her chest. Her vision was still a little fuzzy but she could make out Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha!" She said as best as she could and threw her arms around him.

"Kagome." Inuyasha said in relief. He'd thought he lost her.

"Okaa-san!" Shippo shouted and jumped in-between the couple.

Kagome smiled at being called Okaa-san and patted his head. "What happened?" Inuyasha asked.

"I woke up from a bad dream and he came in. He wanted the jewel, and he came after me. I kicked the knife out of his hands and so he started choking me. I called out your name and then I blacked out." Kagome explained.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her again. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier." He said.

"It's ok." Kagome said. "But what happened to Tagachi?"

Inuyasha looked over to where he had dropped him. He was covered in blood. "He's dead." Inuyasha said. No heartbeat could be heard and the scent of death was around him.

"Oh." Kagome said and looked away. That's when she saw Kirara's injury. "Kirara!"

"I guess she was protecting you and got hurt. Miroku and Sango are sleeping in their rooms." Inuyasha said.

"There in their rooms?" Kagome asked as she bandaged Kirara's leg. "How did they sleep through that?"

"That bastard put sleeping medicine in their drinks." Inuyasha said.

"That's horrible. When do you think they'll wake up?" Kagome asked.

"Soon, I guess. They'll have one hell of a headache." Inuyasha said. "The villagers are coming."

"Let me explain." Kagome put a hand over his.

He nodded and picked up Shippo and Kirara in case something happened. The villagers ran into the room and gasped. "What happened here?" Sano asked.

"Tagachi attacked me for the jewel." Kagome said.

The villagers didn't look as if they believed her. "Gomen, I didn't think he'd try something so horrible." Sano apologized. "He was so kind to everyone."

"You mean you believe us?" Inuyasha asked.

"Why wouldn't we?" Sano asked.

"Well, he was your village leader." Inuyasha said.

"Ah, but I don't think Miko-sama would ever lie to us." Sano said. "Onegai, let us get you settled in another room. I promise no one else will be after you, even if I have to stand guard outside your door."

"Arigato." Kagome said. "Can you bring our friends? They were put to sleep with some medicine in their meals."

"Ah, so that's what he was up to." Sano said. "Of course."

Soon everyone was moved to the other end of the hall. They put Sango and Miroku in one room for safety purposes along with Kirara. Inuyasha and Kagome stayed together with Shippo.

Kagome couldn't really fall asleep. Not after before when someone had just tried to kill her. She liked the people of this village, but she was too paranoid to sleep. "Go to sleep. I'm here." Inuyasha said.

"I can't fall asleep. Not after what happened. I know I'm being paranoid, but I can't help it." Kagome said.

Inuyasha pulled her into his lap and moved against the wall. He moved Kagome so that she was straddling his hips and placed her head in the crook of his neck. "Ano..." Kagome said shyly.

"We're not doing anything." Inuyasha said.

"I know, but still..." Kagome said.

"There's no one here." Inuyasha pointed. "Shippo doesn't count."

Shippo was sleeping on futon that was set up for her. "Did he really call me Okaa-san?" Kagome asked as she lifted her head to look at him.

"Yeah, he said he thought of you like one, and asked me if you'd mind calling him that." Inuyasha said. "I told him probably not, since you act like one towards him."

"I can't help it. He's so cute." Kagome smiled.

"Keh, that's what you think." Inuyasha muttered.

"Your cute too." Kagome rubbed his ears. She hadn't even realized what she'd just said.

"You think?" Inuyasha asked in surprise.

That's when Kagome realized what she just said. She continued to rub his ears and moved her head back to the crook of his neck out of view. She nodded while trying to keep the blush down.

Inuyasha gently grabbed her chin and guided upwards towards him. He ached to feel her lips on his. He thought he'd lost her. Losing her would have driven him mad. Bringing her face closer to his he leaned down and their lips connected.

Her lips were so soft and sweet. He couldn't believe he was kissing such a woman. Nibbling on her lips he coaxed her mouth open. His tongue slipped in the moment he was granted access. Their tongues shyly brushed against each other.

Inuyasha's hands moved upwards towards her breasts but stopped before he got too far. He didn't know if she was ready to move that fast, and besides, Shippo was in the room. He was satisfied with his hands on her back.

They separated for air both of them a little flushed. Inuyasha rested his forehead on hers. "I'm glad your ok." He whispered.

Kagome smiled and briefly kissed him on the lips. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and rubbed his ear. "Arigato." She said before her hand went limp and she fell asleep.


The next morning Sango woke up to a bad headache. What could she have done that would've brought on such a horrible headache? Something didn't feel right either. Something beside her was moving. It wasn't Kirara. She looked and saw it was a person. The color drained out of her face and she screamed.

Inuyasha woke up and fell over when he heard the scream. It was really loud, especially to him since he had better hearing than humans. "Itai." Someone from beneath him said.

He looked below and noticed it was Kagome. "Gomen." He said and helped her up.

"Its ok." Kagome said. "Was someone screaming?"

"I think it was Sango." Inuyasha said, cringing from the loudness of her voice. "She's loud."

"Is she in trouble?" Kagome said and took off towards her room.

Sango didn't look like she needed any help. Miroku was on the ground on the other side of the room with some new bruises and a few bumps. Some villagers ran into the room as well. "What's going on here?" Sano asked.

"That hentai was sleeping next to me." Sango said.

"Ah, gomen, that was me. I assumed you were lovers." Sano apologized.

"You thought we were what?" Sango yelled as a blush appeared on her face.

"Ah if only that were true." Miroku said.

"Hai, gomen." Sano said.

"Why are we in this room, anyway?" Sango looked around at the new room.

"Long story." Kagome said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

So it's not as long as the chapter before but I thought it was a good stopping point. Well I guess I don't have as many finals as I thought I did. I have no idea what's going on in school right now so I don't know if I'll be able to update regularly or not. But school is out next Monday. But I'm not going so YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! School is almost out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If you haven't noticed I hate school with a passion. It's the worst thing EVER!!!!) Ja ne.

Thanks to my puppy slave, readers, and reviewers.

Editor's note: I'm already out of school! HA! The joys of being a senior! Heheh.

AU: (Rub it in why don't ya!)