InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Ghost ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 23


Kagome had told Miroku and Sango what had happened. Sango praised Kirara for helping Kagome. "I can't believe he did that." Sango said. "I'm going to have this headache for a while."

"Hai, me too." Miroku said.

"I can make something and you can put it in your tea. It should help." Kagome said. "Then we can leave."

"Are you leaving so soon?" Sano asked.

"Hai, we took longer on this journey than expected. Our families are probably worried." Miroku said.

"I understand." Sano said.

Kagome made the tea with the herbs. Within an hour their headaches were gone, and they were ready to leave. They said goodbye and headed towards the South to their village. "I can't wait to get home." Kagome said.

"Me neither." Sango said.

"I think I've had enough excitement for a while." Kagome said. "I'm still so tired. I could barely sleep last night."

"Wouldn't blame you." Sango said as she pet Kirara who was in her arms.

"At least we found out some useful information about the jewel." Miroku said.

"But can we trust him? I mean, he did try to kill Kagome." Sango said.

"Its all we have." Kagome said. "He might've told us the truth in hopes of us trusting him."

"Kagome's right. I think he told the truth though. He didn't have long enough to make up a story and he didn't stutter while he talked." Inuyasha said.

"I don't think he lied either." Kagome said.

"Let's assume whatever he said is true." Miroku said.

"We should've eaten before we left." Shippo said.

"Gomen Shippo, but I couldn't eat there even if I wanted to. I mean, I don't know if I could trust them." Kagome said. "As much as I wanted to. Sano seemed very nice."

"We'll stop and eat soon, you whiny brat." Inuyasha said.

Shippo stuck his tongue out at him and jumped onto Kagome's shoulder. "At least everyone is ok." Kagome said.

"What about you?" Inuyasha asked.

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.

"That was a pretty traumatic experience." Miroku said.

"Hai, are you sure your ok?" Sango asked.

"I'm fine." Kagome reassured them.

Inuyasha stopped and turned around to look at Kagome. He moved her hair because it was covering up her neck. There were bruises from when Tagachi choked her. She had hidden it from them all. "What' this then?" Inuyasha asked.

"Its nothing." Kagome said.

"What do you mean nothing? It will take a long time for the bruises to go away." Inuyasha said.

"I'll just have to take it easy." Kagome said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Inuyasha asked.

"I didn't want you guys to worry." Kagome said. "Its just some bruises."

"You still should've said something." Inuyasha said.

"I'll be fine. They're just bruises." Kagome said and started walking.

"She's always like that." Sango said.

"Like what?" Inuyasha asked.

"She's very independent. She hates relying on others even when she needs help." Miroku told him.

"I can understand something like that but those bruises need to be treated." Inuyasha said.

"I'm sure she'll let you treat them in privacy." Sango started walking with Miroku.

Inuyasha sighed and caught up with Kagome. Neither of them said anything just enjoyed each other's presence. Kagome stopped walking when she heard something. Someone was singing.

"Inuyasha do you hear that?" She asked.

"Hear what?" He asked as his ears twitched to catch anything unusual.

"The singing." Kagome said.

"What singing? I don't hear anything."

"How can you not hear it? You have better hearing than I do." Kagome said.

"What's wrong?" Sango asked as her and Miroku caught up with them.

"Kagome hears singing." Inuyasha said.

"I don't hear anything." Sango looked around to see if anyone was singing nearby.

"Neither do I." Miroku said.

"I don't hear anything either." Shippo said.

"It stopped." Kagome said. The voice was very soothing and melodic. She couldn't help but listen to it.

The group shrugged it off as just hearing things. After what happened they weren't surprised. So again they headed towards their villages. They wanted to make it their as fast as they could.


Sometime in the evening the gang set up camp. It was getting dark and everyone was getting hungry. "I'll go get some water." Kagome said and grabbed a pail. She walked down to the river they had passed.

"I'll get some food." Inuyasha said and leapt into the trees.

"Houshi-sama, can you get some firewood?" Sango asked.

"Hai." Miroku said and walked into the forest.

Kagome was letting the pail fill up in the river. She stood up and was about to head back to camp when she heard singing again. She dropped the bucket and her eyes went blank. The melodic singing was hypnotizing her.

Inuyasha got back to camp with a couple of rabbits in his hands. "Where's Kagome?" he asked.

"She hasn't come back yet." Sango said.

"It doesn't take that long to get water." Inuyasha said.

"What's wrong?" Miroku asked as he came out of the woods with the firewood.

"Kagome hasn't come back yet." Inuyasha said.

"Really?" Miroku asked.

"I'm going to go look for her." Inuyasha said.

"I'll go too." Miroku said.

"Me too." Sango grabbed hiraikotsu. "Shippo, can you stay with Kirara and watch the fire? If Kagome comes back before we do, send Kirara to find us."

"Hai." Shippo said.

Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango all went looking for Kagome. They headed towards the river when Inuyasha stopped. "Her scent is going in a different direction, but she was here first." He said.

"There's the pail." Sango pointed. It was spilled over onto the ground.

"Dammit." Inuyasha mumbled as they walked faster to find her.

They all gasped as they saw her floating in the air at an angle. Rings of light were around her body and her eyes were blank. "What the fuck?" Inuyasha said. He walked towards her but was thrown back. Someone had put up a shield around her.

"What's wrong with Kagome?" Sango asked.

They could distantly hear giggling echoing through the forest. "Is that her name?" Someone said. "Kagome."

"Who are you?" Inuyasha yelled.

"I am Koryu." The girl said. She had a mature voice.

Suddenly a ghostly figure appeared before them. She looked like a human. You could see through her as if she were a ghost. They stepped forward as she floated closer to Kagome. "You wouldn't want me to hurt her, do you?" Koryu said.

They stepped back to their original places. "What are you doing to her?" Inuyasha demanded to know.

"I'm looking at her." She said.

"Looking at her?" Inuyasha asked.

"She's trying to steal Kagome's powers." Miroku said.

"What?" Sango asked.

"She's a special type of youkai. She can hide her physical form and become ghostly. Those rings are looking into her soul. She's trying to see what powers she has so she can steal them for herself. The ghostly body of hers will allow her to go into Kagome and take whatever she wants." Miroku explained.

"Right you are, Houshi-sama." Koryu said. "When I'm done with her, I'll leave her to die. It is taking longer than usual. She is exceptionally strong. Something is hidden within her."

"Hidden?" They all said at once.

"Something she doesn't even know she has. I'll find it and take it. The power of whatever it is, is great." Koryu said.

"I won't let her die." Inuyasha said.

"You don't have a choice. I'm almost done with her. You step any closer and I'll make sure she lives in pain before her very last breath." Koryu threatened.

Inuyasha growled but stopped when Kagome screamed. "Kagome!" he shouted.

"She's having a nightmare. She's reliving an experience, but it's much worse thanks to me." Koryu said. "She listened to my voice and so she is stuck in her own nightmare."

"You, you were the one she heard singing." Inuyasha said.

"My voice is hypnotic to whoever succumbs to the melody." Koryu said. "You don't have to worry. None of you have what I'm looking for. Leave now and I'll let you live."

"Never." Inuyasha said.

"I didn't think you would. Her feelings for you run deep, you know." Koryu said. "She cares deeply for you, even though you just met not too long ago."

"How do you know that?" Inuyasha asked.

"I know all that she knows now. Its only a matter of minutes until I'm done looking through her." Koryu said. "You can join her if you want. I can bring you into her nightmare so she can share her last moments with you."

"Don't you dare kill her!" Inuyasha shouted.

Koryu held her hand above Kagome's body and it glowed. Kagome screamed in pain as Koryu shocked her. "I don't like that tone of voice!" She said. "I was going to let her die in your arms but now I think you'll die together!"

"No, don't listen to her voice!" Miroku shouted as he saw Koryu start to open her mouth.

She shocked Kagome once again. "I'll shock her again if you say another word." Koryu warned.

Inuyasha could hear melodic singing. His eyes went blank and he hovered into the air. "No!" Sango shouted.

Koryu shocked Kagome once again. "You like listening to her screams don't you? Is that why you won't listen to me?" She asked.

Sango stood where she was and tried to think of something to do. Inuyasha's vision went black and then it flickered white. `Kagome' he thought. Suddenly his eyes were normal and he sank to the ground onto his feet.

"What? That's impossible! How did my spell not work?" Koryu said in horror. "No one can break through my spell, especially not a hanyou."

"You underestimated me." Inuyasha said. Now he had to think of a way to get Kagome back.

Suddenly Koryu and Kagome both screamed in pain. "Miroku what's going on?" Inuyasha asked.

"Koryu's physical body is being hurt. Since Kagome isn't broken from the spell she's being hurt too." Miroku explained.

"What happens if Koryu dies?" Sango asked.

"If Kagome's will to live isn't strong enough, she'll die too." Miroku said.

"What?" Inuyasha yelled.

"Who is hurting Koryu?" Sango asked.

"I don't know." Miroku said.

Inuyasha's blood boiled as he listened to Kagome's screams of pain. How could he help? Maybe now that Koryu was being hurt he could get past the barrier. It was worth a shot. He ran towards Kagome and prepared himself for the blast back. As soon as he reached the shield he was thrown back again.

"Dammit." Inuyasha growled.

Kagome's screams grew louder as a white light surrounded her and engulfed the area. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango had to cover their eyes because it was so bright. The light fanned out and then disappeared.

They looked at Kagome and saw her on the ground. They ran towards her and checked for injuries. Miroku noticed that not too far away from Kagome, Koryu was on the ground too.

Koryu wasn't ghostly anymore. She was back in her physical body not moving. "Look." Miroku said.

Inuyasha and Sango looked at Koryu. She was face down on the ground. "She's dead." Inuyasha sniffed.

"Hai, once dead, their physical bodies return to them. I wonder who found her." Miroku said.

"Who cares? Let's get Kagome back to camp." Inuyasha said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Yay done. Well I have to say I am getting faster on my reviews and the last couple of chapters for both my fics have been longer than usual. I think I'm doing a pretty good job right now. I may take a little break. I've worn myself out and need to get some rest. Mentally and physically. I've been getting more migraines than usual and I've been really tired recently. I've been trying to get rid of this cold I've had for almost a month. Because I'm so stressed out it won't fully go away. I can't miss school to recover because I have finals and it's almost over. Not to mention my dad would get mad. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing, readers for reading, and reviewers for reviewing.

E/N: I hope you rest up, I don't want you to wear yourself out koiishi. Take it easy for a few days, especially since finals are this week.