InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Back Home ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 24

Back Home

Kagome jerked awake covered in sweat, breathing heavily. She put a hand to her heart and shook her head clear of her nightmare. She jumped when a hand touched her shoulder. "Inuyasha." Kagome said when she turned around to see who it was.

They were sitting in a tree. Inuyasha was leaning against the trunk of the tree. He was holding Kagome with her back against this chest. He nuzzled her neck, happy that she woke up. "Kagome." He whispered.

She shivered from the night air. It wasn't until then she realized they were back in the village and at the Goshinboku. The moon was out and lit the area. "How long have I been out?" She asked.

"Three days." Inuyasha said. "We got back this morning."

"Oh. What happened?" She asked.

"Some ghost youkai named Koryu lured you into the forest and tried to take your powers. She hurt you and then she died because her physical body was hurt. None of us did it though." Inuyasha explained.

"Who killed her?" Kagome asked.

"We left Shippo and Kirara at camp just in case you came back. They thought we were taking too long and came to look for us. Shippo saw a girl sleeping against a tree and asked her if she was ok. The girl happened to be Koryu's body. Defenseless, she lashed out at him. She scared him and he used foxfire on her. Fire is her only weakness." Inuyasha said.

"So, Shippo killed her?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah. Who would've thought the runt would prove to be useful?" Inuyasha said.

"Where is he?" Kagome asked.

"He's playing with Souta. As soon as they met, they went outside to play." Inuyasha said. "Sango, Miroku, and Kirara are at home. They'll come by tomorrow to make sure your ok."

"A lot happened while I was sleeping." Kagome said.

"You screamed while Koryu was looking through you. Why?" Inuyasha asked.

"I dreamed that Naraku killed all of you to get the jewel. It was the only way to get it from me." Kagome said. "I can't stand the thought of all of you dying."

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her. "We won't die." He said. "Go back to sleep."

"But what about Okaa-san?" Kagome asked.

"She knows you're with me." Inuyasha said.

"She does?" Kagome asked.

"Hai, she said something about grandchildren when I left." Inuyasha said.

"Okaa-san has been wanting grandchildren for a long time." Kagome blushed.

"I heard her saying something about my ears."

"She said it would be nice to have grandchildren with your ears and eyes." Kagome blushed even more.

"So basically she wants us to have kids?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hai." Kagome said.

"She's weird."

"I know." Kagome said.

"Just go to sleep. You need your rest." Inuyasha said.

"Oyasumi." Kagome whispered and fell asleep.

`Grandchildren?' Inuyasha thought. He looked down at Kagome and smiled. He could just imagine their kids running around. He shouldn't be thinking those thoughts right now. They had other things to deal with, besides he didn't even know if she was ready for kids. She hadn't exactly announced that she wanted him for a mate. She didn't even know anymore about mating than from what he told her. He'd have to tell her soon.


"Come on Inuyasha, let go!" Kagome yelled.

"No, you still haven't recovered." Inuyasha said. He had his arms wrapped around her in his lap.

"I'm sure I know my body better than you." Kagome said. "Onegai."

"No, you just don't care." Inuyasha said.

"Onegai, It's not that far." Kagome said.

"No." Inuyasha said. "Besides, they're on there way here."

"They are?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha nodded. Kagome had wanted to go to Sango and Miroku's village shortly after she woke up. She said hi to her Okaa-san, and ate some food. Inuyasha took her to the field, and that's when she started arguing with him to go to their village. He wouldn't let her, because she hadn't recovered from what Koryu did.

Soon enough like Inuyasha said Sango, Miroku, and Kirara came into view. "Kagome, are you ok?" Sango asked.

"I'm fine. I was going to see you, but Inuyasha wouldn't let me." Kagome glared at him at an odd angle. "You can let go now."

Inuyasha let go but kept his hands loosely around her waist. "Keh, I told you its not good for you to walk around right now." He said.

"I could've made it." Kagome said.

"Inuyasha is right. You shouldn't be doing too much." Miroku said.

"I'm fine now. The feeling is gone." Kagome said.

"Feeling?" Sango asked.

"Hai, when Koryu was doing whatever it was she was doing to me, I felt like my soul was being invaded and every once in a while, I'd feel a shock of pain. Its hard to explain." Kagome said.

"Well, it makes sense that you feel that way. She was trying to look through you." Miroku said. "Luckily, those kind of youkai are rare."

"Good. That's not something I'd like to experience again." Kagome said.

"Have you talked to Kaede-sama about the information on the Shikon no Tama?" Miroku asked.

"No. Like I said, Inuyasha wouldn't let me walk around. I wanted to get you guys to come." Kagome elbowed Inuyasha. "But he wouldn't let me."

"Oi!" Inuyasha said.

"We'll come with you later." Sango said.

"Arigato." Kagome said.

"What did your Okaa-san have to say?" Sango asked.

"She was more interested if I'd have kids or not." Kagome blushed.

"What?" Sango asked.

"I kept an eye on Kagome last night, and she was talking about kids with my ears and eyes." Inuyasha said.

"Well, did you get started on those kids? If you're not ready, you could always practice." Miroku said but was hit on the head before he could go any further. "Itai."

"You deserve it, lecher." Inuyasha said.

"Houshi-sama, will you ever learn to keep your mouth shut?" Sango asked.

"Not until you call me by my name, and not my title." Miroku smiled.

Sango blushed and looked away. "We should talk to Kaede-sama now."

"Good idea Sango." Kagome smiled as she saw the blush on her cheeks.

Inuyasha stood up with Kagome and kneeled down. "Get on." He said.

Kagome rolled her eyes but got on his back anyways. She knew he would carry her one way or the other so she might as well do it willingly. As soon as she was settled the group was on their way to the aging miko's hut.

"Ah, so you are back from your journey?" Kaede asked as they walked up to her hut. She was sitting outside checking on her herbs. "How was it?"

"Tiring." Kagome said.

"Was it?" Kaede asked. "Did you find information on the jewel?"

"Hai, but there were a lot of complications." Kagome said.

"What happened?" Kaede asked.


Kagome explained what happened and Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango filled in the holes. "I believe what you were told about the jewel." Kaede said.

"I think so too." Kagome said. "But what do I do with it?"

"That's up to you. It depends on whether or not it is in your body." Kaede said. "I think its safe to assume its there."

"I don't understand. What am I supposed to do with it?" Kagome asked. "It's caused so much trouble, and I just recently found out what it is."

"Think about it and decide." Kaede said. "Its all you can do."

"I guess." Kagome sighed.

"We should get going. It's going to be lunch time soon." Sango said.

"Same for me." Miroku said. "I shall accompany Sango back."

"Keep your hands to yourself." Sango glared at him.

"Of course." Miroku held his hands up.

"Those two certainly are a pair." Kaede laughed.

"Hai." Kagome agreed. "We should be going too. Remember, Okaa-san invited you for lunch and dinner today."

"I remember." Inuyasha said. He kneeled down for her.

"Bye Kaede-sama, arigato." Kagome waved.

"Kagome, you don't know anything more than what I told you about mating, right?" Inuyasha asked when they were out of sight of Kaede's hut.

"I only know what you, Miroku, and Sango told me." Kagome said.

"We need to talk after lunch." He said.


"There are some things that need to be explained." Inuyasha said.

"Ok." Kagome said not knowing if she was really going to want to hear this or not.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

I know its short but I'm not feeling too well. I had this chapter started last night and felt compelled to finish it ASAP. It drives me nuts to leave chapters unfinished, especially when I know where the chapter is going. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

I got a review a while ago saying that Kirara's name is spelled Kilala. I know who you are but I'm not going to point you out. In the English version they pronounce it Kilala. Its actually pronounced Kirara. The Japanese language doesn't really have an L sound so they spell R's as L's at times. If you watched the Japanese version you'd know. Just thought I'd point that out.

Onegai- Please