InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Him Again ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 25

Him Again

Kagome had stayed quiet all during dinner. She didn't know whether to be nervous about Inuyasha's talk or scared. Inuyasha noticed and rubbed her knee in reassurance. It wouldn't be good if she were nervous while they had their conversation.

After dinner, Kagome managed to get Shippo to play with Souta. He wanted to stay with Kagome for a while, but she explained that her and Inuyasha had things they needed to talk about. It took a while, but he finally agreed.

Walking towards the field so no one can interrupt them, Kagome shivered from the cold breeze. Inuyasha took off his outer haori and draped it across her shoulders. "Arigato." She said.

Once at the field, they sat down. Inuyasha pulled her closer to him and wrapped the haori tighter around her. "You know I'm courting you, right?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hai." Kagome said.

"Well, during the courting the female decides whether or not she wants the male to pursue her. She can either dismiss the male, or choose him as a mate." Inuyasha explained.

"How do I know when to choose?" Kagome blushed.

"It doesn't really matter when. Just remember that inu youkai mate for life. Just because I'm a hanyou doesn't mean I won't follow that. I may do things differently, but not much." Inuyasha said.

"What do you do to become mates?" Kagome asked more curious than embarrassed now.

"Well, I mark your shoulder where I usually do, but to make it permanent it has to be done during the mating." Inuyasha said.

"During the mating do you mean..." Kagome blushed when he nodded. She didn't even need to finish the question. "So what about you? How do I know if you want to be my mate?"

"I've already made up my mind. I would've left long ago if I didn't want to become your mate." Inuyasha said.

"Oh." Kagome said in a small voice. "So basically, its up to me now, right?"

"Yeah, I'll give you some time to think about it, and ask you later." Inuyasha said. "I just wanted to explain the way mating works. If you have to ask Shippo, he probably knows about it."

"But he's just a little kid." Kagome said.

"He's older than he looks. Mating is explained at a young age." Inuyasha said. "It might be different since he's a kitsune."

"Oh." Kagome said.

"If you have any questions, ask them now because Miroku and Sango are on their way here." Inuyasha asked.

"I can't think of any right now." Kagome said.

Sango and Miroku walked up to them after Kagome finished talking. "Have you guys noticed anything strange?" Miroku asked.

"No, why?" Kagome asked.

"Well I feel a powerful aura nearby. I do not recognize it." Miroku said.

"Kirara has been growling. She suddenly changed forms and started growling." Sango said. "I left her with Kohaku."

"I haven't noticed anything." Kagome said. "Have you, Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha sniffed the air for anything unusual and started growling. "Sesshomaru."

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome said. "What's he doing here?"

"Probably here to get Tetsusaiga. I didn't notice his scent before because the wind changed." Inuyasha said. "Be careful."

Suddenly the birds flew from the trees and scattered through the air. "He's coming." Miroku said. He could feel his aura coming closer.

"Dammit Sesshomaru, quit fucking around and come out! I know your there!" Inuyasha shouted.

"So you've noticed me." Sesshomaru said as he stepped out of the forest. "I'm surprised your senses are that strong."

"What the fuck do you want?" Inuyasha spat.

"Tetsusaiga. You don't know how to properly wield, it so I shall take it off your hands." Sesshomaru said.

"Fuck off. It's mine." Inuyasha said. (Such colorful language in this chapter.)(Oh yes, definitely.)

"I thought you'd say something like that." Sesshomaru said. "Fine, have it your way. I'll take it by force."

Inuyasha snorted and readied himself for any attacks. "Be careful and move away from this area." He said.

"But-" Kagome started.

"Miroku, Sango get her away!" Inuyasha yelled knowing Kagome wouldn't do it on her own.

They both nodded and grabbed an arm. They dragged her to the safety of some trees and looked to see what would happen. They'd never seen his brother before, but they could tell they were related.

"Give up the sword Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said. "Don't make your bitch worry anymore than she has to."

"Did he just call me a bitch?" Kagome asked getting mad.

"Don't worry. If you mate an inu youkai, you're considered a bitch. Nothing personal." Sango explained.

"Oh." Kagome said. She blushed when she realized what was said. "Wait...we're not mated."

"He still has a claim on you." Miroku pointed out.

Sesshomaru moved towards Inuyasha. No one could see him, he was moving so fast. `Damn, where'd he go?' Inuyasha thought, trying to predict his brother's moves. Suddenly he was in front of him. He hit Inuyasha and knocked him back a couple of feet.

Inuyasha got up and ran towards Sesshomaru with his claws out. He swung and hit the ground. Sesshomaru had moved out of the way and hit him, knocking him down to the ground. "Your so slow." Sesshomaru said.

"Shut up!" Inuyasha yelled. He got up and took out the tetsusaiga. He held it in front of him and waited for Sesshomaru's next move.

Seeing that the tetsusaiga was out now, Sesshomaru appeared in front of him. His claws went through his chest and he grabbed the hilt of the tetsusaiga. It burned his skin and he dropped it, forcing Inuyasha to the ground.

Inuyasha grunted in pain but stood to grab the tetsusaiga. "How strong are you, really, if you can't hold a sword?" Inuyasha said. Sesshomaru growled and hit him, throwing him back a couple of feet.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted. She broke away from Miroku and Sango's grasp. Running towards Inuyasha, she threw up a shield as Sesshomaru walked towards him. The shield threw him back a couple of feet. He managed to stay on his feet, but was a little stunned that the girl could actually create a strong barrier.

"You think that can help you?" Sesshomaru asked. He walked towards the barrier and slashed at it. Seeing as how the barrier wouldn't budge, he backed off. How powerful was this miko? He didn't sense any power strong enough to go against him. "It seems I've done enough damage. I'll be back."

Kagome lowered her barrier as soon as she knew Sesshomaru was gone. "Inuyasha! Wake up!" She shouted.

Inuyasha groaned and turned towards her. "Kag...ome." He grunted and fell back into unconsciousness.

"We need to get him treated!" Miroku said.

"We can't move him. It might get worse." Kagome said.

"You stay here with him. We'll go get bandages and stuff from Kaede-sama." Sango said.

"Arigato." Kagome said and they left. She opened his haori and took a look at his wound. He had a hole in his stomach and he was still bleeding. Kagome ripped the bottom of her kimono and applied pressure to the wound. He grunted but showed no other signs of discomfort.

Miroku and Sango returned as quickly as they could with bandages, rags, and a pail of water. Kagome cleaned his wound as best as she could. She wrapped the bandages around his chest as Sango and Miroku helped to sit Inuyasha up.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Sango asked.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Miroku said.

"I hope so." Kagome said. Inuyasha's head was resting in her lap while she brushed the hair out of his face.


Hours later Inuyasha woke up to a pain in his stomach. Looking down he saw he was bandaged up. Then he remembered what had happened. Kagome had ran out to him. Quickly and painfully he sat up to look around for Kagome.

That's when he realized he was inside of a hut. He grabbed his stomach and looked around. It smelled like Kagome. "Inuyasha, you shouldn't be up." Kagome said as she walked into the room with a wet cloth.

She walked up to him and pushed him back down onto the futon. Grabbing the cloth she put it over his forehead. "Where are we?" He asked.

"In my room." Kagome said.

"Why are we in here? Is everyone ok?" Inuyasha asked. "What happened?"

"Well you passed out and I threw up a barrier before Sesshomaru could get near you. He left saying he'd be back. He tried getting through my barrier, but it didn't work. After that, I dressed your wounds. When it was safe for you to be moved Miroku, Sango, and I brought you here. Okaa-san doesn't mind." Kagome explained.

"No one was hurt?" Inuyasha asked again.

"Everyone is fine. Miroku and Sango went home after you started getting the color back in your face." Kagome said.

"Kagome, I hear talking. Is Inuyasha awake?" Ms. Higurashi walked into the room.

"Hai, he's awake." Kagome said.

Inuyasha started getting up again but Kagome stopped him. "You shouldn't be getting up." Ms. Higurashi said.

"Sorry I'm such a bother." Inuyasha said.

"Your no bother. You protect Kagome all the time. We're glad to take care of you for once." Ms. Higurashi said. "You can stay here until you get better."


"No buts, you'll be staying." Ms. Higurashi said in a stern voice. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Your Okaa-san can be scary." Inuyasha said.

"Well, when she means something, she means it." Kagome said.

"So I've noticed." Inuyasha said. "Since I'm in your room, where will you sleep?"

"I don't know...I'll figure something out." Kagome said.

"Sleep in here." Inuyasha said.

"I can't. Okaa-san won't approve of that." Kagome told him.

"You haven't asked her. I sleep better around you."

"You do?"

"Yeah...your scent relaxes me. It's the last thing I remember before passing out."

Kagome blushed and nodded. "I'll talk to Okaa-san. Do you need anything?"

"No." Inuyasha said and watched Kagome walk out of the room.

She came back later blushing even brighter than when she left. "What's wrong?" Inuyasha asked.

"Nothing. Okaa-san doesn't mind. In fact, she wanted me to." Kagome mumbled the last sentence.

"She did?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome cursed Inuyasha's sense of hearing and her stupidity for forgetting. "It's getting late. You can't tell from here, but its dark outside." She said. She grabbed an extra futon and blanket and set it beside Inuyasha.

"Oyasumi." Kagome said.

"Oyasumi." Inuyasha said and reached his hand over to hold hers while they slept.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Well it took me a while but I got this chapter done. I may be taking a break even though my mom cancelled on us coming over this weekend. I've had a very stressful last week and it's starting to take its toll on me. Although I doubt the break will last long. It never does. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.


This fic is rated high for future lemons. As you can see there aren't any right now but there will be later on. I haven't decided on when to put them in. I guess when it's the right moment even though I'm not sure when that will be yet.

This review wasn't from this fic but from Busy Lives. As I've said before I don't mind if you flame me but when you go calling me names it really pisses me off. I do things for a reason and if you don't want to see why I do them then that's fine. But don't go calling me names for it. If you don't like the way I've done something then don't read. I take the time to write the fics the least you could do is not call me names. I'm already in a pissy mood so that doesn't help either. This is the second time something like this has happened. I'm sorry that I'm wasting the time of the readers who haven't done this. I just thought I'd put it in this fic for those who don't read Busy Lives. Thanks to those who like my story and to those who criticize my work without putting me down. I don't mind people telling me the bad points in my fic. I do mind when you call me names.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing, readers for reading, and reviewers for reviewing. (Sorry about wasting your time with the above AN. I'm sure you had better things to do than read that. I'm just not in a good mood today and it really pissed me off.)

E/N: to quote the puppy slave: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! You people should really have better things to do than to call her names while you're reviewing her fics. Give her some pointers, damnit, don't call her names. And just so you know, I don't appreciate it EITHER. So leave her alone if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say to her, ok? She's doing all this writing for you guys, because it seems you guys like the story so far. And like she said, if you don't like it: SCREW OFF and read something that does what you want it to, don't waste her time with useless insults, ok? She doesn't have to update as often as she does, but she does it for you, so remember that. _wipes brow_ short of beating down the guy who called you that, koiishi, I feel much better. Love you too queenie!