InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Into The River ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 28

Into The River

Inuyasha tore his gaze away from Kagome to look at the stars above him. The sun would be up soon and his youkai blood would return. Kagome was asleep in Inuyasha's arms, her back was to his chest. He'd told her to go to sleep after she looked like she was about to pass out.

He felt Kagome shiver from the cold breeze. She awoke and stretched her arms. "It's cold." Kagome said as she shivered again.

Inuyasha smiled and took off his haori. He wrapped it around her shoulders. "Wear this." He said.

"Won't you be cold?" Kagome asked.

"I'll be fine." Inuyasha said. Sure he was a little cold, but Kagome was more important.

"How long was I asleep?" Kagome asked.

"Couple of hours." Inuyasha said.

"Oh." Kagome said. She moved from his embrace to stretch her legs out. "It will be sunrise soon right?"

"Soon." Inuyasha said.

"I didn't think I'd get so tired." Kagome yawned.

"You need your sleep." Inuyasha said.

"What about you?"

"I don't need to sleep that much." Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders. He pulled Kagome into his lap again but hissed when her elbow jammed into his stomach wound.

"Gomen Inuyasha." Kagome said. She opened his inner haori without thinking and checked to see if it reopened. She blushed when she realized her actions. "Gomen."

"It's okay, it was my fault." Inuyasha said. "If it wasn't the new moon, it would've been healed hours ago."

"It will heal when your demon blood comes back right?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha nodded and leaned down to kiss her again. He couldn't get enough of her. As soon as their lips touched he slipped his tongue inside of her mouth. Kagome welcomed it with her own tongue and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Both of them ran out of breath and separated. Inuyasha leaned down further to kiss her neck. He'd have to mark her soon. Too bad he didn't have his youkai blood or he'd have done it by now.

Getting lost in ecstasy, Inuyasha lowered Kagome down onto the grass. He hovered above her as he started to nudge open her yukata with his nose. Kagome did nothing to stop him. She barely even noticed what was happening.

Inuyasha stopped when a familiar feeling pulsed through him. He stopped and slowly sat up. Sunrise. Kagome sat up and looked at him. "Inuyasha?" She said.

She realized what was happening when he lowered his head. His black hair turned silver and his eyes turned to its usual amber. His ears moved from the side of his head to the top and puppy like. His blunt human nails turned into claws. The transformation was complete.

That's when he realized what he'd done. Looking at Kagome he noticed she her face was flushed and her yukata was still a little open. "Gomen." He said as he turned around so she could fix it.

"That's ok." Kagome said as she fixed her clothing.

"We should get back." Inuyasha said.

"Wait." Kagome grabbed his arm.

"What?" Inuyasha asked. Kagome pulled his head down so that it was right next to hers and she reached up an arm. Whatever Inuyasha thought she was going to do, rubbing his ears was the last thing he'd have thought of. He growled contentedly but snapped out of it quickly. "You were dying to do that weren't you?"

"All night." Kagome giggled. She squealed when Inuyasha picked her up and ran towards the hut.


Inuyasha woke up at around noon when someone beside him nudged him a little. He opened his eyes to see what woke him up. Kagome was in his arms. She had move from facing away from him to facing him. He smiled when he noticed her arm was around his waist, whether she did it consciously or not.

He had slept in later than usual, although he had stayed up all night because of the new moon. Kagome would probably wake up soon since she slept a little last night. He smiled at the thought of waking up to someone he cared for. He never thought he'd get to experience anything like this.

Kagome moved her leg accidently brushing up against his inner thigh. Inuyasha sucked in a breath and tried not to move. Her leg stayed on his thigh and she snuggled more into his warmth.

Inuyasha released his breath not being able to hold it anymore. Kagome stirred and opened her eyes. She didn't expect to be so close to Inuyasha. The shock wore off when Inuyasha grunted. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Your leg." He said.

"Oh gomen." Kagome said and quickly moved her leg. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No." Inuyasha said. It actually felt good but he wasn't going to say anything.

Kagome sat up and stretched a bit. A pain ached in her side. "I should change my bandages." She said. "Yours too."

"Don't bother, mine are healed." Inuyasha said.

"Are you sure? Your not lying, are you?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha opened his haori and showed his flawless skin. Nothing was there, not even a scar. It was as if he'd never been injured at all. Kagome couldn't help but run her hands over his smooth skin. She had to be sure it wasn't just an illusion.

Inuyasha shivered as her fingertips glided over his skin. How could something so simple feel so good? As soon as he was about to give into the feeling Kagome stopped. She was a little red. She stood up and walked to the door.

"I'm going to head to the spring to take a bath. I haven't had one for days." Kagome said.

"You were injured." Inuyasha said.

"I'm healing and I want a bath." Kagome said.

"I'll walk you." Inuyasha said.

They both walked out of the hut to find Ms. Higurashi sitting outside the hut. "I was wondering when you two were going to wake up. It's nearly noon." Ms. Higurashi said. "How are you both feeling today?"

"I was just going to go take a bath. I feel much better. Arigato Okaa-san." Kagome said.

"I was going to walk her down there. My wounds are already healed." Inuyasha said.

"Ah, I forget how fast youkai heal sometimes." Ms. Higurashi said. "Well, I'll have some food prepared by the time you get back."

"Arigato Okaa-san." Kagome smiled.

Kagome waved bye and headed down towards the river. It was warm out so the water should be a little warmer than usual. She didn't mind as long as she got a bath. She wondered how Sango and Miroku were doing. And where has Shippo been? She hadn't seen him in ages.

"Inuyasha, do you think we should go see Sango and Miroku later?" Kagome asked.

"If you want." Inuyasha said. "But let me know the minute you feel tired."

"Hai, I will. Have you seen Shippo around?" Kagome asked.

"He's been hovering around you. I can smell his scent around the room. I think your Okaa-san told him to stay away or something or he'd probably would've gone into the room." Inuyasha said.

"Really?" Kagome never noticed. Inuyasha nodded his head. Maybe she should spend some time with him.

They reached the river and Kagome turned to face Inuyasha. "Arigato." Kagome said. She was about to walk closer to the river when Inuyasha grabbed her. He kissed her and left without a word.

Kagome blushed but quickly shook it off. She stripped and waded into the water. The water was cold even though the sun was out. Ignoring the coldness she dunked underwater, intent on getting clean no matter how cold she was.


Inuyasha walked back towards Kagome's hut after making sure there were no youkai nearby. "Ah Inuyasha, I take it Kagome's at the spring?" Ms. Higurashi asked.

Inuyasha nodded and walked in. "Would you like to help me cook?" Ms. Higurashi asked.

"I don't really know how to cook." Inuyasha said.

"Well, you could cut the vegetables and meat." Ms. Higurashi said.

"Okay." Inuyasha agreed, still a little skeptical about helping to cook. Usually when he cooked, he just threw it on a stick and held it over a fire. It tasted good that way. Ms. Higurashi's food was better though.

He was about to start cutting the vegetables when he smelled a scent he wished he never did. "Damn it." He cursed and ran out of the hut.

(Oh I could so stop here but I won't. That's would've been mean wouldn't it?)

Ms. Higurashi blinked not really believing he was gone. She figured something was wrong but kept on cooking. Might as well have a done meal when they get back. Not like she could do much else. Inuyasha would take care of it.


Kagome had just surfaced when someone pulled her out of the water. She screamed and slapped whatever grabbed her. She fell back into the water and looked up. "Kouga!" She yelled.

"Ah Kagome, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Kouga asked.

"Did you really have to come here now?" Kagome asked trying to cover as much of herself as she could.

"I just wanted to talk before inukkuro noticed I was around. Whenever he's around, we can't talk." Kouga said.

"Did you have to pull me out of the water like that?" Kagome didn't wait for him to answer. "Will you kindly leave? I'm trying to bathe."

"I'll turn around so you can put your clothes on." Kouga said.

"That's not what I wanted." Kagome said.

"I'll give you to the count of ten or I'll do it for you." Kouga said sternly.

Kagome sighed. Not really wanting to get dressed he left her with no choice. She was about to get out of the water when a splash was heard behind her. She looked up and noticed Kouga wasn't standing on the rock he was before. Right in front of her in the water were bubbles.

She slowly backed up and suddenly both Kouga and Inuyasha rose out of the water. "You bastard! Now I'm all wet!" Kouga yelled.

"That's what you get for spying!" Inuyasha yelled.

"I wasn't spying!" Kouga said. "I wanted to talk to Kagome without you being here for once!"


"You didn't need to go to the spring to do it!" Inuyasha growled.


"I was going to give her a chance to change!" Kouga yelled.


"Like hell you were, you pervert!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Would you mind letting me bathe in peace?" Kagome yelled. She was getting tired of them ruining her precious bathing time. They were both still in the water with her.

Neither of them had ever seen Kagome mad. Women were scary when you interrupted their bathing time. They both backed up slowly and got out of the river. They both ran until they were out of sight. Kagome could strike fear into the hearts of Naraku with the look she just gave them.

"Now she's mad at me. This is all your fault!" Kouga growled.

"My fault? If you hadn't tried to molest her at the river things would've been fine!" Inuyasha yelled.

"I have a right to see MY woman!" Kouga said.

"She's not your woman, dammit!" Inuyasha yelled.

"What are you fighting about?"

They were both so busy arguing that they hadn't noticed Shippo walk right inbetween them. "Did something happen to Kagome?" Shippo asked. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. It was inukkuro over there." Kouga said.

"Why don't you just go away?" Inuyasha asked.

"What happened?" Shippo asked.

"That hentai just went to Kagome while she was bathing in the river." Inuyasha said.

"Kagome's at the river?" Shippo asked. Before anyone could answer him he took off towards the river.

Shippo ran as fast as he could towards the river. Once Kagome came into view he jumped in the air towards her. "Kagome!"

"Shippo?" Kagome said as she reached out her arms to catch him. "I've been wondering where you've been."

"Your Okaa-san said not to bother you because you needed your rest, so I played with Souta and his friends." Shippo said.

"Did you have fun?" Kagome asked.

"Hai, but I missed you." Shippo hugged her.

"I missed you too, Shippo." Kagome said.

"So, what did Kouga and Inuyasha do?" Shippo asked.

"I don't even want to talk about it. Want to join me in a bath?" Kagome asked.

Shippo jumped out of Kagome's arms and onto the river bend to strip out of his clothes. He laid them out to dry and jumped back in. Kagome caught him and laughed as he splashed water at her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sorry I haven't updated in long time. To shorten the story my computer was unusable and I just recently got a new one. Sorry about the wait. I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.


InuChic133- Yes, there will be a lemon soon. I don't know when exactly but soon.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing.