InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Protection ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 29


Kagome and Shippo made their way back to the hut. She was still angry at Inuyasha and Kouga, but she was too hungry to worry about it. When she made it to the hut she realized Kouga was gone. Walking into the hut with Shippo she ignored Inuyasha and sat down to eat.

Ms. Higurashi served the food and said she was going to talk with some of the villagers. "Arigato Okaa-san." Kagome said.

"Kagome, about earlier, I'm sorry. When I saw Kouga there, I snapped. I thought he was going to do something else." Inuyasha explained.

Kagome listened to his apology and decided to forgive him because he sounded so sincere. "Where did Kouga go?" Kagome asked.

"He left, knowing you were mad." Inuyasha said.

"I see." Kagome said. "Well, I should go see if Sango and Miroku are alright."

"Don't you mean we?" Inuyasha asked.

"If you want to come, you can." Kagome said. She stood up and headed towards their village. Just because she forgave him didn't mean she wasn't still a little mad.

They both walked in silence towards the village. Both Miroku and Sango were outside sitting down. "Kagome-chan, Inuyasha." Sango said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Kagome said. "Inuyasha's wounds are already healed. How are you guys?"

"We're fine. The miasma is out of our systems." Sango said.

"That's good." Kagome said.

"So, did you find out what that ball was?" Miroku asked.

"I don't know. The only thing I can think of it being is the Shikon no Tama." Kagome said. "I'm not sure though."

"Maybe Kaede-sama will know what it is. She did say it was left in her sister's care, so she probably knows what it looks like." Miroku said.

"That's a great idea." Kagome said. "I'm going to Kaede-sama's then."

"We'll go too." Sango said.

"Hai." Miroku said.

"Oi, your not pushing yourself, are you? Your not fully healed yet." Inuyasha said.

"I'm fine." Kagome said.

"Remember your promise." Inuyasha said.

"I know." Kagome reassured him. To tell the truth her side was hurting a little. It was just a dull ache so she ignored it.

"Let's get going then." Sango took Kagome's arm and they headed towards Kaede's hut. Miroku and Inuyasha walked a little further behind them. "Did something happen?"

"Hai, I went to take a bath in the river today and Kouga came and told me to change or he'd do it for me. He wanted to talk without Inuyasha being there. Inuyasha eventually came and they both fell into the water and fought while I was still in the river. I had to yell at them to get them to stop." Kagome said.

"Wow, what a morning." Sango said. "Kouga really threatened to dress you if you wouldn't do it yourself?"

"He what?" Inuyasha yelled. He was able to hear it.

"Nothing Inuyasha. It's all in the past now." Kagome said.

"I'm going to get that wolf the next time he comes by." Inuyasha mumbled.

"What happened?" Miroku asked.

"Nothing." Inuyasha snapped. He kept on walking. He didn't want to make Kagome any angrier than she already was. He had to mark her again tonight and it wouldn't help if she was mad.

They finally all arrived at Kaede's hut. She was just about to bring in some water. "Ah, you're back. How was your journey?" Kaede asked.

"Horrible." Kagome said.

"Come in and tell me about it." Kaede said.

Everything was explained about what happened. "Do you have the Shikon no Tama with you?" Kaede asked.

"Hai." Kagome said. She reached into her yukata and pulled it out for her to examine.

"It is indeed the Shikon no Tama. You should be able to feel its presence. It is a part of you." Kaede said.

"Hai. When Naraku ripped it out, I felt like something was missing." Kagome said. "Like a part of me had been ripped out."

"Well you've lived for so long with it inside of you that it is part of you." Kaede said. "Protect it well. I'll get a necklace to put it on."

"So, I am supposed to protect it?" Kagome asked. "Why me?"

"Who knows?" Kaede said as she sat back down with a necklace for the jewel. "The jewel is a mystery itself, so I don't know. I do know that now that its apart from your body it is no longer hidden as it used to be."

"Some youkai still knew it was with her, so how was it hidden?" Inuyasha asked.

"Only the more powerful youkai can sense it within her." Kaede said.

"I never noticed anything." Inuyasha said.

"That is because you knew nothing of the Shikon no Tama before you met Kagome. Now you can feel the power radiating from it am I right?" Kaede asked.

"I've heard of it before though." Inuyasha said.

"Hai, but you didn't know of its aura or you probably would've noticed." Kaede said.

"Besides, you were too fixed on Kagome's scent to notice anyway. Her scent probably distracted you from its power." Miroku said.

"I don't think that's what it was." Inuyasha said.

"Miroku-sama may be right. A potential mate's scent is supposed to be strong towards their mate, so it may have distracted you." Kaede said.

Both Inuyasha and Kagome blushed a little. Inuyasha was able to hide the blush as soon as it was visible on his cheeks. "So, the only thing I can do is protect it?" Kagome asked.

"Hai." Kaede said. "Always be on the lookout for youkai. Never let your guard down. With time you'll learn how to shield the jewel's power." Kaede said. She finished attatching the jewel onto the necklace and handed it to Kagome.

Kagome put it around her neck and held the jewel in her hand. "Arigato Kaede-sama." She said.

"Your welcome." Kaede said.

"I think I'll go now." Kagome said. She wanted to think.

Sango and Miroku thought it best to leave her alone for a while. She seemed to have some things to sort out. By the time they tried to voice it to Inuyasha he was already gone. "Well is there anything you need help with Kaede-sama?" Sango asked.


Kagome went to the field and sat down. She brought her knees to her chest and hugged them. She was going to have to protect the jewel? How'd she get stuck with it in the first place? Did this mean she was going to be in constant danger? Living in fear all the time. Wondering when the next attack was going to be and if she'd survive.

If youkai went after the jewel then that means her family and village was in danger. If she was in the village they'd come to get the jewel. How would she protect herself anyway? Her powers had barely awoken and she had no training whatsoever. The only weapon she had was something she couldn't even use.

Kagome started crying. Her life was ruined because of that stupid ball. Naraku would come for it eventually. Would he kill her for it or let her go? Either way she had to risk her life to protect it, or hundreds of others would suffer for it.

Inuyasha watched as she silently cried. You couldn't see that she was crying, but he could smell her tears. His heart broke at the sight of her. He walked over to her. "Kagome." He said as he kneeled down next to her.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried as she threw herself into his arms. Inuyasha sat down and brought her into his lap. He rubbed her back in hopes of comforting her. She started calming down because of his comforting gestures.

"Gomen." Kagome said.

"Don't worry about it. What's wrong?" Inuyasha asked.

"I...I just thought about what would happen because of the jewel." Kagome said. "If a youkai comes for the jewel, then everyone around me could be in danger. I can't protect them because I can barely protect myself. I don't know the first thing about fighting. I only know how to create a shield and it won't hold for long."

"Don't worry. I told you I'd be here to protect you." Inuyasha said. "I'm not leaving anytime soon."

"I don't want to be a burden." Kagome said.

"You won't be. I'm protecting you because I want to." Inuyasha said.

Kagome lifted her head to look at him. "Arigato Inuyasha." She said and embraced him again.

Inuyasha hugged her and inhaled her scent. She was no longer crying. Then he remembered. "Kagome, can I mark you again?" He asked.

Kagome nodded and moved her hair out of the way. Inuyasha kissed and licked her neck lightly before sinking his fangs into her skin. Kagome gasped and gripped onto his haori. Each time the feeling got more intense and pleasurable. She shivered and bit back a moan.

Inuyasha noticed her reaction. He licked the droplets of blood away before cupping her chin. He gently brought her face closer to his and kissed her. He coaxed her lips open with his tongue to get a taste. Kagome parted her lips for him and gripped his haori as if afraid he would disappear at any moment.

Inuyasha grabbed her hand from the front of his haori and intertwined their fingers. They parted for air and he moved lower to kiss her neck. Kagome tilted her head for better access and moaned when he started nipping at her neck.

He smirked, happy that he could make he feel this way with such simple gestures. He continued to kiss and nip at her neck as her hands searched for one of his ears. Once one of his ears were found Kagome started rubbing the base.

"Shouldn't you find someplace more discreet for such an activity?"

Both Inuyasha and Kagome tore away from each other in embarrassment, well embarrassment for Kagome and anger for Inuyasha. He growled at Miroku for saying that. "What do you want?" He asked.

"Nothing at all. We just came to see how Kagome-sama was doing." Miroku said.

"That's why I came." Sango said. "He wanted to see what you were doing."

"Miroku!" Inuyasha growled.

"Ah here comes the little one. Better not use violence in front of him." Miroku said.

"Kagome!" Shippo shouted and jumped into her lap.

"What is it Shippo?" Kagome asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to be involved." He said.

Kagome smiled and held him in her lap. "I'm fine guys." She reassured her friends.

"Don't worry Kagome-chan, we'll help protect the jewel too." Sango said.

"Arigato." Kagome said.

"So, were we interrupting anything important?" Miroku asked lecherously.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Another chapter finished. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.


jammies2000: No, Kouga just doesn't like Inuyasha because of how he is. He doesn't care if he's a hanyou he just likes to rub it in his face.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing.

Thanks to readers for reading and reviewers for reviewing.