InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Too Trusting ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 32

Too Trusting

Everyone was exhausted, well everyone but Inuyasha. They'd been walking around all day trying to find out where Mitsuo lived. Kagome insisted that they find out where he came from.

"Now what? We've been searching all day." Inuyasha said. "I lived in this forest and I've never seen any humans walking around."

"That's right. Isn't everyone scared of going into the forest?" Miroku asked.

"Hai, rumors of youkai roaming freely. Feasting on those who entered." Sango said. "My grandfather used to tell me that all the time."

"We have to find out where he's from. His Okaa-san is probably worried sick." Kagome said.

"Fine, I'll look around the borders of the forest for any nearby villages." Inuyasha said.

"Hai, I'll have Kirara fly over the forest so it won't take as long." Sango said.

"I'll ask Mitsuo some questions." Miroku sat down next to the little boy.

Sango jumped on Kirara's back and headed to one side of the forest. Inuyasha jumped up onto a tree branch and headed in the opposite direction.

"Are you sure you came from a nearby village?" Miroku asked Mitsuo.

He ignored Miroku and stood up. He walked a few feet in front of them and stopped to face them. "You shouldn't be so trusting of strangers. Even if it is a little boy." Mitsuo said. His voice became deeper and his eyes turned from blue to red.

"What?" Kagome said standing up quickly.

Miroku stood in front of Kagome. "Stay back. He's not a little boy." Miroku held out his staff in front of him.

"You're right houshi." Mitsuo said. He held up his hand and a red light shot at Miroku and pushed him back until he hit a tree. "That should hold you for a while."

"Miroku!" Kagome yelled. "Why are you doing this?"

Mitsuo laughed and the air around them all grew thick. Suddenly Mitsuo's body began to stretch and he seemed to be aging right before their eyes. "He's a shape shifter." Miroku said while struggling to be free of the invisible restraints that were holding him to the tree.

"A shape shifter?" Kagome said.

"Yes, shape shifters are very rare. In fact there is only one other person than myself that can shift shapes." Mitsuo said. "You know him as Naraku."

"Naraku?" Kagome said as her hand instinctively went to her side where the jewel was torn from her body. "You work for him? You tricked me."

"Of course I did. You are too trusting of others. So I used it to my advantage and gained your trust as a lost little boy." Mitsuo explained.

"So there never was a lost little boy? Is your name even Mitsuo?" Kagome demanded to know.

"There was a lost little boy. I took his shape. Shape shifters need a form to copy. I didn't want the boy to stumble across you later on so I had to be rid of him. Mitsuo is indeed my name." He explained. "Now that your companions and mate are taken care of I'll be able to get the jewel and rid of you."

Kagome stepped back with every step Mitsuo took forward. What could she do? Inuyasha and Sango were too far away to hear her and Miroku was trapped to a tree. Where was Shippo? She hoped he was able to get away and find Inuyasha or Sango.

Suddenly Shippo jumped from the trees behind Kagome and released foxfire at Mitsuo. He screamed in pain as the foxfire burned his face. "Why you little brat!" He screamed. He grabbed Shippo by the neck and threw him behind Kagome.

Shippo hit a tree and was knocked unconscious. "Shippo!" Kagome yelled. She ran to him and picked him up hoping he was okay. She stood and backed away from Mitsuo until she backed up into a tree. Not knowing what else to do she threw up a shield, stopping Mitsuo from coming any further.

"You think this weak shield can stop me for long?" Mitsuo laughed. "Your powers may have been wakened but you still don't have control of them. You don't know how to use your attacks."

He held up a hand to the shield and touched it. It crackled with electricity as he touched it. Soon a red light came from his finger and started melting the shield. Kagome concentrated as hard as she could to keep the shield from disappearing.

"Get the fuck away from my mate!"

Mitsuo turned around in time to see Inuyasha jumped from a tree branch and knock him to the ground. Inuyasha ran over to Kagome and made sure she was alright. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Shippo's unconscious and Miroku's trapped at the tree." Kagome said.

"Miroku you really proved to be useless." Inuyasha said.

"Why thanks Inuyasha." Miroku said sarcastically. He concentrated on releasing the binds holding him to the tree.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted the kid, or whatever you are." Inuyasha said.

Mitsuo laughed and raised his hand in front of him. "You and that brat were the only ones who didn't trust me. But because your mate did you never gave me a second thought. You should take care of her better. Or do you not even want her?"

"Stay the fuck out of our relationship!" Inuyasha growled. He ran towards Mitsuo only to be pushed back by the same red light as Miroku had but he wasn't pinned to a tree.

"You're so predictable." Mitsuo said. "Shall we get rid of your mate now?"

A whirlwind of black rose in front of him as he twirled his finger around. The whirlwind spun past Inuyasha and encircled around Kagome. She screamed as the blades of the wind scratched and cut her arms and legs. She did the best she could to protect Shippo.

"Inuyasha!" She screamed. She held out Shippo and let Inuyasha take him. Miroku fell from the tree and ran over to take Shippo from Inuyasha. Inuyasha pushed his way past the wind blades and ignored the cuts. He made his way through and shielded Kagome with his body as much as he could.

Miroku held out his staff and muttered an enchantment. When he finished Mitsuo collapsed to his knees and grunted in pain. The black whirlwind stopped and dissipated. Mitsuo struggled to stand and growled.

"I'll be back." Mitsuo threatened and disappeared.

"Inuyasha, Kagome are you alright?" Miroku asked.

"What about Shippo? Is he alright?" Kagome panicked.

"What happened?" Sango asked from above them.

"Miroku you explain. I'm taking Kagome to the hut to treat wounds." Inuyasha said. He picked her up and left.

As soon as Inuyasha made it to the hut he put Kagome down. They both ran inside and Inuyasha grabbed bandages and a bowl of water. They checked Shippo for wounds and found none. He only had a bump on his head from when he hit the tree. Kagome dipped a cloth in the water and placed it over his forehead.

"How is he?" Miroku asked as he, Sango, and Kirara walked inside.

"He's still out." Kagome said.

"Kagome you need to take care of your wounds. They'll get infected." Sango said.

"I will when Shippo wakes up." Kagome said.

"No, now." Inuyasha picked her up. "Watch Shippo while I take care of her."

"Hai." Sango sat down next to Shippo and wet the cloth.

"I want to make sure Shippo is okay." Kagome protested.

"After your wounds are bandaged. You have too many cuts on you." Inuyasha said.

"Can't you dress your wounds first?" Kagome asked as Inuyasha set her down on the floor.

"No, I'll be healed within an hour. You won't." Inuyasha said as he looked at her.

"What?" Kagome asked.

"You need to take your clothes off." Inuyasha said. He saw Kagome blush and he sighed. "I've already seen you."

"That doesn't mean I'm used to you seeing me naked." Kagome said.

"If you don't take it off I'll do it for you." Inuyasha held up his hand indicating he'd use his claws.

Kagome hesitantly untied her sash. Getting impatient Inuyasha slit through the sash and pulled off her yukata. "Hey!" Kagome shouted.

"What? It's not like you could wear that thing again anyway." Inuyasha said. He dipped the remains of the yukata in water and cleaned off the blood on her body. Once the blood was washed off he bandaged the worst of the cuts. He stood and walked over to grab a yukata and threw it at her.

Kagome quickly dressed and stood. She walked out of the room and back to Shippo. "Anything happen?" She asked.

"No, he hasn't moved at all." Sango said.

"This is all my fault. I am too trusting." Kagome said.

"You are not. You're just kind hearted. It's only creeps like Mitsuo who take that for granted." Sango reassured.

"She's right. If you weren't kind then you never would've met Inuyasha. You would've turned him away." Miroku said.

Inuyasha sat down behind her and embraced her. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. Shippo's a youkai he'll be fine." He said.

"I hope so." Kagome said.

"So Mitsuo works for Naraku." Miroku said. "The last two shape shifters left."

"Shape shifters can change their image but not their scents. I'll be able to identify him if he comes around again." Inuyasha said.

"We have to be on guard. Who knows when Naraku will strike next." Sango said.

"We'll have to warn the villagers about Naraku. At least tell them to be aware of any suspicious newcomers." Miroku said.

"I'm sure Okaa-san will help with that." Kagome said. "Souta too."

"I'll talk to them before when we leave." Sango said. "When we get back to our village I'll tell Otou-san and Kohaku to spread the word."

Shippo moaned and opened his eyes. "Shippo!" Kagome cried. She picked him up and hugged him. "Your awake!"

"What happened?" Shippo asked.

"You've been knocked out for a while." Inuyasha said.

"Oh." Shippo said remembering what happened.

"Don't ever do anything like that again!" Kagome scolded.

"Sorry." Shippo hugged Kagome back.

"Now that Shippo is awake we'll go and tell the villagers. We'll come by tomorrow." Miroku said.

"Bye Miroku, Sango." Kagome said as they left.

"Why'd you do such an idiotic thing and try to stop Mitsuo. You're too young to go against him." Inuyasha said. "Not that it's a bad thing trying to protect Kagome."

"I didn't want her to get hurt. She saved me when I was about to die." Shippo said. "She's like an Okaa-san to me."

"Don't put yourself before me Shippo. If something like that happens again protect yourself first. I don't want to see you get hurt." Kagome said.

"Hai." Shippo said. He sniffed Kagome a little bit. "You mated Inuyasha."

"How can you tell?" Kagome asked.

"Youkai can smell mates." Inuyasha said.

"Is that why you scolded me earlier?" Shippo asked.

"You scolded Shippo earlier?" Kagome asked.

"He ran in while you were changing. Miroku could've walked in and seen when he opened the door." Inuyasha said. "Whether you've noticed or not he thinks of you as his Okaa-san. You instinctively took a motherly role with him and that's important to youkai, especially to those who've lost parents. He needed to be told what to do. He missed you too much and didn't think."

"I didn't realize." Kagome said. "You shouldn't have sent him away then. You should've asked him. Is that why Miroku said you were taking a fatherly role?"

"Since Shippo thinks of you as his Okaa-san and we mated I automatically take him as my son." Inuyasha said crossing his arms.

"Does this mean I can call you Okaa-san and Otou-san?" Shippo asked.

"If you want Shippo." Kagome smiled. Shippo jumped into her arms and hugged her.

"Stupid runt." Inuyasha said as his jealousy rose.

Shippo jumped onto his head and tugged on his ear. "Don't be mad Otou-san." Shippo teased. "Okaa-san just likes me better."

"Why you little-" Inuyasha growled as he chased Shippo out of the hut. "Get back here you little runt!"

Kagome shook her head at the immaturity of Inuyasha. At least this means there would be less arguing. Hopefully...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Isn't that sweet? Just to let you know I'm going camping on Wednesday and won't be back until Friday or Saturday. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.

Ja ne- See you later.

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing.

Thanks to readers and reviewers.