InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Minor Setback ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 33

Minor Setback

A week later and everyone was healed of the wounds they had. Shippo no longer felt lightheaded when he walked or ran for long periods of time. Kagome didn't have any open cuts left. They were all either healed or scarred. Of course Inuyasha was healed within an hour like he said.

Inuyasha and Shippo started acting a little more civilized towards each other. It was a little strange but everyone would get used to it over time. No one was complaining about the less fighting. They were getting used to the peace and quiet.

Shippo liked to keep saying that Kagome loved him better than Inuyasha. That usually set him off. Inuyasha has a big jealousy issue. It got worse since they became mates. If a male villager looked at her for a long amount of time for no reason whatsoever, he would growl and chase them away.

Kagome was still trying to get used to having a mate. Inuyasha acted as if it was nothing. He showed no signs of embarrassment around him unlike Kagome. When she changed for bed she turned around and covered as much as she could or would make Inuyasha leave the room.

It was the same routine for the whole week. Inuyasha couldn't complain though. She just barely found out how inu youkai mating was. Everything was sprung on her as it happened. Most people were told when they were younger. She found out a short time before actually mating.

So far the whole week had been quiet. No attacks, less arguing, it was unusual for it to be that quiet. Everyone was on edge, constantly alert, thinking something would happen. Always calm before a storm.

Kagome was just about to take Shippo and see Kaede when she entered the hut. "Kaede-sama! I was just about to go see you." Kagome said.

"Ah I decided to come see your new hut." Kaede said. "It's nice."

"Arigato." Kagome said.

"I also found out a rumor from a traveler. He said in his village to the south has an elder that knows of the Shikon no Tama. He said he may know how to get rid of it." Kaede explained.

"He does? Do you know where this village is?" Kagome asked.

"He said a days journey south should lead you there. There are two paths after a half days walk. He said to take the right path and it will lead you straight to the village." Kaede said.

"Arigato Kaede-sama." Kagome thanked.

"You're welcome." Kaede said as she stood. "I'd like to stay longer but I have to see a villager near Miroku-sama."

"Hai." Kagome said. "If you see Inuyasha can you tell him to come here?"

"I'll be sure to tell him if I see him." Kaede waved and left.

"Does this mean we're leaving soon?" Shippo walked in the hut.

"Were you listening?" Kagome asked.

"Hai." Shippo said sheepishly. "I was on the roof."

"Why were you on the roof?"

"I was looking for Otou-san. I wanted to play." Shippo said.

"I wonder where he went." Kagome said. As soon as she finished her sentence he entered the hut.

"What?" He asked. Both Kagome and Shippo were staring at him.

"Nothing. We were just wondering where you were." Kagome said.

"I went hunting." Inuyasha held out some rabbits. "Why was Kaede here?"

"Huh?" Then Kagome remembered his sense of smell. "She came by to tell me of a rumor."

"Does it involve Miroku and Sango?" Inuyasha asked.

"No, why?"

"They're on their way." Inuyasha said as he began skinning the rabbits.


"Kagome!" Sango called.

"In here." Kagome shouted.

Kagome told everyone of the rumor that Kaede had informed her of. "I would like to come with you." Sango said.

"I would like to come as well." Miroku said.

"Arigato." Kagome smiled.

Inuyasha held in the growl that wanted to escape. He wanted to be alone with Kagome but it didn't seem like it would happen. "Fine we'll leave tomorrow. When your ready come here. And don't be long."

"Hai, we know the routine Inuyasha." Sango rolled her eyes.

"We'll be here by noon." Miroku stood and picked up his staff. "I should be leaving now. I promised one of the villagers I'd check his house."

"I promised Houshi-sama I'd accompany him although I do regret it." Sango raised her voice as she felt the monk's hand on her rear. She quickly turned around and slapped him. She said bye and stormed off.

"Wait for me Sango." Miroku called out rubbing his cheek. "See you tomorrow!"

"He never learns." Kagome shook her head.

"He'll never learn either." Inuyasha moved to sit closer to Kagome.

"I want to play!" Shippo shouted as he jumped on Inuyasha's head to tug on his ears.

"Shippo!" Inuyasha growled. Shippo ran outside laughing while Inuyasha chased after him.


The next day everyone gathered in front of Inuyasha and Kagome's hut. They were all standing and looking around. Everyone was making sure they had everything they needed. After making they had all that they needed Inuyasha lead the group south.

Kagome walked beside Inuyasha with Shippo in her arms. Miroku and Sango walked a little behind with Kirara. They were all quiet wondering what could possibly destroy the jewel. Could it even be destroyed?

Desperate to be rid of the jewel Kagome walked faster. She was tired of having to protect the jewel. She was sacrificing her life, her happiness so evil couldn't taint the jewel. All she wanted to do was live with Inuyasha and Shippo.

Inuyasha frowned when he realized Kagome sped up. She was going to overexert herself if she kept moving on like she was, either from worry or stress. At the rate she was going she'd pass out before they even got there. He'd have to make sure she got some sleep tonight.

"Kagome don't you think you should pace yourself?" Sango asked.

"I want to see this person as soon as we can." Kagome replied still walking and looking ahead.

"If you tire yourself then you'll have to wait longer." Miroku said.

"It won't happen. I want to get to the village as soon as we can." Kagome looked back at her friends. "I don't want this burden anymore."

She turned around with even more determination to get rid of the jewel. Miroku and Sango exchanged a look of worry before moving faster to keep up with the miko. Inuyasha sighed and walked beside Kagome. Shippo looked up at Kagome and then to Inuyasha.

"If you get tired I'll carry you." Inuyasha said. "That way you won't tire yourself before we can speak to that guy."

"Arigato Inuyasha." Kagome grabbed his hand and squeezed it.


Later that night the group was still walking towards the village. They reached a hill and saw fire coming from the village. "There it is!" Kagome said.

"Great." Sango and Miroku said sarcastically. They were exhausted.

"We should find camp and go in the morning." Inuyasha said.

"What? We're almost there." Kagome turned to face everyone.

"Everyone is exhausted and hungry. No one in the village will be awake right now anyway. It's better to camp out and go in the morning." Inuyasha put his hands on her shoulder and gently pushed her to the ground.

"But-" Kagome began to protest.

"Stay here and don't move. I'm going to get firewood." Inuyasha said and left for the woods nearby.

Kagome sighed and started to rummage through her bag for some food. After Inuyasha got back with some wood Miroku started a fire and Kagome began to cook. Sango started rolling out the futons and entertained Shippo for a while.

After the food was done everyone sat around the fire to eat. Kagome passed around fish that Inuyasha had caught earlier and some rice.

Everyone finished their food and sat around the fire. Suddenly Inuyasha stood and sniffed the air. Shippo jumped on his shoulder and mimicked Inuyasha's actions. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked.

"Wolves." Inuyasha said. "They're heading this way."

From the forest a pack of wolves ran towards the group. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and Shippo and jumped into a tree. Sango and Miroku both jumped on Kirara's back after she transformed and took to the air.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked. The wolves were standing at the tree howling, trying to jump up to them.

"Do you think they're after the jewel?" Sango yelled to them.

"No, they're wolves." Inuyasha said. "Someone must've told them to do something."

A small whirlwind from the ground suddenly jumped up into the tree. Inuyasha was pushed out of the tree and Kagome was snatched from midair. "Kagome!" He shouted as he hit the ground.

Sango and Miroku followed the whirlwind that seemed to swallow Kagome. Wolves were currently mauling Inuyasha. Inuyasha pulled out the tetsusaiga. The wolves whimpered and backed away. Confused Inuyasha began to attack anyway. The wolves just whimpered again and ran back the way they came.

Inuyasha put the tetsusaiga away and started following Kagome's scent.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sorry it took so long to update. So who kidnapped Kagome? As if you couldn't tell. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.