InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 34


Soon after trying to keep up with Kagome they eventually lost her. Miroku and Sango couldn't see her anywhere. Inuyasha couldn't pick up her scent anymore. They'd been searching for hours but she seemed to disappear altogether.

"Dammit!" Inuyasha growled. "Where the fuck is she? I know Kouga took her! I can smell his scent all over this place!"

"Calm down Inuyasha. You won't find her if you keep acting like you are." Miroku said calmly.

"Easy for you to say its not you're fucking mate that's missing!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Whether Kagome is here or not she won't appreciate you using that language around Shippo." Sango said.

"Where is Shippo?" Miroku asked and looked around.

"I thought he was with you." Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the monk.

"No, he was with you." Miroku said.

"You don't think..." Sango trailed off.

"Dammit we lost Shippo too!" Inuyasha yelled.


"Kouga will you let me go!" Kagome shouted.

"What for?" Kouga smirked and kept running. He didn't stop until he was in the safety of his den. He helped Kagome down on her feet.

"Where are we?" Kagome asked. They were standing in front of a waterfall. It was beautiful. The grass was green flowers were blooming everywhere.

"This is where my pack and I live." Kouga smiled. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the side of the waterfall. The cliff edge led behind the waterfall in a cave.

Kagome walked inside slowly, aware of all the eyes that were on her. The wolves in Kouga's pack were staring at her and whispering as she was being led to the very back of the cave. He pushed her down onto the hay in the corner of the cave.

"I finally got you alone." Kouga smiled. He turned to his wolves. "This is my woman. So keep your hands off."

"But Kouga, she's marked already." One of the wolves walked closer to him. He had white spiky hair and was wearing the same fur like Kouga's. In fact the whole pack was wearing silver armor and fur.

"What?" Kouga snarled. He walked closer to Kagome and sniffed. He moved the hair on her neck to her back and saw the mark. "Dammit how could I have missed that?"

`He can be really dense.' Kagome rolled her eyes. "I was trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen."

"Damn, I finally find a woman I'm interested in and she's taken. I knew I should've killed that mutt when I had the chance." Kouga shook his head. "Well no sense in keeping you around. I'll take you back to your mate tomorrow. It's too late now."

"That's it? You're going to let me go?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, I can't keep claiming you if you already have a mate." Kouga said. He sat down on the hay next to her. "I'd take you now but there are too many youkai out right now."

"I just hope Inuyasha doesn't try to kill you when we find him." Kagome sighed.

"Like that hanyou could do anything to me." Kouga folded his arms and straightened up with pride.

"Do you hate Inuyasha because he's a hanyou?" Kagome said. "If I was to become your mate IF our kids would be hanyou."

"I never said I have anything against hanyous. I just know it bothers him. I'd probably treat you better than that inukurro would." Kouga said. "You're mated and not even with pups yet."

Kagome blushed and put a hand to her stomach. "We're kind of in the middle of something and can't have pups right now. It would be too dangerous. Besides we haven't even talked about kids. I mean we already have Shippo."

"Shippo?" Kouga asked.

"Hai." Kagome nodded. "He's a kitsune we found a while ago."

Kouga put a hand to his chin and closed his eyes. "I think I remember smelling a kitsune's scent while I was running back here." He said.

"Hey Kouga what do you want us to do with this?" The same spiky haired wolf stepped up with Shippo in his hands. "He was hovering around the entrance of the cave."

"Shippo!" Kagome shouted.

"Okaa-san!" Shippo shouted. He bit the wolf's hand and scurried over to Kagome.

"Itai!" The wolf cried out. "You little brat! Okaa-san? He's a kitsune and your human."

"Inuyasha and I adopted him." Kagome said as she held Shippo. "I'd appreciate it if you apologized."

"You've got to be kidding me." The wolf said. "I'm not apologizing to him. He bit me!"

"Apologize Hakkaku." Kouga said sternly.

"Sorry." Hakkaku said reluctantly.

"Thank you." Kagome said. "Shippo how did you get here?"

"I grabbed onto that wolf's tail when he took off with you." Shippo crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "It was a horrible trip."

"It's okay. We're going back tomorrow." Kagome patted his head. "Where should we sleep?"

"You can sleep there." Kouga pointed to where they were sitting.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Kagome asked.

"Against the cave wall right here." Kouga stood up and leaned against the wall near the hay where Kagome and Shippo were to sleep.

"Are you going to be comfortable?" Kagome asked. "I wouldn't want to-"

"It's alright. You should at least be comfortable since I took you from your mate and almost endangered your son." Kouga said.

Shippo's face lit up being called her son. He really did feel like he had a family again. "Don't do it again." Shippo crossed his arms, mimicking Inuyasha's stern pose.

Kagome laughed and picked him up. "Come on its getting late. We should get some sleep. I have a feeling we're going to be fighting Inuyasha tomorrow." She sighed.

"Fighting Otou-san, why?" Shippo asked as he laid down next to Kagome.

"Jealousy." Was all Kagome had to say to make Shippo understand. He opened his mouth in an O shape and nodded. He snuggled into Kagome's warmth and soon enough he fell asleep.


Kagome turned her head to see Kagome standing above her with a fur blanket. "What?" She asked sleepily.

"Take this it gets cold at night." He said. She nodded and he draped it over her. He walked back over to his spot at the wall and closed his eyes.

"Arigato Kouga." Kagome said and fell asleep.


The next morning as promised Kouga set out to find Inuyasha. Kagome and Shippo walked beside him as he sniffed out his scent. "He's been looking everywhere for you." Kouga said.

"How do you know?" Kagome asked. Not that she doubted he did but she wondered how he knew.

"His scent is everywhere." Kouga laughed.

"Just be careful of him." Kagome warned.

"I know. Inu youkai are very possessive, especially inukurro." Kouga laughed.


Miroku and Sango were dragging their feet along trying to keep up with Inuyasha. They had barely woken up when Inuyasha started yelling at them to get their asses up to look for Kagome. Ever since then he shouted for them to go faster and to quit being so lazy.

"Inuyasha we must rest. What if we have to fight Kouga? We won't have any energy to defend ourselves." Miroku stopped.

"Don't fight then." Inuyasha said. He was sniffing the ground for the scent of wolves.

They were currently at the edge of a forest. Inuyasha figured if anything they went through the forest for some coverage from the trees. He couldn't get any scent of the wolves. They must know of an alternate route to get around him.

"I can't believe this." Inuyasha growled with anger. "I can't get the scent of anything!"

"Let's rest and think of which direction they may have went." Sango said. "We're all exhausted, even Kirara!"

"Fine, you guys sit down for a while and quit your whining. I'll go up ahead and look. You'd better be rested by the time I get back." In the blink of an eye Inuyasha was gone.

"Might as well make the best of his absence." Miroku slumped to the ground.

"Finally some resting time." Sango said as she too slumped to the ground. Kirara collapsed beside her.

"Miroku, Sango get your asses over here!" Inuyasha yelled.

Miroku, Sango, and Kirara jumped to their feet and ran to Inuyasha. He was standing in a clearing in front of the forest. Ahead of them was a large dust trail following a whirlwind. "Kouga!" Inuyasha growled ferociously.

"That's him?" Miroku asked.

"Is Kagome with him?" Sango asked getting her hiraikotsu ready.

"Yeah its him and he had both Kagome and Shippo with him." Inuyasha's growl grew louder.

They waited for Kouga to arrive in front of them. He skidded on his feet before coming to a complete stop. Kagome stepped down from his arms with Shippo. "Arigato Kouga-kun." Kagome smiled. She ran towards Inuyasha and jumped into his arms as Shippo jumped onto his head. "Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha was confused. Kouga-kun? He kidnaps her and she calls him Kouga-kun? What the hell happened. "What the fuck is going on?" Inuyasha yelled.

"Kouga took me not knowing we were mated." Kagome said. "He promised to take me back to you and he did."

"What?" Inuyasha asked a little shocked. "You couldn't smell that we were mated?"

"I was only worried about getting her away at the time." Kouga folded his arms. "I wouldn't have taken her if I did."

"Whatever." Inuyasha said. "Don't do it again."

Kouga pushed Inuyasha into the forest and grabbed Kagome's hands. "If you ever need any help let me know." He smiled. "Don't hesitate to ask."

"Kouga!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Later." Kouga smiled and left in a whirlwind.

"Well that was unexpected." Miroku said. Sango nodded in agreement. They both sat down and decided to catch up on some rest.

Inuyasha ran up to Kagome and held her. "I'm glad your safe." He said.

Kagome smiled and hugged him back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

I was asked about how old they were. Since this is the Sengoku Jidai period everyone is going to be a little younger than usual. Here are their ages.


Age: 16


Age: 18 human years


Age: 18


Age: 17


Age: appears to be about 5 but real age unknown


Age: 18


Age: Unknown

Hope you like this chapter. It didn't take me as long I thought it would to get out. It's a little longer than the last chapter. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

midnight blues- What does Naraku wont with Kagome besides the jewel ? Basically he wants her dead. That's about it.

RogueSummersLover- Onegai- please. I don't mind you asking questions. I'm just glad I can make things clearer. (hopefully)

jammies2000- Miroku and Sango's relationship will move slow since the story focuses on Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship. I'm not sure if their relationship will develop that much but if people want it too I can try to work something out. Hopefully your other questions were answered in the fic.

Thanks readers and reviewers!