InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Back On Track ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 35

Back On Track

Since the group was sidetracked because of Kouga's kidnapping they had to camp outside of the village before going into the village. They had to travel all day to get there and Kagome wasn't very happy about having to wait again. Inuyasha carried her most of the way there. He insisted on it because he wanted to make sure she wasn't going to be taken away again.

The group was sitting in front of the fire after eating. Everyone was just staring at the fire not really saying anything. Miroku cleared his throat and began to speak. "I've always wondered how old are you Inuyasha?" He asked.

Everyone looked up wondering what compelled him to ask that question out of the blue. "What brought that up?" Inuyasha asked.

"I was just wondering. I actually don't know your age. I know that Kagome is sixteen and Sango is seventeen but I don't know your age." Miroku explained.

"Your sixteen?" Inuyasha asked Kagome.

"Hai." Kagome said. Sarcastically she said, "The perfect age to get married."

"What?" Inuyasha growled.

"That's not what I meant. I mean as soon as I turned sixteen everyone but Okaa-san tried to get me to marry. To protect myself." Kagome explained.

"Oh." Inuyasha's anger died down.

"You mean you don't know each other's ages?" Sango asked.

"Never really crossed my mind to ask." Inuyasha said.

"Now I want to know. How old are you?" Kagome asked.

"Nineteen in human years." Inuyasha crossed his arms and stared into the fire.

"Human years?" Kagome moved closer to him to hear his explanation.

"How old are you in youkai years? Since you're a hanyou you must've gotten some of the youkai aging in you." Miroku asked.

"I'm one hundred and fifty in youkai years." Inuyasha said.

"WHAT?" Everyone but Inuyasha and Shippo yelled.

"What?" Inuyasha yelled as he covered his ears.

"Your that old?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah so? Got a problem with that?" Inuyasha asked. Either way it wouldn't matter they were mated for life and he wasn't going to let age stand in his way.

"I didn't know you were that old. I thought you were at least eighteen or nineteen." Kagome said.

"I am in human years." Inuyasha said.

"So then..." Sango started. She looked next to Kagome to Shippo. "How old are you?"

"Now I want to know. I mean you look five but you could be much older since your full youkai." Kagome looked to him.

"What's with all the questions so far?" Shippo asked nervously.

"Just curious." Miroku said.

"Yeah Shippo spit it out how old are you really?" Inuyasha grinned. If he had to reveal his age then Shippo should do the same.

"Wait." Sango said. "Since Inuyasha has already lived for so long but only looks to be nineteen does that mean you'll live for hundreds of more years?"

"Yeah." Inuyasha nodded his head. "So what?"

"Ah I see what she's getting at. Then Kagome would die long before you do of old age wouldn't she?" Miroku asked.

Kagome bent her head. She'd never really thought about it. So while she was growing old Inuyasha would look the same. What would he do after she was gone? "I never thought about that." She said sadly.

Inuyasha glared at Miroku and Sango for bringing the subject up. He growled and grabbed Kagome. He shot a look at Shippo so he wouldn't follow and jumped into the trees. Once he was far enough away he sat down in one of the trees.

"Don't worry about it. I think there's something that can fix it." Inuyasha said.

"What do you mean?" Kagome looked up at him.

"I think there's a ritual or something that makes you age like I do. I'm not sure about it though. I never thought I'd have a mate so I forgot about it over time." Inuyasha said.

"So then how would this work out?" Kagome asked.

"As much as I hate to, we could ask Sesshomaru." Inuyasha sighed. "I don't know if he'd help or not but we could try. Hopefully he's not that much of an ass."

"But the last time you met you guys fought." Kagome said.

"We'll think of something. Right now let's deal with the village tomorrow." Inuyasha said.

"Hai." Kagome nodded her head. Inuyasha leaned foreword and brought his lips closer to hers until they touched. Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck and responded.

The kiss grew more intense with each second. Inuyasha moved his hands down her side until they got to her waist. He rested them at her waist for a moment before starting to move further down.

"Are you going to bed yet?"

Kagome pulled from Inuyasha quickly and almost fell out of his lap. Flushed and a little upset about the interruption she looked to the source of the scare. "Shippo! Don't scare me like that!" She panted.

"Gomen, I was wondering if you were going to sleep yet or not." Shippo said.

"Why you little..." Inuyasha growled.

"We're going to bed." Kagome put her hand on Inuyasha's chest to stop him from whatever pain he was going to inflict on the unknowing Shippo.

Shippo smiled and jumped into Kagome's arms. Inuyasha sighed knowing nothing could be done. He wrapped his arms around Kagome and closed his eyes.


The next day the group woke early. They wanted to get the journey over with. Everyone quickly packed their things after eating and headed towards the village.

Walking through the village they got many stares as they did in every village. None of the villagers seemed to be uncomfortable with them being there. They seemed to be interested in why they were there.

"Excuse me we were wondering if we could talk to the chief of this village." Miroku asked one of the villagers.

"The chief is in the middle of the village. For visitors to talk to him you must speak with his advisor first. He is in the same building. The guards should direct you to him." The villager said and went back to his work.

The group went to the middle of the village and stepped up to the doors. "We would like to talk to the chief." Miroku asked.

"The advisor is busy so you may speak to the chief. Keep it short." The guard said.

"We will." Miroku said.

"This way." The guard said. He walked in through the doors and down a long hallway. At the end of the hallway he knocked on the door and opened it. He stepped aside allowing the group to go in.

"Ah visitors." A man in the middle of the room said. He had short brown hair and looked young to be chief. He was wearing long blue robes. "I'm the chief of this village, Daisuke. Can I do something for you?"

"We've heard some rumors and would like to know some information." Miroku said. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Miroku a servant of Buddha. These are my companions, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sango."

"It's nice to meet you all." Daisuke said.

"I do wonder how a chief such as you is so young." Miroku said.

"Well my grandfather died recently and I was next in line." Daisuke explained. "What information did you need?"

"I'm sure your busy so we'll try to make this quick." Miroku said. "We've heard that you know of a way to destroy the Shikon no Tama."

"The Shikon no Tama..." Daisuke said thoughtfully. "We've heard many rumors from travelers about how to destroy the jewel."

"Do you know any of them that are true?" Kagome asked.

"Well I've heard that making a wish will make the jewel complete it's mission and it will cease to be." Daisuke said. "They are rumors and I don't know whether or not they have any truth to them."

"Do you know of any other methods? Or have you heard other rumors about it?" Kagome asked.

"I've heard that the jewel can never be destroyed. Many things are said about the jewel but no one knows the whole truth. Those who seek the jewel aren't worried about the story of the jewel just the power." Daisuke said. "Is there a reason you ask so much about the jewel?"

"We've heard many things about the jewel. Our friend is taking care of the jewel and we offered to help." Miroku lied.

"I see. That's all I know. I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help." Daisuke said.

"Arigato for all your information." Kagome smiled.

"You are the ones with the Shikon no Tama am I right?" Daisuke asked with a questioning look on his face.

"I assure you-" Miroku began.

"You don't need to lie." Daisuke smiled sincerely. "I understand that you would want to hide the fact. If you would like you may stay the night in the castle. No one will know you have the jewel in your possession."

"Gomen for lying but we've had a hard time with the jewel." Kagome's smile faded.

"I understand. No need for apologies. Please stay the night." Daisuke said. "I assume you're the miko."

"Hai, arigato for your offer but I'd rather get home soon. I wouldn't want to be the cause for any problems." Kagome said.

"I see. It seems that great sacrifice comes with protecting the jewel." Daisuke said.

"Hai." Kagome nodded.

"Let's go then. If we leave now then we'll get home by tomorrow evening." Inuyasha said.

Everyone nodded and stood up. "Thanks for your help." Kagome smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help." Daisuke said. "Take care of yourselves."

"Hai." Sango said as they left.


Later that night when everyone finished eating they laid down to sleep. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome and jumped up to the tree he was leaning on. She had looked depressed all night and even now she was still looking sad.

Inuyasha nuzzled her neck and hugged her from behind. "It'll be okay. We'll figure something out." He whispered in her ear.

Kagome nodded and melted into his embrace. She felt a little better knowing he was there beside her and that he'd always be there for her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I've been busy and stressed from stuff. I don't want to bore you with the details so ya. I've been trying to update more often too but it hasn't been working out too well. I'm still trying. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Ceaseless Cloudy Days- Thanks for your constructive criticism. It's okay to do it. I just don't like being insulted for it.

nixie pixie- I don't know if Inuyasha and Kagome will have children yet or not. I'm still debating it.

raspberry2552- Thanks for correcting me on the whole tail vs. feather boa thing. I never knew what the hell it was and I kept hearing that it was both all the time.