InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Training ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 36



Kagome stepped inside of her hut and smiled. It was good to be home. Luckily they didn't run into any youkai so they were able to get home quickly. She missed being in her own hut. She felt much safer there.


"Let us know if you need anything." Sango smiled. "I'll come back after I've rested up and settled in."


"Hai." Kagome said. "I'll probably talk to Kaede-sama after this anyway."


"Ja ne." Sango and Miroku waved as they left.


"We're going to see Kaede-sama?" Shippo asked as he jumped on her shoulder.


"That's if Inuyasha doesn't mind." Kagome said sarcastically. She would've gone either way.


"Keh, like I could stop you." Inuyasha said as if he read her mind.


"I'm leaving then. Are you coming?" Kagome stopped and turned around to face him.


"Yeah." Inuyasha said. He didn't want her going by herself.


Shippo jumped from Kagome's shoulder to Inuyasha's when they got in range. "Okaa-san seems a little sad." Shippo whispered to Inuyasha.


Inuyasha nodded in agreement. She was thinking about that damn jewel and not one thing he could say would make her stop from thinking about it. That's what pissed him off the most. Was that he couldn't do anything about it. He felt so worthless. The only thing he could do was be there for her and he didn't think that was enough.


"We'll just have to keep her happy then." Inuyasha whispered back to Shippo. Shippo nodded happily and jumped into his arms.


Kagome smiled as she noticed they were bonding. Inuyasha wasn't as violent with Shippo as he used to be. Not that he was violent but Shippo got less and less bumps on his head each day. Shippo had stopped teasing Inuyasha most of the time too.


On their way to Kaede's hut Shippo bragged about how he thought he had gotten much stronger. Inuyasha chuckled quietly at his confidence. He hadn't had enough time to learn anything. "If you want Shippo I can train you and you'll become stronger faster." Inuyasha said.


"Really?" Shippo jumped onto his shoulder.


"We can start tomorrow. It's not going to be easy though." Inuyasha warned.


"I'll work really hard!" Shippo said excitedly.




"Souta!" Kagome exclaimed. He ran towards her and hugged her. "When did you get back?"


"Today." Kagome said. "How've things been?"


"Fine." Souta said. "Someone asked about you yesterday."


"Me? Do you know who it was?" Kagome asked.


"No, Okaa-san didn't know either. We didn't recognize him at all. I don't think he lives in the village." Souta replied. "Shippo want to come play with us?"


"Hai." Shippo said. "Can I go?"


"Hai, Inuyasha will come get you when it gets late. Be careful." Kagome waved bye to them both as they began to leave.


"I will!" Shippo waved and chased after Souta.


As soon as they were out of sight Kagome turned to Inuyasha. "I wonder who would ask about me and why?" She said.


"We'll have to be careful. They're probably after the jewel." Inuyasha began to walk to Kaede's hut.


"I'll talk to Okaa-san after this." Kagome said. "So I see you and Shippo are getting along better. You're going to start training him too."


"Well he wants to get stronger then I might as well teach him." Inuyasha said. "I am strong."


Kagome rolled her eyes at his cockiness. "I'm glad your spending quality time with him and not trying to hit him."


"He's the one who starts it all." Inuyasha folded his arms. The hut was now in sight.


"Your supposed to be more mature." Kagome said. "What made you want to be so fatherly towards him now?"


"If I'm mean to Shippo then that only shows you that I won't be a good father to our pups." Inuyasha said.


"I'm not..." Kagome trailed off and put her hands on her stomach. A blush covered her face at the thought of having `pups' as Inuyasha called them.


"You hadn't thought of having any?" Inuyasha asked.


"Well I-" Kagome stopped when she sat Kaede leave her hut. She hadn't even realized they were already there.


"So your back." Kaede said. "I hope your trip was successful."


"Well..." Kagome began. She explained to Kaede what had happened and the information they were told.


"Well it all seems possible, although there is no way to know for sure. It seems that word of the jewel is spreading around fast. I think your training should begin." Kaede said. She stood and walked into the hut signaling for them to follow.


She told them to have a seat near the fire and she went into the back room. After a minute or so she came out with a set of bow and arrows in her arms. She handed them to Kagome and took a seat across from them. "I want you to have the bow and arrows. They were my elder sister, Kikyo's." She said.


"Oh but I can't take something that's precious to you." Kagome said and began to hand them back.


Kaede waved her hand and shook her head. "No, you will need them. You are her reincarnation. It's only right that you should have what she left behind. Besides I'm not getting any younger."


"Got that right." Inuyasha muttered under his breath.


Kagome elbowed him and he ended up falling backwards not knowing that she had heard him. "Oi!" He shouted but the expression on her face stopped him. He just sat back into his original position and pouted.


"If you'd like we can start your lessons this evening." Kaede said. "In private."


"Wherever she goes I go." Inuyasha yelled.


"Is it alright if I come after dinner?" Kagome asked.


"That's what I was thinking." Kaede said.


"What if something happens?" Inuyasha said.


"It's not like you won't be far. I know how to put up a shield." Kagome said. "I'm sure nothing will happen. Besides I won't be able to concentrate if you goof off while I'm training."


"Who said I'd goof off?" Inuyasha asked.


"Either way it's best if we were left alone. Concentration is of the utmost importance while training, especially after she's learned everything she can." Kaede said. "It takes a lot to be a miko. It won't be easy for Kagome. She has to learn so much in a little amount of time to properly protect herself. You know as well as I do she hates relying on others."


"Onegai Inuyasha." Kagome said. "I'm tired of relying on others for protection. I need to learn this sooner or later anyway."


"Fine, but I'll be in the village." Inuyasha said.


"Arigato." Kagome smiled. "Well we should get going. I need to talk to Okaa-san."


"Well then I'll see you this evening." Kaede said.


Kagome waved goodbye and headed for her old home. On the way there they saw Souta and Shippo playing with some of their friends. They were laughing and having fun. Kagome smiled at the scene.


She finally reached her old home. Her Okaa-san was sitting in front of the hut. "Kagome! It's been a while since you've come to visit. Inuyasha you too!" She stood to hug them.


"Ah gomen, we had some business to take care of." Kagome explained.


"I see." Ms. Higurashi smiled. "Have a seat."


Kagome and Inuyasha sat down across from her. "Okaa-san, Souta said someone came by asking about me. What they want?" Kagome asked.


"Well he was wondering where you lived and if you were nearby. He said something about being an old friend." Ms. Higurashi told them.


"Did he give you his name?" Inuyasha asked.


"I think he said his name was Naraku." Her mother said.


"What?" Kagome stood quickly. Her enemy went into her house and was friendly to her Okaa-san. "Did he say anything else?"


"Well he said he'd be around until you came back. Why what's wrong?"


"Did you tell him where Kagome lived?" Inuyasha asked.


"No, I said she was out of the village for a while for something important. What's wrong?"


"It's nothing. Gomen, I'm just paranoid." Kagome sat back down.


"Well since you're here how about you stay for dinner?" Ms. Higurashi smiled.


"Arigato Okaa-san." Kagome said. "That would be great. I can go to Kaede-sama's afterwards and it won't be too far."


"Going to Kaede-sama's? Is that why you brought a bow and arrows?" Her mother asked.


"Hai, Kaede is going to begin my training after dinner." Kagome said.


"I take it your not allowed to be present?" Ms. Higurashi asked Inuyasha.


"How could you tell?" He asked.


"Well you've been pouting since you first walked in." Ms. Higurashi said. "So either Kagome got hurt or your not allowed to see her. I didn't think she was hurt since no one said anything."


"Ah." Inuyasha understood. She knew his actions.




After dinner Kagome made her way to Kaede's hut. She had convinced Inuyasha to let her walk alone. She also had Souta and Shippo knock him down and tackle him to keep him busy so she could leave without any arguments. Of course he didn't let her go quietly. He cursed while she laughed and walked away.


It was nice to be by herself for a couple of minutes. She didn't mind being with Inuyasha all the time but she did enjoy her alone time, even if it was only going to be for a couple of minutes.


"I take it your enjoying your time away from your mate." Kaede said. She could see the big smile on her face.


"Hai." Kagome said. "It's nice. I haven't been away from him in a while."


"I'd savor the moment if I were you. It doesn't seem like he'll let you do it often. He is very possessive from what I've noticed." Kaede smiled.


"Hai." Kagome said. "So what should we start with?"


"Let's try focusing your energy first. We must go out into the forest for this. Just in case something happens. I'll also teach you how to shoot your bow so the forest is the safest place to be." Kaede informed her.


Kagome nodded and they began their walk into the forest. Once they thought they were far enough away from any area where villagers might wander they sat down. They sat across from each other.


"First you must learn to focus your energy. You'll be able to put your miko energy into solid objects. When your using the bow and arrow you'll be able to purify youkai with it." Kaede explained. "So first try to focus all your energy into your hand until you can see the glow."


Kagome nodded and held up her right hand. She concentrated on sending all her energy into her hand. Soon enough her hand glowed a light blue color. "Great job. You'll be a fast learner." Kaede complimented her.


"I hope so." Kagome smiled faintly.


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Sorry it's taken so long to write this chapter. I had to reread the fic because I keep getting it mixed up with my other ones. I need to figure out how things are going to go through this fic. I'm still stuck on where to go after this. I've also been stressed out lately so I haven't been in the best mood to write. Well hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.



Arigato readers and reviewers.