InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Thoughts and Worries ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 38

Thoughts and Worries
Kagome couldn't sleep at all that night. She was propped up against the wall with Inuyasha lying in her lap with his head cocked to the side, arms wrapped around her waist. He would still be up if it weren't for Kagome's melodic humming and her rubbing his ears.
She smiled and looked down at him. He was almost childlike at the moment, clutching to her the way he was, how he was put to sleep with her lullaby. It had been a while since he slept so well or even gotten any sleep at all. Usually he was on guard, watching over her or restless because his youkai blood allows him to be awake for more hours of the day.
It was unusual for Kagome to be awake this late at night, especially with the training she had earlier. It wasn't draining but it should've done something to take energy out of her. Instead she was kept up because of Naraku. His words echoed in her mind even now.
He was willing to strike a deal with her. If she gave him the jewel then her friend's lives were safe. But what of other people's lives? He never put any guarantee on her family, or anyone else. How could she trust him? Guys like him have no point in keeping promises. He was the type to do get what he wanted no matter the cost.
How long had he been searching for the jewel? He wouldn't give it up so easily. Kaede had mentioned that Kikyo had the jewel fifty years ago. She died because of a youkai attack. Could it have been Naraku that attacked her, ending her life years beyond intention, making the soul be reincarnated with the jewel, making the madness begin anew?
Kagome decided that she had to do whatever it would take to get rid of the jewel. Something with that much power shouldn't have been created in the first place. She held the jewel in her hand and examined it. Inside the jewel it seemed to glitter, like inside the jewel something was alive and moving around. Was Midoriko still fighting the youkai she had sealed within the jewel? Was there really a way to remove the jewel from existence?
“Shikon no Tama...” Kagome whispered. She gasped when she felt a nudge at her stomach. Looking down she saw that Inuyasha had awakened. “Gomen, I didn't mean to wake you.”
“It's late.” Inuyasha said. “You should've been asleep way before me.”
“I just can't sleep.” Kagome said.
Inuyasha sat up just realizing the position he was in. He too thought it was childlike and quickly dismissed the thought. “Quit worrying so much. We'll find a way to fix things.” He said. Whenever she looked at the jewel she was worried about something.
“I can't help it. I just...want it gone...” Kagome sighed and looked away from him. “I don't want anyone to get hurt. It's my problem. I should be the one to solve it. I don't want to involve you, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, or Shippo.”
“It's not just your problem. You're my mate.” Inuyasha leaned over and kissed the nape of her neck. “I'm here to help you, protect you. I won't let you do this alone.”
“I didn't think you would.” Kagome said and cocked her head so Inuyasha could have better access. “If Naraku or Koro were to attack then we'd be endangering the villagers around us. We're still too close if Naraku were to release his full power.”
“We haven't seen his full power.” Inuyasha continued to kiss her neck.
“I know, but I can sense it. His evil power rolls off of him in waves, its almost unbearable.” Kagome let out a moan when he raked his fangs down her neck. “I feel like if I get to close I'll get sick or it will consume me...”
“It won't happen.” Inuyasha looked into her eyes. “I'll be there to protect you.”
Kagome smiled and silently thanked him for his words. She forgot about Naraku and the Shikon no Tama as Inuyasha leaned forward to capture her lips in a gentle and comforting kiss. The best way to get her to sleep was to tire her out right?
Inuyasha leaned up on his knees, slowly pushing Kagome from back against the wall to the floor. He stopped her when his left knee was between her legs, causing her yukata to rise up. He placed his hand on her revealed thigh and used his other hand to open the yukata.
Kagome moaned as Inuyasha's tongue slowly slipped between her open lips to brush against hers. Her hands went around his neck to bring him closer and rub his ears. An even louder moan escaped her lips as the yukata fell open and Inuyasha cupped her breast.
Her back arched as Inuyasha left her lips to make a trail from her neck to her breast. Finally reaching his destination he gently nipped at her breast before sealing his mouth over it, his other hands still busily massaging the first one.
Inuyasha moaned when Kagome lifted her knee and brushed up against him. He let out a deep breath and continued with his ministrations. Kagome's hands went to his haori to release the ties to feel flesh. Not too long the inner and outer haori was untied and she slipped it down his shoulders.
Inuyasha leaned up long enough to pull the haori all the way off of his body, throwing it so that it was out of the way. Quickly afterwards he went back to Kagome, his mouth fastening to her other breast, as his hand massaged the neglected one. His free hand slowly made its way to the center between her legs.
Kagome's hands roamed the contours of his chest, tracing every dip and muscle. Inuyasha's skin tingled where her fingers had previously roamed, causing his body to want her more.
Making sure she was ready the hand that was near the center of her legs slowly entered her. Inuyasha smirked at hearing the loud moan and felt the arching of her back. His fingers moved inside her checking if she was ready. Slowly he removed his fingers and licked them clean.
Instead of entering her like Kagome thought he would, he positioned her so that she was on her hands and knees. A little nervous, she turned her head to ask him what he was doing. Before she could even get one word out, Inuyasha slowly slid himself inside of her.
Kagome's arms buckled beneath her from the shock and she was soon leaning on her forearms. As she moaned Inuyasha paused to help her back onto her hands. He slowly continued on with his gentle pace. He leaned forward to lick the spine of her back, smirking arrogantly when she released the loudest moan he'd heard from her so far.
He leaned his chest against her back and reached in front of Kagome to massage her breasts. They were both covered in sweat, reveling in the feel of each other. It was completely new to each of them and just as pleasurable as their first position. Of course Inuyasha found some comfort in their current position considering he was part inu youkai.
Inuyasha's hands left her breasts and grasped her hips as the moment grew more intense and their pace quickened. Kagome did her best trying to keep up with him, thrust for thrust. She soon grew weak and collapsed back to her forearms, creating a new feeling of pleasure as he reached a new depth.
They both panted heavily as they were nearing the end. Kagome toppled over the edge screaming his name. Inuyasha followed a few seconds later, grunting a broken version of her name.
Inuyasha pulled out of her and collapsed next to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. He gently kissed her neck as she returned to reality. Kagome smiled and pressed her lips against his. She pulled the blanket around them and yawned.
“Tired?” Inuyasha asked arrogantly, already knowing the answer since it was his intent from the beginning.
“Jerk.” Kagome said as she yawned again.
“Sleep.” Inuyasha said as he gave one last kiss to her neck.
“Oyasumi...” Kagome mumbled and fell asleep instantly.
Kagome woke up to the sound of tapping. Annoyed that someone had woken her up from her sleep she sat up and yawned. She looked around for the source of the annoyance so she could scold whoever it was and maybe fall back asleep.
“Inuyasha.” She glared at him.
He was lying on the floor in his red hakama pants near her feet tapping a claw against the wooden floor. “What?” He asked as he looked at her.
“Must you do that so early in the morning?” Kagome asked as she brought the blanket up to cover her upper half. A blush slowly appeared on her face.
“It's the afternoon.” He said arrogantly. “Tiring night?”
“Baka!” Kagome shouted as she threw a pillow at him.
Inuyasha, of course, was able to hit the pillow in another direction not caring where it went. “What? It was a simple question.” He smiled.
Kagome's faced turned a brighter shade of red knowing he was only being arrogant to get those reactions from her. Sadly he was still able to win and would always get an embarrassing reaction from her. He thought it was cute to still see her blush even now. It was the innocence in her that wouldn't go away so easily.
Inuyasha got on his hands and knees and crawled over to Kagome, in a stalking manner. “Want to go again before Shippo gets here?” Inuyasha grabbed the back of her neck to tilt her head so he could lick his mark.
Before she could answer Shippo could be heard outside. “Ohayo!” He shouted from outside the hut before barging in on Inuyasha's head, causing them both to fall over.
“Shippo!” Inuyasha growled in warning. He threw Kagome his haori to save her from some of the embarrassment. Kid or not Kagome was still embarrassed that the kit new of their late night activities.
Kagome quickly threw on the haori before Shippo turned around to run to her. He jumped into her lap and smiled. “Ohayo.” He said happily.
“Ohayo. Did you have with Souta?” Kagome asked.
“Hai.” Shippo said as he hugged her and inhaled her scent. “I missed you though.”
“I missed you to Shippo.” Kagome returned the hug.
“I liked your old scent better.” Shippo said.
“My old scent?” Kagome asked. “When did it change?”
“He means he liked your scent when it wasn't laced with mine.” Inuyasha moved to sit next to Kagome. He plucked Shippo from her lap and held him in front of his face, so they were eye level. “What have I told you about jumping on her? What if she's with pups?”
“Pups?” Kagome said and brought her hands to her stomach. “I'm I?”
“No, but I mean later. He needs to learn now. Besides it could hurt you.” Inuyasha said and gently set Shippo on his feet.
“Gomen.” Shippo said. He crawled in between them and crossed his arms. “I forgot about pups.”
Kagome blushed even more if that was possible and removed her hands from her stomach. “Would you be tell...if I was?” She asked.
“Yeah, your scent would change slightly.” Inuyasha said.
“Hai, but its still your scent just...different.” Shippo said trying to put it in words to explain.
“You guys would know before I did...” Kagome said more than asked. “I never even thought about pups...Have you?”
“Not often. I would like to have a family but not right now. We still have to take care of Naraku first.” Inuyasha said as if were the most common conversation to ever be had.
“Can I name one?” Shippo asked.
“We haven't even had any!” Inuyasha shouted. “She's not even pregnant.”
“I know but I want to name one! How many are you going to have?” Shippo continued with his questions.
Kagome was awestruck. Inuyasha had obviously put some thought into have a family since he considered that Naraku was still a threat. It hadn't really entered her mind to have a family. She already had Shippo who was a son to her. So many things have been going on that she hadn't even thought of...pups...
Clearing her mind of any thoughts she stood so she could get dressed. “After breakfast I have to meet with Kaede-sama.” She said as she grabbed another yukata.
“You never told me that!” Inuyasha said.
“I know, I thought it would make you sad and no you can't watch.” Kagome already answered.
“Fine, I'll guess I'll take Shippo tracking.” Inuyasha said. “Teach him some other stuff too.”
“That's nice.” Kagome said. She noticed Inuyasha's eyes on her and quickly changed. Shippo was too preoccupied with the fact that Inuyasha was taking him.
“What's for breakfast?” Shippo asked.
“Soup.” Kagome said as she began to get things ready.
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Haven't updated on this fic for a while. Stupid writer's block. Well I hope you like this chapter. It's like 8:16 AM and I haven't gone to sleep yet! I have insomnia or something. Oh well. I have a week of break so I don't care! Yay. So sorry about any grammar errors. If you see any let me know and I'll try to remember to fix them! Can't make any promises though. I have horrible memory. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.
Thanks to readers and reviewers!