InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ An Easy Defeat ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 40

An Easy Defeat
A long week of exhausting training passed. Kagome was starting to get used to the training and getting used to using her powers. She could already control how much power was to be released. She could concentrate on different auras, knowing which ones were human, youkai, or miko. She was also learning about what kinds of herbs are best for healing and more.
Or course Inuyasha did help out a lot. With his fast reflexes he was able to catch any arrows that Kagome would shoot. Kaede had thought the idea up after Kagome had injured her hand with the bow and arrow. The string had snapped and Inuyasha was next to her as soon as he smelt the blood.
Kagome needed more practice with moving targets so she suggested that Inuyasha practice as a moving target. No miko energy would be used just an arrow. Inuyasha agreed saying that human arrows couldn't do anything to him even if he were to get hit. Kagome was hesitant and purposely missed so as not to hurt him.
Inuyasha was getting tired of her trying to miss. He urged her to hit him and finally insulted her. It resulted her to get angry and shoot an arrow at him. With her anger behind her aim she was able to almost hit him. If Inuyasha weren't catching her arrows she would've hit his lower right leg, after that her hesitancy was gone and she was shooting with full force.
“I'm so tired.” Kagome sank to the floor of their hut and sighed. She stretched her aching muscles.
“Your getting better so at least it's paying off.” Inuyasha complimented. Hopefully the time when she had to use her powers would never come.
“I guess.” Kagome said. She held up her hand and watched as her miko energy surrounded it. “It's still so weird.”
“What is?” Inuyasha asked.
“The energy feels a part of me. I'm just not used to it I guess.” The blue around her hand disappeared and she sighed. “At least I'm not so helpless now.”
“I'd rather it that way. I don't want you fighting.” Inuyasha sat next to her. As soon as he got comfortable he sniffed the air and stood.
“What is it?” Kagome asked. Soon enough she felt it. An enormous amount of evil energy was seeping its way closer to them. “What is it?”
“Koro. Stay here.” Inuyasha said. He left the hut and began running in the direction the scent was coming from.
Kagome rolled her eyes before grabbing her bow and arrows. She left the hut, following after him. She didn't train all this time for nothing. She didn't know which way Inuyasha went but she headed towards the strange energy she had felt. Soon enough she found them, they weren't very far from the hut. They were both standing at a clearing.
“I thought I told you to stay there!” Inuyasha yelled, not turning to look at her.
“You know as well as I do, I'm not going to listen.” Kagome replied. She held up her arrow, aiming at Koro.
“What the hell do you want?” Inuyasha asked Koro.
Koro stood in his white clothing with a smile on his face. “I was sent by Naraku-sama to eliminate you. Usually I go after the miko but Naraku-sama thinks it best to rid of you first. After all once her mate is gone, she'll be much easier to capture.” Koro answered, his smile remained on his face the whole time.
“After me? You think it will be that easy?” Inuyasha asked. “I'm not one who can be beaten so easily, especially when my mate's life is on the line.”
“Well then, shall we fight?” Koro asked.
Without wasting another moment he lunged towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha easily dodged by doing a back flip. He barely had any time to defend himself when Koro lashed out towards him. Koro was faster than he thought. Inuyasha jumped behind him and successfully kicked him about ten feet away.
Koro was starting to get angry now. He stood up and shook the dirt off of his clothes. He hadn't expected that Inuyasha could move this fast. “Seems I've underestimated your speed. I won't do it again.” Koro said and glared at him, trying to think of his next move.
Once again he lunged towards Inuyasha. He was able to dodge the first attack but barely saw when Koro punched him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Inuyasha stumbled but stood back up he wasn't going to lose to him.
Kagome could only watch in shock as she could barely see what was going on. The two of them were moving at an incredible speed. She'd never seen Inuyasha fight like this before. She stood where she was with her arrow notched waiting for the right time to let it fly and hopefully hit the target. She hoped Inuyasha would be okay.
Inuyasha noticed that Koro slowly began moving closer to Kagome. “Kagome! When you get the chance shoot him with your arrow!” He yelled as he dodged another swing.
Hearing this, Koro decided to ignore Inuyasha and chose to go after Kagome. Being a miko her arrows could do incredible damage and that's with no training. He could go after Inuyasha once the miko was eliminated. He had just barely turned around when he saw the arrow go right through his chest.
He couldn't believe it. He was defeated by a miko. She wasn't even fully trained. No, this wouldn't defeat him. He couldn't stop the cough and brought a hand to cover his mouth, only to see blood covering his hand. Retreating would be the best thing to do. He could come back when he was healed. He prepared to leave but was stopped when he felt great pain in his back. He turned around to see what had happened.
Inuyasha had used his claws to give him a fatal injury to add onto the arrow wound. “You're not running away.” Inuyasha said and stood up.
`I can't believe I was defeated...I underestimated the both of them.' Koro thought. He lifted a hand to the sky and with the last of his life he could only think of how he let Naraku down. Finally he fell to the ground and disappeared.
Kagome immediately ran to Inuyasha's side. “Are you alright?” She asked.
“I'm fine.” Inuyasha said. “Let's go back.”
“Fine, but I want to make sure there are no wounds when we get back to the hut!” Kagome agreed.
“Yeah whatever. I'll be healed in less than an hour with these feather light wounds.” Inuyasha said.
“So you are wounded!” Kagome shouted. “Where?”
“What does it matter?” Inuyasha said. He gently grabbed her chin and kissed her. “You did a great job.”
Kagome blushed at the compliment. She wasn't used to getting them, especially from him. “D-don't think you're getting out of me checking your wounds!” Kagome said and grabbed his hand to lead him back to the hut.
“Keh.” Inuyasha replied but smirked.
Once they were back at the hut they found Miroku, Sango, and Shippo waiting for them. “Okaa-san!” Shippo said excitedly and hopped into her arms. “We were waiting for you! Where did you go?”
“We just took care of some annoying problem.” Inuyasha answered for her. “Koro is no longer an enemy.”
“What?” Sango asked.
“You defeated him?” Miroku asked.
“That bastard was nothing.” Inuyasha said. “Kagome hit him with an arrow and then I finished him off.”
“Your miko training really is paying off.” Sango patted Kagome on the shoulder.
“Hai, did you guys need something?” Kagome asked.
“We were just wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner. You've been busy with training and all.” Sango blushed.
“Why are you blushing?” Shippo asked innocently.
“I-its nothing.” Sango said.
“Ah now don't be shy Sango. Our love is nothing to be ashamed of!” Miroku boasted. “We have been spending a great deal of time together!”
Sango's blush grew brighter and she hit Miroku on the head, causing him to fall from the unexpectedness of it. “Don't go telling everyone!” Sango shouted.
Kagome giggled. So Sango was finally taking the relationship seriously. She was happy for them, although Miroku could boast a little less for his health's sake. He'd be lucky if Sango didn't beat him every time he mentioned their relationship to others, let alone the beatings from the groping.
“Dinner sounds nice, but first I have to make sure Inuyasha isn't seriously injured.” She turned to him.
“Damn, I thought I was going to get away with it. It's just a waste of time.” Inuyasha crossed his arms and walked into the hut.
“We can have dinner here if you'd like. I just need a few minutes.” Kagome smiled.
“That's fine. We have to go get some food.” Sango waved. “We'll be back soon!”
Kagome waved goodbye and walked into the hut. She sat down next to Inuyasha and set Shippo down. “Shippo can you bring me some water and a cloth?” Kagome asked.
“Hai!” Shippo said happy to be of some help.
“Take off your shirt.” Kagome said.
“This is pointless.” Inuyasha said but took his haori off anyway. He'd learned that fighting with her about checking his wounds was useless. She wouldn't stop until she checked him. She was as stubborn as he was at times.
“Pointless or not it doesn't matter. It makes me feel better knowing your alright.” Kagome said. Shippo had gathered what Kagome wanted and set it down next to her. He then took his seat next to Kagome.
Inuyasha was right. The only wounds he had were light. There was a bruise on his chest from when Koro punched him, but with his youkai blood it would heal within the hour. She dipped the cloth into the bowl and gently began to wash Inuyasha's chest and face. Once she was done she set the cloth in the bowl.
“I'll do it!” Shippo stood up and grabbed the bowl.
“Arigato Shippo.” Kagome smiled. “There see that wasn't that bad.”
“It was a waste of time.” Inuyasha said as he put his haori back on.
Sango and Miroku arrived moments later with food. They all began to cook so they could eat their meal and talk.
After dinner they all gathered around the fire to keep warm and talk. “So with Koro gone we only have to worry about Naraku.” Sango said.
“We already know we can't do much. We have no idea where he stays and if he has anymore allies or not.” Miroku said. “How did you defeat him so quickly?”
“He's a youkai. Most youkai have strength in one area. His was to create illusions after finding out what people's desire was.” Inuyasha explained.
“So, since he was powerful mentally he was weak physically.” Kagome said.
“Yeah, otherwise he wouldn't have been brought down so easy. He underestimated us anyway. He can't threaten my mate and expect to get away with it.” Inuyasha growled lightly. “Now we only have to take care of Naraku.”
“He's the main problem.” Miroku said.
“This is horrible. We have to find out something. We can't just wait for him to attack or send someone to attack.” Kagome said. She wrapped her hand around the jewel. “As long as he's out there we'll never be safe. I don't want to put anyone in danger.”
“I may know Naraku's whereabouts.”
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Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. I love a good cliffhanger. Sorry writer's block has gotten the best of me...Hope you like this chapter let me know what you think!
Ja ne!