InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ To The Mountains ( Chapter 41 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 41

To The Mountains
“I may know Naraku's whereabouts.”
Everyone looked for the source of the voice that is until Kagome slapped her neck and held out her hand. “Myoga-jiji!” Inuyasha growled as he picked the flea up with his claws.
“Ah have you been?” Myoga asked nervously.
“How dare you suck my mate's blood?” Inuyasha growled. “I should squish you!”
“Inuyasha don't! He just said he might know where Naraku is!” Kagome grabbed his hand.
“Where is he?” Inuyasha asked.
“From the rumors I've heard he's staying at a castle near the mountain.” Myoga jumped out of Inuyasha's hold and landed on his leg, sitting down cross-legged.
“The mountain? That's at least a week away!” Sano exclaimed.
“Well it is just a rumor...” Myoga said. “I've been traveling around and such so everything I hear isn't always right.”
“I'm going.” Kagome said. “I didn't do all this training for nothing so rumor or not I'm going to go check it out. Naraku is too dangerous to ignore.”
“You're not going without me.” Inuyasha said. “Shippo you'll stay here. It's too dangerous for you.”
“But-” Shippo went to argue.
“Shippo, Inuyasha is right. No one wants you getting hurt so please just stay here so that we know your safe.” Kagome smiled and hugged him.
“Hai.” Shippo said sadly.
“What about you guys? Are you coming?” Inuyasha asked.
“Kagome is our friend. We can't just sit here and wait for you to come back. We'll go.” Sango said.
“Sango is right. We've helped all this time, it would be wrong to just stop right now because it might get dangerous.” Miroku said.
“Thanks guys.” Kagome smiled. She really did have great friends.
“I shall take my leave. I have much more to do.” Myoga said and without another word he left.
“We didn't even get to thank him.” Kagome said.
“That's how Myoga is.” Inuyasha sighed. “That bastard has been nothing but trouble since I met him.”
“So when should we leave?” Sango asked.
“Tomorrow. We don't know how long Naraku will stay in the castle if he's really there.” Inuyasha stood up. “We should all get some sleep. Meet at Kagome's Okaa-san's hut when you're ready.”
Miroku and Sango stood up and nodded. “We'll see you in the morning then.” As soon as they were out of sight Inuyasha walked in the hut, his family following.
“Why are we meeting at Okaa-san's hut?” Kagome asked.
“Someone has to watch Shippo right? She's always happy when Shippo goes over there. Besides Souta will have someone to play with.” Inuyasha said.
“Oh I never thought of that.” Kagome said and then she smiled. “You know despite what people say I think you'd make a great father.”
“Keh.” Inuyasha replied and crossed his arms. “Bed Shippo.” Shippo sighed before dragging his feet to bed.
“See your only proving my point.” Kagome giggled. “Your usually not like this.”
“Well if I act like a jerk to Shippo all the time then you probably won't want to have pups later.” Inuyasha said as if it was an everyday issue.
Kagome blushed brightly. Once again children were brought up, or `pups' as he called them. “You really want a family?” She asked.
“Some day. Now we have too much to take care of. It would be dangerous. It's bad enough that we have Shippo around to worry about.” Inuyasha said.
“It seems you've thought this over a lot.” Kagome said, the blush still present on her cheeks.
“You can't have a family on a whim.” Inuyasha said. “It's getting late and we need to get some rest.”
“Hai.” Kagome said and crawled over to the futon.
She changed into her sleeping yukata and crawled under the covers. Inuyasha took off his outer haori and crawled underneath the covers with her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. Eventually they both fell asleep.
They finally arrived at the base of the mountains to a village. It had taken them nine days to get there. After the third day they were stopped by rain. It was pouring too hard for them to ignore. They had to take shelter in a nearby cave. Other than that the journey there wasn't too bad. They were excited to finally see a village.
The villagers were busy with their tasks. “Excuse me young lady.” Miroku tapped on a woman's shoulder.
“Uh hai?” The girl turned around and blushed. “C-can I help you?”
“Ah yes, I was wondering if you knew of a castle near the mountains.” Miroku asked, obviously using his charm to get the girl to answer.
“Ah hai! Onigumo-sama has been ruling these lands for years now.” The girl smiled appreciatively. “Since he came our village has been very peaceful.”
“I see. Is there any way we could talk with this Onigumo-sama?” Miroku asked.
“He sees visitors early in the day. I'm afraid he has requested to see no one after sunset.” The girl said.
“Hmm that is very troublesome.” Miroku said.
“Well if you want you can stay at the inn and see him tomorrow.” The girl said. “I can take you there if you want.”
“Thanks, we appreciate your help.” Miroku smiled.
“N-no problem.” The girl blushed. She quickly turned around and hurried on her way to the inn.
Everyone followed her to the inn and was able to rent a couple of rooms. They all gathered in one room so they could eat dinner together. Sango had been glaring at him ever since the girl left the inn. She was even sitting farther away from him than usual, using Kirara to act as a barrier between them.
Kagome tried her best not to laugh. She could see through Sango. “So then first thing tomorrow morning we'll go see Onigumo. Maybe he knows something about Naraku.” Kagome said, trying to hide the smile that tried to come out.
“We should get some sleep then.” Miroku said.
“Kagome and I are going to share a room.” Sango stood up and grabbed Kagome's arm as soon as she stood up. She dragged her out of the room along with Kirara in her arms before anyone could object.
“That was...odd.” Miroku commented.
“She just ran off with my mate!” Inuyasha growled. He sat down knowing he wouldn't get to share a room with Kagome. He folded his arms and glared at the monk. “This is all your fault you know.”
“What did I do?” Miroku asked.
“You were messing with that villager girl right in front of Sango baka!” Inuyasha growled lightly.
“I was not. I was simply trying to find some information.” Miroku said and then thought about it. “Do you think that's what Sango thought I was doing?”
“Probably with your wandering hands.” Inuyasha said.
“I should have a talk with Sango then.” Miroku stood up to go to the girls' room. He knocked on the door and Kagome answered. “May I talk to Sango?”
“She doesn't feel like talking. She's tired and wants to rest.” Kagome said. Sango had practically begged her to tell that to Miroku.
“I see.” Miroku said. “Well in any case, Inuyasha wanted me to tell you that Shippo followed us here and is in the room right now.”
“What?” Kagome shouted and ran out of the room.
Miroku smiled in triumph and went inside the room, shutting the door behind him. “Did he leave?” Sango asked. She had her back turned, looking outside at the moon.
“I'm afraid not.” Miroku said.
Sango turned around and gasped. “What are you doing in here?” She asked.
“I'm afraid I told a lie for Kagome to leave.” Miroku said. “I wanted to clear any confusion between us.”
“What are you talking about?” Sango turned around to look outside again so he couldn't see her face.
“Well it seemed earlier that I was trying to charm the young village girl and I assure you I meant for no such thing.” Miroku walked over to Sango and sat down next to her. “My interests are in you.”
“I've heard this before Miroku. You say that and then tomorrow you'll have found another woman to grope.” Sango sighed.
“I have yet to touch anyone but you.” Miroku gently grabbed her chin. He leaned forward and kissed her. “After this I want us to be married. That is if you'll have me.”
“What?” Sango asked shocked.
“Marry me Sango.” Miroku grabbed her hands.
Sango looked into his eyes knowing he was telling the truth. He would never lie about something like this. Was she ready for marriage? “...Hai.” She answered.
Miroku smiled and leaned forward to kiss her again. Sango gasped as she felt his soft lips press against hers once more. He used her surprise to his advantage and slipped his tongue inside. He massaged her tongue with his and pulled back. “Well I guess that means we'll be sharing a room tonight.” Miroku smirked.
Sango hit him in the chest but smiled.
“Where is he?” Kagome threw open the rice paper door to Inuyasha and Miroku's room.
“He went to your room.” Inuyasha said.
“No, not Miroku, Shippo.” Kagome went over to Inuyasha.
“What are you talking about? We left Shippo with your mother.” Inuyasha said.
“Miroku said Shippo followed us.” Kagome said.
“How could he have? He's a kid. How would he have eaten or have gotten past my nose?” Inuyasha asked.
“I'm going to kill him!” Kagome stood up to go into the other room.
Inuyasha grabbed her arm and pulled her down. “Leave them to talk. You can kill him tomorrow.” He said and laid down with her.
“But Miroku will come back in to sleep.” Kagome said.
“I doubt it.” Inuyasha kissed her. “Just go to sleep so we can get this trip over with.”
“Fine.” Kagome sighed. She snuggled into Inuyasha's warmth and began drifting off. “I'm still going to kill...Miroku...tomorrow.”
Inuyasha chuckled and pulled the blanket up around them.
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A little bit of Miroku and Sango fluff. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!
Thanks readers and reviewers!
Ja ne!