InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Are You? ❯ Kagome and Brotherly Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but if I did…
Author's note: Did you like the first part?
“Finally someone answered my ad.” Sighed Kagome relieved.
Sango nodded, her eyes staring at a magazine. “Uh-huh.”
“Are you even listening to me?” The raven haired girl asked. She pulled a brush through her hair looking into a mirror.
“Did you say something Kagome?” Sango asked looking up. Kagome threw a pillow at the girl who dodged.
“Bad throw.” Sango said laughing. “Anyway, where are you going?”
Kagome groaned angrily. “I've been talking about it for the past five minutes.” She sighed before sitting down. “Somebody called in answering to my ad. His name is Inuyasha. He needs help in algebra.”
“Ah. I see. Your best subject. Are you going home tonight, or are you coming back here?”
Kagome thought for a second. “Back here. It's Friday and my dad will be drinking, so it'd better to avoid him.”
Her father. God, she hated him. Her mother had died long ago and now she lived with her abusive father. He would get drunk almost every night and beat her. Sango's place was her home away from home. He stayed at Sango's as much as she could to avoid her father's wrath. But, sometimes she had to stay at her own house and when she did it was hell.
“What time is it?” Kagome asked stretching to the side to see Sango's clock.
“Uh.” Sango looked over at the digital clock on her dresser. “It's 5:05. Why?”
Kagome jumped up. “Shit! I'm late. Sango, I've gotta run. Be back in..” she thought for a second. “Two hours tops.” She rushed out of the door before Sango could utter a good-bye.
“Where the hell is that wench? She was supposed to be here seven minutes ago.” Said Inuyasha.
Sesshomauru poked his head around the corner. “Waiting for that girlfriend of yours?”
“Shut up jackass.” He commented back. Sesshomauru came forward in front of Inuyasha.
“What did you call me half-breed?”
“I said shut up jackass and don't call me a half-breed.” Inuyasha clenched his fist and punched Sesshomauru in the face. Sesshomauru punched Inuyasha in the stomach hard. Inuyasha's knees buckled and he fell to the ground clenching his stomach.
“You bastard.” He said in a pained voice.
Sesshomauru leaned down and whispered in his ear. “Watch your langue little brother and remember. You are no match for me.”
Inuyasha snickered as Sesshomauru started to walk away. “You wanna bet?” Sesshomauru was about to leap again when they both heard footsteps coming up the porch. Inuyasha turned around.
“Oh shit.” Inuyasha said getting up. He made his brother go into the kitchen.
Izayoi answered the door with a kind smile. “Oh hello. You must be Kagome. Inuyasha's right in here.” She led her to the large living where he sat
“Hi. You must be Inuyasha. I'm Kagome.” She held out a hand. Her brown eyes met his amber ones.
“Feh! And you're the wench who's fifteen minutes late.” He said ignoring the hand she held out.
She glared evilly and reclined her hand slightly embarrassed.
“Well…Uh, let's get started.” She walked around a long cherry wood table setting down her bag. Inuyasha stared at the back of her head. He had been right. She did seem innocent, and cute. God he was starting to like this already.
Kagome pulled out a thick algebra book. Inuyasha groaned as he saw it. He didn't feel like learning about math that he never need to know about again.
“It's not as hard you think it is.” Kagome said looking at him. “Now sit down so we can start.”
Inuyasha sat down unused to taking orders from a mere girl. He listened as she talked about the different elements of algebra. He was only half listening when his mother walked in.
“Kagome dear. It's 8:30. Would you like to leave?”
Kagome looked at Izayoi startled. “It's that late. Wow. Well, then I will be leaving.”
“Would you like a ride home?”
“No, I have my car. Thanks for the offer. I'll see you Sunday Inuyasha. It's been nice meeting you Izayoi.”
She collected her bag and started towards the door.
“Here's your pay.” Inuyasha said who had followed her.
“Oh. Thank you.” She said smiling and taking the bill. She pocketed it and walked out and got in her car. She was starting to pull out when Sango called her.
“Where are you?” She asked. Sango sounded more worried than angry.
“Sorry. I've been at Inuyasha's. I'm on my home right now.”
“Good. Gods Kagome. You worried me. I thought he had raped you or something.”
The two laughed at the thought. Kagome would never fall for something like that.
“Ok, well see you in a few.”
“Ok bye Kagome.”
The two hung up and Kagome headed to Sango's. Little did she know, another raven haired girl watched her. The two resembled each other greatly. Kagome turned a corner and the other girl lost sight of her.
“I will get you Kagome. No bitch will take Inuyasha from me.” She said coldly.
*Does cliffhanger dance* Cliffhanger! Cliffhanger! Review please! Promise to write more soon.