InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Are You? ❯ A Jealousy ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Sadly enough, I do not own Inuyasha. *sigh* If there is a bar Barbed Wire, I do not own that either.
Author Note: Please keep reviewing and reading. I won't be writing as much as I am very busy with my homework and trying to bring my grades up, but I promise to at least come on once a day or more. Ok?
“Yeah she was hot. I mean those dark brown eyes and innocent look on her face. The long raven colored hair. Not to mention, the sluty school girl uniform she was wearing.” Inuyasha was talking to Miroku on the phone. He had of course told him about his lesson with Kagome and Miroku had wanted to know more. So here he sat, listing off all the details of this girl he had just met.
“She sounds nice. I met this girl…” Miroku's voice trailed off.
“Really? Where and what's her name?” Inuyasha turned off the T.V. Most of Miroku's stories of him coming across a girl were very humorous. This was one that he wanted to hear.
Miroku paused. He hesitated on what words to say. “Well, I met her in uh…..well, a bar. We started talking and she seemed really nice. She had beautiful brown eyes and this long brown hair. She was so sweet and kind of embarrassed to be there. At least that's what it seemed like. Her name was Sango Sawaguchi.”
“Wow Miroku! You remembered her name!”
“Shut up asshole. You have nothing to say. You haven't remembered a girl's last name in at least a year.”
Inuyasha scowled to himself. “Who gives a fuck.” His ears perked as he heard a knock on his front door. He stood up and walked to the door, still holding the phone to his ears. He opened the door slowly. There she was standing before him. His old love, Kikyo Takani. She stood with a warm smile and welcoming eyes.
“Hello Inuyasha.” She said in that voice of hers. He melted down to nothing. He was hers to control.
“Aren't you going to let me in?” she asked politely.
Inuyasha opened the door wide enough for her to get it. Kikyo stepped inside and looked around.
“It's the same as when I left.”
“Yea. My parents don't like to decorate too much.”
Kikyo turned and looked at him. The gaze of her eyes was so enchanting to him. He wanted to grab her and hold her forever. She had left three years ago and left him heart broken. Now she was back and he could hardly believe his eyes.
“Hello? Hello?!” asked an irritated Miroku still on the phone.
“Yeah. Miroku, I'm gonna have to call you back.” Inuyasha hung up before he could protest.
Kikyo strode over to the white leather sofa in Inuyasha's living room. She motioned for him to come follow her. He stood stock still. How could he tell that she was really there? Kikyo gained an aggravated look in her eyes.
“Inuyasha? Do you not want to come talk with me? You will have all your questions answered. I promise.”
“No, I just. Wow. I never expected to see you again and this is just a really big surprise.”
He walked over to the sofa and sat next to her. She smiled when he sat and moved closer. Inuyasha's mind buzzed with questions. He picked out which ones to ask first.
“Why are you here? Why did you go? How did you find me? Are we still…..together? And most importantly are you here-“ He stopped abruptly when Kikyo reached over and pressed her fingers to his lips. Her touch sent shivers up his spine and a warmth spread through his body.
“I came back because I figured I had been gone too long. I left to find myself. My place in life. I wanted to live on my own and not be supported by your father. I have a good memory so it was easy to find your place. I'm not sure if we're together or not. I was hoping to talk to you about that. And yes I will be staying for good. I'm living right up the street from here.” She explained this all very calmly while that warm smile stayed upon her lips. He drew in every word. As his last question was answered he felt happy. He wanted to leap for joy. Kikyo, his love, would be back here to stay.
Now it was Kikyo's time for questions. She faced him. The welcome warmth in her eyes and smile had gone. “Why do you smell of a female? Who was here?” Inuyasha looked taken aback. He hesitated to answer. He didn't want Kikyo mad at him creating another fight like their last one.
“I'm failing school. My father's been on my ass about it. He asked me to call a tutor which I did. That's the female you smell. There's nothing that happened.” Kikyo gave a shrug, showing that his answer was expectable.
Kikyo knew it was time to make her move. She leaned forward. Inuyasha knew what was coming. His excitement showed all over his face. She kissed his lips gently. He played with her lips and forced her mouth open. Kikyo let him in instantly. The two played a battle of tongues in each others mouths before Sesshomaru walked into the room.
“Oh,” he said with a satisfied grin on his face, “but I thought you two were over?”
“Shut up. We were never over. Kikyo just had to go.” Inuyasha said defensively
“Well sorry little brother. I didn't mean to offend.”
Kikyo stood up and brushed her clothes. “I think I'll go now. Here's my number. Call me sometime Inuyasha. I'd like to get together with you.” She winked before going through the long hallway and out the door.
Inuyasha flicked off Sesshomaru with an angry look on his face.
“Thanks a lot ass wipe. Because of you, Kikyo left. I might have gotten laid tonight. Unlike you, I work for my girls. You just hit a tittie bar and bring home the first wench who offers.”
Sesshomaru pretended to look offended. “I am so hurt that you would say such a thing you worthless ass.”
Inuyasha leaped forward. His brother did the same. Inutaisho stepped between the two before they could strike. He held then back until they both stopped wriggling to grab each other.
“Sesshomaru, leave Inuyasha alone. Inuyasha, don't mess with Sesshomaru. Both of you get your shit in a line and stop fucking with each other.”
They both nodded knowing better than to disobey their father.
Inuyasha sat on the couch grumpily. He had nothing to do now. His mind breezed with ideas until one sound ideal to him; go to the local bar.
The bar's name was Barbed Wire. The inside was back except for the strobe lights out on the dance floor. There were a few dim lights where the bar was also. There were dancers intertwined with a few poles like snakes. There were a few strippers on stage dancing around. He smiled as he hadn't been here in a while. Maybe he could find a girl, at least that's what he was hoping.
Inuyasha looked across the room. His eyes wandered around the varieties of people there. They landed on one girl. Her brown eyes were looked across the room at the dancers. They were willed with disgust as she watched the guys pour over them. Her raven hair flowed beautifully behind her. She had a drink in her hand. His eyes lingered over her tight fitting jeans to a mildly revealing blue tube top. He strolled over next to her.
“One Budweiser please. No glass.” The bartender scurried away to get his order. When he returned, Inuyasha popped the top and turned to Kagome. He looked at him with those melting brown eyes. He wanted her so bad. He realized this. Damn this girl is so hot and I've only known her for a few hours he thought helplessly. He sat down, his eyes remaining on hers.
“Hey. You're Inuyasha. I didn't know you came down here.”
“Yeah, not always, but I had nothing better to do.”
She made a look. “You could be studying.”
Inuyasha snorted. “Babe. This is a Friday night. You really expect me to study when there are all sorts of chicks waiting for me. Please”
Kagome looked anger. Inuyasha realized his words and shook his head. He was angry at himself for saying something so stupid. Great! Now she hates me for sure.
Inuyasha tried again. “Let's get off to a right start. You're Kagome right? Where do you go to school?”
And so his night began.
*Looks at Kikyo* No offense to anyone, but I can't stand her. But, my friend wanted to see how I would kind of create a light romance with them in the beginning. Anyway, I'm working on next chapter. REVIEW!!