InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ The Only True Conquest ( Chapter 62 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Only True Conquest

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Feeling warmer, safer, and more contented than she ever had before, Kagome woke slowly, blinking in the gentle light as she took in her surroundings – and just what was making her so content.  

And what was making that growly sort of purring sound, as well.

It only took a moment for the circumstances of the night before to be remembered, and then, blushing just a little, she looked over her shoulder at the male that had her spooned comfortably into his body.

She wasn't surprised to find him awake and watching her.

“Good morning,”  she whispered, holding his steady gaze with her still sleep-hazed blue eyes.

“Good morning,”  he returned gravely, searching her gaze for her thoughts.  He relaxed minutely at the contentment that shone in the blue depths.  “How do you feel?”

Listening as her body weighed in, she sighed.  “A bit sore, actually.  But not too bad.  I think if I move around for a little while, I'll be okay.”

Sesshoumaru hugged her tightly for a moment, and then disengaged from their spooned position, rolling easily to his feet to offer her a hand.  “I have a better idea,”  he said.  “A soak in the hot water in the other room will soothe the ache away.”

Taking his hand, a little shyly as he was still nude, as was she, she allowed him to pull her to her feet.  Looking up at him and refusing to drop her eyes below his chest as her cheeks glowed a charming rose color, she followed his amused figure into the room the spring was in.  A thought occurred to her as they entered the room, and she smiled.


He glanced back at her.  “Yes?”

“Could I... could I bathe you?”  she asked breathlessly.  “Like before, when we were at that other spring?”

Knowing exactly what she was talking about, he nodded.  “If you wish.”  Last time, he'd had to stop her, because her hands on his flesh had caused him to respond a bit too enthusiastically, and it wasn't the time or the place for them to mate.  Now, however, they already were, so if his libido surged while she bathed him, oh, well – he could easily take care of the problem.

However, they couldn't take too long – he was already feeling the biting pangs of hunger, and he knew she would also before long.  Still, they had a little time.

He climbed into the spring and lowered himself into the steamy water, an unnoticeable sigh escaping his lips.  He couldn't deny that the water felt very good, indeed.  Watching Kagome prepare her bathing items and lay them out on one of the rocks surrounding the spring idly as he soaked, he had to force back a smile at her intent focus on her task.  She was such a serious little woman when it came to certain things, and bathing was one of those things.  

Once she had everything laid out to her satisfaction, she climbed into the water, avoiding his eyes and his chuckle that said he knew why she wasn't looking at him.  “Come, my love, it is not as if I haven't seen you, is it?  There is no need for such coy behavior.”

Flushing more at being caught out in her still very shy manner, she just shook her head and said,  “I can't help it, so don't tease me.  It's not nice.”

He actually laughed at that.  “Ah.  And I am supposed to be such a nice person, of course,”  he said teasingly.

That brought her eyes up as she narrowed them on him.  “You are, and nothing you say will convince me otherwise,”  she shot back, her expression fierce, though with no real fire behind it.

“Come here, woman, and bathe me as you asked to do,”  he replied, amused, reflecting that she probably would always be an innocent in one way or another.  

A smile lit her face as she nodded.  “Yes,”  she said, gathering her shampoo and conditioner first.  She had him move out into the water a little more so she could sit behind him to wash his hair.  “Dunk and get all your hair wet,”  she instructed, and he did, staying down until the heavy silky length was completely soaked, then popping back up.

Kagome sighed happily as she gathered the thick length up and set it in her lap before pouring out a generous dollop of shampoo into her hand, and then rubbing it between both before beginning at the scalp and working the lather in.

The daiyoukai purred like a neko on a catnip high as she scrubbed his scalp, freely using her blunt nails on him.  After a few minutes, she moved on, beginning to work the delicately scented lather into the rest of his length, to the inu's disappointment.

It took a bit of time, but she finally worked it all the way to the ends, and she told him to rinse, then come back so she could use the conditioner.  He obeyed quietly, coming back up within a few moments, his hair now free of soap.

Again, she worked the conditioner into his hair starting from the scalp, and again, he purred.  She figured that he would probably be asking her to wash his hair from here on out, not that she minded exactly, or anything.

After letting it set for a few minutes, during which time she continued to scratch at his scalp, she shook off the lulling doze that had claimed her and reluctantly had him duck, only this time she helped him rinse the conditioner out, as it was more difficult to rinse.

As he once more came back up, she had him move to sit where she had been, lifting his heavy locks and wringing most of the moisture from it just to make sure it was thoroughly clear of the conditioner.  It was almost hard to tell, though, his hair now feeling so soft that, even wet, it slipped through her fingers like heavy silk.

Once she was finally convinced that it was clear of any hair products, she let it go to run down his back in a sheer, iridescent sheet, and stepped around him to go gather her body wash and poof.  “I guess it's a good thing I bought this plain unscented stuff the last time I went shopping,”  she sighed, noting that there was only half of it left.  She'd been using it sparingly, having taught herself how to make her own shampoo and soaps while still in her time so that she'd be able to do so – Sengoku Jidai or not, she wasn't about to go without soap.

She'd even found a recipe for handmade toothpaste, and though it didn't taste all that great, it got the job done, and she'd found that adding a bit of mint to it helped the taste a great deal.  The one thing she'd practically bought the store out of was toothbrushes, which, if left in their original plastic packages, would last a very, very long time.  Those were the one thing she really couldn't make on her own.

Dipping the poof in the water and then pouring out a small amount of soap onto it and rubbing together to lather it up, she smiled and moved back over to him and began gently scrubbing at the pale skin of her mate.  Shoulders, neck, and arms soon found themselves covered in soft lather, and Sesshoumaru practically purred at the feel of her washing him – especially as she moved down, rubbing in smooth strokes across his chest.

It wasn't long before she reached his abdomen and the waterline, which, sitting right at his waist, put a halt to her motions as soon as she reached it.  Blinking, as once again, grooming him had put her into a relaxed half doze, she sighed and looked up at a just as relaxed inuyoukai and smiled, a bit of a blush covering her skin as she realized just what she'd be looking at in a moment – and touching, as well.  Remembering what had happened the last time she'd bathed him, and eyeing the hooded gaze pinned to her, she decided to wash his legs, first, leaving that area for last.  She could already tell they'd be having another round before they finally redressed and left the cave system.

Sesshoumaru made not a sound as she tapped a leg, simply lifting it up for her to wash, enjoying the thoroughness with which she bathed him.  She didn't miss one piece of skin, not even that which lay between his toes, and he surmised that it was her bathing regimen, and the frequency with which she indulged it, that made her smell so good, and so unlike any human he'd ever seen.  Even accounting for the vague smell of death which followed all humans, and only thickened with age, she still smelled nothing like any other human.  In fact, she didn't smell like any living being he'd ever scented.  

Finally finished with both legs, she stopped for a moment, gathering her courage, and then straightened determinedly.  She could do this.  It wasn't as if she hadn't become rather intimately acquainted with this particular part of him already – and was about to be reacquainted with it in a very short few minutes.  Voice going husky at the thought, she said,  “Stand up, please.”  She met his gaze as she spoke, her lower body tightening at the look in his eyes as he complied.  

Her blush deepened as he did – he was fully aroused and unashamed of it as he stood and waited for her to wash him there.  But she couldn't move, for a moment, this really being the first time she'd actually been this close and able to look.

He was long, about nine inches, and thick – her fingers would not meet were she to circle him with them.  She was very surprised that he'd fit within her, but now she certainly knew why she'd felt full to bursting.  

She'd never found a male's genitalia attractive – in fact, she'd always thought them kinda ugly.  But Sesshoumaru's manhood echoed the unearthly beauty of its owner – looking at it made her weak in the knees.  The most surprising part was that it bore smaller versions of his cheek crests on each side, with the natural curve bringing the ends to point right at his head.  Flushed a deep rose by now, and unable to meet his eyes that had been pinned to her the entire time she'd studied him, she gingerly wrapped the small washcloth she'd picked up in place of the poof around him and began washing him, knowing that she was stimulating him by the needy whine he almost managed to squelch.

Hearing such a sound from him made a tiny moan slip from her throat, and suddenly, he disappeared from in front of her, dropping into the water and rinsing all traces of soap away before he came back up behind her, so close she felt his skin slide all the way up her body as he stood to his full height.  She almost fell, her knees weakening, and she was lucky he caught her, or she'd have been breathing in water.

Lifting her into his arms, he moved to the other side of the spring, setting her down against one of the smooth rocks bordering it, then brought her arms up to brace her.  With not a word between them, she suddenly found herself full again as he surged into her, easily able to scent out that her body was quite ready for his possession.  It made his heart pound to know that it took so little to excite her.  

Kagome's eyes widened as he drove into her, her mouth dropping open as she gasped for air and with shock in equal measures, unable to catch her breath as he gave her no quarter, surging into her over and over, driving them both to spectacular finishes within a shockingly short amount of time.

She braced her arms against the rock as he slumped against her, his panting breaths against her back making her shiver.  They stayed like that for several minutes, just enjoying the closeness, and then Sesshoumaru disengaged himself from her and gently pulled her back over to the other side to sit on the edge.

He bathed her quickly but thoroughly, gently manipulating her body until she was as clean as she could realistically get.  Kagome was quiet as he did so, just enjoying his touch, then climbing out of the water when he motioned for her to get out and dry herself off.  Once she was, he dressed her, and Kagome smiled softly at him once she was done.

Still no word was said as he dried and dressed himself quickly, hearing what she could not: her stomach was beginning to grumble, and it wouldn't be long before hunger's fangs were nipping at her.  Normally, the newly mated couple would leave the system and go on a hunt together, but as Kagome was human, he would take her to the rest of the pack, and then go hunt for her.  She would still be participating in the ritual, as she would be the one to prepare it.

It was different, but that didn't matter.

Watching as she gathered the rest of her possessions, he took in her scent, which was heavy and laden with new life, making something in him purr at the knowledge that she carried his progeny.  

With one last look around, knowing she'd never see this place again, she sighed, then smiled and looked over at her new mate, who was watching her with hooded eyes, an enigmatic smile on his face.  She cocked a questioning brow, but he did not answer her unspoken question, simply catching her hand and turning to lead her from the cavern, back through the system.

She balked a little when coming to the one that had thrown her into darkness and tested her, but it remained lit, and most importantly, quiet, as they passed through it, and before long, they were back on the staircase, heading for the open air.

Wondering how they would get Bokuseno to open for them once they reached the end of the staircase, she saw that it apparently wasn't necessary for them to do anything – it was already opening as they made the last turn, and Sesshoumaru led her right outside.

Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air in Bokuseno's glade, she smiled, feeling really good all of a sudden – though very hungry.

She paid no attention as the tree youkai spoke to her mate, and was surprised when Sesshoumaru addressed her.  “Hmm?”  

He shook his head, amused at her seeming absent-mindedness, although he knew why she was that way – her bond with the land was hitting her, her senses more open than they'd ever been.  The health of the land resonated within her, making her feel happy.

“This will hold you over 'til we make it back to the pack and I can hunt for us,”  he said, extending his hand to her.  She looked down to see him holding two mandarin oranges, and she smiled.  

“Thank you,”  she said softly, and he nodded.  She glanced at Bokuseno to see a smile on his aged face, and she bowed lightly.  “Goodbye, Bokuseno-san,”  she said, just as her mate pulled her into him and took to the air, eager to get her back to the pack and go hunting – he could feel the need for rich, red meat fresh from the kill surge within him.  She did not need to know that he would do most of his feeding during the hunt... he would make sure to leave room for whatever she would prepare.

Contentment settled inside him as she curled into his side, enjoying the view from her perch so high above the land as she munched on the oranges.  Finally, he had something he'd never thought he would, never thought he'd want, and he was happier than he'd ever realized a being could be.  In his earlier years, he'd thought that the satisfaction that conquest brought was the highest form of contentment one could find in this world.

He was pleased beyond measure to find that he'd been wrong as he inhaled deeply as several midnight strands blew against his chest, bringing her beautiful scent to him.  For now he knew that what his father had told him was indeed, true...

The only conquest that ever mattered was the conquest of ones mate – that was the true supreme conquest.  Everything else was dust in the wind.