InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence)
Hello! I changed the summary, if you ve noticed. I figured the previous wasn t that catchy, haha. Well, I hope you guys wouldn t mind. I wanted to even change the title of the story to The Pursuit of Happiness but I figured that would be too much. Haha. And by the way, can you guys help me? I was wondering what other fan fictions sites there is other than mediaminer, and . Are there any other sites where you can publish an Inuyasha fan fiction? Kindly email me here in mediaminer? Arigato!
And hey guys, I kinda had a hard time inserting Sango and Miroku s story, so I looked for an alternative and well, I decided to separate it. Please bear with me because I have a feeling Wonderfully Imperfect would be a long one. I m sorry for confusing you! ?
Please review! I love this chapter so I hope you would too.

Chapter 4
Inuyasha was profusely sweating like a goddamned sponge and it was not because of the heat.
The feel of the woman's body against his in the overcrowded elevator had him extremely turned on. And now as they walk the long hallway that leads to his suite, he could barely contain his need. His hand grasped her elbow, guiding her, as if she ever needed it. He smiled when she pushed his hand away.
He was beginning to know recognize the strong, spirited personality of her. She kneed his crotch, for's God's sake! He knew that if he is looking for a fling in this resort, it shouldn't be her because she was a decent kind of woman.
"I think we should make the introductions." He offered, needing to think of something other than her body. ."For formality's sake."
Kagome tore her gaze away from floor and turned to his direction with confusion. Inuyasha caught his breath as the wind extended her scent all the way to his nose. Vanilla- his favorite scent on females.
"Yeah, right. I'm Kagome. Kagome Higurashi." They were walking so she didn't bother offering her hand for a handshake.
"I'm Inuyasha Takahashi." He looked down to her and smiled, really smiled- an easy, sexy smile that he believed had many women drooling over him. It was a smile of pure, devilish and wicked trouble. He studied Kagome's face and saw nothing. Not amusement. Not desire. Not even irritation.
She didn't care about him.
Inuyasha refused to be troubled. He glanced at his wristwatch and saw that it was three hours before the restaurant serves dinner. He wondered if she was hungry, because she must not have taken her lunch.
"Are you hungry?" he asked. "I could order food for you and have it delivered to our room."
The moment he said 'our room,' he immediately regretted it because his brain began processing different ways of inappropriate companionship. He coughed uncomfortably.
"I'm not. I could use a few hours of sleep, though." He heard her say. Yeah, she looked a bit tired. From what he heard she came all the way from
New York. What a trip.
"Here we are." He said, as he opened the door with his key card. Inuyasha stepped into the room. Kagome walked inside, took a deep breath and almost stumbled.
The room was incredible and sprawling spacious, with glass walls that displayed a view of the ocean that stretched out into infinity. The wide blue sky was splashed with white clouds and the roiling sea reflected that deep blue back up at it.
Pale wood floors shone with an old gold gleam and the furniture scattered around the room looked designed for comfort. There was a fireplace on one wall, a wet bar in the corner and what looked to be priceless works of art dotting the walls. There were vases filled with glorious arrangements of fresh flowers that scented the air until she felt as if she were walking in a garden.
"This is your suit?" she asked, whipping her head from side to side as she tried to take in everything at once. It was better than all the hotel rooms she stayed at. Considering how many times she travel with H.L., God knows they were many.
"Okay, sure, this may be a five star hotel. But this is the Taj Mahal of suites. Are you sure we have the right room?"
"There's no mistake," Inuyasha said as he walked easily into the room and gave her a smile that even from across the room was tempting enough to make her gasp. "This is my suite and this-- is where you'll be staying."

Kagome stayed immobile. Wow, so she was really going to spend a few days with this gorgeous man in this wonderful place like it's a freakin' honeymoon.
"You are serious." Kagome took one instinctive step back, but couldn't go anywhere unless she turned, opened the door and sprinted down that long hallway.
"Damn serious," he said. He wore a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt, open at the collar, sleeves rolled back to his elbows. His black slacks had a knife-sharp crease in them, and his black shoes shone. But it was his eyes that held her. That golden gaze fixed on her as if he could see straight through her. As if he were looking for all of her secrets and wouldn't give up the quest until he had them.
"What's the matter, Kagome?" he asked. "Don't trust yourself alone with me?"
"Oh, please." She choked out a half laugh that she desperately hoped sounded convincing. "Could you get over yourself for a minute here?"
He gave her a slow smile that dug out the dimple in his left cheek and lit wicked lights in his eyes. Kagome's stomach flip-flopped and her mouth went dry. He was so close to her now.
"I'm not the one having a problem."
Did he have to smell so good?
"I'll stay here, but I'm not sleeping with you," she announced suddenly.
Inuyasha just shook his head and smiled. "Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. I said you're staying in my suite, not my bed. As it happens, there are two bedrooms here. Your things have been unpacked in one of them."
She frowned a little and the flush of color in her cheeks faded a bit. "Oh."
"Disappointed?" He asked, feeling a quick jolt of something hot and reckless punch through him.
"Please," she countered quickly. "You're not exactly irresistible, Takahashi."
He frowned at that, but since he didn't actually believe her, he let it go.
She let out an exasperated breath of air and marched ahead of him. "I'm going to my room."
"Wouldn't you like to know which one it is?"
Kagome could positively feel his grin at her back. "Would you care to tell me," she said between clenched teeth, "where my room is?"
"First door on the right." He said, smiling.
"Thank you," she said.
"My bedroom is next to yours," he called out helpfully. "Just in case you want to know."
"I'm sure that won't be necessary." Kagome, turned the corner, and began to look for her room. She could hear Inuyasha a few paces behind her.
"You know, I can actually think of a lot of reasons you may need to find me."
When she continued to ignore him, he added, "A thief might try to invade your room. Or you might have a nightmare."
The only bad dreams she might have, Kagome thought, would be about him.
"The hotel might be haunted," he paused for a more dramatic effect. "Just think of all the scary ghosts prowling about."
Kagome could take anything but she was quite unable to ignore that one. She turned slowly around. "That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard."
He shrugged. "It's possible."
She merely stared at him, looking very much as if she was trying to determine how to get him admitted to a mental hospital.
"Or," he added with a grin, "you might miss me."
"I withdraw my earlier statement," she snapped. "That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard."
He clasped his heart dramatically. "You wound me, baby."
She stopped, looked back at him over her shoulder, and said, "I don't care."
"Soon you would be," he whispered.
"Oh, there it is!" she said with obviously false brightness. "Here is my room. Bye!" Without waiting for Inuyasha to respond, Kagome entered her room and shut the door in his face.

Kagome slowly opened her eyes to see that it was already evening.
She quickly got up, turned on the switch and the light spread through out the room. She began feeling the protests of her stomach and remembered the restaurant of the hotel.
Sleep gave her energy and so with every second that passed, she was actually excited and eager to explore the resort at night. Kagome paused in her steps when she heard footsteps and swishing sounds that passed through the wall. Didn't Inuyasha tell her that his room is next to hers? It was then that she noticed a door. God, she might be so tired that she didn't notice that there was a door other than her bathroom.
Then it came to her. If her suspicion is true, she was going to kill him.
Kagome took a deep breath and slammed the door open. "I should have known you'd have so little respect for my privacy!" she bellowed. She was aware that she was invading his privacy by barging in but then---
Inuyasha was standing in the middle of the room, his chest bared. Inuyasha's hand where on the fastenings of his slacks, attempting to take it off, when the connecting door opened, revealing a very gorgeous-looking Kagome, but not a very happy one.
"Knocking," he said mildly, "is always a good thing to do."
"I—I--" Kagome stammered, but unable to take her eyes away from his body. He looked magnificent. She looked over at his features; her attention was caught by the strength and perfection of his handsome face. He resembled one of the legendary Greek gods.
Her mind was wandering as she deliberated the perfect bone structure, the masculine jaw and the hard, athletic physique.
All the Greek myths she'd ever read rushed through her head and for an extremely unsettling moment she imagined him naked to the waist, bronzed muscles gleaming with the sweat of physical hard work as he did battle with the Minotaur or some other threatening creature while some unfortunate female lay in chains on the floor waiting to be rescued.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked.
She immediately gained her composure and glared at him. "What the hell," she turned around and pointed at where she came from, "is that thing doing here?"
Inuyasha lifted a shoulder and looked at her as if she'd gone crazy. "It's a connecting door."
"I know what it is!" she answered intolerantly. "I want to know why it's there and why you didn't tell me!"
"I was about to tell you but I remembered you took a nap so I decided I'd let you discover it all by yourself." He smiled.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?' she frowned.
"More than you could imagine."
She didn't answer.
Besides, it isn't as if I ordered the staff to bore a hole in the wall in a matter of few hours and put a door to join our rooms. It has always been there since I was a kid."
Kagome raised an elegant brow. "You stayed here when you were a kid?"
"Of course," he said dismissively. "I even watched the hotel built from ashes."
Kagome wasn't a dumb not to realize what that meant.
"You own this hotel?"
He nodded. "My family, actually."
Kagome's eyes widened, wondering why on earth he would invite someone like to stay at his suite.
And then it hit her. All of his generosity and alternate rudeness all made sense. It wasn't just his genes and neurotic personality.
He was taking his revenge for what she did to his member. He was testing her, pushing her to the limit, wanting to see how far she could go. Too bad for him, she wasn't just any ordinary woman.
So Kagome looked at him straight in the eyes, ignoring how deep and beautiful they are, and she smiled. "Well, I guess that's okay."
"The connecting door. You wouldn't do anything to me, right?
"Right," he echoed with displeasure.
Kagome's smile widened, "Because I won't let you," she said as walked back to her own room.

Later that evening, in La Délicieux, the elegant French restaurant of the hotel, Inuyasha entered the room, scanning the crowd. As the owner, he wasn't exactly expected to mingle with the guests, but Yash was an executive like no other. He not only mingled, he seemed to enjoy himself.
Besides, he wasn't yet ready to go back to his suite because the entire place smelled of her. Hell, even his room smelled like her. That arrogant, beautiful little wench.
Inuyasha stopped to chat with people sitting at the white linen-covered tables. Making sure they were enjoying the food, asking if there was anything they needed and didn't have, if there was anything that the crew could do to make their stay more pleasurable.
Of course the single women were more than anxious to meet the gorgeous, wealthy, eligible Inuyasha.
"It's a beautiful place, Mr. Takahashi," one woman said with a sigh as she shook his hand. She tossed her thick black hair back over her shoulder and licked her lips.
Then Inuyasha heard a snicker and he raised his head to see Kagome sitting alone on a table across them.
"Thank you," he said, smiling at the woman and the two other women seated with her. "I'm happy you're enjoying yourselves. If there's anything you need, please be sure to speak to a staff."
"Oh," the brunette cooed, "we will. I promise."
Kagome just managed to keep from rolling her eyes. All three women were looking at Inuyasha as if he were the first steak they'd stumbled on after spending a whole month in a remote jungle.
"Excuse me ladies," he said and turned towards Kagome, "I better go see my wife."
Inuyasha ignored the gasps of the three women and turned to see Kagome's mouth hanging open.
"You fool!" Kagome glowered. "How dare you impose--"
"Ssssshh," he raised a finger to his lips and smiled that devilish smile of his, "Shut up, love. Don't you want a moment of solitude with your husband?"
Kagome scoffed. "You have got to be kidding me, Takahashi. And what is that?"
"Ah," he said, flashing a quick grin at her as he opened his right hand—the hand the brunette had shaken and clung to. A key card rested in the center of his palm and the number K20 was scrawled across the top in ink.
"Oh, for God's sake," she nearly snapped, wanting to spin around and shoot a few daggers at the brunette with no class. She tipped her head back to look up at him. "Why didn't you give the key back to her?"
He looked genuinely surprised at the suggestion. "Why would I embarrass her in front of her friends?"
She snorted indelicately. "I'm guessing it's next to impossible to embarrass a woman like that."
"This bothers you." He said, with amusement in his eyes and in his voice.
"Of course not!"
His pale blue eyes sparkled and his grin widened enough that the dimple in his left cheek was a deep cleft. "Jealous, Miss Higurashi?"
"You wish." But then she added. "One question," she said, keeping her voice low enough that no one they passed could possibly overhear.
"Are you planning on using that key?"
He only looked at her for a long moment or two, then sighing, he stopped a waiter, handed over the key card and whispered something she didn't quite catch.
Then he turned to her. "That answers your question?"
"What did you tell him?"
"To return the card to the brunette with my thanks and my regrets."
A small puddle of warmth settled in Kagome's chest and even though she knew it was foolish, she couldn't quite seem to quash it. "Oh."
He dipped his head in a faint mockery of a bow. "And do you what else I told him?"
Due the intensity of Inuyasha's gaze, Kagome could only shake her head.
"Told him I find there's only one woman I'm interested in talking to at the moment."
"Inuyasha." The sound of her name on his lips stirred something in him. He leaned in closer across the table and looked at her. She stared back, and at that moment Inuyasha couldn't see a part of the strong- façade she had been giving him. At that moment, she appeared fragile, vulnerable,even.
They were interrupted by the arrival of the waiter. "Excuse me, ma'am." Kagome looked own at the serving of breast of chicken and the fettuccine in mushroom sauce before lifting her gaze to his again.
Kagome flushed.
She felt the heat of him stain her skin and she was grateful for the dim lighting in the restaurant. She took a bite of her chicken, thankful that it finally arrived, so she coulf busy her self with something.
"Can I ask you something?" Inuyasha asked"
"Why are you alone?"
Kagome froze; her fork pausing halfway.
"What do you mean?" she asked softly, wondering where his question had come from. And not to mention how his question could hold a double meaning. Hell, it could hold a lot of other meanings.
"Nothing, really. Just that most of our guests come here with their families, or lovers. I was wondering why someone as beautiful as you would come here alone."
"It's always been like that." She answered, then wondered why she was so open to him. She lifted her head to look at him and saw that there was genuine concern and curiosity in his eyes.
"Don't you have a boyfriend?"
"I had."
"What happened?"
Kagome doubted Souten even knew that they were over.
"It wasn't worth it."
"So are you here to mourn his absence?"
"No." she answered firmly. "I'm here to celebrate."

Inuyasha couldn't sleep. He tried, but he couldn't.
Jesus H. Christ.
To think that Kagome is just a few feet away from his bed had his entire body tingling. His body, hard and aching, screamed for her name. Too bad, she couldn't hear.
Inuyasha let out a low growl and immediately get out of the bed. He took two tiptoed steps toward the connecting door, and then stopped. His slippers had nice hard soles on them and they clattered as he walked. He would have to remove them. Finally, footwear discarded, he continued his silent trek toward the connecting door. Heart pounding, he placed his hand on the knob. With very controlled movements, Inuyasha pulled the door open.

Author's Note: Yipee! Another chapter done. Another fulfillment. I'm glad I finished it already because I have a speech to make. And please, please email me about the matter aforementioned. And review too. Have fun guys! And don't forget to watch out for the next chapter. It's exciting.?