Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 18
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
When Xemnas woke up it was to the sound of a soft growl to his right. It was day out, but the sun had almost been completely blocked by the trees making it hard to see. His yellow eyes trailed across their `campsite'. Xaldin was sleeping still but Saix and the things he'd been grouping with were absent. The growl chimed again and with calm ease his gaze followed the sound to the source. Beside him Saix stood crouched down like a wild animal, snarling lightly. His eyes were full yellow again, fixed on something in the darkness. By some unknown force, Xemnas raised his hand and stroked Saix's cheek lightly. The Nobody beside him looked at him tiredly. This place seemed to have a negative effect on Saix; his mental health was quickly deteriorating. For the first time in a long while he felt worried that the damage may become irreversible.
“Sit.” Xemnas spoke softly, instructing his highly unstable companion. The Luna Diviner obeyed without hesitation. Regaining his composure, Saix even sat upright military style, “Are you hurt?” Xemnas asked, unsure now that Saix could comprehend the silent language they'd constructed together. The burns from the lightning had healed over the night, but it wasn't clear if the pain still lingered.
For a very long time Saix was silent. He leaned forward and picked up a few stones. As he sat in thought he began to grind the rocks together lightly and rhythmically. From the shadows beady yellow eyes glared out, waking from a state of hibernation. Then he spoke, “My Superior. I've compiled a report.” At this Xemnas quickly turned his full attention to his subordinate. A report was serious business and Saix had regained sanity again becoming deadly serious, “We, they, saw something come about the plains not too long ago. They give word that it is a Nobody like us. He wears a black coat and hides his face with a hood. I've reason to believe that the intruder is Roxas, and he's accompanied by two other creatures.” Grinding the rocks harder three Shifters stepped forward. One to the shape of the hooded figure, another turned into a Pegasus, and the last into a small dragon.
“Good work, Saix. This information will prove useful.” Stated the Superior as the Shifters retreated into the woods again, “We've not had an attack for a while.”
“We're watching over you.” Responded Number VII, “I wouldn't let anything break the barrier to your body.”
Xemnas frowned; Saix was correlating himself with the mindless creatures he led. This he could not have. For Saix to be of any good use he needed to think beyond what he was. Roughly grabbing the Luna Diviner under the jaw he jerked the blue-haired Nobody's face towards him. He forced a gaze, made Saix see again, “You are not an animal, if you are anything you are my slave and I your master. Behave as such.”
“I apologize, my Superior.” Murmured Saix captivated by his leader's forcefulness, “Perhaps, a little persuasion would aid my actions?”
“What are you asking?”
“I'm not asking for anything but you, my master, my Superior.” Coaxed Saix, a devilish grin spreading across his face. Xemnas was indifferent to the implication. Inside he reminded himself that `Nobody's could not feel; they had no hearts to do so with'. Then logic stepped in to save what little respect he still had left for Saix. Just because they could not feel internally did not change that the body could feel and that physically there was a need that could not be fulfilled alone.
Pulling on Saix's jaw, he forced the scarred one onto his lap, “Only like this.” Xemnas growled lightly wrapping an arm around Saix's waste. With his free hand he stroked the tendered red flesh which he had handled so roughly. This wasn't affection; this was the required physical contact Saix needed. That was all it was, and Xemnas would reject any other interpretation of the action, “In return for this `payment' you are forever my servant, you will do everything I say and you will refrain from this insanity you've fallen into.” Saix nodded in response. The silent communication had been repaired; they wouldn't need to speak any longer.
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
“I've never tasted anything so heavenly!” Exclaimed Axel in sheer delight before chomping down on the fried fish in his hands. It was a relatively large fish but very average looking, being silver and a washed out green. Axel himself had skinned his and cut off the head. On the other hand, Demyx was eating his skin and all; he was far less picky and was getting used to the uncivil lifestyle of this world.
“I don't see why I even gave you one.” Glowed Demyx taking a bite out of his fish. He'd caught three. Two of which he'd claimed for himself and the third he'd given to Axel. He was a little miffed that Axel didn't have anything to show for `trying'; actually he doubted that Axel did try to catch a fish. The pyro wasn't even wet or tired! He was just sleeping there.
“'Cause I'm your best friend.” Axel grinned before letting out a gag when Demyx bit off part of the fish's head he was currently eating.
“You're my only friend.” Reminded Demyx, laughing inside at Axel's revulsion.
“All the more reason- Ugh! That is so disgusting.” Complained the redhead cringing when Demyx chewed of the rest of the fish head, grinding the skull in his teeth. It made Axel shiver. He could swear Demyx was just doing on purpose to make him sick; if he was, it was working, “How can you eat that stuff? Haven't you ever heard of a thing called hygiene?”
“Hygiene is for losers and rich people.” Scoffed Demyx taking a fin between his teeth and peeling away the skin to eat it alone.
“Eck! You have got to be kidding me. Do you know where that skin has been? What's touched it? That water isn't exactly as clean as it looks, that's why you boil it.” Axel explained. Demyx only shrugged his mouth too full of fish scales to reply, “I can't watch anymore.” Grumbled Axel turning away from the Melodious Nocturne so he could down the rest of the fish he'd received.
Demyx grinned like a Cheshire cat, “You'd think with all the trouble you'd caused back at the Organization, you'd be a bit more rebellious. Come on, try it. It's not that bad.” Urged Demyx crawling over to Axel and offering him the last fish, “I'll let you eat this fish, but only if you eat it all.” The pyro let out a thoughtful hum glancing at the fish. It was a fair deal, and he could eat another fish. After having that fruit and nothing else for so long he really did want that fish.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Axel snatched the fish away from the musician. It wouldn't kill him to try. Eyes closed, he sank his teeth into the cooked fish. Without a second thought on what he was eating he'd devoured the entire fish in seconds. Demyx gave him a pat on the back, sort like he was proud of Axel, “There you go, finally living up to your reputation.”
“I wasn't aware I had one.” Axel shrugged getting up.
“'Course you do. So let's get a drink and head out so I can show off.” Demyx said happily before going to the water's edge. Stooping down he cupped his hands and drank straight from the lake. After some hesitation Axel did the same, “Hey Axel?”
“What?” Inquired the said Nobody as he splashed water on his face, cleaning off the traces of fish grease.
“I really appreciate it, you know… Letting me be here with you. I don't think things would be going so well for me if I hadn't. You're a good guy.” Murmured Demyx quietly. This had become fairly routine for Demyx, just up and thanking Axel for allowing him to tag along.
“Don't mention it. We're pals now.” Grinned Axel putting an arm around Demyx and giving him a good shake, “That what friends do for each other. Now stop being all mushy like that. It's creepy, you punk.”
“Right sorry.” Demyx laughed shoving Axel's arm away, “And you stop being all touchy feely.”
“Ha! Coming from the kid who was crawling all over me in the water.” Chuckled Axel ruffling up Demyx's hair as he stood up, “Come on, kid, let's get going. You still have to show off some of those moves I taught you the other day.”
“Right! Let's get out of here then!” Demyx agreed jumping to his feet. Then putting on the rest of their clothes they headed off to work off the meal they'd just eaten, though Axel would have enjoyed just dozing it off. Still it wouldn't be fair if he just slept all day and didn't let Demyx have any fun so there they were, on the prowl for opponents.
“I think as long as we don't encounter any of those big ones we'll be fine.” Axel told him zig-zagging aimlessly between the sparse trees.
“Yeah, I don't think I can handle those just yet.” Admitted Demyx lightly before they found what they were looking for. Well, not exactly. It wasn't anything they'd seen before they had three new different types of opponents. Five creatures stood before them.
In the center was black robe with white flames at the hems. The way it hovered made it appear as if there was no owner inside but a pair of gleaming yellow eyes told otherwise. A strange blue aura flickered out of the arms and bottom.
To either side of it were two glaring white and silver humanoid things. They had silver roller blades at their feet and shimmering white clothes, which were adorned with loose fabric to give them a ghostly appearance. The plain faces they owned were adorned with silvery make-up and their eyes were a deep violet. The smiles painted on their lips were frightening, like a cloth doll's sewn in place. On their heads were hats similar to a jester's, save these were a lot more decorative.
On the outsides of the chorus line were brightly colored fellows. They wore what looked very similar to clown outfits. They had white ruffles at their necks, feet, and hands. The poofy shirts and pants were red and black and littered with numbers, spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. In their right hands they head a staff with three dice on top and in their left hands where cards. To shade their red and white faces they wore awkward looking baseballs caps, topped with a whirling letter J.
“Well, well, well. Look at the band of fools we've managed to stumble upon. What is this, carnival?” Axel laughed. These things were a joke, not at all threatening. They all looked pretty ridiculous to him, “Think you can take them on Demyx?”
“Te! Like I would let anything that looks like that beat me.” Replied Demyx confidently with a laugh, “You can take the clowns, I want the other three.” Claimed the eager musician. Axel nodded jumping into action, fists on fire to increase the damage of his attacks. When Demyx rushed forward to do carry out his own mission, he quickly lost track of Axel to busy with his own opponents. It didn't take long for him to realize he'd picked a fight with the wrong kind of crowd. As soon he stepped forward the two dazzling skaters sped forward in unison into the small pocket of light Demyx stepped into. Their clothes glared violently, blinding him, and as they circled their tattered clothes merged and he could no longer distinguish one from the other. Deciding it best to attack something than stand in a daze, he pushed forwards into the light grabbing at what he thought was a solid body; his hand slipped right through it. Before the fact could register one had his arm and the other landed a forceful kick to his stomach sending him staggering back. Given not even a second to recover they flocked in on him again dealing serious damage before Demyx's anger boiled over and he fought back even through the confusion.
Axel was in as much trouble as Demyx by this time. He'd started off well enough but as soon as he'd started to overtake them the tricksters pulled something out of their sleeves. The one he'd singled out caught him upside the head with the staff, rendering him temporarily vulnerable. It was then that the second threw five cards to the ground. From those cards five new enemies, duplicates of the original, sprung forth cackling with glee. Raising their staffs in unison they formed a circle around him. He quickly charged, kicking one out of alignment and as it condensed back into a card and shredded the others unleashed gallons of water. The stream struck the center of his back, quick to think he ducked down and pulled himself up under the arms of the loony looking creatures. Hands on the staff he thrust it back into the clown's face. It too formed a card and disintegrated. A hard blow to the back of his head brought his attention back to the remaining goons. Infuriated with the fight already he decided to end it now. Summoning a good deal of magic and strength, he unleashed a wave of fire. The card doubles caught fire instantly and shriveled away. Those remaining let out a mournful cry and Axel finished them off in a matter of second with a ground combination of kicks, which took care of both at the same time.
Only for a second was Axel left with no opponent but then the robe came forth with a blizzard attack. The cold pricked his skin but the fire burning inside quickly melted it away and he released another burst of fire. A light dread settled in him as the flames were sucked into the garment before they were spewed back out as blue flames. Caught off guard, Axel scorched badly and even with his resistance to heat and fire it hurt beyond measure.
Demyx hadn't made any progress with his pair at all. Every advance he made was countered in the blink of an eye and he was slowly becoming very disoriented. The two skaters were elegant and ferocious in their combat skills. They could be on top of him in an instant and gone in a flash before Demyx could even react. When he'd summoned his water he scarcely caught on that the empty robe vacuumed it all up before it even reached his target; what he didn't see was that the attacks were then redirected at Axel with twice the force.
Cloth wrapping around the back of his legs from a close sweep, Demyx stumbled back and fell hard on the ground. To his surprise when he looked up one of the blinding figures was captured in the jaws of wild animal. A large wolf had leapt up and sank its teeth into its arm. With a powerful shake of the canine's head it threw the apparition to the ground. Once it was down it jumped on top for the kill. Throat torn the tainted heart burst forth and the darkness that was once the angelic demon began to form a Nobody. The wolf didn't seem to notice and was soon on the heels of the second attacker.
Demyx, on his feet again, now noticed that Axel along with the robe Burdened were frozen in time. He began to ponder the fact but then, recalling the Nobody, turned to fight. A Dancer Nobody now stood to be his opponent. This was a far easier target and with his adrenaline and senses heightened already, he easily slipped through the Dancer's advances. After only a few solid counter attacks the Dancer was reduced to nothing.
When he turned, the wolf was running back into the woodwork and the second creature had been completely demolished. Time resumed and he quickly went to Axel's aid. Recalling that magic was absorbed and fired back, he only dealt physical attacks. Axel too, onto the fact his own fire was his enemy, put forth only kick and punches. The two combined reduced the figure to its Nobody form, the Sorcerer. As Axel distracted and took the blows from the Sorcerer Nobody's cubes Demyx dealt the final blow.
Exhausted the pair stood in silence, eyes scouring the sparse woodland for signs of life. Axel was the first to break the unbearable silence, “You okay?”
“Fine.” Demyx replied, he opened his mouth to speak more but shut it quickly. He wanted to ask if Axel had seen the wolf by any chance but something told him that the information was best kept a secret.
The uncomfortable silence that had captured them the day before still stifled their communication well into the daylight hours of the new day. It was not as if they were upset with one another but the violent scare of the former day had stolen their voices and both had suffered a damaging blow to their pride. Currently both were sitting at the edge of the pool water. Axel hadn't felt up to finding open ground after the fight and they'd returned to stake out there for the night. His body was still sore from the fight, but inside his spirits were slowly perking up. A sense of well-being was slowly wrapping itself around him.
For Number 9 beside him, the same could not be said. After the encounter with the wolf he'd steadily grown more and more uneasy. His mind was cluttered with questions and thoughts, so much so he'd not gotten any sleep and he'd let Axel take the entire night off of guard duty. There was something about that animal that he recognized but he couldn't place it for the life of him. The wolf had been larger than normal and its fur a blue silver. Its eyes, though he'd only seen them for a second, burned into his soul; they calm and precise, intelligent but utterly cold to the world. No normal animal had that kind of look in their eyes. Not only that but it had attacked when time stood still. It made him wonder if the animal itself had caused it to freeze with its serene force and will.
Picking up another stone, Demyx tossed it into the water. The soft ripples faded quickly against the earth.
Axel's green eyes caught the motion and he leaned forward, draping his arms over his knees. Tilting his head he looked to Demyx's face. He could tell something was troubling his younger companion, “Hey, you all right?”
“Why wouldn't I be?” Muttered Demyx listlessly not looking up from the water. He threw in another pebble watching the water react to the wave of energy caused by the stone. Slowly a new reflection appeared in the water and Demyx looked up in a shot. Axel had already caught sight of the newcomer. Mouth agape; Demyx stared in awe as the wolf from before padded silently by him.
Once at the water beside Demyx's feet the large wolf lowered its head and drank from the still water. The gaze was noticeably locked on Demyx. For a long moment no one moved, and then the wolf raised its head as if hearing something and stepped back in apparent alarm. Ears perked it listened for a moment before turning tail and running away. Demyx was up in a flash in an instant.
“Demyx!” Axel called hastily. Scrambling to his feet he took off after the pair. The trio tore through the scarce trees, only the leader knowing exactly where they were headed. Soon they found themselves in a bare clearing. At this point Demyx caught the wolf, jumping almost on top of it and coiling around it in a fierce grip. The wolf let out a sound of surprise but when it realized it was Demyx who had him, now by the neck, he settled. Axel came up from behind grabbing Demyx by the scruff, “Get off it! You don't know what that thing is!” He exclaimed in worry.
“Shut up!” Demyx barked back shoving Axel hand away before turning the wolf's face to his own, “Who are you?” He demanded fiercely. The canine simply quirked its head before its gaze flickered to a movement at the edge of the meadow.
“Demyx, I think we should go.” Axel whispered quietly. The ground was rumbling beneath his feet and a large shadow had appeared over the horizon of trees. Whatever it was, he could feel it was no good and he didn't care to get into anymore fights for a while. He'd had enough trouble to last him a week.
Demyx didn't seem to hear or notice Axel or the coming danger as he locked gazes with the wild animal again. A sudden realization seemed to come over him; his mind linked the eyes with a pair he'd seen before, “Zexion?” He questioned eagerly but in a voice soft enough so that Axel would not hear what he had said. For an instant the wolf looked surprised and pulled back a bit, but it quickly disappeared as the enemy coming forth showed its face. Tearing away from Demyx, the wolf grabbed Demyx's coat gave it a good tug then turned and ran.
A new enemy now shared the small confines of the clearing with them. The beast looked like a man in dragon's armor. It stood on two legs and the relative shape was humanoid. The clothing covering its skin was chain mesh and rattled at the slightest movement. In both steel gloved hands were large war axes. Over its face was a solid, smooth, medieval helmet. Though most actual armor was missing, on its breast and shins it wore heavy metal plates. Unlike most of the other Burdened they had encountered, this one had no spikes or animal trait, all in all it looked fairly plain but it made up for all that in size. It stood as tall as the Hades dog Cerberus. As if that thing weren't enough trouble, two Scaled Avengers swooped down and perched themselves to each side of the metal clothed giant.
Demyx was half tempted to run away with the canine, but swallowing his cowardice he stood firmly beside his traveling companion.
“Demyx, you're staying?” Axel questioned in surprise glancing at Number 9.
“Hell, yeah! If we die, we'll go together. I always wanted to go out all dramatic-like anyway.” Replied Demyx with a grin, “So let's give it our best shot, kay?”
“Wouldn't plan on it bein' any other way, punk.” Axel laughed lightly giving Demyx a playful shove before lighting himself up in flames for the attack. Enveloped in the warmth of passionate flames he acted towards, what he perceived as, his inevitable death. Demyx stood back starting his groundwork with a lulling melody to subdue the two beasts among the three opponents.
Slipping back and forth between the swinging blades, Axel advanced upon the large humanoid warrior; fired up the task was moderately easy but draining. When the fighter could no longer swing an ax easily at the pyro, it began to stomp its feet, trying to crush the offending Nobody. The movements were sluggish but brought the earth to a trembling standstill beneath him, turning once solid ground to upraised soil. His footing taken from him, Axel began to struggle just to keep his bearings. In a swift motion, which he wasn't even aware he was carrying out, he found himself behind the titan. Its back was vulnerable, an unguarded ladder to its upper body. Not taking his chances at its feet, he launched himself up easily fastening himself to the warrior's back. The impact seemed to have caught the giant's attention because as he climbed up the chain mail the tyrant began to hit its back to rid himself of Axel's presence.
His original plan failing the Flurry of Dancing Flames buried his hands deep into the metal garment. Unleashing an attack, half his energy poured into it, he shot smoldering serpents of flame to snake and bite beneath the armor. When the pain registered in his opponents helmet protected skull, it swung its ax around, clipping Axel from his spine.
A nearby tree brought Axel to a violent stop from his short flight. Pain shot up through his bones and the air had been knocked clean from his longs. Fighting for breath and to overcome the damage sustained, he rolled out of the broken wood pile and glanced up to see how much time he had to spare. Demyx was holding out fairly well on his own. He'd subdued and defeated one of the dragons; the second was now just waking. The warrior, not holding a grudge turned to Demyx as his next opponent. Unable to take in the breath to warn the musician he watched in horror as an ax was raised towards the Melodious Nocturne.
Looking up, Demyx let out a soft cry, scrambling back to avoid a deadly strike. He just managed the feat by a hair, but the second coming right on top of it he found himself with no possible escape. Cringing he raised an arm in weak defense. Then a sudden and painful grip had his arm and threw him back.
The wolf, having returned, had taken his arm in his jaws and torn him from the path of danger. Bravely jumping in front of the stunned teenager it flashed its teeth letting out rabid barks. The threatening tone in the wolf's voice seemed to do little to deter the ax wielder as it placed another blow towards the pair. A second's opening for advancement took place when the blade missed and the canine leapt on top of the weapon, scaling it to the main body it commenced to distracting the monster biting the tender flesh it could reach by sticking its muzzle into the mesh.
Demyx praised whoever it was watching over him as he pushed himself to his feet. The distinct pain in his arm, though distracting, wasn't enough to falter over. There was the Scaled Avenger for him to worry about while the wolf distracted the main opponent. He had to get rid of that thing first. Sadly in the attack, he'd lost track of the beast. It had taken flight and he could no longer spot it until it was on top of him.
The dragon Burdened flattened him, face to the ground with a single clawed hand. As its face came down for the final strike, a streak of fiery light caught its neck, slicing right through it. A cloaked figure landed over him as the Scaled Avenger disappeared, a foot to each side of Demyx's chest. Two keyblades stopped just before his face before swinging round full length cutting through the Dragoon Nobody formed behind him.
Jumping away from Demyx the figure dressed in a white cloak, the very same the Faceless had been wearing, raised his hand, “Aether!” He shouted before a large black winged horse soured from the heavens beside the cloaked savior. As the stallion swept by, the man grasped its wing swinging onto its back being carried off towards Axel. The great beast turned up to sky and the newcomer slipped off rolling to a stop in front of Axel on his feet when he stopped. Bringing the keyblades up into a cross before him he caught the ax before it came down on the injured redhead.
It could clearly be seen now that in each hand, between the keyblade and the wielder's hand, was red and silver Chakram, identical to the ones Axel had possessed before.
NEW Journal-
Undefined: In the shape of an empty black and white robe, this Burdened doesn't let on how powerful it really is. Having complete and full control over all magic it is able to deflect and create attacks from its opponent's energy, thus needing no weapon. The only initial indication to its ability is the blue energy it emits from the garment openings. When severely injured, it will envelope a single party member and allows that individual to take the brunt of the blows while using their magic attacks. They seek untold glory and knowledge by defeating every Nobody they encounter. Reduced to Nobody form they become Sorcerer Nobodies.
Dazers: Slim and athletic these human Burdened wear clothes that show off their figures. These narcissistic creatures wish to destroy everything beautiful, in attempt to keep others from outshining them. Their clothes are bright and reflect light, causing blindness to their victims. The loose fabric and flowing cloth strips it can easily disorient attacks, giving the illusion of not being a solid being. They do not use weapons but with their swift tactics they are able to deal multiple kicks and punches quickly and retreat before they are even touched. The Dancer Nobodies are what they become when defeated.
Jokers: Looking much like clowns these Burdened are nothing to laugh about. Wielding a deck of cards and a staff they deal out many different kinds of tricks and attacks. With the cards they can make duplicates of themselves, and the staffs provide a source of magic as well as a handy physical combat weapon. The thick stuffed clothes they are adorned in provide excellent padding against physical attacks. These Burdened seek those who possess the things they lust for which are honesty and sense of peace; they are constantly at odds with themselves on what truly makes them happy. Once this form is destroyed they become Gambler Nobodies.
Battler: A single Burdened that resembles a sturdy medieval knight with minimal plate armor. It wields two battle axes and is plain in appearance; its metal is dull silver with purple shadowing, relatively smooth in texture and form, and very powerful. Its size gives it a large amount of strength from momentum and high defense from a thick hide beneath its chain mail. LOG INCOMPLETE
Save Game: to be continued…