Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 19
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
The nameless stranger shook under the pressure, fighting to keep his blades crossed in front of them. More weight was thrown into the attack shoving the newcomer back, his boots digging deep into the ground to slow the advance. Then turning his head, he glanced back at Axel who was still handicapped from the earlier blow. A new surge of power came from the stranger and pushing forward he broke the attack. Blades swinging from the cross they cut the blade of the ax partially before sending it flying from the metal giant's hand. It landed a few yards away with a heavy thud in front of Demyx, who by this time was in the company of the wolf.
Axel was in complete awe at his strength, so impressed by it he'd even managed to over look that his chakrams were right before his eyes in the hands of the rescuer. Valiantly this cloaked stranger rushed forward to his opponent, weaving through the ax swings and stomps to the giant's leg. Once there his fighting technique changed dramatically from being tactful to bearing down on the opposing side with brute force. Landing blow after blow from the keyblades, pounding the metal in combination with what appeared to be burning weapons, the giant let out an awful groan. It tried desperately to bat the attacker away but the fervent efforts were in vain. Finally, using a finishing move the nameless partner swung a blade full-circle following it with a diagonal slash. The metal cracked with a sickening cackle and the ogre of warrior wavered, the leg beneath it giving way.
In fear of being crushed by the falling titan the white cloaked man turned and retreated. As the creature crashed to the ground it reached out desperately trying to crush the triumphant before completely down. Thankful for the fighter it missed and he only suffered the slight rumble from the ground. He turned on a heel once the thing had fallen. It was not yet defeated; it was slowly pushing itself back up onto its knees.
A single keyblade vanished and the stranger clasped his hands together, the chakrams on the outside of the single blade which matched the two. Almost instantly flames began to waft off the weapons, licking the air above them and the hands of the wielder. Commencing an attack, the fire grew around him as if he himself were emitting the flame, and when he jumped into the air it was like a phoenix rising. The blade, white hot, cut deep into the mesh of metal, the air combo carrying him higher and higher until he pinpointed the location at which his attacks would cause the most damage. While he thrust his blade over the heart of the giant it became enraged, cutting into the ground at Demyx and an immobile Axel.
The wolf pulling at Demyx's cloak, cajoled Demyx to stand before quickly leading him to the safety of the meadow perimeter. Axel on the other hand had no such luck. His body was still stunned into paralysis and he could not escape. However, so mad was this tyrant his attacks missed him time after time. Before they began to cut it too close the stranger plunged the keyblade into the monster's chest. It let out a wail and swiped at him.
Easily evading the attack, the one in the white cloak landed safely on his feet as the beast pushed itself to its feet again. The keyblade wielder then rushed back into the fight, repeating his earlier actions, this time with the Pegasus aiding in the weakening of the giant's legs.
The battle seemed never ending, and on several occasions the cloaked man had to call upon this steed, `Aether' as it was called, to sweep him out of danger's way. By the time of the ogre's fourth fall the fighter seemed to be weakening and loosing concentration. The nameless was moving slower, his reactions were delayed, and every so often he seemed to call in the winged stallion just for relief. This did not escape the wary eyes of Demyx and Axel, but both deterred by the massive size of the thing they kept away.
Landing back on his feet, the white liberator fell to a knee his body quaking with strain. His head turned slightly, Axel could make out movement from his lips as if talking to someone but his voice wasn't loud enough to reach the pyros ears. A shimmer of purple scales slithered from under the white coat and a tiny dragon flew up while the giant itself seemed to rest. Closing its large eyes it balled its tiny hands into fists.
A loud clank and rattle rang out as chains struck out of the earth like snakes and attached themselves to the metal knight's arms, legs, waist, and neck. So heavy and thick were the bindings they weighed the great titan down to its knees, restraining it from any movement.
“Demyx!” Axel called before running out onto the battle field. The musician followed suit, right on the redhead's heels. Before the great monster Axel's skidded to a stop fire already building at his fists. Bringing his hands before him he put his palms to his enemy, a burst of fire similar to a gas explosion enveloped its torso. The fire master held the flames as long as his body would allow trying to heat the metal enough for it to crack when in contain with cool water. When at last the fire died down, he retreated a few steps allowing Demyx to take the lead. Taking out his sitar he played, using all the power he could to summon a giant wave of water. An arch of the clear liquid began to rise from an unseen ocean like a tsunami wave, towering over the only thing in its path. Upon releasing his hold on it, the arch crested and plummeted to the earth, pounding the armored Burdened before them. He kept up enough power to keep the water from falling back on them.
As the water touched the scorching metal it hissed, some evaporating before the gallons of H2O actually rolled over the giant. The metal creaked in resistance before, all at once, the armor and chain mail shattered. Shards of metal spewed out away from the focus. Demyx and Axel winced holding their arms up to protect their faces from the bullet fast shards. As they recoiled, the newcomer rushed by them chakrams ready at his sides. Leaping into the clouds of mist he cut a deep X into the target before summoning a single fiery blade to cut up the Burdened. Keyblade imbedded into the softer flesh of the Battler, he stepped up and began to run the length of the towering thing. Light from the stranger traveled down the blade and into the Burdened and as he cut from the abdomen to the chest a bright streak of luminescence lit the path of the attack.
Once at the peak of the assault the white adorned sword fighter pushed away from the body and landed on the back of Aether. The stallion then swooped down catching Axel by the scruff, jerking him away from the falling giant. The silver-blue wolf then dashed in and stole away Demyx to a safe distance.
When all was finally still, the unknown jumped from his steed and turned to the boss Burdened. It lay motionless, but did not fade back or release a tainted heart; it was defeated. Dropping Axel on the ground Aether turned to the other man giving his arm a nudge.
“I'm all right. Nice work.” Murmured the figure turning his head to the horse as he pulled out the shards of metal that had caught in his skin and coat. He'd dismissed the keyblade and now only held the chakrams in his hands. Once white as snow his garments were now dappled with crimson snowflakes of blood. The dragon landed on his shoulder.
“What about me?! I did well too right!” Exclaimed the little dragon.
“Yeah, you did good too Figment.” He chuckled in response.
Wearily getting to his feet Axel stood staring at the one with the hidden face. His brilliant green eyes were wide, his mouth slightly agape. Inside more feeling than he'd known he could feel was welling up, threatening to spill over all at once. He was physically shaking with the contained excitement and his breathing had nearly stopped all together. If he didn't know better he would have sworn his heart was pumping ice cold blood through out his body. The symptoms were the result of shock, hope, and anxiety all wrapped up into a neat little bundle that now filled the gaping hole inside him.
Mouth suddenly dry and throat tight, he had trouble finding his voice, “Roxas…?” He whispered, thankful that what had come out was not a high squeak of some sort. Unconsciously his hands ran over the front of his own black coat, brushing off the pieces of metal he'd collected on his own body. Perhaps he was a little worried that if this really was who he wanted it to be, Roxas would be a little disgruntled by his disorganized appearance. Of course, it really was a nightmare to be found by someone you care for dearly in such a disheveled and somewhat weak state; no one wants to seem desperate or look grimy to a lover after all (not that Axel and Roxas were lovers, or had even exchanged words of love yet).
At his voice the Nobody turned his head, almost in surprise, though the shadow from his hood hid away most expression. Facing Axel, the Nobody quirked his head to one side slightly in inquiry. Then tipping his head up slightly, hands, still holding the chakrams, came up and pulled the hood back illuminating his face. A smile instantly danced across the familiar features. Bright blue eyes flashed up to meet Axel's gaze.
“Axel.” Roxas breathed the name accompanied by a soft laugh. It wasn't really a happy laugh; it was one of relief as a great burden was lifted from his shoulders. Before much of a reaction could even begin to form in Axel's mind, the young Nobody ran up and leapt onto Axel. Wrapping his arms around Axel's shoulders, he stood on his toes just to hug the Flurry of Dancing Flames. He quickly hid his face against Axel's chest. There was a heat burning on his cheeks and eyes. He knew that if he looked up, Axel would see his tears of joy and the bright flush that stained his face and he couldn't let him see it. Axel didn't yet know how much Roxas cared for him; though he had admitted it to himself, he wasn't brave or strong enough to tell this man he now clung to.
Voice and breath caught in his throat Axel stood frozen in place for a moment. As his mind caught up with him the expression on his face softened and he tenderly put his arms around the thirteenth member. Bowing his head he rested his cheek against Roxas's hair. The young boy he held was so warm and soft, everything he knew almost completely left him. All the feelings he'd been holding in were calmed by the simple gesture. Anxiety and hope had gone and were now replaced with a pleasant calmness and mild joy. What energy he had left to be excited to be together with Roxas again was now gone, all he could feel was the comforting peace. The battle had taken a toll on him and he wished that they never had to move from this position, but it wasn't so.
Axel was the first to break the silence, “What took you so long?” A smirk danced on his lips. Roxas let out a soft sound burying his face deeper, mumbling something as he did so, “What was that, Roxas?” He coaxed moving a hand to lift the young Nobody's face up. A light blush tinged his cheeks pink.
“Things look a lot farther when you want to get there.” Said Roxas glancing away almost shyly, “Axel…? Um. Did you… Did you miss me?”
“Ha! Miss you?” Axel repeated with a Cheshire grin on his face, “Don't you remember? I'm all hollow inside; I don't have the guts to miss you. You know, ain't got a heart, got it memorized?” Axel laughed again unable to keep his joy from lighting up his own face. His normal zeal was returning to him now. There was just something about how Roxas looked asking that made him feel that right now the teenager needed him to be the same as he was before; someone strong to lean on. Roxas certainly had to have come a long way and journeys are always hard; it wouldn't be fair if he didn't get a break.
“Liar.” Roxas grinned with something of a giggle as he raised a hand to tenderly brush his fingers through Axel's hair, “You did to miss me.”
The grin on Axel's face widened, “Caught me red handed.” He chuckled before resting his forehead against Roxas's. Raising his own hand he ruffled up his blonde hair playfully, “I'm glad you're finally here.”
Demyx looked down solemnly at his feet, grinding the toe of his boot into the soil. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and it was making him sick with despair. It was foolish to think that they would carry on like they had forever, he thought. Something had to give eventually, but he'd not expected it to be so soon and so harsh. This Nobody before him now with Axel was someone he knew he couldn't hold a candle to. Axel had spoken so fondly and highly of Roxas, had said a few times that Roxas was the key to his heart. Surely, now that they were together Axel would have no need of him. Demyx was after all, just a substitute right? A companion until he found what he was looking for, Roxas.
“It was good while it lasted, I guess.” He murmured to himself, the two other too far to hear him. They probably had forgotten all about his presence anyway, “I guess I should just go.” He thought aloud glancing towards the happy couple. They surely did not need him at all. Turning away he looked onwards towards the mountains; his journey wasn't over even if Axel's was.
At his side the wolf bit at Demyx's sleeve drawing his attention down. The dark ocean blue eyes peered up at him, deep and endless. They held no apparent emotion, still calm as the abyss they resembled, but even so Demyx felt there was something within the darkness. Kneeling down Demyx wrapped his arms around the wolf, taking it in a mournful embrace. Setting its ears back in puzzlement it turned its head to return the hug, lifting a paw to place on Demyx's thigh.
“Good, boy.” Whispered Demyx quietly to the wolf.
NEW Journal-
Battler: (Updated) A single Burdened that resembles a sturdy medieval knight with minimal plate armor. It wields two battle axes and is plain in appearance; its metal is dull silver with purple shadowing, relatively smooth in texture and form, and very powerful. Its size gives it a large amount of strength from momentum and high defense from a thick hide beneath its chain mail. A boss Burdened, it takes time and a plan to take down. It may use a variety of attacks such as ax blows, swiping with its hands, and stomping its feet to make no place quite safe. Its hide being so thick, its trapped heart remains locked in its chest even when defeated. The Nobody form is unknown.
Save Game: to be continued…