Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 21
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
“Fire's dying.” Grumbled Demyx quietly tossing a stone into the embers causing a few glowing cinders to rise up from the waning flames. It had gotten cold by the open water so he had returned to the fireside to bask in the warmth of the campsite. Of course, the fire could not warm the cold nestled in the pit of his stomach. Only companionship could smother the ice building inside, fire from a certain someone who didn't even cast him a second glance now that Roxas was there. Trying to rid himself of the depressing thoughts he turned to the wolf, “Hey, you understand how I feel don't you boy?” He asked brightly scratching the canine's head. In response Zenith let out a soft bark, wagged his tail, and turned his head upward in an attempt to lick Demyx's hand. “You're so cute!” Demyx exclaimed with a laugh, rolling over onto his stomach and pinning the wolf to the ground. Wrapping his arms around the furry animal, he kissed it on the muzzle, “At least I'll have you right?”
“What in the world are you two doing?” Came an amused voice. Looking up Demyx found Roxas sitting up and peering around the small fire at them.
“Oh, I didn't mean to wake you.” Demyx muttered quickly getting off Zenith and sitting back down.
“Oh no, don't worry. Between Aether and the fire, it's a little hot. That's why I woke up… Actually I was hoping I could speak with you in private. Since Axel and the others are asleep now is a good a time as any right?” Roxas suggested getting up and advancing to the other side to sit with Demyx and a very unhappy looking Zenith.
“Uh, sure. What did you want to talk about?” Asked Demyx a little confused at why Roxas would be interested in anything he had to say. After all, he and Roxas never had really met or got along in the organization. Technically, they had really only met for the first time when Roxas arrived here in this world.
“I was hoping that I could talk to you about Axel… You two… You two seem really close. I mean, I heard his side of the story about everything that's gone on here but I kind of thought you might have a different version.”
“What? Don't you trust him?”
“It's not that, I just know Axel tends to bend the truth a little, sometimes.” Roxas explained uneasily, “Don't get me wrong I trust him with my life.”
“Then you don't need to worry. Everything he said is just as it was, save some minor details.” Demyx shrugged.
“Listen, I know you and I never really talked before, but I'd really like to hear the truth right now. Please, tell me anything that he left out.” Roxas pleaded placing a hand on Demyx's shoulder. From Demyx's side the wolf snorted in disapproval and rested his head on the musician's lap, but his warning went unnoticed by the intruder.
“You have to promise not to tell him I said anything.” Roxas nodded and Demyx continued, “Fine. What he left out was all the times we talked about you.”
“Yeah, he talked about you a lot. Always saying how special you were, how whenever you were around he felt at piece, and how being away from you made him feel so empty inside… He didn't want to say it because he didn't want you to know how much he loves you. What I don't get is why you two dance around it like it's going to bite you. There's no one else here, nobody to tell you what you can and can't do… If it will make you two happy you just say it and get together.” Finally Demyx got his mouth to stop and he bowed his head in defeat. It wasn't what he really had wanted to say, actually what he really wanted to do was scream or lie about what he and Axel had been doing. This had to be his good deed for the century. He deserved some sort of reward for being so nice to this boy who was stealing away all the attention he should have been getting, “You know, it would probably be best if you made the first move anyhow. Axel's far too shy for it.”
“Axel, shy? That's something I'd never imagine anyone describing him as.”
“I guess when you're in love you do stupid things, but I can see how it happens. You two will make a great couple.”
“I misjudged you. I apologize.” Roxas suddenly stated bringing Demyx's eyes back up.
“What?” He inquired to make sure he'd heard him correct. `Misjudged' where in the world had that even come from, hadn't they just been talking about Axel?
“Yeah… I thought you were just some stuck up teenager-”
`Gee, give a guy some credit! Where'd you get stuck up from?' Demyx thought in a huff.
“But you turned out to be pretty nice guy. In time, I'm sure we're going to become great friends… Well I'm going to get some sleep, good night.” Then Roxas got up and, instead of settling down next to Aether, the other blonde curled up next to Axel in the dim light of the fire.
`Friends? Yeah right.' Demyx sighed heavily, “Shoulda just lied.” He growled casting a glance at the wolf. Placing his hand on Zenith's head he gave the canine a few strokes, “Come on, let's get out of here.” Zenith happily stood and immediately pranced over to walk along side the water's edge, Demyx close on his heels, “I sure hope you know the way, I can't see a foot in front of my own nose.” He added quietly throwing a look over his shoulder to see that the fire was now out of his sight and so was the water. A sinking feeling was turning in his stomach now, he had actually left them.
A hand caught him around the face, covering his mouth to keep him from screaming. Then a second snaked around and caught his arms, wrenching them behind his back. As he began to struggle the much large person forced him down onto his knees and held him close with a grip tight as a python's hold on its prey. The wrestle ended quickly, Demyx drained his strength trying to free himself from the powerful grip. When he stopped resisting the assailant loosened his grip. The opening brought for a new burst of energy and Demyx sank his teeth into the hand over his mouth and tore his arms free before taking off.
Behind him he heard some cursing and then a hushed argument, but that didn't slow him one bit. Soon after the voices ceased he heard the sound of feet hitting the ground and he was sure that he was being pursued by his attacker, or now attackers. Why he was the one that they wanted Demyx could not even begin to imagine, he'd never done anything to anyone.
As he rushed out into large opening he found the moon lit the night enough so that he could see. Turning on heel he looked to face the ones chasing him but instead all he found was the wolf. Baffled Demyx looked around, twirling in a circle in search for the enemy. After a moment of that he stopped and rubbed his sore wrists, trying to figure out what had happened. His arms hurt sure enough so it had happened.
The sound of metal sliding against metal brought his attention to his left. His eyes caught the gleam of moonlight on armor and thinking it best to run he stepped away from the oncoming legion. Black Blades, about five, were slinking onto the open battlefield. Beside them Dark Soldiers were pulling themselves from the ground clawing at the ground before them. With Axel there, Demyx would have been positive they could take them down, but alone he feared he couldn't do it.
“Wait, I'm not alone.” He stated looking down at Zenith by his side. The wolf's fur stood on end and his lips were curled back in a snarl, baring his fangs at the soldiers, “I can do this. I just need to get my hands on one of those swords.” He spoke reassuring himself as the remaining Black Blades unsheathed their weapons, creeping ever closer. As they began to spread out and surround him, he quickly picked out the one which he would steal the blade from and attacked.
Boot striking the Blade Blade in the center of the face, he sent it to the ground. Slipping between the strokes the others, Demyx ducked down and rolled to the recovering Burdened. His hand on the hilt, he pulled it away bringing it up just in time to deflect a Blade Blades slash. Easily evading the attack, he rushed to escape the crowd. Once he'd gained enough ground he turned and raised the blade in offense.
They had lined up before him nicely, all following the same path to get to him. It made it easy to attack, not to mention Zenith was bringing stragglers to their knees with his own advances. Then as he swung the blade into the mass of bodies, there was a loud rumble from behind him. His attention momentarily brought away from the attack a Dark Soldier took advantage, dragging its long claws across Demyx's stomach. Crying out in pain, his mind blurred and he brought the blade down and cut into the wretched beast leaving the rest of him completely open. Another Dark Soldier barreled into him, impaling him with the spikes on its armor. A second bit into his sword wielding arm. For a moment he feared being completely overcome, but when a large weapon swept away both soldiers and knocked him off his feet his fear changed completely. A Cursed Walker had stumbled into the fight, and in attempt to kill Demyx had instead destroyed the two Burdened. Now Demyx feared his life instead.
On his feet in an instant he rushed away from the Cursed Walker. This was not a battle he could win. As he escaped into the darkness he could hear the smaller more agile Burdened rush in after him. When he found he could run no more he paused in a small clearing to face them. There were two Black Blades left and he could no longer count exactly how many Dark Soldiers there were.
Not wanting to loose his sword just yet he avoided attacking the Black Blades and instead attacked the Dark Soldiers, but as they caught onto his attack style he found he could no longer touch them. They disappeared into the ground coming up only when they were under his feet and they attacked him from there.
“That's it!” He snarled throwing the blade into the ground. “You want a fight; I'll give you a fight.” Summoning the sitar to his hands, he strung an off beat and hard sounding tune. The water he controlled responded in an erratic manner, tearing from the ground and throwing the Dark Soldiers into the air. White and foaming like a raging river or an ocean wave, the element snaked up after the enemy striking them with such force they burst into scraps of darkness instantly. When it crashed back down, it completely wiped the earth clean of plants and the Burdened it hadn't tossed away like rag dolls.
Then as abruptly as it began it stopped and Demyx was left breathless. Those in the path of the destruction had been so severely damaged they did not even form Nobodies in their deaths. His body still raging to the ragged beat, he pushed onward only staggering now. To his side Zenith followed closely, letting out soft whining sounds as if worried.
Before long he collapsed into a heap beside a tree. His mind dancing between consciousness and coma, he could vaguely make out a figure closing in on him.
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
Opening his eyes Demyx let out a soft sigh, he was lying in a soft bed a blanket tucked around him. The pain from the battle that he'd had the night before was no longer present. He didn't care to question why, it was nice to wake up refreshed and unharmed. Searching the place he had woken up in, he found he was actually in an old room. It was musty looking and there were random boxes, papers, and knick knacks scattered and stacked all over the place. There were two chairs next to the bed, an old wooden rocking chair and a padded chair that looked like it may spill its contents at any second. In the latter, Zenith lay curled up, resting peacefully it seemed.
Slowly sitting up, Demyx stifled a yawn and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“Zexio~n!” Called a voice cheerfully accompanied by the sound of footsteps and the creek of stairs. At the name Zenith woke and with a long stretch the disguise melted away. Zexion, fully clothed sprawled out over the armchair, his legs over one end and his head and arms dangling over the other.
“Go away.” Came a groan from the tired Nobody, hiding his face by pulling his hood down.
“But Zexio~n!” Came the nagging voice again as the owner peeked into the room. Luxord grinned devilishly, waving lightly at Demyx who was watching the scene with mild interest, “I need your help.”
“Suck cock.” Snarled Zexion lazily turning onto his side, burying his face into the chair and curling up into a ball.
“I would but theirs only yours and Demyx's.” Grumbled Luxord casually entering the room and leaning on the back of the chair, “And you're both wa~y to young for my taste. Of course, if it's your orders-“
“Touch him and d-“ His words were cut off when Demyx angrily hit him over the head with a stray cardboard box. “What the-?” Turning Zexion glared angrily at Demyx for a split second but then it was gone.
“You licked my face, pervert!” Shouted Demyx before hitting Zexion with the box again.
“Hey! Stop that!” Zexion barked before getting struck with the box a third time, “You know what! I didn't see you objecting when it happened!”
“You led me on!” Demyx accused this time throwing the box at Zexion's face. The Nobody ducked down and easily avoided getting struck.
“Oh, yeah! Well you pinned me to the ground and kissed my nose!”
“Well you… You-“
“He watched you strip and swim in the lake!” Luxord assisted.
“Yeah! Wait- HE WHAT?!?!” Demyx was slack jawed.
“Oh, yeah! He was all hot and bothered over it too! I actually had to leave so he could, and I quote! `Deal with it'.” Said Luxord with a grin. Zexion lost it, turning around he grabbed Luxord by the shirt and decked him in the face. While the stunned Nobody recovered, Zexion shoved him back to the ground and ushered him out the door before slamming it on him.
“You ever speak of that again and I'll-“ Zexion was down before he could finish. Demyx had gotten a hold of stray block of wood and had hit the Cloaked Schemer hard on the back of the head.
“Pervert!” Snarled the musician, his boot on Zexion's chest.
“I saved your life.” Spat Zexion raising his head and rubbing the forming lump, “Not once, not twice, but three times too!”
“You did not.” Demyx denied spitefully.
“Yes I did. The first time was when you first saw me as a wolf, the second time was when we fought the Battler, and the third time was just last night. I'm not even counting the individual rescues within the fights either.” Zexion said defending himself in a mellow tone. Slowly Demyx lifted his foot off Zexion and the Nobody got up. After brushing himself off, Zexion composed himself, folded his arms, and gazed hollowly at Demyx. “Well?”
“Why? Why'd you save me?”
“Why?” Repeated Zexion almost angrily, “Isn't it obvious why?”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Well that's too bad. I won't.” Zexion resolved stubbornly, “I expect an apology when I come back.” He added in a huff as he opened the door and quickly slipped out. Instantly Demyx tried to follow but the door locked from the outside, keeping him trapped.
“An apology, yeah right.” Demyx snorted irritably as he returned to the bed and sat down. When he did he noticed that the light in the room wasn't coming from a light fixture but a window and he turned to gaze out it, “Where am I anyway?” He muttered pushing the resistant panes open to see. Suddenly he felt very sick. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon lighting the space between it and the mountains he'd just been next too with an orange glow. He was no longer near the forested area, in fact he wasn't even near the hills. It was like he'd been sent back to the beginning as punishment for running away.
A long while passed before a knock came at the door, “I'm coming in so you better not be doing anything funny.” Stated Luxord's familiar voice before the door opened and he walked in. In his hand he was holding a plate with food on it, nothing particularly interesting just some fruit, fish, and some wicked looking vegetables, “Zexion thought you might be hungry, so here I am.” Luxord informed setting the plate on the small nightstand.
“Half starved,” Commented Demyx tilting his head to look out the open door, “Where is he?”
“Having issues somewhere. Now, don't you worry about him; he'll come around in his own time.” Luxord replied with a shrug, “I don't know what it is about you but it drives him wild. He was always so calm, quiet, and conniving. It's so strange the way you change him, of course he's still quite conniving... Hm. Nothing like true love I suppose!”
“If he loves me why isn't he here?” Demyx raised a brow, obviously not amused by this banter. To this Luxord gave an overdramatic shrug, “Useless… How'd you end up here anyway? Didn't you go with The Superior?”
“Don't even remind me!” Fretted Luxord, “That wretched fool damn well near had me killed! If Zexion hadn't come I'd be scrap meat by now.”
“Why'd he save you? Same reason he saved me?” Asked Demyx nastily.
“Good gracious no!”
“Do you have so little faith in me?” Interrupted Zexion solemnly, “Or is it my `non-existent' feelings you have a problem with.”
“I guess I just don't see it. Butter me all up, kidnap me, and then indifferently confess your love. Seems kind of fishy to me…” Demyx grumbled, “What are you in here for? Luxord brought me my food.”
“Drink.” Zexion stated monotonously as he crossed the length of the room and set the glass down next to the plate, “Would it please you more if I put more into the confession?”
“It might! And ya have to say too!” Demyx demanded crossing his arms and tapping a foot cantankerously. “None of this `I'm not going to say it' shit.” Zexion stood quietly, perhaps contemplating his next move. Nothing seemed to register on his face but as he stepped forward and tenderly placed a hand on Demyx's cheek it was obvious he'd heard. For a moment Zexion looked away, hesitating, then leaning forward he placed an affectionate kiss on Demyx's lips. It only lasted a brief moment but the touch had left a soft warm feeling on the musician's lips.
Withdrawing Zexion turned, stepped a pace, and folded his arms stubbornly, “I won't say it. It's embarrassing.”
Luxord snorted, hand over his mouth trying to stifle his laughter. He was thoroughly enjoying this awkward display of emotions between the two stubborn Nobodies, “Sorry, I'm not laughing.” He denied coughing to cover up the laugh in his throat, “I should be going.” He added hastily before rushing out of the room so he could burst into tearful laughter without risk over being hit upside the head.
Pausing, a little shocked, Demyx placed his fingertips on his lips. Then he balled his hands into fists and clenched his teeth in anger, “You can't fucking do that and then not say it!”
“I just did.” Zexion hummed in a matter-of-fact kind of tone before adding, “Also, I'm still waiting for that apology.”
“You're not getting it until you say you love me!” Demyx snapped back angrily.
“Fine.” Zexion resolved lightly as he headed for the door.
“FINE!!!” Demyx yelled back before Zexion calmly closed the door, “God, he can't even slam the door properly during a fight!” He grumbled angrily sitting down on the bed in an upset frazzle. For a good minute or two he just sat there huffing heatedly like a five year old that didn't get a candy at the store, then he broke his own silence rather awkwardly, “Loser… I hope Axel's all right.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
Waking lazily from his deep slumber, Axel awoke to find a lump of extra weight on top of him. For a moment he almost panicked but when he opened his eyes to who it was and wide grin spread across his face. Roxas was sleeping peacefully, his head on Axel's chest accompanied by his left arm and hand, his right was draped over Axel's shoulder. Over his stomach and groin, Roxas's leg was gently nestled; the other was tucked away against the length of Axel's body. It seemed while Axel had been sleeping, the young Nobody had made himself perfectly comfortable.
Enjoying this moment Axel raised his arms, wrapping them around Roxas. The motion caused the blonde to stir but not wake.
To his side Aether stood quietly, his ears perked. He let out a soft whinny and lowered his head to Roxas. Nudging him with his nose the Nobody slowly woke. Bright blue eyes turning up to the black steed he raised his hand and placed in on Aether's face, “What is it?” He murmured in a hushed tone.
“Eek! Someone's coming!” Exclaimed Figment diving into Roxas's coat hiding. Instantly awake, Roxas was on his feet in a second. Offered a hand Axel took it and he too stood to confront the intruders. Roxas pulled his hood down, shading his face.
“Get ready to fight.” Roxas said quietly.
“A fight? I'm always ready for a fight.” Replied Axel with a cocky smile, “Not sure about Demyx thou- Hey, where's Demyx?” Turning full circle he scanned the area for his companion. A sudden dread clutched took hold of his gut making him feel involuntarily sick, “Demyx?”
“Axel! Long time no see.” Came a sickeningly familiar voice from across the small lake. Looking up Axel scowled, two of his least favorite people now situated in his presence. Larxene and Marluxia stood just before the water's edge. Marluxia continued, “I see you thought you'd get away with it, but I assure you. You'll pay for it. You and you're little pals.”
“What the fuck did you do with Demyx?!” Axel instantly accused rushing forwards, closer to the water, “If you've so much as put one scratch on that boy I'll kill you.”
“I have no idea what you're talking about. We haven't seen Demyx since we woke up. How about you, Larxene?” He asked a devilish grin spreading across his face, happy to see Axel so riled up. The questioned Nobody shrugged casually and shook her head.
“I haven't seen him either; I think you've been up too long Axel. Perhaps you should put you to rest.”
“Like hell you will. Roxas, let's teach these punks a lesson in pain.”
Save Game: to be continued…