Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 22
It's like `The Never Ending Story' in fanfic form!
Anywho! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever it is you celebrate during this month. I prefer to say I celebrate Yule (the celebration of the winter solstice), not Christmas, but whatever floats your boat. Just be happy for a holiday update.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
Zexion let out a sigh, closing his eyes. He and Luxord sat at the table on the first floor. The older Nobody had been giving him a curious stare for quite some time now, and Zexion was more than a little bit annoyed by it. The problem was he didn't know exactly what Luxord wanted him to do because they both knew very well he refused to say the three simple words of affection Demyx demanded. It was Zexion's plan just to wait it out, after all Demyx couldn't resist forever. One of them was going to have to give in at some point, Zexion to get closer to Demyx or Demyx to get out of that cluttered room.
“So…” Luxord began slowly, “How is your plan going?”
“Quite well, thank you.” Zexion replied curtly taking another sip of the herb flavored water. In his spare time he'd crushed some rather odd looking plants to get their juices and then mixed it with the spring water. It tasted like bitter tea, but he didn't mind.
“Do you think Marluxia and Larxene can take care of them?” Questioned Luxord dispassionately.
“Absolutely not. It would have taken the two just to get rid of Axel, with Roxas and his animals they will be vanquished.” Zexion replied.
“Exactly how is it that your plan is going well then?”
“I have Demyx in my possession; that is all I require. I just rather had hoped to never have to worry about the others.” Answered Zexion calmly.
“All right… Then what about Vexen and Lexaeus?”
“They should be reaching Xemnas and his followers soon.” Looking up Zexion decided to answer the question on Luxord's lips before it was spoken, “They will most surely be killed as well.”
“Wow… Talk about a back-stabbing friend.” Luxord let out a whistle, “You're not going to do anything like that to me are you?”
“Perhaps… Anyway, Vexen and Lexaeus would have never approved of my intentions with Demyx. That, dear Luxord, is why I had to be rid of them.” Zexion explained setting his glass on the table, “Excuse me.” He added quietly as he gracefully stood and strode to and up the stairs silently.
Stopping in front of the room Demyx was being kept, he heard the boy rush to the bed and jump onto it. He'd been listening in on the conversation. Even with how quietly Zexion spoke, the walls were thin enough to hear a mouse chatter on a different floor. With another soft sigh he raised a hand and knocked on the door. He scarcely waited for permission to enter and pushed the door open.
“What do you want?” Snarled Demyx heatedly from the bed.
“My apology.” Responded the Cloaked Schemer closing the door behind him. His cold eyes scanned the room, pausing on the plate Luxord had brought up earlier. Demyx hadn't touched his food. At this Zexion frowned.
Crossing the room, he casually sat down on the bed, leaning back to lean on the window sill. To this Demyx instantly scrambled back to the far side of the bed to avoid touching Zexion. That wasn't very nice of him. He'd done absolutely nothing to harm Demyx in fact Zexion believed he'd been quiet hospitable, the musician really should have responded in a much kinder manner than that.
“If I say I'm sorry will you say you love me?” Demyx asked cautiously.
“No,” Zexion replied lightly turning his head to look out the open window.
“Then get the hell out of my bed!”
“It's not your bed.” Zexion snapped back quickly turning his head to cast Demyx a cold stare. That shut him. A disgruntled expression entered the musician's face, his fists clutching the cloth of his lap. It was cute in its own way, “Come here.” Not allowing Demyx to respond Zexion reached forward, took hold on Demyx's coat, and pulled him close, practically making Demyx fall onto his lap.
“Hey! Cut that out! Let go of me!” Demyx fought back trying to free himself from Zexion but in the end he only made it worse. By the time he'd stopped struggling Zexion had him around the chest and was holding him firmly against his body. It was a slightly awkward position; Demyx's head was on his chest, a hand on his lap, “Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” Asked Zexion now fondly stroking Demyx's hair with his free hand.
“All of this! Trying to hurt Axel and Roxas and-“
“They deserve it! They made you unhappy, they hurt you, they won't even acknowledge what's happening. I don't want that for you. They don't deserve you and you deserve better.”
“And kidnapping me is better?!” Questioned Demyx sourly.
“No, but you will be loved here. You don't have to fight, work for your food… This is better for you, it's safe.”
“You're the one who made it dangerous!” Demyx accused turning his head up to glare at Zexion, “Stop petting me! I'm not a dog!”
“Hush. It feels good and you know it.” Retorted Zexion coolly before continuing, “You must understand. Everything I've done, I've done for you.”
“Then let me go back! I'm not happy here! I want to go back to Axel.” Demyx demanded, “Stop all this stupid madness you've created and leave me alone! If you stop me now I'll never get a heart and I'll hate you forever!”
“How will you hate me if you won't have a heart?” Chuckled Zexion leaning down and kissing Demyx's forehead. Demyx was irresistible when he was upset; it made Zexion want to hold and love him all the more.
“How can you love me without a heart?” Responded Demyx confidently a smile lighting his face. It was obviously not the right thing to say. Shoving Demyx back onto the bed Zexion struck him angrily across the face, a sudden rage entering those cold eyes.
“You don't ever speak like that to me, ever.” He growled, giving Demyx another good shove he stood up and marched to the door. Of course the door was locked so he couldn't open it so he paused before it. It would be easy enough to leave, all he had to do was transform and use Xigbar's teleporting abilities. Sadly, it wasn't so simple. Now that he had gotten to the door he found he didn't want to leave and he felt suddenly very guilty. Bowing his head he turned, glancing at Demyx who was sitting up and rubbing his sore cheek, “I'm sorry.”
“Wha?” Demyx looked over with a bewildered look on his face, not sure why Zexion hadn't stormed out yet.
Slowly Zexion returned to the bed. Sitting down next to Demyx, he tenderly stroked the reddened flesh on Demyx's face, “I'm sorry for raising my hand to you.” He repeated before leaning forward and resting his head on the stunned boy's shoulder, “Can you forgive me?”
“Um… Yeah. I guess…. Didn't hurt that much anyway.” Muttered Demyx uneasily, obviously unsettled by Zexion's strange behavior, “Uh, I'm… I'm also sorry for, you know, hitting you with that box and saying that stuff. You're not that bad, I suppose.”
“Why do you want me to say it so badly?” Mumbled Zexion quietly wrapping his arms around Demyx's waist.
“Because that's how it's supposed to be! If you love someone you're supposed to say it.” Demyx told him before letting out a soft sound of surprise as Zexion pushed him back onto his back.
“Aren't actions supposed to be stronger than words? Why can't you just be satisfied with my own expression of it?” Zexion demanded turning his head up to rest his chin on Demyx's chest, “You don't even like me back, I shouldn't have to say it to someone who doesn't want me.”
“I didn't say I didn't want you or anything. You're just doing it all wrong.” Demyx replied in a huff, “If you really love me you should've just come right out with it. Your stupid plans and your jealously really aren't making me like you a whole lot right now. If you want me to like you try doing something nice you moron.”
“I am being nice.”
“Well you suck at it.” Said Demyx with a small smile appearing on his face as he looked down at Zexion's face. Perhaps Demyx was getting a little desperate for attention because, somehow, this situation didn't feel all that wrong. In fact, the Melodious Nocturne was kind of enjoying this. Zexion may not have been very good at winning him over, but at least he was trying. That was more than Demyx could say about a lot of people he knew.
Shifting, Zexion let out a sigh, “I should be going.” He murmured quietly.
“When will you be coming back?” Demyx inquired hopefully as Zexion released him and stood up. The Cloaked Schemer looked at him blankly before looking at the dish on the nightstand. Walking over to it he ran his fingers over the rim of the plate.
“Surely by your next meal, but perhaps earlier.” He replied simply before looking back at Demyx. The Nobody looked so lost and helpless now. It almost was enough to make Zexion refuse to leave. Sadly, he had other things to attend to. His plans were playing out and he had to check on progress.
“I'll be waiting.” Whispered Demyx shyly. Zexion offered him a soft smile before knocking on the door for Luxord to come and open it.
“So will I.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
Roxas was surprised at how difficult it was to land a solid hit on Larxene. Both of their opponents were unarmed but their agility was making it hard to defeat them. Axel seemed to be having better luck with the Graceful Assassin though since Marluxia's attacks were primarily plant based. At least one of them was making progress.
Swinging his keyblades at the Savage Nymph, she yet again easily evaded the attack and countered with a lightning fast kick to the gut. Stumbling back Roxas tripped over a stone, falling into the lake water. An out of place bolt of electricity cracked through the air into the water. The pain was ten times worse than a normal lightning attack, the water conducting the electricity and giving it power. However, Roxas found the pain somewhat less debilitating than it should have been, instead he found it infuriating. Willfully standing, he glowered angrily at the unfeeling Nobody before him.
So she liked playing with lightning, did she? Well, he'd show her what a true master could do with it, “Aether!” He called. The steed responded in a second, swooping down and sweeping Roxas off his feet into the air.
“Hey! Get back here, coward!” Larxene yelled crossly summoning another bolt of lightning, just the move Roxas was looking for. Raising his keyblades in a cross above him, the lightning struck them and instead of the electricity running down into Roxas the force was captured within the cross section of his weapons. Knowing all too well the energy would only be kept pent up for a moment Aether swiftly flew to the earth, his hooves thundering on the ground. In a dead charge, the stallion lowered his head like a bull bearing down on the enemy.
The blades let out a crackling ripping sound as they were draw apart a shivering snake of light arching between them. Larxene flinched, bringing her arms up she tried to block the attack but Aether swung his head up tossing her into the air. Just as Aether set up the target, Roxas leapt off his back to intercept her. The blades came in contact with her body and let out a reeling screech as the enclosed force was redirected into Larxene; she felt limp to the ground.
Landing on his feet, Roxas turned on a dime to finish her off before she recovered. As he rushed at her with the sparking blades, she suddenly rose dodging the attack. She was wounded now, though, and her actions were becoming sluggish.
“Come on and die already! You're making me mad!” Axel yelled frustrated with the ongoing battle. He had Marluxia on the run, but the boy just wouldn't give up. Another thorny vine caught Axel by the ankle and he fell again. This was the only attack Marluxia seemed to be able to use effectively, but it was weak and easy to get rid of, “Damn it!” Axel cursed turning and cutting the plant off of his leg with a chakram. Getting up he found Marluxia once again gone. He was hidden somewhere in the brush. With a scowl Axel set fire to the nearest set of trees and bushes. It was a waste of energy, Marluxia wasn't hidden there. This annoying game of cat and mouse was getting on Axel's nerves.
Turning he caught a glimpse of the razor blade petals before they struck him. A sweep of his hand and the flowery things fell to the ground, charred and shriveled. Marluxia was wearing down his magic and vigor slowly, but if it lasted too long Axel would be a sitting duck.
Not wanting waste anymore energy Axel waited for Marluxia to make his next move, his gaze casually flowing over the area. Roxas seemed to be doing well now, he had Larxene on the defense and she looked like she was getting weaker. Axel wished he could say the same for Marluxia, but that rat wouldn't keep still to get a good beating. His emerald eyes caught a flicker of motion and he leapt at the chance. Burning through the shield of trees, Axel clipped Marluxia's shoulder with a blade.
Now he had him. Marluxia fell back against a tree and he was cornered. Not bothered at all about attacking a defenseless, cornered leech, he ran the burning chakrams through Marluxia several times. The wounds burned and cauterized instantly. He stopped short of killing the Nobody though, placing the deadly weapons at Marluxia's neck.
“Now what did you do with Demyx?” He growled venomously.
“I… I told you…” Marluxia gasped scowling right back at Axel. There was no fear in him at all, nothing. The Nobody before Axel was as empty as Xemnas would describe a Nobody to be. The only thing inside was rage, a very primitive emotion.
“I don't believe you!” Snapped Axel pressing the hot blades against Marluxia's neck.
“It doesn't matter if you believe me. We didn't do anything to him.” Replied the Graceful Assassin. Axel searched Marluxia's gaze for a long moment before he removed the blades. It was the truth, Marluxia didn't know anything.
“Then I have no business with you.” Axel glowered turning to return to the lake where Roxas still fought Larxene, “Roxas! They don't know anything!” He called.
Roxas paused, just before making the final stroke to defeat Larxene. For a moment he pondered whether or not just to finish her off, he decided against it and released her. Jogging to Axel's side he looked up at his dearest companion, “Now what do we do? We have no idea what happened. For all we know he could have just run off.”
“He wouldn't do that, not again. I'm sure something bad must have gotten him.” Axel said confidently, “We've got to find him and save him.”
“Hey! You can't just stop fighting us like that!” Marluxia yelled traipsing onto the shoreline, accompanied now by Larxene.
“Why are you two still here?” Axel groaned fed up with their nonsense.
“We're not done yet! If you thought it was that easy to get rid of us, think again. This is a fight to the death, not a game! We'll make you pay for what you did, now fight us!” Marluxia demanded.
Axel had no idea what they were talking about. He'd done nothing to them; he'd barely even thought about them. It was pointless to fight when there really wasn't a reason; unfortunately Axel had no choice but to do it. If he didn't take care of them now they'd just keep on attacking him and that wasn't something he could have, not with how much he needed to accomplish.
“All right then. Let's finish this.”
Save Game: to be continued…