Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 24
Happy New Year and all that Jazz… Blah, tired, you read, go now.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
“You look a little troubled.” Luxord hummed thoughtfully as he continued to cut squares out of his cardboard box with a knife.
Of course he was troubled. Demyx had definitely got the point across that he desperately wanted to go back to that wretched pyromaniac and blonde boy wonder. What Zexion didn't understand was why. After all, Zexion took better care of Demyx here and things were so nice and calm. Not only that but Zexion was positive he cared more about the musician than Axel, Roxas, and those animals put together. Sure, Zexion couldn't provide a relationship that mirrored the one Axel and Demyx shared but Luxord was here, the gambler could surely be a friend to him.
“Want to talk about it?” Questioned the blonde after Zexion did not reply. Slowly the Cloaked Schemer looked up from the table to examine Luxord's progress on whatever it was he was doing. That was his third box and the stack of carefully numbered and signed squares was piling up.
“What are you making?” Asked Zexion, choosing to ignore the question for the time. He'd heard it but he didn't care to answer just yet, especially since Demyx was scampering down the stairs.
“Cards.” Luxord murmured furrowing his brows in concentration. The task didn't seem like it was hard but he sure was putting a lot of effort into making the `cards' perfect. It was pretty sad actually, Luxord must have been desperate or at least bored out of his mind.
“I'm going outside!” Called Demyx as he rushed past them and out the door. Zexion turned his head to watch him through the open door. The Melodious Nocturne was headed for the lake that was just a few yards outside the front door.
“I'm taking him back tonight.” Whispered Zexion turning his attention back to the dull table top. Leaning forward he placed an elbow on the table and rested his chin on his palm. Luxord let out a soft mumble that sounded like a questioning `so'. “So, I was wondering what your stand on it is.” Luxord paused and looked up at him. For a moment he seemed to ponder an answer before he shrugged and turned back to his work. Letting out a sigh Zexion looked back out the door. Demyx, having reached the lakeside, was now sitting on the ground his sitar in hand. Sadly, he was too far so Zexion could not hear the tune that he was playing.
“We better get going.”
“Huh?” Zexion voiced his eyes flashing back over to Luxord. The elder Nobody was standing now and the cardboard cards were now gone, tucked away somewhere in the black coat.
“I said, let's get going. If you sit here and ponder much more on it, we'll never leave.” Explained the Gambler of Fate as he strode out the door, followed closely by Zexion. Once they reached Demyx, Luxord gave him a nudge with his foot to catch his attention. The action caused Demyx to stop playing the melancholy tune he'd been strumming, “Come on, lad. We're leaving.” He said reaching down to assist Demyx rise to his feet.
“Where are we going?” Asked the musician, his instrument fading back to await his call once again. There was a long pause, Luxord expecting Zexion to speak and Zexion too dejected to say it. Rolling his eyes, Luxord gave Zexion a good shove to get on with it already.
“I… I'm taking you back.” Zexion stated. Before any reaction could be formed, he took on Xigbar's form and put his arms around both Demyx and Luxord. They were gone in an instant.
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
Roxas bowed his head, resting it against Axel's back. Ever since he'd recovered from the battle his mind had been plagued with thoughts about how to confess his love for the man he now had his arms wrapped around. It wasn't an easy thing to just bring up. He wanted to start up a conversation that would just gradually lead him to it, but every time he was about to start his conscious scared him out of it.
“Roxas what's wrong?” Questioned the tiny voice of Figment, who perched himself on Roxas's shoulder. The purple winged lizard had to hold onto him tightly so as not to get jostled off, for Roxas and Axel were currently riding on Aether's back. Riding Aether had been Figment's idea, stating they would be able cover more ground faster. With the added weight, however, the stallion had to pace on the ground instead of the air. It didn't really matter though; it was a lot quicker and easier on them this way then having them all walk. Roxas let out a sigh shifting to rest the rest of his body up against Axel's hot back. Closing his eyes he nestled his face against the warmth.
“It's nothing.” He murmured to the tiny dragon, “Just thinking.” He added after a moment. There was a moment of silence before Axel's hand reached down and gently clasped over Roxas's over his stomach.
“Thinking about what?” Came Axel's voice, tender and quiet.
“About our hearts.” Roxas stated simply opening his eyes and tipping his head back to look up a little.
“We don't have hearts, Roxas, remember?” Axel reminded, though it was not in a scolding or stern manner. The way he said it made it seem more like it was a joke than a fact. Turning his head he looked over his shoulder so Roxas could see his face. The redhead was smiling kindly, despite the worry inside, his concern for Demyx's safety. Roxas returned Axel's smirk with one of his own.
This was his chance and Roxas spoke quickly before he had time to stop himself, “You've got a heart, Axel; I just stole it away.” He stated a blush creeping onto his face before he continued a little slower, “I'll share it with you if you want it back.”
Looking a little shaken and maybe a little embarrassed, Axel turned his head back and looked down at the ground in front of Aether, “My heart, huh…?” He began timidly unable to look back at Roxas's face just yet, “Yeah… If I've taken yours to you want it back?” He inquired shakily as his cheeks began to turn as red as his hair.
“Nah, you keep. That way, we'll always have a part of each other, right?” Roxas smiled bowing his head again to hide his face. The hand over his tightened its grip ever so slightly.
“Right.” Replied Axel breathlessly bringing his free hand up to cover his burning cheeks. Swallowing the lump in his throat he summoned all the courage he could possibly muster and spoke again, “I… I'm glad you took it away from me. If you hadn't, it would've stopped a long time ago.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Roxas chuckled holding Axel a little bit closer as he turned his head up to rest his chin on Axel's shoulder blade.
“My heart only beats for you Roxas, got it memorized?” Axel murmured quietly.
“Heh. Yeah, I got it and my beats for you.” Replied Roxas with a light sigh. The weight of his thoughts was finally lifted and he felt like he could breathe again. He desperately hoped now that they would find Demyx; he had to thank him for giving him the courage to say all the things he just had.
A low sound rang through the air making Aether stomp his hooves uneasily. Throwing his head, he let out a whinny and came to a stand still. Ear perked the large mammal listened for the sound.
“What is it, Aether?” Roxas asked in alarm leaning over slightly to peer at the path ahead of them. A large blue-silver wolf leapt into the open, the one that had accompanied Demyx when Roxas had first seen them here. It raised its head, staring them down for a moment before turning back to where it had come from, “Aether, catch it!” Roxas urged giving the Pegasus a soft kick to the side before the stallion jumped into a run, barreling courageously through the sparse brush.
Breaking into a small clearing Aether circled around to slow to a stop. Demyx was leaning against another Nobody, Luxord, apparently waiting for them. Upon their arrival a bright smile lit up on his face and he pushed away from Luxord to stand on his own two feet. Raising a hand he waved to them, “Hey, guys! You're looking rather lively!” He greeted.
“Demyx!” Axel exclaimed as Roxas hopped down off Aether's back to allow Axel to do the same.
“The one and only.” Responded the musician cheerily before he was roughly pulled into Axel's tight embrace. The redhead closed his eyes tightly, pressing his cheek against Demyx's head, “I missed you too, Axel.” Whispered Demyx putting his arms around Axel comfortingly.
“I was worried sick. I thought something horrible had happened.” Axel whispered.
“I just got a little lost, silly me.” Laughed Demyx before squirming out of Axel's grip, “Zenith caught wind of something and I went to check it out. Unfortunately we were attacked and got lost. That's when I ran into Luxord.” Demyx explained turning to gesture to the Gambler of Fate. The said raised a hand in a half-assed greeting.
“Luxord?” Axel repeated venomously. It was plain to see that he didn't trust the Gambler of Fate, but Roxas couldn't blame him. From what Axel had told him, Luxord was part of Xemnas's group and anyone who chose that evil mastermind as a leader a second time wasn't worth the time of day. Still, at Axel's reaction Demyx look a little worried and panicked so Roxas intervened. Rushing over to Axel he placed a hand on his arm.
“Wait; let's hear what he has to say for himself.” Roxas said quietly. For a moment Axel just glared at Luxord then he looked down at Roxas and sighed. Giving a curt nod, he lowered his defenses.
“All right, let's hear it then.” Demanded Axel none too thrilled with the situation.
“I know you don't trust me and all but I swear I've turned over a new leaf. You see, I really had no preference on who I was going to follow, but I knew Xemnas would try something and I'd rather not have been on the receiving end. That's why I went with him. Of course, something happened, I'm not sure exactly what, and he decided he'd get rid of me. Luckily, I escaped before Saix got a hold of me. So basically I'm a rogue now, on the run.”
“Great, so you're going to lead them right to us to make amends, huh?” Axel accused heatedly.
“No, no… They had already planned to get rid of you from the beginning. So really it wouldn't matter if I came or not.” Said Luxord, casually defending himself. Axel was quiet; the excuse was more than plausible. Roxas and Axel had been the cause of the complete collapse of the Organization.
“Why do you want to come with us then?”
“Alone, I don't stand a chance against them. However, if I'm with all of you, there's a minimal chance of me getting skinned alive. Look at it this way. I'm in favor of any way that will save my hide and since there's no one stronger here than the bunch of you, I'd prefer to be on your side. It wouldn't be in my best interest to make you my enemies or something along those lines.” Stated Luxord.
“Well, Roxas? What do you think?” Axel asked turning to the younger Nobody.
“I think it'll be all right. I mean, Demyx thinks he's all right and he's stated some pretty good reasons, selfish reasons but reasonable none the less. We'll keep a close eye on him anyway-“
“You don't have to!” Figment blurted out crawling on top of Roxas's head, “Aether says he's telling the truth, mostly. He says that he's not here to cause problems.” Said the dragon as the steed swayed his head in confirmation. Trotting to Roxas's side he gave the Nobody a reassuring nudge.
“All right then. That settles it, he can come along.” Roxas stated smiling, “Glad your back Demyx. Now let's get going, we're trying to get to the top of that peak there right?” He questioned pointing to the highest mountain top. Axel gave a nod, “Then let's get going we have a long journey before us.” Placing his hands on Aether's back Roxas pulled himself up onto the stallion, “You going to ride too, Axel?”
“Um… Well, Demyx do you need rest?” Axel asked.
“Nope, I'm fine. You go on ahead and sit with him.” Replied the musician happily. Axel shrugged and hopped onto Aether's back, this time seated behind Roxas.
“Come on, Zexio- I mean, Zenith.” Demyx beckoned. The wolf lowered its head and slowly followed after, Luxord on his heels.
This was nice, Roxas established. Traveling in good company to a place where none of them knew what awaited. He felt like together they were starting life all over again. There weren't any ranks or rules to follow, just a common goal. It had taken so much effort to get there, but it was all worth it.
Leaning back Roxas put his head back to look up at Axel. A smile on his face, he placed a hand on the pyro's cheek. Silently Axel mouthed the words `I love you' then placed a warm kiss on his forehead. His smile growing wider, Roxas returned the words silently in kind before putting his gaze forward again. Yes, everything was going well now.
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
Xemnas and Saix sat nestled within the forest, Saix in Xemnas's lap enjoying the long strokes that ran from his forehead to the base of his skull. They had not spoken a word to one another since the conversation about the very act they were committing now. However, just because they hadn't talked physically did not mean they hadn't been communicating. Every touch and gesture they made spoke volumes to the other and made perfectly clear what needed to be understood. Of course, Xemnas had spoken with Xaldin on occasion, discussing plans and such but nothing more. Xaldin, it seemed, realized that he was not to ask about why all of the sudden the two were interacting so intimately with one another and it was for the best.
A low chattering came from the forest, yellow eyes glaring through the darkness of night. Saix calmly removed himself from the warm seat he'd been resting in and turned to his left, his own yellow eyes gazing intently at a fixed point. Beside him Xemnas also quietly stood to meet the intruder.
Xaldin was a bit less calm about it. The chattering appeared to make him nervous and he was instantly on edge over the whole situation. His anxiety was left unnoticed by the superiors and they left him with no answer.
Stooping down Saix collected a few rocks from the ground and clacked them together. The chattering in the forest ceased and there was a rustle in the brush as the creatures scattered to the orders of their leader. A second more pronounced and obvious crackle came; it was shortly accompanied by two figures. Lexaeus and Vexen traipsed into the open. Neither looked to be very happy but Vexen put on a fake smile.
“Ah, Superior. So I've found you at last. I've come to collect your debt; it seems you owe me a great deal for this uncalled act of treachery.” Stated the ice master stepping in front of Lexaeus. Saix cast Xemnas an un-amused look before his superior stepped forward to meet this challenge.
“Treachery, my dear Number IV?” Xemnas began in false pleasantry. “I'm afraid you have the wrong man. We haven't even begun plans for you yet. Now if you speak on behalf of Axel, now we may have some grounds to discuss upon.” At this last sentence Xemnas gave a cold and hollow laugh. Saix shared the moment with a grin fit for a madman.
“Don't ridicule me.” The Chilly Academic snapped, dropping his kind act and fiercely sneering at the group. “We saw it with our own eyes. One of your party has taken something precious from our company. We wish for payment.”
“Don't cry, Number IV. I'm sure you'll find who did it.” Xemnas chuckled, mocking the duo with his words.
“I have and I want revenge-“
“Ah! Revenge now that's a concept I'm truly familiar with.” Intervened Xemnas with a baroque gesture of his hands, “Still you have mindlessly pointed the finger at the wrong Nobodies.” Suddenly Xemnas's expression turned fierce, “For your insolence, you shall suffer the consequences. Saix!”
“Yes, my Superior? What is your desire?” Responded Saix stepping forth to his leader's beck and call. His pair of glaring yellow eyes gleamed with unstable energy in the moonlight that broke through the trees.
“Teach these fools a lesson on manners.” Xemnas ordered before turning his back on Vexen and Lexaeus and gaiting back to accompany Xaldin in the spectator lines.
“Your wish is my command, my Superior.” Confirmed Saix quietly before stalking forward and grinding the stones harshly together in his palms. An uproar sounded in the trees, harsh and violent from the Shifters. Then Saix spoke again, “I regret to inform you that the tides have turned, inferior, the moon is in perfect alignment for a battle.”
“This is absurd! Lexaeus!” Vexen exclaimed, calling Lexaeus to protect him.
“We will not fail.” Spoke the Silent Hero.
“Spoken like a true hero, too bad you've already fallen from grace.” Xemnas hummed pleasantly before the slaughter commenced. It had been a long while since Saix had unleashed the madness within and the pent up power overflowed like water from a broken dam. They didn't have a chance.
Save Game: to be continued…