Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 25
So this chapter might seem… Well a little pointless, and I'm sorry. The last page and a half (about when Roxas started talking with Demyx) I was half asleep and was rewritten about three times because I kept hating it…
PS: I'm definitely getting one of those types of scenes in here sometime soon, promise. You've sure as hell waited long enough… Damn it.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
Saix opened his eyes lazily, comfortably cuddled up on Xemnas's lap. It was early morning, far too soon for him to be woken up, even Xemnas was out cold; he could tell because the Superior was leaning back on a tree and his arms were draped loosely around him. For a moment the Luna Diviner considered burying his face in the crook of his leader's neck and returning to his peaceful slumber, but from the sound the Shifters were making he could tell they were anxious. Their chattering was becoming more and more fervent and Saix was beginning to feel a bit feverish from the incessant pull on his sanity.
Quickly removing himself from his warm sanctuary, he threw himself into agitated pacing. Seven of the Shifters crept to his side, following on heel. They too were growing restless, their teeth ground and clacked together in frantic anticipation. Casting a look to Xemnas Saix bowed his head and quickly turned away. Xemnas was awake now, of course. The way he was watching told Saix that he wasn't pleased with this behavior and wanted, no, more like demanded, an explanation.
“Hey, VII! What the hell's up with you? Sit down; you're making me nervous with all that damn pacing.” Xaldin piped up angrily from his spot. In an instant Saix's yellow eyes flashed towards the lancer, letting out a vicious snarl as he did turn. The seven Shifters let out disgusting grunts and growls of their own and were towering over the offending Nobody just as quickly as Saix had turned in aggression. Each snapped its jaws irritably, inches from flesh. Xaldin was quiet again, a good thing too. Saix and his companions were in no mood for that kind of bull shit, not from an inferior.
Clapping his hands to make a sharp hollow sound, Saix called them back and they willfully returned to his side. Xaldin flashed him a glare but no more, he knew Saix was liable to snap at any moment. With a snort Saix crouched down putting his arms around two of the Shifters. Two stones in each hand, picked up in his fanatical pace, he clacked them together. It hadn't taken him long to crack the code of speech, now he could speak back and ask questions as well. Because of their behavior, with the rhythmic chime of the stones, he finally asked what was bothering them so. There was an uproar among the group. All of them speaking at once to get the word in, even those hidden in the forest replied zealously, eager for battle and a chance to release their insane fury.
“Saix!” The group fell silent as quick as lightning and Saix himself flinched. Lowering his head he looked to Xemnas, like a whipped dog cowering at his master's will. He was given a hard look by his Superior and the Luna Diviner was quick to redeem himself with an explanation.
“A group of Nobodies has arrived in the forest. They say it's Luxord, Axel, Roxas, and Demyx,” He paused as one of the more dominant members snapped its jaws, “And they have come accompanied by two large animals,” another pause to listen to a description, “A large winged animal and one that resembles one of them but with a smaller head and a tail,” a Shifter from the forest spoke up, “and maybe one more, but they're not sure, its small.” Explained Saix quietly before giving the Shifters some nudges, sending them back into the woods, “Should I have them stalked?”
“Such a large group. What a hassle…” Xemnas sighed standing up. Waving his hand he gestured for Saix and Xaldin to follow. As he began to walk away they came up on his heels to join him. “We'll cut them off near the peak. Have your… `Friends' escort them.”
“This place gives me the creeps.” Luxord grumbled rubbing the back of his arms as a shiver ran through him. Axel knew exactly how the Gambler of Fate felt. This place gave him the shivers too, and made his stomach turn. It was dark even in the daylight and the eerie silence was heavy.
“I don't like it either.” Axel murmured wrapping his arms around Roxas tighter. Looking back, he caught Demyx shaking a little. From the looks of it the only ones who weren't caught up with dread were Roxas, Aether, and Demyx's wolf. He felt a little stupid at being so unsettled by just being in a forest but at least he wasn't alone. At that thought, Axel felt a little worse. Having so many of them on edge wasn't exactly a good thing. They all needed to be bold, so if they got separated or attacked they could stand on their own. With how they acted, it didn't seem like that would be the case. Luxord and Demyx looked like they both wanted to turn tail and escape the clawing branches of the dark woods. Axel was thankful Roxas was strong, with the blonde's supportive presence Axel could at least act like he wasn't too affected.
A soft sound brought the party to a halt. Turning in his seat, Roxas mirroring him, Axel looked to see what the sound had been. Both Luxord and Demyx had turned too, and now everyone stared at the wolf, which was firmly planted on the ground, sitting. The animal didn't look frightened or tired, there seemed to be no reason he'd stopped. However, from the stern look on his face Zenith didn't look like he was going anywhere. Demyx didn't seem to notice the look and went to Zenith's side and grabbed him by the scruff.
“Come on.” He urged quietly giving the canine a tug. The wolf didn't budge, “Come on, Zenith. Get up... Move.” Demyx continued now taking the wolf with both hands trying to pull the animal forward. Throwing all his weight into it Demyx tried desperately to get the wolf up, but Zenith spread his toes pressing his feet against the ground to counter Demyx's efforts. Then shaking his head, the wolf forced Demyx let go and the Nobody fell back onto his rump. Baring his teeth, Demyx let out a frustrated growl, “You're asking for it.”
The wolf didn't look very intimidated by the threat. Getting up again, Demyx threw his arms around the furry figure and heaved. The wolf let out a soft grunt before falling over onto his side to lie down, bringing Demyx to the ground as well. Still Demyx didn't give up; digging the toes of his boots into the grass he pushed and pulled, anything he could think of to get the wolf to its feet. When Demyx finally gave up he was panting for breath, collapsed on top of the wolf in failure.
“Come on, we've got to hurry. I don't want to have to spend more time in this place than I need to.” Axel voiced urging them onward. They didn't have time to waste, actually they did, the redhead just didn't want to waste it somewhere so dark and creepy. If the canine had stopped before the forest Axel wouldn't have objected in the slightest.
“Stop fooling around,” Muttered Luxord moving now to Demyx's aid. The Gambler of Fate seemed to have the same view as Axel did on the situation, “Better move Demyx, I'm going to kick his ass if he won't move it.”
“What?! No! You can't.” Demyx objected quickly putting his arms around Zenith protectively, “You leave him alone! What if something's wrong with him?”
“There's nothing wrong with the dumb dog. He's just being stubborn-“
Zenith slipped out from Demyx's grasp rushing to the front of the group. As he passed by he looked up at Axel with a wild stare, making the redhead shudder a little. Then he bowed his head, sniffing the earth in front of the Pegasus. Flattening his ears back the wolf paced back and forth. After starting off in three directions and backtracking the canine romped back to Demyx. Wagging his tail, he licked the musician's face and bounded back to his chosen route.
“Guess he wants us to go that way.” Axel voiced somberly. That animal just wasn't acting right, he didn't trust it one bit. There had to be more to it than there appeared to be. It had showed up out of no where, followed Demyx like a lost puppy, and seemed oddly intelligent. Not to mention those eyes, Axel had seen them before and they weren't the kind that he really wanted to remember.
“Do you think we should follow him?” Asked Roxas. He'd obviously seen Axel's distrust; otherwise he wouldn't have asked him that.
“Well if we go that way, we won't be heading the right direction.” Axel began, trying to cover up his dislike for Zenith with a liable excuse not to follow him. However, it seemed his choice of accusations didn't seem very strong.
“Wrong, right, I don't care what way we go but I'm following the guy with the sense of smell. I'm betting he caught scent of something nasty that way. C'mon Demyx, let's get out of here.” With that Luxord paced by the others to follow the wolf. Demyx didn't need any more encouragement than that. He jumped to his feet and bounded after the two, who were now picking their way through the thick underbrush. He waved his arm excitedly to Axel and Roxas, casting them a wide grin as he urged them to follow.
Axel didn't like the idea, but he gave his approval none-the-less and had Aether follow them. As they continued along the chosen path, they found travel becoming harder and harder. The forest was thick to the point Axel and Roxas had to walk on foot so Aether could squeeze through. Rocky streams, muddy ditches, and thorny plants became constant companions wearing them quickly to exhaustion. However, Axel did note one important thing; the whole duration, they had not once encountered a foe. This fact, he was led to believe was why the wolf had gone this direction.
This brought him little comfort. The forest was still teeming with negative force. Despite the fact it was calm, Axel hounded his companions to hurry along.
By late afternoon they were forced to stop and rest by a small brook. Demyx was the first to go down; he instantly collapsed into the water. Though he'd shed all upper body clothing, he was visibly sweating from the sweltering heat and exertion and gasping for breath. The forest had been cold at first but it seemed as the day went on it locked in the heat like an oven. Roxas, Luxord, and even Aether were having trouble from it, though they weren't in nearly as bad shape as Demyx. The only ones who seemed fine were Axel, Figment, and the wolf. Of course, Axel loved heat and Figment didn't even have to walk so they would be fine.
“Hey, Demyx, you're not looking so hot.” Axel voiced weaving between the trees to get to the stream the other Nobody was lying in. Giving the water an awkward look he stepped over it with one foot to crouch down over the cool liquid to get a better look at Demyx. His skin was flushed and he his small chest was heaving to beat of his erratic breath. Axel couldn't help but feel guilty. They hadn't stopped because he'd been urging them to keep going, he was afraid he might have pushed the boy a little too hard. Gently, he stroked Demyx's cheek, “Hey, come on. You can't sleep in there; you'll get sick.” In response, the Melodious Nocturne let out a soft undignified grunt telling Axel to leave him alone. It was understandable, he probably wasn't feeling too well and Axel had been the one who'd pushed them so hard.
Suddenly, Zenith jumped in front of him, knocking hard against Axel's leg. The action resulted in Axle crashing down with a splash into the water. It was almost enough for Axel to consider skinning the dumb beast alive but upon seeing the wolf licking Demyx's face his temper simmered down. Zenith was just worried about Demyx, Axel could understand that. So getting to his feet, he let the wolf to tend to Demyx while he went to check on Roxas and his friends.
“They're really close aren't they?” Came Roxas's voice, making Axel jump a little; he'd not expected him to be so nearby. Turning Axel found Roxas sitting against a nearby tree, Aether lying beside him, the stallion resting his cut and weak legs.
“Who?” Axel voiced turning his head back and forth to locate who Roxas spoke of.
“Demyx and Zenith. From what you told me, they haven't been together long, but if you look at them… They really seem like they belong together. Like love at first sight.” Roxas said before patting the ground next to him; it was a small space, just big enough so that Axel could sit there. Taking the hint Axel hunkered down next to Roxas, putting his arm around the blonde Nobody to draw him close. Roxas chuckled, “You're not jealous are you?”
“What? No.” Axel scoffed. He forced a laugh but quickly passed a light glare in the wolf's direction, “I'm just trying to look out for Demyx is all.”
“He's capable of looking after himself, stop being such a mother hen, already.” Roxas laughed giving Axel a soft nudge in the side, “Demyx is as old as I am, if not older! If you're going to worry, why don't you worry about me?”
“Because you, my little Roxas, have always had a mind of your own and proven you can take care of yourself.” Replied Axel before sighing a little. Roxas was right, they were finally together again after what seemed like forever and here he was fussing over Demyx, who obviously had enough people around him that he didn't need Axel's constant watchful eye anymore. That was it; he was going to stop babying Demyx. “All right, from this moment on, I promise you my full attention, got it memorized?”
“You should ask yourself that.” Chuckled Roxas before reaching up and kissing Axel lightly on the lips, “Love you.”
Axel smiled, that was one thing he'd never get tired of hearing, “I love you too.” He crooned back before pulling Roxas completely onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around the boy lightly, he gave Roxas a cunning look, “You know, I loved you the first moment I saw you… So I was thinking, I have some free time tonight and if you wanted to join me, I wouldn't mind spending the night together. It'll probably get really cold during the night, but I think I could warm your chilled skin… Of course, you know, only if you're free.” A blush spread across Roxas's face and he looked away a little, laughing lightly at Axel's playful advances. It was exactly the kind of response Axel was looking for, love wasn't supposed to be all drama and serious, it didn't seem right not to have a little fun with such a positive emotion.
“If I'm free, huh? We~ll, I'm pretty busy tonight, but I think I could do some rescheduling.” Started Roxas tipping his head back and humming in false thought, “Yeah, I could do tonight with you.” He agreed, now leaning forward, his arms crossed over Axel for support. Pleased, Axel's grin grew.
“Glad such an important guy like you can make the time for me. I'll be waiting. So don't forget, got it memorized?” He whispered wistfully, leaning forward to kiss Roxas on the nose, “So how're your little friends?”
“Good -actually I wanted to share something with you.” Roxas said his eyes lighting up as he remembered something forgotten. Looking around he sat up, patting his clothes lightly, “Figment? Hey, where are you?” As he spoke this the dragon fluttered out from a tree, landing firmly on top of the Nobody's head. “Ah!” Roxas exclaimed happily tilting his head back before reaching up and taking the dragon in his hands, “Figment, I need a paopu fruit, would you mind making me one?”
What in the world was a paopu fruit? Axel had never heard of such a strange sounding fruit before. And what was with this `make me one'; surely a dragon doesn't make fruit. For a moment he thought maybe Roxas was loosing his mind to the heat, but the dragon nodded vigorously and hopped onto Axel's shoulder. Roxas kept his hands in front of him, waiting. There wasn't enough time for Axel to be confused by the gesture because in Roxas's hands appeared a yellow star-shaped fruit. It wasn't very large, about the size of the Nobody's hand. He was about to question mind-boggling event, but Roxas spoke again before he could find the words to speak.
“When I was a part of Sora, I heard him talking about them with Riku.” Began the blonde smiling fondly, “They said that if two people share one with each other, they'll be a part of each other's lives forever, no matter what… I know it's probably just a silly old legend but Sora wanted it to be true so deeply I can't help but believe in it. So, I wanted to share one with you.” He explained as Figment fluttered up to go rest up in the trees.
“That's so cute.” Axel murmured putting his arms around Roxas lightly and resting his forehead against Roxas's. Then he added with a light laugh and mischievous smile, “I bet it will work best if we feed it to each other.”
“You're trying to embarrass me.” Said Roxas pouting a little, but Axel pulled back and clasped his hands over the Nobody's making the sulk disappear. Leaning down he licked Roxas's fingertips gingerly.
“No I'm not. I'm being serious. Share it with me?” Axel begged, mustering his most earnest and innocent expression. That softened Roxas instantly, a smile lit his beautiful face and he gently removed a single hand to break off a small portion of the fruit. When it was brought to Axel's lips, he tenderly licked off the juice that had begun to trickle down Roxas's hand before taking the piece in his mouth. He let his lips linger on the younger boy's fingers, then drew back to swallow.
“Is it good?” Roxas asked, perhaps a little worried because he'd never tried the fruit before either.
“Delicious.” Axel replied, “Now you try it.” Breaking off another corner of the fruit Axel raised his hand to place the sweet delicacy to his beloved's lips. Roxas blushed and gave a small smile. The Nobody glanced around a little self-consciously before parting his lips and gently taking the food between his teeth. When a true smile appeared on Roxas's face, Axel could no longer resist. Catching the blue-eyed boy around the shoulders Axel pulled Roxas close, swiftly capturing those soft lips with his own in a passionate kiss.
Running his tongue along Roxas's bottom lip he requested permission to enter. It was quickly granted when the blonde recovered from the surprise. Lips parted, Axel delved in to explore the warm cavern of the Nobody's mouth. It was a dazzling sensation; his young love was growing hot under his hands now as he enclosed the boy in his embrace. Roxas's tongue clashed with his own in a passionate dance of love, and it tasted sweet from the mystical fruit they shared. On his chest, Axel could feel the pleading grip of Roxas's hand as the he let out a soft moan.
When the kiss was broken they both were panting for breath from the exhilaration, skin flushed. Axel's mind was in a little bit of a daze from the experience, even though the kiss itself had not been all that long. However, as he recovered Roxas leaned up to lick the pyro's lips and then engaged them into a second kiss. This one more powerful than the last and he pinned up against the tree as Roxas dominated. Axel submitted with ease, melting under Roxas's touch.
“Ew,” Luxord grumbled a little ways away as he made his way to the brook. He cast the two lovebirds a disgusted look before turning his attention to Demyx, “Two don't know how to keep their hands off each other; being all affectionate and, eck, caring… So how about a game, Demyx? I won't take no for an answer.”
“If I don't have a choice, why'd you ask?” Demyx mumbled turning his head to raise a brow. Of course, even though he wasn't feeling well, he didn't mind the company. Zexion was getting a little… Er, licky. And, well, he didn't want to have to explain to Axel if Zexion started humping him, even if he didn't look human it would still raise some questions. On the subject of Zexion and Axel, Demxy really didn't know what Axel would think if he knew Zexion really wasn't a wolf. He'd probably explode with rage or something to the effect. Axel didn't really take to other people deceiving him.
Sitting up, Demyx scooted back a little to sit more comfortably in the water. Even if he was still tired, a game wouldn't be too bad. In fact, a game would give him a pretty good excuse to ignore Zexion, who wasn't too happy with Luxord's intrusion and was now sulking next to him. Demyx liked Zexion sure enough, but like hell he was going to respond to that kind of affection when he could be caught by Axel. With or without the wolf disguise, Demyx was sure Axel would be upset with that kind of behavior.
“So what're we going to play?”
“War for now. As soon as those two are finished with their expressions of… love, we'll have enough players to do something else.” Luxord informed as he took out his deck of make-shift cards. Demyx wasn't exactly sure what Luxord was talking about when he said `those two' or `expressions of love' but his mind was too lost for him to ponder on it at all. Instead he just silently watched as Luxord dealt him half the deck. It was a good thing this game had nothing to do with thinking.
Roxas let out a happy sigh, drawing back from another kiss. Somehow amidst all of the passion they had finished the fruit and he had noticed how uncomfortable Aether was with how carried away they were getting. Deciding that he would not put the winged stallion through any more of that he slipped out of Axel's grasp, his dearest let out a soft sound of disappointment with the broken contact.
Offering a light laugh and a charming smile Roxas explained, “I don't think Aether enjoys being a spectator to our… Um, well, you know.” Axel glanced at the unhappy Pegasus and laughed a little as well.
“I don't suppose he does.” Voiced the redhead before taking Roxas's arm and pulling him back down onto his lap, “But I don't see how holding you can do any harm.”
“If it does, he'll just have to deal with it.” Smiled Roxas, tipping his head back to look up at Axel, “I bet that got your mind off of Demyx.” He teased good-naturedly. He knew it was a little cruel but he was dying to see Axel's reaction to the fact that the others might have seen them kissing. When Axel tensed up and threw a look every direction, Roxas almost burst into laughter.
“Demyx! Oh, crap! I hope he didn't see us!” Exclaimed Axel worriedly.
“What's wrong, don't want to be seen with me?” Prodded Roxas with a grin.
“No… Ju~st not by Demyx. It's not like I'm embarrassed or anything. I just don't want him to see is all.” Axel replied awkwardly, “I don't know… It's just… He's always singing or playing music about having a heart and emotions and all that and he's been a real good friend to me... I just, I don't want him to feel like he's being left out or anything. He doesn't have someone to be with like you and me and I'd feel really bad if he found out we got together and lived happily ever after…” Muttered Axel resting his chin on Roxas's head.
“You're really considerate when you want to be; that's really sweet, Axel.”
“Yeah, yeah, don't mention it, literally. I mean it, don't tell Demyx. Got it memorized?” Axel insisted. Roxas chuckled and gave a nod.
“I'm going to check up on him. I needed to thank him for something anyways, besides he might get to wondering if one of us doesn't turn up, don't you think?” Roxas questioned as he got to his feet. Even though Axel had the best intentions, Roxas really had no intentions of keeping this from Demyx. This had been what Demyx had told him he wanted, so he thought he should give him the good news, not to mention thanking him for making it possible. He was sure that Demyx would like the truth more than having it hidden from him anyway, even if it wasn't something he wanted to hear.
“Yeah, you go do that. I'll hang out here for a little while and then I'll be along.” Axel said before Roxas turned and went to go find Demyx. It wasn't too hard to do because he was right where he had been since they'd gotten here. Of course, now he was playing a game with Luxord and the wolf was lying by his side. From the looks of it, he was still feeling pretty terrible.
“Figment!” Roxas called, beckoning his tiny friend to his side. When the small purple reptile landed on his shoulder he smiled at him, “Could you conjure up an orange soda or two?”
“Anything for a friend!” Figment chimed before an ice cold soda can appeared in each of Roxas's hand.
“Thanks, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help Figment.” Thanked Roxas before walking over to the group. Luxord and Zenith both looked up in response, but Demyx kept his head down staring rather blankly at the `cards' in front of him. So Roxas leaned down and placed the cold can against Demyx's forehead. At the icy touch Demyx let out a soft gasp and his eyes flashed up, “Hey, Demyx. I've got an extra can of soda, here.”
A smile lit up on Demyx's face and he took the can, “It's cold.” He murmured wistfully staring down at the drink.
“Go ahead, open it and drink.” Roxas urged sitting down next to Demyx, on the pebbled ground, “I'm sure a nice cold drink will make you feel better.” He insisted earnestly. Luxord set down his half of the cards. For a moment, Luxord looked like he was going to say something nice, but then his mouth snapped shut and a look of confusion entered his face. It seemed the fact that Roxas had cans of soda had caught up with him and he was now wondering how Roxas had gotten them. However, Roxas didn't feel obligated to inform him, at least not yet. He was trying to tend to Demyx right now.
Demyx held the can out in front of him as he opened it. The drink fizzed and hissed at first but then settled. Without a second thought Demyx brought it to his lips and took a long drink from it, closing his eyes as he did so. He almost downed all the fluid before he stopped to breath. Offering Roxas a smile, he bowed his head, “Thanks Roxas. You're a real life saver, you know that?”
“Just wanted to give you something to show my appreciation.” Replied Roxas with a kind smile, “You know, me and Axel are finally together now. If it weren't for you, I don't think either one of us might have had the courage to go through with it.”
“Yeah, well. I just can't stand it when people won't admit to their feelings, especially when they don't have a reason to be scared of it.” Demyx replied quietly, “It's good you two can finally share something together, after all you worked so hard to get it.”
“So you're not upset that I came here? You seemed a little down when I first spoke to you.” Roxas stated, trying to gain some insight on the situation. After all, Demyx was special to Axel now and Roxas wanted to understand it for himself and respect that. So he wanted to make sure that Demyx was all right now with all that was going on. And, as mentioned earlier, he was going to give being friends with the musician a chance.
“No. Well… I was at first but it doesn't matter anymore. You and Axel are going to be happy together and even if that means he won't spend time with me I'm happy for you two. Anyway! I have Zex and Luxord now! They're going to be here for me, even if he's not so everything worked out.” Demyx said throwing an arm around Zenith to further emphasize his point.
“Zex? Isn't his name Zenith?” Roxas asked.
“Yeah, um, Zex is his nickname.” Fumbled Demyx a little awkwardly.
“Wouldn't Zen make more sense?”
“Does he look like a Zen to you?” Asked Demyx taking Zenith by the muzzle and holding up his head. Roxas smiled and shook his head.
“I guess not. So, you guys playing a game?” Roxas asked addressing the unmistakably forgotten cards and gambler. At the comment Luxord brightened up, pleased to get some action going here.
“Yeah, want to play some poker Roxas?” Asked Luxord with a grin gathering up the home-made cards.
“Sure. I'll play. Figment will play too.” Confirmed Roxas as the dragon took a seat next to Zenith. The wolf stood, shifting forward to sit in the established ring of players. Roxas raised a brow at the canine, “You playing too?” He inquired; the wolf didn't respond in the slightest but Luxord dealt the wolf cards anyway. The Gambler of Fate quickly ran over the rules of common poker and the basic gist of the game for the others before the game commenced, which pleased Roxas. With the excitement of a new game, one that required some more thought, Demyx was coming around and was beginning to have a good time. Actually, all of them were in higher spirits and the gloom of the forest was instantly broken by their playful banter. Roxas hoped Axel would join them soon so that he too could enjoy the joyful atmosphere of the friendly game of poker.
Save Game: to be continued…