Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 26
And the saga continues… Some more. And as promised, we've got some action near the end of the chapter. Um, it's only my second sex scene I've ever written… So be nice.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
Axel let out a soft sigh as he slowly got to his feet. After Roxas had left, he'd started thinking about that night. Once he thought about it he found that they would definitely need a fire to keep from freezing later in the night when the heat of day escaped through the trees. With that came two problems. One, they would need something to light on fire and, two, they would need a place where they could actually have a fire without catching the forest aflame. So he was off to go find a place that was either clear, or could be cleared easily. Once that was accomplished he'd get the others and lead them to the new campsite. Then he and, decidedly, Luxord would scout out some brush to burn.
As he began to start out on his search, Aether neighed softly catching his coat to stop him. The steed had obviously noticed he wasn't headed in the right direction to see Roxas and wanted to know what was going on. So turning around, Axel patted him on the head, “I'm heading out to find a place to start a fire, so we can keep warm tonight. If anyone comes looking for me just tell them I'll be back before nightfall… If I'm not back by then you should probably set out to find me, got it memorized?” Aether nodded in confirmation and Axel again set out. It would sure be easy to get lost in here.
After a good two or three hours of traipsing through the thick wood, he came across a small opening among the trees. It wasn't much but it was large enough to build a fire in; not only was it large enough but it was created by a deposit of stones so nothing but the tinder would catch fire. Because the trees protected the nook from wind he wouldn't have to worry about the flames licking any branches either. Stooping down he slowly got to work clearing away the stone to allow for a more comfortable stay. Not too long after that though he got the sudden feeling he was being watched. Unable to shake the feeling he peered out of the corner of his eye for movement. There was a flash of yellow but it was gone in an instant.
“Axel!” He jumped, almost out of his skin and whirled around. A sigh of relief came to him immediately as the wolf hopped into the open, followed sequentially by Demyx, Roxas, Luxord, and Aether; Figment was on Roxas's shoulder.
“You guys scared the hell out of me!” Axel quickly accused, folding his arms unhappily, “Didn't I tell you I'd be fine? Why are you here?”
“Aether said not to worry, so we didn't,” Roxas began before pointing a thumb over his shoulder at Luxord, “But when Luxord started betting on every game and we were forced to share secrets if we lost, I thought it would be best to find you to do something else. You need help right?” Axel shook his head in exhasperation.
“Ugh, teenagers… Absolutely hopeless. You'd think you were five years old.” Axel sighed over dramatically raising his hands in a hopeless gesture.
“HEY!!! I'm in my prime, not a snotty brat!” Luxord objected leaning over both Roxas and Demyx's shoulder to speak his part, “I'll bet you that you can't guess how old I am! If you can I'll tell you something that you don't know about one of the three children.
Axel laughed waltzing up to him, amused by the looks that Demyx and Roxas gave the gambler. Putting his hand on Luxord's head he rubbed it affectionately, “Aw, isn't that cute? You think you're all grown up.” Babied Axel, cooing like he would to an actual child, “Poor wittle Luxy.” His hand was batted away and he turned away with a laugh, “I guess no one informed you that when you signed up for my team that you were just another one of the kids. You're just a little bigger than the others.”
This time Roxas and Demyx had something to say, “I'm not a kid!” Objected Demyx first, “Actually, I think I'm a little more mature than you are. You can't call me immature.” Roxas added.
“Yeah, yeah! And only the innocent plead `not guilty'.” Replied Axel good-naturedly with a chuckle, “Anyway, you came looking for work did you not? Well I think I can scrounge up a few dirty jobs you boys can handle by yourselves.” He paused, “Well some of you.”
“Exactly what are you implying!” Luxord barked.
“Oh, nothing, but you'll be helping me out, got it memorized?”
“Hey! Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Why don't you just have Roxas help you?” Luxord fought back.
“Because you, my big-boned boy with the tastelessly gaudy goatee, can't be trusted with your own work, I'm sorry you'll have to try again in a couple of years when you grown some self-control and common sense.” Roxas and Demyx giggled looking over at the grown man who was growing red in the face. Luckily the Gambler of Fate just folded his arms and huffed angrily, “Good boy. All right. Let's see. Roxas, you and Demyx can stay here and clear away this rock, if you get finished with that early got out and search for some dry tinder.”
“Hey I cou-“ Roxas clapped his hands over Figment's mouth smiling coolly. Axel raised a brow at it but decided not to pursue the matter.
“Let's see, Aether could you clear the branches away up there a little bit more? Then go gather some plants that are soft to sleep on.” Axel glanced down at Zenith, “And you- You just sit there. Guard the place or something, dog things.” He emphasized dog, indicating he didn't want any `funny' business from the wild animal. “Come on Luxord, we'll be gathering large firewood.” Then he headed off without another word.
“Why did you keep me quiet? I was going to tell him I could just imagine everything to be right.” Figment whined. Roxas smiled.
“I know, Figment, but I don't want to be completely dependent on you. Besides, if I have to play another round of poker I might have to knock Luxord upside the head.” Roxas said with a smile, “From now on, we're going to make believe the only thing you can conjure up is food so Axel doesn't need to worry about it, okay?” The dragon nodded enthusiastically, “ Good. Whelp, let's get to work.”
“So… Roxas. What kind of things can Figment do?” Asked Demyx after they'd been working on the rocks for a while.
“Not completely sure, but he can imagine anything into being as long as it's inanimate and he knows what it is, I guess. Don't tell Axel though, and I'm serious.”
“Why not? There are a lot of things we could use help with. For instance, I've been wearing these same clothes since I got here.” Demyx offered wondering why they couldn't use Figment's abilities to their full extent.
“That's not something we need to live. Listen Demyx, we can't have everything we want handed to us on a silver plate. We have to work for it. Do you understand? Figment won't be here forever so we shouldn't become dependent on him, besides, he's not a thing that we can just use. He's my friend.”
“Oh… I get it. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything.” Demyx apologized feeling a tad foolish.
“It's all right, so… Are you going to tell Axel?” Asked Roxas. Pausing his duties Demyx gave Roxas a funny look. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Axel, Roxas had just told him not to.
“No, I won't tell him about it. Your secret's safe with me.” Said Demyx voicing what he thought was already decided between them. However, Roxas gave him a look. He wasn't sure why, of course. There wasn't a reason for it, all he did was confirm his silence about the matter.
“Not about that.” Roxas said shaking his head in a hopeless gesture, “About Zexion.”
“What are you talking about? I haven't seen him, nope, not for ages. Not since we got here. He went off with Vexen and Lexaeus, remember? Axel told you.” Demyx voiced shakily offering a weak smile, “You all right, Roxas?”
“Come on, stop hiding it. I already know.”
Zexion scowled, taking his human form again. Putting his hands on his hips he gave Demyx a scorning look. Demyx shrugged giving him a lost look, “Don't look at me, I didn't tell him!”
“Your slip of the tongue back there! You called me `Zex'.” Zexion seethed angrily.
“Oh be reasonable! I'm trying real hard to remember to call you Zenith. It's not that easy you know!” Demyx snapped back desperately in his defense.
“Actually, Aether told me.” Roxas cut in, “He can see past your illusions and was worried you might be a danger, and I can't help but agree with him. I'm not sure if I can trust you. For all I know you want revenge on Axel for sending the Riku replica after you and getting you killed.”
“He what?” Demyx voiced slack-jawed. Axel had killed Zexion? Of course, he'd known Axel had been cast out from the organization and that Zexion had been reduced to nothing by the Riku replica, but he'd not known Axel had been the one behind it. The entire situation had been kept sort of hush-hush from him, they'd urged him to focus on his fighting skills, “Zexion… I'm so sorry. I… I didn't know.”
“Demyx…” Zexion let out a soft sigh, “Don't be sorry. It's not your fault you didn't know.”
“Why… Why didn't you tell me?”
“I didn't have the heart to.” Said Zexion softly, “I didn't want to ruin the image of your `hero'. I told you before; I'm not here to hurt you Demyx. I only want you to be happy. Demyx… Please don't cry.”
Demyx covered his eyes inhaling deeply. “I'm not crying,” He said tightly, “You should have told me. I know how it feels to not want to look at his face, and now you have to see him all the time and hide who you really are. It's not fair.”
“It's not like that. I chose this, besides it's not so bad.” Zexion murmured going to Demyx's side and lightly brushing his arm with the back of his hand, “I don't even have to look at him if I don't want to, I can just lay my gaze upon you to soothe me. I couldn't ask for more in exchange of what I've done. I can't totally say I wasn't undeserving of his malice. All of this… It was my fault. As Enzio, I urged my superiors to delve into the experimentation that caused all of this. If not for my persistence you, me, Axel, Roxas, everyone would still be a Somebody. There wouldn't be Heartless or Nobodies, or even this place we're in now.”
“But you're good now. You deserve an apology.” Demyx muttered bitterly.
“Demyx! Stop it!” Zexion snapped suddenly very angry. “I sent Vexen and Lexaeus to oblivion only just yesterday! I attacked Marluxia and Larxene using Axel's face so they would come and kill him for me! I killed Marluxia and Larxene and endangered both Axel and Roxas's lives!” Zexion exclaimed throwing a hand to his chest, “I'm not a good person Demyx. I never was, it's just not who I am. I'm just naturally greedy, malicious, and cold. I'm a heartless Nobody.” His hand dropped from its spot over his hollow torso and he spun around to walk the length of the clearing, “My mind is plagued with dark thoughts, my life and nonexistence have been spent destroying others so that I could in turn gain what I seek. That's why you love Axel more than me. He may be selfish like me, but he has a heart somewhere out there and I don't because my original heart was made of stone-cold marble.” He stopped talking and turned to lean against a tree. Folding his arms his cold eyes flashed up to the two, “I suppose now you'll have nothing to do with me... In response to your question Roxas, no I'm not here for revenge; no matter how satisfying it would be.”
“I don't believe you.” Spoke Demyx quietly his head bowed to shadow his face.
“I don't believe you, Zexion. You're just saying hurtful things because you're afraid.” Demyx explained quietly, “You're hurting and you don't want me to see it.”
“Believe what you want. It doesn't matter. I'm sure Roxas will go tattling to Axel that I'm here and when that wretched heartless shell finds out he'll be rid of me. I know my limitations and against Axel I'm nothing, my talents don't lie within the battlefield.” Zexion huffed tilting his head back to look out at the slowly darkening star.
“He's not going to tell.” Demyx objected giving Roxas a confident and stern look.
“He's right. I'm not going to say anything to Axel. This is for you two to get out on your own.” Roxas said with a sigh, “You two have some problems to sort out first it seems. But your words come from the heart Zexion, even if you deny it. You're conniving but I've seen how much you care for Demyx. Ha, you two make a cute couple.”
“Whatever. I'm off to secure the grounds.” Stated Zexion melting back into his canine form and slipping away into the darkness of the woods.
“He's really not a bad person.” Demyx said turning back to his work, now smiling brightly. It didn't matter what Zexion said, Demyx would still love him as much as he had been. After all, no relationship was without its arguments and this one was minimal. Zexion was just upset about how things weren't turning out his way and over time he'd get over it, “It's kind of funny really.”
“What is?” Asked Roxas going back to work as well tossing stone along the perimeter of the site.
“Zexion gets really jealous of others. That's probably why he doesn't like you and Axel. You're so happy and we're sort of in the rough with our relationship. Then he's also really mad about how much I don't like how you and Axel got together. It's not easy for either one of us. I wanted to be the center of attention and he wanted things to go exactly as planned, but nothing's really going right for the both of us. But without bad times you can't have good ones so, I guess I'll take what I'm given.” Demyx enlightened. “I really like it, his attention I mean. How overprotective he is.”
“You do? That's pretty funny. I hate being treated like kid and babied over. I'm growing up and I want Axel to see that.”
“Hey, I know he does. You kicked ass! I thought we were goners before you showed up in that fight before. You're really good fighter, you're competent, and we can all see it. Compared to me I'm, like, really immature but that's who I am and I don't want to change. I thrive on attention.”
“Ha! I can see that.” Roxas laughed, “You're pretty cool too Demyx, in your own way.”
“I guess.” Demyx shrugged, “Hey, Roxas. You know about love and all that kind of stuff. I mean, you and Axel are getting along so well. So do you think that when I decide to tell Axel, you could help me explain to him how much Zexion means to me?”
“Yeah. I can do that.” Roxas confirmed, “So how did you find out about Zexion? Axel told me that he just showed up the day I arrived.”
“You know how I… Got `lost'.” Asked Demyx giving a nervous laugh.
“Well… I didn't actually get lost.” He admitted, “I was actually running away, I kind of do that when I'm upset. On my way though, I ran into some trouble. I think Zexion had Luxord attack me, to kidnap me since I was unhappy. But, anyway, I got away and ran into a group of creatures. I was beat into pretty bad shape and passed out; when I woke up I was at a house. Zexion, still looking like a wolf, was sleeping on a chair and when Luxord came in and woke him he turned back into his normal self… I kind of got into an argument with him and hit him.”
“I think he deserved it.” Roxas laughed, “So you were actually a hostage?”
“Yeah, but then I started to like him and he started to feel bad. That's how we ended up back here. I'm really happy with how that turned out. He and Luxord are just a little… Twisted, but they're not really bad.”
“If you say so. You're really weird you know that?”
“What?! Why?” Whined Demyx pouting playfully at Roxas.
“I don't see how being kidnapped ends up in mutual love, but you said you like attention and I guess you got it. If you can get things straight you'll be perfect for each other, Zexion is obsessive and you're needy. It'll work out great.”
“Yep.” Demyx agreed with a nod, “I think I'll go look for him when Axel comes back.”
“Why not now?”
“You've got to have someone to keep you company.”
“I have Figment with me, you should go. Get things worked out. With Axel still gone you'll have some extra time before he starts getting all motherly flustered and worried.” Roxas said, “Not to mention Aether's just up there and he'll be done as soon as I clear the rest of the stones away.” Demyx started to object, “Don't worry about it! There's not a lot of work to be done here anyway. Just bring back some dry kindling so Axel doesn't get too suspicious.”
Demyx smiled. Roxas really was a good friend, “All right. I'll try to be back soon but if I'm not don't come looking for me. Zexion won't let me get hurt or into any trouble while I'm away.” He stated before starting off into the woods, he paused just on the outskirts of the site to wave back to Roxas who in turn waved back and smiled.
After a few minutes of struggling endlessly with the forest elements Demyx pushed through the brush into Zexion's presence. However, Zexion didn't seem to have noticed him and out of instinct Demyx ducked down behind a bush. He wasn't intentionally being sneaky, it was just Zexion wasn't completely clothed and seemed very engrossed in what he was doing. What he was doing, Demyx had no idea. Zexion had stripped himself of his coat and the shirts that he wore beneath it so his torso lay bare. His hands, also bare, he ran down his body; it didn't seem he did it for any particular reason either. Turning his head he looked down his back running his hands along his sides. Satisfied with whatever was his task he sat down taking off his boots and socks.
On his feet again his gaze fell downward and he began to undo his pants, “Despite what you may think, I haven't lost my senses. I know your there Demyx.” Demyx flinched a humiliated blush spreading across his cheeks as he looked away. “If you come out I'll consider taking off all my clothes for you.” He chuckled, “But if you stay hidden I'm only stripping to my boxers.”
Demyx let out a soft groan looking back over at Zexion. The Cloaked Schemer had not looked up and his hands were now paused on the rim of his undone pants. Shifting Demyx slunk out of the bush into the tiny clearing that Zexion occupied.
“Oh my.” Voiced Zexion in surprise, “I wasn't expecting you to actually come out. My word's good though, I suppose I'll be removing it all then.” He said with a small uncertain smile as he moved his hands to remove his pants. Demyx started, lurching forward and catching Zexion's hands in his own. Not that he didn't want to see but that wasn't why he'd come out. All he wanted was to speak with him. Unfortunately, it was only after his hands were on Zexion's when he realized where exactly they were. Though one of Zexion's hands had been to his side, the other had been hooked at the front of his black pants. This resulted in Demyx's hand landing, well to be quite blunt, right over Zexion's groin.
“Uh...” Demyx couldn't seem to find his words as he gaped down at his hand like it had acted on its own. For a long moment he just stared, and then his brain finally came up with a very simple solution. Quickly drawing back his hand he stuttered and apology, “I-I'm s-s-sorry!”
“It's… All right.” Replied Zexion awkwardly, Demyx's other hand was still firmly on top of the one he had on his side.
Bowing his head to hide his shame as well as the burning blush Demyx hurriedly continued, “P-please, I, uh, you don't need to take `em off. I… came to talk.” He mumbled sheepishly before slowly raising his gaze. Again, another unfortunate event; as his eyes slowly came up from the ground they moved even slower as he fully took in what he'd seen before from afar.
His gaze skipped over the fly of the pants and paused momentarily on Zexion's stomach. It was smooth and only slightly disrupted by the existence of the hidden muscles beneath the surface. Demyx could imagine that if he ran his hands over the skin, there would be a slight give to Zexion's skin making it soft and somewhat malleable and beneath the exterior he would feel the forming abs. Just thinking about it caused a shiver of excitement to dance along his spine.
Slowly his eyes tore their way away from Zexion's stomach running up the smooth transition of stomach to chest; this is where his eyes, once again, stopped. Oh, god. Demyx found himself shaking with restraint. How he wanted to run his hands over that incredibly smooth and tantalizing chest. His mouth was suddenly very dry and the rest of his body heated up to become equal with the temperature burning in his cheeks.
Again his eyes crept up, over Zexion's collar bone, along his slender neck, and finally up to Zexion's face. The other Nobody had obviously grown a little uncomfortable from the very long stare at his body and had turned his head away slightly, so his hair hid most of it from sight.
“Um… I, uh… Sorry.” Demyx muttered again, this time drawing back his other hand. Smiling uneasily Demyx took a step back and shoved his hands into his pockets, “So, um, what,” Demyx swallowed trying to tame his voice which was refusing to work properly, “Ahem, um… What were you doing… You know, just now.”
“Checking myself.” Zexion said timidly moving his own hands to his pockets. Inhaling deeply he shook his head and continued, this time strongly, “After having to spend so much time as something I'm not I get a little concerned I guess. I like to make sure I'm all here and still me. Sometimes I… Sometimes I'm afraid that I won't be able to change back and I'll become someone, something, else.” He explained his eyes fixed on a nearby tree to avoid looking at Demyx. Demyx laughed heartedly.
“You can't be serious! Won't turn back? That's silly, Zexion.” He laughed giving Zexion a playful nudge, “Come on, you don't seriously worry about that, do you? What were you really doing?”
Zexion lowered his head a little, frowning, “But what if I really couldn't?” He voiced taking his hands out of his pockets and nervously over his stomach, once again a little paranoid about his appearance, “It's kind of… scary to think about it. You've never had to be something you're not; you wouldn't understand how it feels. My skin crawls.”
The sound of Zexion's voice alarmed Demyx. Realizing Zexion really wasn't joking and really was worried about not being himself again Demyx gave him a sorry expression, “You really do worry about it… I guess it would be scary looking at your reflection and seeing somebody else.” He offered taking a hand out of his pocket to rub Zexion's arm lightly in reassurance, “It's all right though… Even if you do change on the outside, you'll still be you on the inside.”
“I worry about that too...” Zexion sighed heavily, “Not as much when I'm being Zenith because I can still act like myself, but when I play someone else like Sora or Axel… I have to think like them, speak like them, twist and warp my personality to meet theirs somewhere… I start questioning how I think afterwards, hoping they haven't rubbed off inside.”
“It's all right… You won't have to do that sort of thing anymore. You can be yourself now; you don't have to pretend to be anything you're not anymore.” Demyx said trying to put Zexion at peace.
“I know.” Murmured Zexion in reply, “Um… Would you mind… Well, checking my back for me?”
“Your back?” Demyx inquired raising a brow.
“Yeah, I can't see all of my back and… I… Could you just make sure it's normal?” Asked the Cloaked Schemer bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck nervously. Demyx smiled and shook his head but agreed. Slipping around Zexion his eyes scanned along Zexion's back. Zexion really was just paranoid, he was perfectly fine, no fur, no discoloration, just a normal and… quite arousing back.
The musician just could not pass up the chance. Reaching forward with both hands he placed his hand over Zexion's shoulder blades. Then he slowly ran them down the perfectly arched back taking note of the bundle of nerve there that made Zexion shudder. Zexion's skin was growing hot. Slipping down the lower back, his hands quite fluidly slid a few inches past and under Zexion's pants.
“I-is everything all right?” Zexion piped up hesitantly.
“Ah, yup!” Confirmed Demyx quickly withdrawing and shifting back to Zexion's side. Patting Zexion on the back he smiled brightly, “Not a single flaw.”
“Good… Um, I really do need to take off my pants. I… have to check my legs too.” Zexion said. Demyx gave a quiet `okay' casually shrugging before Zexion continued what he'd begun earlier. Once he'd stripped himself of his pants he sat down on his coat, which had been laid out over the clear area. Not wanting to be out of place sat down as well, crossing his legs Indian-style. It was not because it was comfortable way to sit, it was more or less to hide the reaction his body was having to the sight before him. As Zexion ran his hands over his trim and silky legs Demyx could not help but think that his gaining pleasure from the simple act was a little unfair to Zexion. While he sat there getting all hot and bothered, Zexion was fretting about a fear he had. Demyx was supposed to be consoling him.
“See your just fine!” Demyx grinned, trying desperately to cover up his growing arousal.
“Yeah.” Zexion offered a small smile before getting to his knees. Then before Demyx could consider why, the Nobody leaned over and wrapped his arms around the Melodious Nocturne.
“I'm sorry for saying all those awful things.” Whispered the illusionist his lips brushing against Demyx's ear.
“Don't worry about it.” Replied Demyx strain evident in his voice as he put his own arms around Zexion and hugged him back. For god's sake, Demyx didn't know how much worse this could get. When Demyx allowed himself to fall back onto the coat, his dismay was upped another level. On top of him was a hot, almost naked Zexion touching him, holding him. It took all his will power not to react in a sexual way. His mind was going foggy, “All right, all right! Time to get off, your heavy!” Demyx laughed squirming to push Zexion off him. He heard a soft chuckle from Zexion as the blue-haired Nobody tightened his grip on him, “Ah! Hey! Come on, get off!” He yelped arching his back and digging his heels into the ground to get enough wiggle room to escape. The act actually worked and he quickly rolled onto his stomach, “Gah! You're strong.” Demyx huffed as he was pinned down, Zexion holding onto him tighter still. Twisting one arm free he reached forward trying desperately to pull himself to safety. However, Zexion released him with one arm to place his hand over the water mage's free one, lacing his fingers with Demyx's, “Stop playing around.” Demyx panted freeing his other hand only to have it captured as well. Of course, with his hands in this position he could get on all fours and he did.
As he moved again to escape, Zexion suddenly brought one of his hands around Demyx's stomach to hold him still, “Zexion.” Demyx breathed squirming just a little more before he noticed something was off. Still for a moment his mind quickly found the abnormality, Zexion was breathing heavily, “Zex? What's wr-“ His word were cut short when Zexion unzipped Demyx's coat, “Hey, w-wait a minute! I-I'm not ready for this yet!” Demyx objected struggling anew with more force. His struggling only aided Zexion with the removal his coat.
Throwing the piece of clothing aside, Zexion slipped a hand under Demyx's shirt extracting a soft gasp from him. Skin now in contact with bare skin, Demyx put a halt to his struggling. The sensation was far too good for him to even want to make an attempt at getting away, “Ungh, Zex, back off a sec.” He panted huskily, the aggressor complied. Once free Demyx sat up a bit and pulled off his shirt and the tank underneath it. Turning around to face Zexion, this time Demyx was the one who launched the next move.
Tackling Zexion to the ground, the musician began to kiss a trail down Zexion's jaw and neck. He wanted to touch everything he'd seen, kiss every inch his eyes had roamed. Allowing his hands to run over Zexion's body freely, Demyx led a string of butterfly kisses down the Nobody's neck and collar bone before abandoning the effort and bringing his lips to meet Zexion's in a passionate kiss. Preoccupied with how good Zexion felt beneath him and how absolutely delectable Zexion tasted right now, Demyx scarcely noticed that his pants were skillfully being undone and slid down.
Breaking the kiss, Zexion grinned deviously before throwing Demyx down to his side and pinning him to the ground. Their positions now switched Zexion made quick work of the remainder of Demyx's clothes, stripping him bare before Demyx could even catch on. Both hands on the musician's sides to keep him from getting up Zexion slid down to bite softly at Demyx's delicate chest. His actions forced a few soft moans from Demyx.
“Zexion… It feels- ah!- sooo goooood.” Demyx voiced quietly. Propping himself up on an elbow he placed a hand on Zexion's head as he watched the quiet boy lick his skin. He let out a soft cry of pleasure when Zexion turned his head and nibbled softly on his nipple, making it hard before lapping at it forgivingly with his tongue. “Stop teasing me.” Demyx groaned helplessly as Zexion slowly continued the treatment, “Lower.” He urged softly now pleading. Zexion tipped his head back, casting him a smile before descending little by little. Much to Demyx's disappointment Zexion paused at his stomach to drag his tongue slowly up his abdomen. This was torture, but, oh god, was it the sweetest and most welcomed torture he'd ever received. It felt good to have Zexion's hot mouth over his skin, but on the other hand there was a different part of his body that was yearning for it much more than his stomach was.
Gripping Zexion's hair tightly in his grip, Demyx let out another strangled moan, “Oh, god, please Zexion… Please.” He begged shaking now with anticipation. Zexion gave him an apologetic look before sliding his hands down to hold onto Demyx's hips. Finally deciding to give in to Demyx's desire he moved his lips down and, oh so carefully, licked the tip of Demyx's throbbing erection.
Demyx closed his eyes, tossing his head back as he let out a loud moan of pleasure, “Shhhh or the others will here.” He heard Zexion whisper, his voice edged with lust. It was no use though, when Demyx felt Zexion's warm and moist mouth begin to take him in he let out an equally loud moan, completely collapsing onto Zexion's jacket; he was no longer able to keep himself propped up, he felt far top dizzy for it. Arching his back, Demyx covered his mouth to stifle the soft gasp of pleasure that tried to escape him. Forcing his eyes open he lifted his head to look down at Zexion. With one arm he continued to hold Demyx's hip down, to keep him from thrusting them up. His free hand was by his mouth assisting him in pleasuring the Melodious Nocturne. The sight only made his gut churn further; he could feel energy building in the pit of his stomach. Panting heavily he tugged lightly at Zexion's hair. The Nobody gave him a questioning look.
“S-sto… Stop… I-I'm gonna-“ He swallowed hard tipping his head back. Closing his eyes again he tried to focus but could not get the rest of his words out. Luckily he'd said enough. Releasing him, Zexion got to his hands and knees above Demyx, quickly removing the last article of his own clothing. Then his arm swept around and under Demyx, and he quickly turned Demyx onto his stomach.
“Come on now, Demyx. Hands and knees.” Crooned Zexion tenderly a hand beneath Demyx to assist him when he did try to get up.
“Nhn-kay.” Mumbled Demyx his mind hazy. Panting heavily, he slowly forced himself up onto his hands and knees. He was grateful for the arm around him that kept him steady. Turning his head he cast Zexion a soft smile.
“Good.” Praised Zexion sweetly before leaning over and placing a kiss on Demyx's cheek. Wanting another, Demyx shifted his weight to one hand, raising his other up and over his shoulder to rest on Zexion's cheek. Bringing the calm boy's face back down Demyx licked his lips, requesting a kiss which he was given without a second thought. His eyes fluttered shut as Zexion's tongue slipped past his lips. He tasted saltier now from both the sweat off his body and precum; Demyx moaned at the flavor. While preoccupied with the kiss, Zexion shifted his hand from Demyx's stomach to the boy's thigh, running it up his leg as he pressed his own aching length against Demyx's backside. Reluctantly the kiss was broken and Zexion shifted his weight to his legs, requiring the use of both hands, “I'm going to need you to relax.” He whispered placing one hand on Demyx's hips.
Unable to speak still Demyx nodded. He closed his eyes in concentration, trying desperately to keep his shaky body loose. Surprisingly, as Zexion pressed a finger, slick with saliva, into him Demyx found the task asked of him not so difficult. Tipping his head back he let out a soft moan, “Ugh, more.” He voiced quietly. A second finger was slid into him; with this one he found it a little harder to keep relaxed. For a moment Zexion kept still, but when Demyx let out an impatient groan he started thrust his fingers in and out of him. The new sensation brought a new string of moans to erupt from Demyx's lips. They were a little too loud it seemed because Zexion quickly leaned forward and clasped his hand over Demyx's mouth to stifle them.
“Shhh.” Zexion shushed again.
Shaking his head to rid himself of the silencer Demyx looked over his shoulder, “I'm trying…” He said softly, “I… I need you.” He urged. Zexion smiled smugly a let out a soft laugh before leaning over and kissing Demyx's cheek again. He allowed for a long pause and continued his careful treatment until Demyx's body had fully adjusted to the feeling.
“All right. This might be uncomfortable for a moment.” He warned quietly before pulling back to readjust himself and withdrawing his fingers. Demyx could see out of the corner of his eye just was Zexion was doing. Using his saliva and the forming precum on his hard shaft he quickly lubed himself and moved back over to hold onto Demyx around his waist. Eyes closed again he grit his teeth as Zexion's length was pushed agonizingly slowly into him. It was uncomfortable but far from the pain he'd expected it to be.
When Zexion had fully mounted him, he put his weight on one hand so that he could wrap his other arm around him again. Demyx enjoyed the feeling of Zexion's protective embrace around him and before too long the discomfort had passed, “Zexion…” He began quietly, “I'm okay now.” Zexion kissed his shoulder in verification before pulling his erection almost completely back out and thrusting it back in, hard. The harsh movement dragged another loud moan out of Demyx, he silenced it himself before Zexion caught his mouth again.
As the schemer jumped into a fairly quick rhythm of thrusting, Demyx was increasingly surprised with how quiet Zexion was proving. The only sound Demyx could hear from him was his panting breaths, which heated Demyx's cheek. Not a single moan, grunt, gasp, or any other vocal verification that he was indeed in ecstasy was voiced. Demyx didn't need that though because, looking over his shoulder at Zexion's beautiful face, it was unmistakably painted in his expression.
“Ah, Zexion… Faster.” Demyx beseeched quietly before letting out a soft cry as his wish was carried out. Then Zexion shifted, changing the angle of his thrust ever so slightly. It was enough though and Demyx let out a yelp of pleasure as his vision faltered his body racked with rapture, “Ah, th-there!” Exclaimed Demyx in a daze. Both of Zexion's hands grasped his hips, driving back into him excessively hard, striking the spot within Demyx that made the boy see stars.
The pace was becoming excruciatingly hard and fast, Zexion's thrusts were merciless. Despite how rough it was, it was far from painful for either. If anything, the ferocity of it filled their bodies with even more pleasure. However, Demyx was starting to loose his self-control, unable to swallow the moans that welled deep in his throat. Even though he knew Axel might hear, it was not something that his mind cared to worry about, “Oh god! I-I need to- God, touch me Zexion!” Voiced Demyx the feeling of pent up force in his gut becoming too much, he needed release.
Zexion was quick to respond to his request and almost immediately Demyx felt the all new bliss of being touched. With each hard stroke Demyx let out a soft gasp of pleasure. Involuntarily his muscles were beginning to tighten and the sudden rigidity of Demyx around Zexion finally forced a sound from the illusionist, coming painfully close to climax. The sound was a soft hiss of pleasure followed by a hushed moan; it was near-inaudible next to Demyx's moans and quick but Demyx had heard it and it made him shiver with glee.
His breathe hitched, “Zexi- Ah!” He let out a loud choked moan finally reaching the height of pleasure, spilling his sticky, white seed onto the black coat beneath him. The contraction in Demyx's body sent Zexion over the edge seconds after, though he was much quieter about voicing his climax, only letting out a soft moan before whispering Demyx's name gratefully.
As Zexion slowly pulled back out of him, Demyx fell onto his side panting for breath, trying to calm the raging beat his blood was running to. Zexion carefully crawled over him and lay down against Demyx's back, draping an arm over him. Craning his neck, Zexion rested his head on the musician's shoulder, letting out a content sigh, “Demyx…?”
“Axel's looking for you.” Zexion murmured running his hand down Demyx's side, “I think he heard you.”
“Sorry.” Mumbled Demyx, “How close is he?” He asked hopefully, not wanting to get up yet. Turning over he huddled close to Zexion hiding his face in the crook of Zexion's neck. He closed his eyes and settled back down again, still enjoying the afterglow of their shared affections. On his side he could feel Zexion softly stroking his sensitive skin and he let out a soft murmur of satisfaction.
“Just a few more minutes.” Zexion told him before resting his head again. Then he fell silent, allowing them both to just enjoy the comfort of each other's warmth until Axel was too close for comfort. The quiet minutes passed quickly and Zexion pushed himself up, forcing Demyx wake partially from his haze, “All right, come now. Axel will be here soon; you have to get dressed.” Zexion stated quickly throwing on his unsoiled clothes. When Demyx only curled up in to a ball to banish the cold, Zexion stooped down and took him under the arm, “You can sleep when nightfall comes.” He said quietly, even as he spoke though he was grabbing Demyx's clothes. The reluctant Nobody refused to help put on most of his clothes. By the time all he needed was his underwear and pants, he'd finally submitted to reality. Getting shakily to his feet he quickly, if not clumsily, pulled on the rest of his clothes. Zexion stepped in front of him, brushing off twigs and dirt to make him presentable before swiping his own coat from the ground.
“Sorry about that.” Demyx muttered blushing a little as he bowed his head, “Here let me at least wash it off a bit.” He offered taking the coat from Zexion's hand. Using his control over water he soaked the back coat, rinsing it clean of dirt and evidence of what they'd just done. Then he handed it back to Zexion timidly, “I… I want you to know that… That I love Axel… but not the way I love you. So yeah…” Zexion smiled then nodded his head towards the forest.
“Let's get going.” He voiced draping his coat in the tree before starting off into the woods his form slowing taking that of the wolf he played. Demyx stood watching his back recede before dashing into the woods.
“Hey, wait up!” He called happily, bounding after his companion. When Zexion stopped, Demyx caught up and paused beside him. Looking to his right, Zexion nodded his head and Demyx glanced over, “Ah! Axel! There you are! We got lost; I thought we'd never find anyone.”
“How do you get lost with that mutt? Can't he smell right?” Axel growled angrily squirming through the small space the tree trunks left free, “I thought I heard you call out. I was worried something had happened to you.”
“I tripped over a root.” Laughed Demyx, “I really need to watch out where I'm going.”
“Yeah you do.” Axel grinned bringing his arm around Demyx's neck as he reached him. Then ruffling up his hair playfully he pulled Demyx in the direction of the camp, “Come on, punk. Luxord's being an ass; I need someone to go sass his English behind for me. Roxas won't do it.” Demyx laughed bringing his arm up over Axel's shoulder to break free from his hold.
“Ha ha ha! Roxas is too good a kid to do something like that for no reason. I bet you're just looking for something to be wrong with him, you loser!” Demyx chuckled giving Axel a playful shove, “But don't worry, I've got no qualms about hectoring the old geezer!” He beamed brightly. Back to normal now; back to smiling, good plain old-fashion fun, and pretending. Things weren't going to be like this forever and Demyx was going to savor it while it still lasted.
Save Game: to be continued…