Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 28
Zexion's a real dog when he's tipsy. What an affection young man. Hee hee.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
By now, Axel had just about stuffed himself as full as he could with the food that had been laid out before him. It tasted so good he wanted to eat more but, he knew if he did, he'd probably make himself sick. Sick was the last thing he wanted to be tonight too. So swallowing the urge to continue gorging himself, he leaned back away from the food, putting his weight on both his hands. Beside him, Luxord had passed out, probably twenty or so minutes before. That or he'd fallen asleep from the combination of a sated stomach, the warm feeling the alcohol had granted him, and the wear and tear of a long day's hard work. The guy was pretty good company when he wasn't being obnoxious with his gambling fetish, which was what? Only when he was asleep?
“Agh! Oh, fuck gross! Demyx, control your `animal'!” Roxas suddenly cried out catching Axel's attention again. Zenith, tail wagging, had jumped on top of Roxas, knocking him to the ground, and was licking his face happily. Demyx, who it seemed had gotten nearly as drunk as Luxord was in a heap on the ground, rolling with giddy laughter at the event.
“He likes you, Roxas!” Exclaimed Demyx pulling himself from his laughing fit on the ground to fling himself on top of Zenith. His arms wrapped around the canine, he rubbed his face against the animal's fur, “Aw, you're so soft and cuddly.”
“Both of you, off now!” Roxas growled lifting both feet to push off the couple. Having enough leverage he succeeded in the task and Demyx and Zenith tumbled back onto the ground, tangled up in each other. Free of the weight, Roxas sat up rubbing the saliva off his face, “Ew, I can't believe you just licked my face. All right, you're both way too out of it, go to bed right now!” Roxas ordered heatedly.
“Aw! Don't be mad.” Demyx whined crawling back over to Roxas. Draping an arm around the Nobody Demyx rested his head on Roxas's chest, “We're sorry, Rox~y.” Grinned Demyx lifting his head to look up at Roxas, “Come on, we was just havin' a little fun.”
Roxas looked at Demyx with a frown scorning the Melodious Nocturne. Axel couldn't help but smile at it. Even though Demyx was older than Roxas, his beloved was treating the musician more like a five year old. However, Axel could see past the scolding look and see that Roxas's resolve was slowing breaking down.
Zenith got to his feet, climbing clumsily on top of Demyx's back. Lowering his head the wolf too looked to Roxas, perhaps to be forgiven also or maybe just for fun. If Axel didn't know better, he'd have thought that Zenith was drunk too. A dog-like grin formed on Zenith's maw and his tongue lolled out as he panted heavily.
“I'm serious.” Roxas stated giving the two a cold stare, any moment now his resolve would slip, “Go on, get to bed. Go to sleep.” A smile was forcing it's way onto his face and instantly the two begging for forgiveness spotted the weakness. Zenith dragged his long tongue across Roxas's face, and Roxas cringed before the smile fully surfaced, “All right you two asked for it! Rwar!” Roxas put a hand to Demyx's forehead, shoving him onto his back on top of Zenith, and then he leapt up and tackled them to the ground.
No, Roxas wasn't drunk, not even a little. Axel had found out right from the start that the food had been served with red wine, but it had also been served with non-alcoholic sparkling cider, which had been a translucent yellow. Roxas had happened to choose that to drink. He himself wasn't drunk either, at least not enough to be impaired. He'd had only two glasses of red wine since he wanted to remember this night crystal clear. Still, the fact Roxas hadn't had any wine didn't stop him from goofing off. After all, what was the fun of being sober and serious when everyone else didn't care if you acted like a fool? With that question running through his mind, Axel found himself itching to jump into the foolish scuffle.
Zenith squirmed free and started to make a break for it, but Roxas hopped over Demyx and caught his hind legs and pinned him to the ground. The wolf covered his face with his paws as Roxas began to rub the top of his head. The one on one battle lasted only a few seconds because Demyx came to the rescue. Putting both arms around Roxas he pulled the younger Nobody back off the canine.
Free Zenith pranced around the fire, dancing on his toes before jumping onto Aether's back. The startled stallion was on his feet in a flash stomping his feet in agitation. Turning his head the Pegasus took the wolf by the scruff and dropped him like a sack of potatoes on the ground. Baffled for a moment Zenith sat and stared at the beast in wonder. Then he leapt up, tail wagging 90 miles per hour, and romped playfully over to Axel. Disappearing behind him for a moment, Axel thought to turn and look but then he felt a pair of heavy paws land on him, one firmly on his should, the other on his head. The canine poked his head around Axel's shoulder allowing Axel to give him a quizzical look.
“What do you want?” Axel inquired with a smile before a warm tongue left a wet dog kiss on his face. Then heaving all his weight onto Axel's frame, Zenith leapt over the red head and plopped down into Axel's lap.
“Zenith!” Yelled Roxas in alarm. Axel looked up; Roxas was flush from his own rough housing with Demyx. Now he looked a little concerned, maybe upset as he scrambled over and pulled the animal off Axel's lap, “Cut that out.” Zenith made to lick Roxas's face again but the Nobody was too fast and he clapped his hands over his muzzle, “Bad… dog.”
“Aw, come on Roxas. He's just being friendly.” Axel laughed, “Are you getting jealous?” Roxas sulked a little, giving Axel a look that screamed `so what if I am? Don't be mean'. Grabbing Roxas around the waist Axel pulled the boy onto his lap as the wolf escaped to `play' with Demyx, “Here, let me cheer you up.” Axel murmured quietly, capturing Roxas's lips in a kiss before he could be questioned. Instantly, Roxas's resistance turned into surrender and his arms wrapped around Axel. His enthusiasm was more than welcome as the light kiss turned passionate.
Breaking the kiss for an instant, Roxas shifted to get more comfortable, his legs spreading to put a knee at each side of Axel's hips. As soon as he'd done that, his arms pulled Axel back in for another kiss. Of course, remembering Demyx was still there Axel quietly pulled away, placing a hand over Roxas's lips, “Roxas, Demyx will see.” He murmured regretfully, making Roxas let out a soft hum of disappointment. Pulling back, Roxas turned to look at Demyx, also allowing Axel to see.
Demyx was on the ground laughing hysterically as Zenith pulled the musician's shirt over his head. The other articles of clothing that normally covered Demyx's torso were carelessly discarded, also removed by the wolf.
Out of the corner of his eye Axel could see a blush light up on Roxas's face. He didn't quite understand why. After all, Zenith was just a dog… A strangely intelligent and suspicious dog, but a dog none-the-less. When Zenith pinned Demyx on his back with his front paws and began to lick Demyx's face, neck, and chest, Axel quirked a brow. All right, that definitely wasn't normal.
“Ah! H-hey, someone's gonna see us!” Exclaimed Demyx laughing lightly as he pulled at Zenith's fur. Across his face a bright blush was spreading, similar to the one on Roxas's face. Arching his back, the musician let out a soft moan, “You're makin' me blush.” He mumbled closing his eyes and raising a hand to cover the color on his face.
“Um… Maybe we should… Go.” Roxas muttered bowing his head to try and hide the uncomfortable look on his face. Of course, it didn't slip past Axel's sharp eyes. He himself was feeling unsettled about the entire situation.
“Demyx,” He began hesitantly, “Um… He...” He stopped again knitting his brows together as he watched Demyx's reaction to the slow licks Zenith was showering him with, “You don't know anything about… That, do you Roxas?” Roxas mumbled something that sounded like `about what?' and Axel clarified, “Well, you talked with him… Earlier… He's not… You know, into that sort of thing, is he?”
“Really, I think… We should leave.” Roxas replied shyly, “Um… I… Let's continue what we were doing somewhere else.” Requested the young teen timidly, avoiding meeting Axel's gaze or the scene at hand at all costs, “Please?”
“I…” About to agree Axel hesitated, looking from Demyx to Roxas for a moment. He couldn't just leave them like that could he? Demyx was drunk, maybe he… Didn't really want to be doing that. Perhaps, he was doing something he'd regret later when he woke up. “Should we... Separate them?” He asked, finally forcing his gaze to stay steady on Roxas; he really couldn't bare to look any longer.
“No, no… Let's just go.” Insisted Roxas getting to his feet and offering his hand to Axel. Taking his hand, Axel got to his feet. As he was lead away into the forest, away from the others, he couldn't help but cast a worried glance over his shoulder once or twice. Soon they were out of sight and out of hearing range of the camp. They stopped in a small opening, just large enough for a large animal to rest in.
Roxas stood in front of him his head down, effectively hiding his face from Axel's view. Offering some sort of relief from the awkward site Axel brushed Roxas's hair with the back of his hand, “If you want to continue, you're going to have to raise your pretty little face for me to kiss it.”
“Don't say that. You'll embarrass me.” Said Roxas looking up at him with a smile, “Get down here.” He beckoned raising his arm to wrap them around Axel's neck. Using this as leverage, Roxas stood on his toes and placed a kiss on Axel's lips, “Hey, Axel?”
“Hm?” Axel hummed his inquiry leaning down to listen closer.
“You're going to think I'm really stupid but… I'm not drunk too, am I?” Roxas asked with a worried look on his face. Try as he might, Axel could not fight back the amused smile that crept onto his face. Roxas must have never had alcohol before; he probably didn't even know what it tasted like. If he thought about it, he guessed that you really probably didn't know you were drunk when you actually were the first time. It was a liable question; that didn't mean it didn't sound like a funny thing to ask.
“No, Roxas, you're not drunk. Why?” Asked Axel kissing Roxas on the forehead to further reassure him.
“I… I just want to remember tonight.” Roxas replied softly, “You… You're sober too, right?”
“Pretty much. Are you worried something might happen?”
“No. I just…” Roxas dipped his head down a bit and looked up at Axel shyly. The partial light coming from the moon through the leaves lit up Roxas's eyes like sapphires, and they shimmered like ocean water. He wished more would shine through to illuminate the beautiful boy in his arms, “It's just… It's my first time; I'm nervous.”
“I understand.” Whispered Axel quietly, raising Roxas's face with a finger, “Don't worry. I'll take care of you.”
“Tch. You say such weird things.” Shaking his head a little Roxas looked down. Gently taking the top zipper of Axel's coat he slowly drew it down, “Anyway, you're clothes are in the way.” He murmured quietly as he looked up slightly and tugged Axel's Organization coat down over his shoulders. Once the fabric slipped from his hands, it fell limply in a puddle around their feet.
“Oh, they are, are they? Well, we can't have that now can we?” Grinned Axel like the Cheshire cat stepping back a little to remove the other layers of clothing that cover his chest and stomach. The clothes were carelessly abandoned and tossed aside, “I think yours are just as equally in the way. Want me to remove them for you? Or do you want to yourself?” The question wasn't up for answering though; Axel had already decided he'd take on that liberty himself. After all, Roxas was looking a little bashful at the moment and doing it for him might earn Axel a cute sulky look, “Come here.”
Grabbing Roxas by the collar of his coat Axel pulled him close and slipped a leg around Roxas's calves. In a swift motion he pushed his dearest back, causing him to fall, and caught him inches from the ground before lying him down. Roxas looked thoroughly surprised at how fast and how softly he'd been brought to the ground, and the look caused Axel to chuckle.
“Now let's see what you've got hiding under all this black and white.” Axel hummed happily slipping the white coat Roxas wore off his torso, allowing it to pool around Roxas's frame.
“Ah, hey! Cut it out, I can do it myself.” Roxas objected trying to push himself up only to find himself pinned back down by Axel's right arm.
“But I'll do it for you. I promise you'll like it.” He assured pausing to look at the unhappy frown on Roxas's face. Still, the blonde let out a soft sigh and deserted his attempts at retaliation so Axel continued, “Raise you arms.” He ordered softly; Roxas didn't hesitate to obey the command and lifted his arms above his head. Peeling away the remainder of Roxas's clothes the boy beneath him shivered at the cool touch of the air and grass on his now bear flesh.
“It's cold.” Whined Roxas quietly in objection.
“And in a moment you'll feel like you're on fire.” Commented Axel with a smile, moving his hand to undo the teen's pants. His other had to reach up and catch Roxas's hands to prevent him from covering himself, “Relax.” He cooed softly. Axel, leveling himself with Roxas's face, planted a sweet kiss on the blonde's lips before nuzzling his way to the crook of Roxas's neck. There he paused to kiss and suck on the tender flesh to leave a temporary mark so show that Roxas was his alone. The body beneath him writhed, back arched to press his stomach to Axel's and head turned to expose his neck further, and the teenager let out a heavenly moan.
Pleased with the reaction, Axel gave Roxas's collarbone a grateful kiss before sliding his hand, now finished unbuttoning and unzipping the pants, up Roxas's smooth stomach. The action caused a shudder to run through Roxas's body and a very different moan of pleasure. He was so sensitive Axel doubted Roxas had even touched himself like this.
Slowly working his way down, Axel finally released Roxas's hands allowing him to run his hands through Axel's soft red hair, “Axel… My pants… They're getting uncomfortable.” He heard Roxas whisper hesitantly. Taking that as an invitation, Axel pulled back to sit on his heels and pulled the accused article of clothing after removing his boots and socks. The air had to have felt cold against his heated body because this time Roxas shivered visibly, recoiling to banish the unwelcome feeling.
For a moment Axel didn't move to get closer, wanting to observe the form in full before closing in to memorize every detail. The days Roxas had spent in training and those that he'd lived in Twilight Town were evident in the finely structured muscles in Roxas's frame. However, his youthful innocence was left intact in his facial features and flawless skin. Axel was glad the harsh reality of being a Nobody had yet to etch itself in a physical mark as it had on many of the other members in the form of scars and cold eyes.
Propping himself up on an elbow Roxas turned his head away timidly, “Is there… Something wrong?” Asked Roxas obviously self-conscious about his appearance.
“No, nothing at all; you're beautiful.” Axel stated in a hushed tone turning Roxas's face to him so that he could lean down and place a tender kiss on his lips. Then he shifted to kneel between Roxas's legs and continued his exploration of the Nobody's chest and stomach leaving rose colored love bites along the way.
Finding a particularly sensitive spot on his soon to be lover, just at the base of the ribs, Axel turned his full attention to it. He gently grazed his teeth on the susceptible area, dragging the most intoxicating sound from Roxas's lips he'd heard yet; it made Axel tremble at the sheer ecstasy expressed in the reverberation. Again he lovingly bit at the skin, this time causing the sound to be followed by Roxas pushing his body up to claim more contact. In the motion, Roxas brought a leg up to rub up against Axel's side giving Axel and even better idea.
Arm reaching back, he caught Roxas's thigh, holding it in place as he pulled back and dragged his tongue slowly up the uncharted territory. Roxas cried out in bliss, closing his eyes as his body involuntarily shuddered at the sensation.
“Feel good?” Axel toyed deviously before nipping at the blue-eyed boy's inner thigh. He only received a long, drawn out moan in reply, “I'll have to remember that you like it here.” He added before laying down a string of kisses leading up to Roxas's hips. It took all the self-control he had not to just go right to the tempting erection that his lips were now only inches from. The hands Roxas had placed on his head were urging him to take it in his mouth, but the longer he held out the more Roxas would enjoy it when he did.
“Axel …” No, Axel just couldn't, not yet. He'd have to wait a little longer.
“Be patient.” Voiced Axel soundly, gaining strength from his own words and voice.
Hands firmly on those eager hips, Axel licked the prominent bone of Roxas's pelvis making sure to brush against his length with his jaw. The taste of the much needed contact made Roxas buck his hips; though, the motion was ultimately reduced by Axel's grip. Letting out a pleading groan Roxas wrapped a leg around Axel's back, trying desperately to get him to do as he wanted.
“Please, Axel, I need it…” Roxas begged quietly and Axel looked up. That was a mistake. His resolve melted instantly when he saw the desperate look on Roxas's face. There was no way he could deny him after see that sweet expression. Turning his eyes away Axel moved one had from Roxas's hip to wrap his fingers firmly around the boy's aching erection. A soft moan came from Roxas to reward him for his obedience.
Taking the tip in his mouth he began to suck gently almost making Roxas scream at the surely heavenly feeling. The grip on his hair was tight and almost painful, but closing his eyes, Axel blocked out the slight pain focusing on pleasuring his partner. He methodically took in more of Roxas's arousal into his mouth, massaging deeply with his tongue and working his mouth to maximize the sensations that would pulse through Roxas's body. He could already taste the salty result of his efforts in his mouth from the sweat and forming precum. It was a taste that he hungrily gulped down in hopes of earning more; it was the taste of the physical manifestation of their love and he couldn't quite have enough of it.
“A-Axel… It's so hot.” Roxas moaned quietly. His voice was sounding tighter now, his muscles tightening from the oncoming of climax. Hearing it Axel quickly pulled back, not aware that he let out a groan as dissatisfied as Roxas's when he did, “Why-Why'd you stop?”
“You didn't think you were the only one who'd get all the fun did you?” Axel inquired, quirking a brow as he sat back on his heels and undid his own pants, which by now were painfully tight. When he slid the garment down past his hips, he let out a soft sigh of relief. As he slipped them off the rest of the way, he leaned forward, putting all his on one hand, and kissed Roxas deeply on the lips.
Receptively parting his lips, Axel was allowed to slip his tongue into the confines of Roxas's mouth. As they kissed, his arm came around Roxas's waist, pulling him up close to share the heat building in his body. Arms wrapped tightly around him and a muffled moan sounded as Roxas kissed back zealously, just as eager for the skin on skin contact that was sweeping away coherent thought.
Roxas arched his back, rubbing his body up against Axel's. Unable to resist, the Flurry of Dancing Flames thrust his pelvis forward, grinding their hips together. Surprised, Roxas broke the kiss and gave Axel a flabbergasted look. Axel, amused by the expression chuckled.
“What?” He inquired.
“Your-“ Cutting himself off Roxas looked away shyly, a new blush tainting his cheeks, “I was just… Caught off guard… You're so big.” Muttered Roxas obviously embarrassed. Raising a hand Axel brushed back Roxas's hair affectionately.
“Well, I am older than you. You've got some growing left to do; you don't have to be ashamed about it.” He told Roxas as he began to once again kiss down the Nobody's body, “I think you're stunning just the way you are, all right?” He spoke, emphasizing each word with a kiss to the younger boy's body.
“That line is so cliché,” Roxas hummed shaking his head a little before hugging Axel close again burying his face in Axel's hair and inhaling the scent of him deeply, “It's going to hurt isn't it?”
“Only at first, I'll be as gentle as I can.” Axel assured, pausing only long enough to get the sentence out before continuing the trial of butterfly kisses down Roxas's body. Back at his hips, Axel used the arm he had under Roxas to raise his pelvis for better access. Bringing his free hand to his lips he licked his ring and center fingers before positioning them at Roxas's opening, “You ready?”
“Y-yeah.” Stammered Roxas resting his head back and covering his mouth lightly with the back of his hand. Axel allowed him to take a few deep breaths to relax before slowly pushing his fingers into Roxas. The young Nobody tensed but quickly forced himself to relax again.
“Are you all right.” Roxas gave a quick nod before Axel slid his fingers almost completely out and thrust them back in, making him shiver. Moving his hand in a rhythmic motion Axel stooped down a little to push Roxas's legs up, giving himself better leverage and room to move. It didn't take long for Roxas to start rocking his hips to the slow beat and start moaning with pleasure again.
“C-come here.” Roxas beckoned weakly tugging lightly at his hair, coaxing Axel back up to his face for a tender kiss. Axel groaned with restraint, he was in a perfect position to thrust into Roxas and, god did he want to. Unfortunately, his young love wasn't quite ready for it. The discomfort had to have been evident on his face before Roxas gave him a half apologetic look, the other half still consumed with pleasure to care much, “You can… If you want.” Whispered Roxas pressing his cheek against Axel's.
“It will hurt.” Reminded Axel letting his fingers slip out of Roxas to lubricate himself with his own forming precum and the slick combination of fluid on his fingers now.
“Do it.” Breathed Roxas, “Make me yours.”
Axel shuddered, that was one request he couldn't turn down if his life depended on it. Without any further discussion over it Axel thrust into his younger lover, as slow as his body would allow him to. He could hear the soft hiss of pain Roxas let out to the side of his face and he ducked his head down to kiss him apologetically. Restraining himself, he stilled his movement, allowing Roxas to adjust to the rather large shaft that was intruding in the sacred space. The death grip on his back tightened, the pads of Roxas's fingers pressing hard on his ribs before slowly loosening.
“Axel… Move.” Came the soft affectionate purr in his ear accompanied by Roxas's hips tipping back to press harder on Axel's hot pelvis. It was almost more than he could take; luckily he was able to keep from coming that very moment.
“Ah, you're so tight.” Groaned Axel sweeping both arms tightly around Roxas to hold the boy in place as he pulled back and began to thrust slow and hard into his body. He could feel Roxas cringe a little with each motion and let out a soft whimper, the pain still lingering, but soon enough that would subside into the ecstasy of the act they were committing. As his lover began to crave the movements his soft cries turned into moans that timed themselves perfectly with Axel's motions. It was enough to steal away the cover that had been silencing Axel's own hums of pleasure and soon their voices merged together into a chorus of affection.
The sweat from their bodies made their skin slick and slide gracefully against one another. They could taste it on each other as they ravished each other with kisses, hoping to down the feelings and make them a fill the empty hollow where their hearts would have been. It was a concept that, with no physical science or law to it, worked and chased the emptiness away. And with each kiss, every caress and loving move, they felt more and more whole again. It was an invigorating feeling that pulsed with to the beat of hearts that had been kept far away from them.
“Ah… Axel, I love you.” Panted Roxas breathlessly cupping the back of Axel's neck in his hand. On his neck, Axel could feel the hot breathes that left his skin icy cold in their absence.
“I love you too, Roxas.” Axel voiced softly in reply before Roxas suddenly let out a gasp. Arms circled him anew, muscles shaking with strain against his body, “Roxas?”
“It felt… Really good, there.” Explained Roxas hoarsely. Another guttural moan escaped him. That was good to know. With the new knowledge of where Roxas's prostate was; he put good use to it. Pulling out and thrusting back in, harder than before Roxas let out another cry of ecstasy before muffling the sound of a moan with Axel's neck, “I'm going to… Any moment.” Squeaked Roxas, his voice was growing more and more worn from calling out his delight from the bottom of where his heart would be.
“Me too.” Axel breathed heavily. Releasing his lover to hold him with a single arm, he slid his hand between them taking Roxas's hard shaft in his hand. Then he began to stroke the young Nobody fast and hard, receiving a soft kiss to his jaw in thanks from Roxas.
“Ah-Axel!” Gasped Roxas, his muscles locked and he spilled his warm contents over both his and Axel's stomach. Axel let out a soft his of pleasure, moaning Roxas's name, as he too reached climax, only seconds after Roxas.
The world around them grew eerily quiet, only the sound of their winded breathes settling in the air. Axel's body shook from the exertion, welcoming the tranquility that was washing over him as he withdrew from Roxas's warm body. Unable to absorb any of his own weight he collapsed nearly on top Roxas. He draped his arms lazily around Roxas and let his head fall onto the soft grass. Roxas was just as exhausted, having difficulty just curling up in Axel's comforting embrace.
“Keep me warm.” Purred Roxas in a sort of muddled tone. His eyes were already closed, on his way to the dream world.
“'Course. Hey, Roxas?”
“I love you.” Axel placed a kiss on the Nobody's pale brow, now pulling one of their coats over them to lock in the heat.
“Love you too.” Mumbled Roxas.
Save Game: to be continued…