Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 35 ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 35
I haven't done a Demyx POV (sorta) for a while so I decided that… Ya know. It was his turn, despite it's such a short snippet.
Also, while I was watching TV last Saturday, I found out that the Valley of the Fallen is a real place and is located in Spain, near Madrid I think.
Warning to anyone who really hates the Xemnas and Saix pairing, this chapter contains lemon (sort of). If you don't want to read it, skip the last section of this chapter… Saix just couldn't resist jumping his master's bones. Also, it was written between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am, so it's kind of dreamy it's because I was mostly asleep and listening to `Here In Your Arms' by HelloGoodbye.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Pass to Waylay
Suddenly Saix stumbled, letting out a sickly cough as he doubled over and clutched at his weakening body. Xemnas stooped down, arms around him to help support his weight. They had continued on their way but the going was slow; they frequently had to stop to allow Saix to catch his breath. He'd started coughing a little while before. His depth perception and balance had been thrown off, his awareness was being taken away from him and it was becoming more and more difficult to lead the disorientated Nobody. Still, Xemnas kept holding them back, resisting the suggestions of leaving Saix behind.
“Xemnas, he's suffering. Put him out of his misery.” Xaldin voiced coolly, impatiently waiting ahead of them, “If not for him, do it for us. He's causing us undo irritation. He's no good for himself or us. I'm sure he wouldn't want to trouble you, Superior.”
“If I'm not mistaken, you're speaking of your own opinion and not out of his. He may be weak but it's not taken his voice from him.” Retorted Xemnas coldly. Xaldin was speaking like Saix was a dog, something that couldn't speak. Saix had a voice of his own and if he wanted to use it he could. This wasn't a decision for a subordinate to make.
“And he would tell you to slit his throat if he was being a burden on you?”
“He would.” Confirmed Xemnas confidently. Saix's hand settled on his and pushed him away.
“I'm fine… Let's continue.” He voiced weakly. Xemnas frowned but gave Saix a stroke on the back and continued on the path again, Saix lagging behind. No more than twenty minutes passed before Saix's breath became a rasping growl. There was a soft thud and both Xemnas and Xaldin turned to him.
Against a tree, Saix hid his face in his arms, smothering his snarls as he rubbed his skull against the bark. His chest heaved with effort and his body shook with strain. Xemnas patiently returned to his side to aid him. Gently, he placed a hand on Saix's back, applying pressure to urge him onward. As he stood by waiting, seven of the Shifters crept out of the brush and began to nudge Saix, also trying to move him forward. It took a moment but Saix's breathing calmed and he pulled away from the tree. His disorientation increased.
“How far from here is the top of the mountain?” Asked Xemnas, looking up the steep pass, his hand slipping from his companion's back.
“No more than half a day's climb, even at this pace.” Muttered Saix, his words slurred, eyes weighed with fatigue.
“The trees are growing scarce; soon rock will overtake our passage. We should make it to the point where the trees disappear and stop there. We'll rest and gather fruit from the vegetation. Axel and his gang will likely take three times the amount of time we will getting to the top from what Saix has told us… We've got time to spare. Can you make it a bit further?”
Saix bowed his head shamefully, turning his face away. His solemn gaze landed heavily on the beast that stood beside him. In response, they clicked their teeth lachrymosely, “Not without help.” Came the miserable reply.
It wasn't something Xemnas wanted to hear; those words meant that Xaldin had been right. However, upon looking at Xaldin's smug smirk and then at Saix's miserable state, he hardened his resolve. “Then we'll just have to help you won't we?”
With a jolt, Saix's eyes shot up in surprise, “But- But my Superior-“ Xaldin's mouth was agape, he was as equally as shocked.
“Our organization has been reduced to a feeble number, even if you are sick and disappointingly weak… I cannot afford another loss. If it's the last thing I do, I will get revenge on that rat and his pack of mongrels… I will need your assistance with such a matter. They outnumber us two to one already.” Taking Saix's arm, he pulled it around over his shoulder, “Xaldin, take his left.” He ordered and the rather stupefied and reluctant lancer went to Saix's other side, mimicking Xemnas. The Shifters clacked and snapped happily and loped ahead of them, leading the way.
The World That Never Will Be-
Valley of the Fallen
Now back in the open boulder valley, things had settled down. All things considered, things were going fairly well… That was if you could get past the heavy air between Axel and Zexion. It was so thick with anxiety and malice; you'd have to have a blade made of solid diamond to slice through it. For Demyx, it was a nightmare. All he wanted was for everyone to get along, splitting up had gotten them into this mess, and as far as he was concerned this time the tear would be his entire fault.
Head down and eyes focused on the ground, Demyx scarcely noticed Zexion had stopped until he was right on top of him, “Ow-Oh! Sorry Zex- Er… Huh?” Still quite in full contact with his lover, Demyx looked over his shoulder where Zexion's gaze was centered, “Oh, the view…” Hummed Demyx quietly. They'd passed the point where the trees cloaked the path they'd carved and now, in the open white stone, they could see all the ground they'd covered. Beyond the base of the mountain lie the hills, miles of them, and just beyond them lay miles and miles of flat plains. In the far distance, the other mountain range stood dwarfed by the vast expanse of the land.
From this height, the abandoned house was only a speck and the village they'd passed through was reduced to a miniature of its real self. Looking back on it all, a feeling of nostalgia seemed to wash over them. They knew that where they were going was the path to fugue and all of this would be wiped clean from their memories.
“It's…. It's kind of sad isn't it?” Voiced Zexion, capturing the attention of the group.
Demyx put his arms around his waist and tipped his head back, “What is?”
“All of it. Leaving it all behind, having come so far… That some will never make it.” Replied Zexion. Demyx looked around them, Burdened fighting and destroying Nobodies. Their fellow beings were struggling to survive, “It's sad…. I think… Sad because… You'll never get it back… I've never felt sad before I came here… It makes my chest ache. It's… not something I enjoy feeling.”
“Sadness isn't supposed to feel good.” Axel grumbled folding his arms unhappily, “That's what sad means, to feel bad about something.” That comment did it, they were going to fight again, Demyx could feel it. Axel just didn't know when to quit sometimes, returning had been an improvement but he was showing no signs of liking, let alone trusting, Zexion.
“I detect a hint of malice, perhaps you're the one who truly feels bad about something you've done. Am I right? Or have you attained your Nobody status and are so heartless as not to realize your past mistakes?” Retorted Zexion angrily.
“I'm me, and I've done nothing wrong.” Snarled the redhead.
“Guys, hey, don't fight. We're on the same side here.” Demyx objected, tightening his grip around Zexion's waist as he pleaded. They were both wrong about the situation, Axel did do something wrong but Demyx knew enough that Axel was too stubborn and ashamed that he didn't want to admit it. If only he would, then maybe all this arguing would be done with.
“Nothing wrong? That's quite the bold remark coming from a murderer.” Continued Zexion, ignoring Demyx's pleas, “Do murderers feel remorse, Axel? Oh wait, Nobodies don't have remorse.”
“Now, now, you two.” Luxord butted in placing a hand on Zexion's shoulder, “Our sweet little Demyx has asked you two to stop this nonsense. We appointed him to be in charge. The decision was unanimous so I think it's only fair we do as he asks.” Silently, Demyx thanked him for standing up for him. If he couldn't trust in Zexion or Axel to stop things on their own Demyx could always count on Luxord to back him up.
“He started it.” Grumbled Zexion.
“I don't care who started it; it's going to stop now. Roxas, try to control your hot-tempered partner.” Luxord commanded, valiantly supporting their young leader. With a nod Roxas went to Axel's side, taking his arm gently in his to keep him close, “And Demyx, just keep Zexion away from him,” Demyx gave a nod, “Now then, both of you just behave all right?”
“He started it.” Stated Zexion again.
The World That Never Will Be-
Pass to Waylay
He hung in the state between sleep and full awareness. They'd reached their destination, the brink of the tree line. In the canyon walls a crack provided a safe haven from the elements, and this is where Saix and he had settled. Currently, his mind was not focused on Saix, who was lying on his lap, or on Xaldin, who was sleeping under a nearby tree. Instead, his thoughts were on Axel and the others. They weren't fond though, quite the contrary really, as he delved into the possibilities of extinguishing their `happy' little existence. Their foes were just beyond the ridge, making their own way to the top, and all too soon they would meet face to face once again.
Faintly, he heard the sound of something zipping, but too weary to look he continued with his musings. It was only when he felt a hot hand slip under his shirt to stroke his stomach. In a flash he had the offender's wrist, but he did no more than stare at the perpetrator.
Saix gazed back at him guiltily, unable to free his hand. Then slowly his eyes fell to the hand that held his own. For a long moment he seemed to think about how to explain himself, but instead he leaned in close and nestled his face in the crook of Xemnas' neck. The feeling sent shivers up his spine and caused his stomach to turn;the reaction was not out of displeasure but the exact opposite. To his delight, though he hated to admit, his eager companion nipped and licked at his tender flesh. Releasing Saix's hand he raised it and began to stroke Saix's hair, eliciting a soft hum of approval from the Diviner.
“Saix…” He began cautiously, tuning his voice to an unhappy whisper, “We can't do this.”
Pulling back, the cat-eyed Nobody furrowed his brows in concern, “Why not?” Came his quiet inquiry. The words hadn't ceased his actions though, since both hands were free, he was currently removing his coat and upper garments.
“We don't have hearts Saix… We just can't.” Xemnas turned his gaze away, hoping that he was mimicking his normal reaction of disapproval. Somewhere, perhaps when he slept with Saix on his lap, he'd fallen under the moon's magnificent spell and the pull of it had come through Saix and drawn him closer to the beautiful creature now offering himself to him.
“I've enough hearts for the both of us… Look at me.” Fingers ran along his jaw, turning his face. Xemnas stared for a moment, not sure what he was seeing. He blinked, once then twice. Upon Saix's breast there was the shape of a heart, engraved by burning. Currently, the lines were glowing, as if the brand were still being etched into his being, “When you sent me away, to scout out our path… It began to rain… It rained so beautifully, so graciously… I forgot what it was like to be Somebody… Everything became so unnecessary, everything but you, my Superior. The rain washed away all the useless things from my pitiful existence so that I could serve only you. It perfected me, but it's shortened my time… Soon I won't remember your face,” Saix turned his hand, fondly stroking Xemnas' cheek with the back of his hand. His voice was poignant, “or your name. I want to make the most of these last moments with you: to protect you, to serve you,” He paused. Leaning forward he placed a tender kiss on Xemnas' lips before moving them close to his ear, “To pleasure you… Grant me my final wish. Let me give you an affair you'll never forget.”
“Saix…” Glancing out of the cavern they'd taken shelter in, he frowned. From what he gathered… Saix was dying? “Xaldin will hear us.” Was his only defense, it was feeble and he knew it, but it didn't matter. Any amount of pleading from Saix and his resolve would melt in an instant. Instead of begging though, Saix took his hand and removed his glove. Then he placed the bare hand over his chest, across the carven heart.
Xemnas inhaled sharply. The mark felt as though it were on fire, but upon his touch it had cooled to comforting warmth pulsing beneath his fingers. Under it came the soft beating of the heart within. Saix's heart was under his hand, beating for him, quickening its rhythmic pounding in excitement.
“I can't love you…” Xemnas voiced solemnly, raising his amber eyes to meet Saix's.
“I know… I'm not asking you to love me.” Whispered the Lunar Diviner stroking his cheek, Xemnas closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. “I'm not asking anything of you, just let me love you. Let me ease you pains and care for you… My Superior, will you let me do that?”
Eyes fluttering open, Xemnas offered a bitter smile as his hand slipped from the warm chest. “Saix, I'd beg you to do that… Make me forget these thoughts of hatred and revenge, if just for a moment. I need a moment's reprieve from this existence.” This response, heavily romanticized, was rewarded with a smile from Saix. It was an odd looking smile, one that Xemnas had never witnessed before, showing his fangs in a truly delighted display. His yellow eyes gleamed with delight in the darkness of the cave.
“Your wish is my command.” Raising both hands, Saix cradled his face. A thumb ran over his lips and he parted them as he let out a soft sigh. Saix took the opening, leaning in to cover Xemnas' pale lips with his own. This singular kiss was slow and methodical, unlike the sweet kiss from before. When Saix's clever tongue ran along Xemnas' bottom lip, he was allowed entrance and the chance to run the sensitive organs against one another in a passionate struggle. Xemnas was no longer to sit so passively and he wrapped his arms around Saix's neck, drawing him close.
For an instant, Saix pulled away but only to readjust himself before delving back into the warmth of Xemnas' mouth. Drawing his knees forward, Saix had Xemnas' hips straddled and used the rest of his body to pin him against the stone wall. His arms came around him, roughly tearing at the clothing that covered the flesh the berserker was desperate to get at. The claws were tearing his clothes, but Xemnas didn't mind. Despite scorning Saix for it, Xemnas found the bestial nature of him beguiling.
Once more, Saix broke the fervent kiss, this time to completely expose Xemnas' torso. Tossing the clothing carelessly aside, his head dipped down and sank those pearl white teeth into uncharted hide. Xemnas let out a quiet hiss, more out of pleasure than pain; the touch no matter how painful was welcome. The arms he had around Saix's neck shifted: one hand grasping Saix's hair lightly, the other pressing firmly on his soft back.
Saix returned to kiss Xemnas' lips again before leading a trail of kisses down his jaw, lining his neck, past his collarbone, before settling happily at his chest. Here, he focused his attention. Placing a finger on his sternum, Saix grinned wildly and glanced up at Xemnas before pressing his talon-like nail into the skin; Xemnas tightened his grip on Saix's hair bracing himself for what he knew Saix planned to do. Skin pierced, his hand traced the shape he bore on his own chest into Xemnas. At first, it was only a thin and rough etching, but taking all the nails on his right hand he ran over the pattern again, making sure that the wound would scar. Then, apologetically, Saix lapped at the blood before licking his talon clean.
The task of giving Xemnas a `heart' completed, Saix tipped his head back, nuzzling his face back up against the superior's neck. His arms slithered around, capturing him again. Those claws bit lightly at his spine and Xemnas arched his back pressing the length of his body against Saix's; he could feel his partner smile against his flesh. For a split second Xemnas wondered why, but his question was soon answered as Saix ground their hips together causing a shudder to run through him. He didn't even think to stiffle the moan he let out as Saix did so a second and a third time; the friction too invigorating to allow restraint in such a position. Certainly now Xemnas was getting into the spirit of things.
Jerking Saix's head back by his hair, Xemnas pressed their lips together zealously, all too fed up with this teasing. The hand he'd had on Saix's back quickly trailed down to his waistline and found its way to the fastening's of his slacks. It took only a second to get past the bothersome obstacle, and then he was free to explore its confines. Saix made a sharp sound in the back of his throat when Xemnas took hold of the treasure he'd sought within the cloth chamber; the kiss remained in play, Xemnas' holding Saix tight so that he couldn't pull back in surprise. It pleased him to no end when Saix began to buck helplessly in his grasp and writhe in pleasure.
Almost in retaliation, Saix moved a hand between them and pressed a palm to the erection hardening in Xemnas' black pants. This time, Xemnas had to break the kiss to gasp for air from the shock. Freed, Saix pulled away, pushing himself back out of Xemnas' reach. Grabbing Xemnas' boots he pulled them off and tossed them aside with the other clothes before undoing Xemnas' pants and violently peeling them away, along with whatever other garments were left. The blue haired Nobody licked his lips, staring with a predaceous gaze at Xemnas' stripped form.
Kicking off his boots, Saix crept on all fours before his superior. Settling between his legs, Saix smiled in delight as he ran his talons along Xemnas' inner thighs. Xemnas got the message; drawing his legs back, he placed his feet flat on the stone and, more or less bashfully, he spread his knees apart. From the spreading grin, Xemnas could tell Saix was pleased.
The yellow-eyed Nobody leaned down dragging his tongue up the length of Xemnas' member. He placed a hand on each of the superior's thigh, and just in time to prevent an involuntary thrust. The feeling alone was almost too good to bear, the way Saix looked doing it was too much too handle. So unable to watch, Xemnas tipped his head back and closed his eyes. From his now open throat, a string of moans came forth momentarily disrupted by ragged panting. An extraordinarily loud moan came when Saix suddenly took his length into his mouth, deep-throating to engulf him entirely. Eyes still closed, Xemnas clutched at Saix's soft blue hair, commanding him with surprisingly gentle firmness.
While he was distracted, Saix moved an arm to steady Xemnas' hips while moving the other next to his lips. Pulling his head up, he paused his ministrations for an instant to prepare his fingers without Xemnas catching wind of his plans. Once his mouth was back to work sucking and licking, his hand slid down stroking the superior's untouched hind side and then thrust two of his fingers into the tight orifice there.
Xemnas let out a cry of surprise. Stiffening, his amber eyes glared down at Saix for a moment but the look was washed away when Saix's melancholy gaze met his. With how quickly Xemnas' rage left, Saix continued pressing his fingers deeper, stretching and massaging his muscles loose. Soon Xemnas abandoned any effort of impeding him.
Fully prepared now, Xemnas let out a disappointed whine as Saix's lips left his erection, exposing it to the cool air. His legs were lifted up over Saix's arms and he was forcibly pulled down into position. The stone scratched at his back and he let out a soft growl of displeasure but Saix leaned down and reassured him with a surprisingly chaste kiss. In a swift fluid motion, Saix thrust into him, none too gently, burying himself agonizingly deep into Xemnas.
Letting out a loud hiss of pain, Xemnas screwed his eyes shut and writhed a bit from the sting. He breathe Saix's name through his teeth and instantly the Nobody leaned down and pulled him up in his arms, still staying imbedded into his new lover. Saix kissed his neck in a request for forgiveness, hugging him close while he adjusted. It hurt, but Xemnas would never hold Saix's roughness against him. Holding him tightly, Xemnas pressed his cheek to his beloved's hair. Their torsos so close together, Xemnas could feel the beating of Saix's heart as well as if it were inside his own chest.
Eyes closed, Xemnas stroked Saix's hair giving him the silent go ahead before he was pushed back to the ground. Lacing their fingers together Saix pinned their hands to the side, exposing Xemnas' chest so that he could kiss the bleeding wound he'd inflicted as he thrust relentlessly into the man below him. Every now and then, Saix would drive in such a way, a chord was struck inside him and Xemnas would cry out in pleasure and shudders of ecstasy would rush through him.
Their moans and soft cries of pleasure reverberated off the walls, keeping them company as they expressed their love within the security of the cavern.
Another wave of pure bliss ran through him and he arched his back. Feeling lonely in this dance, he whispered Siax's name softly and his lover attentively moved his lips back Xemnas' in a passionate kiss, abandoning the carved heart. His body was shaking now, screaming for release but was ignored by the one who could give it. Arching his back again, he pressed up hard against Saix's frame, trying desperately to get his subordinate to heed his body's call.
Saix broke the kiss, burying his face against Xemnas' neck, and again Xemnas could feel him smile against his skin. Like before, he learned very quickly why. In an instant, Xemnas was pulled up off the ground and pinned to the rock face. With the extra leverage, Saix pounded into him with renewed fervor, striking the sweet spot inside Xemnas with every thrust now. His hand snaked in between them to answer Xemnas' payers and began to stroke him, hard and fast to the brutal pace.
Wrapping his arms around Saix tight, Xemnas hid his face in Saix's mane of hair letting out a low groan of pleasure as he came hard into his lover's hand, painting their stomachs white with his cum. He could feel Saix tense in his embrace, also climaxing and emptying himself deep within him. For a moment they allowed themselves to draw out the experience, slowly rocking against each other before collapsing.
Xemnas slumped forward, hugging Saix lightly, who was leaning against him and keeping them both erect against the stone. Then Saix fell back onto his heels pulling Xemnas forward before they collapsed in a heap on the earth. Withdrawing from Xemnas, Saix curled up in Xemnas' arms humming happily in contentment.
“I love you, my Superior.” Murmured Saix dreamily as he closed his eyes.
“I know you do… If I had a heart of my own, I would love you too.” Replied Xemnas. Propping himself up on an elbow, he ran his fingers through Saix's hair, which was now matted with sweat; “You're beautiful.”
Saix's eyes cracked open and he smiled lightly, “Am I?” He mumbled turning his face to nestle it against Xemnas' supporting arm, which he was using as a pillow.
“Of course,” Leaning forward, Xemnas could not help but kiss the bridge of Saix's nose, at the center of the scar that lie there. His eyes roamed down the body beside him and he paused his petting for a moment to run his fingers down the path his gaze took. Saix shivered a little, letting out a soft moan as he closed his eyes again.
“Did I hurt you?” Voiced the berserker quietly.
“I'll be fine, but I appreciate your concern Saix…” Xemnas smiled fondly at him as he continued to gently run his fingers through the fine cobalt hair. “When your calm like this… It's soothing.” He murmured.
“My Superior?”
“If you're there… When I go.” Saix opened his eyes again and stared at the heart cut into Xemnas' skin. Bringing his hand up, he tenderly traced the wound with a finger, “Take my heart… It'll be lonely without you.”
“Lonely?” Xemnas frowned but nodded, “Well, we can't have that now can we?”
“Thank you.” With a smile, Saix worked his arms around Xemnas' chest and hid his face away. Tired as well, Xemnas reached over him and snagged one of their coats, pulling it over their bare bodies to keep them warm. Then, he too curled up to drift to sleep. Beyond the cave, there was a soft pitter patter, as a soft trickle began to bathe the world outside. The storm was coming; a storm to wash away the chapters of life that had been penned before.
Save Game: to be continued…