Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 36 ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 36 (dear god, what have I created?)
Yes I realize that a certain scene is incredibly cheesy, but that's Kingdom Hearts for you.
Finally, in this chapter the end battle finally begins. If anyone actually wonders why I limit the number fighting against Xaldin, it's simply because five people is way too hard to keep track of. Also it's in the spirit of Kingdom Hearts (which I'm replaying), since when do you ever get more than three good guys fighting?
How upset would you be if someone was killed? On a scale of 1-10. If you don't give your input it might mean the end for one of the good guys.
My next update is June 17.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Pass to Waylay
Further up the limestone slopes, the winds began to pick up. There was a strange eerie sound as the air whooshed through caverns and crevices, howling and moaning like a dying man. A slim layer of clouds had crossed over the landscape and shaded all they could see, except for the grassy plains far out in the distance. The shadows of the high rising vapor lead to a dramatic drop in temperature. Once humid and hot like a muggy swamp, the rubble covered mountaintop had opened up into bone-chilling territory. It was enough to foul up Axel's mood alone, but the ever weighing presence of Zexion had filled him to the brim with malice.
“M-man! I-it's freezing up here.” Whined Demyx coming up along side Axel. Chancing a timid glance and a weak smile, Demyx tried to work up some friendly conversation, “How're you holdin' up, Axel? I know how much the cold bothers you.”
Axel breath came out in a white puff; the tiny cloud was wisped away in another wailing current. For a moment, he just stared at Demyx, only bothering to turn his green eyes on the boy before looking back ahead of him. Wrapped his arms around himself, he hopped over a small brook, scarcely giving Demyx as much as an inkling of a reply.
“Axel… Don't be mad!” Called Demyx, falling behind. Then came the sound of scrambling and Demyx shoved his way back to his side, “Come on, Axel! Hey, um, remember when we went swimming in that lake? Remember how pretty it was there? I know you won't admit it, but that was pretty fun wasn't it? We… We used to be really good with each other…” Axel huffed angrily, his breath emerging once again like a billow of smoke. “I don't understand… I just…” Demyx's company faded back behind him as the musician stopped walking and Axel continued on his way, “I was really happy being with you, and then Roxas came and I was so lonely… What did I do wrong?”
A rock tumbled into a tiny pit at his feet as his boot slid to a standstill. There was a minute of silence and stillness. Then Axel turned, the sand grinding against the rock as he did so. Tipping his head slightly, his arms dropped a little, opening up his body.
Demyx, a yard or so behind, stood pathetically in despair with Zexion by his side. His posture was slouched, his own arms around his chest to hold in what warmth he had. Both of his eyes were upturned, his head down, to create a sad puppy-dog look. The Nobody beside him, couldn't have looked more indifferent to the situation. His arms were crossed as well, but his head was held high in a proper fashion. The stone colored orbs of his eyes were hollow and cold.
Another sigh, Axel shook his head a little, “What do you see in him? What could possibly be worth protecting that I'm not seeing?”
“He's…” Demyx looked over at Zexion and gave him an unhappy look. The prestigious poise of his partner faltered, “He's not like this when we're alone… He makes me happy, isn't that enough?”
“Then what do you need my approval for?” Axel made to turn but Demyx started.
“Because I- You're my friend…” Slumping forwards Demyx looked down at his feet, “You made me feel needed and… I don't like it when you're mad at me and when we fight, or when you try to hide stuff and ignore me… Friends don't keep things from each other, and when they fight they're supposed to make up… And I've been tryin' all day and you just won't listen to me.” His voice cracked and Zexion quickly draped an arm around him, lowering his head to whisper something in Demyx's ear.
Axel felt a sharp nudge in his side and he looked guiltily over at Roxas, “Go apologize. I don't care if you like Zexion or not; you and Demyx were really close before I came. Weren't you the one worrying about Demyx feeling left out because you wanted to spend time with me? What happened to that compassion?”
“Fine…” Puffed Axel averting his gaze. With the wave of his hand he beckoned Demyx to his side. The young Nobody romped to meet him hopefully, leaving Zexion to follow alone behind them. However, Roxas went to join the illusionist in the back as they continued onwards, Luxord just beside them, “So… I might have been a little harsh. All of you seem to get along with him all right, and I… Admit that it's might fault we're not getting along. Before, back at the castle Oblivion, I did what I did for no real good reason, and I hope you'll forgive me for hurting someone that you care for.”
“Axel, I don't care about any of that… I know that you felt bad about it. We've gotten to know each other enough for me to figure that out… I just want you to admit that to him and start acting like you used to, like you want to. I hate it when we're all trying to be someone we're not and hurt each other. We're together now and that's all that really matters.” Demyx stepped closer, now walking beside Axel with their arms touching, “I guess it's not totally your fault. The weather's bad for you, we're in a stressful situation, and everything's kind of a wreck, but from now on let's all remember that we have feelings and you need to try and not hurt them… We may not have hearts, but I think we're pretty much proof that doesn't mean we're `heartless'.”
“So we're cool then?”
“Yeah, we're cool… But you've still got Zexion and Luxord to talk t-” His words stopped short, cut off by a startled cry. Axel stopped and turned to look, the angle he stood at had him facing the icy wind. A surprised Demyx stood stiffly in Zexion's arms, the elder having come up from behind to capture him in an embrace, “Ze-Zexion? What's up?” Zexion bowed his head, shading his eyes.
“Nothing… It's just, the scents in the air are changing. I was uneasy.” Zexion quickly withdrew, releasing Demyx, “Sorry…” It seemed he was going to say more but the words never came.
“The air is getting heavier… I think the wind's pushing the storm closer faster than we thought… Maybe we should hurry?” Axel offered to the schemer, perhaps trying to atone for his silent treatment from before. The act seemed to catch Zexion off guard because he didn't answer straight away, unsure if he really was being spoken to.
“Yeah…” Zexion gave a curt nod.
“There's an asylum from the wind just up ahead, over to the left.” Added Luxord coming up to join them, accompanied by Roxas, “It might be nice to stop by there for a moment's rest… Get things sorted out before we're thrown into the heat of battle.”
Reaching up around them, dark rocks shaped like teeth shielded them from the growing wind. It was dry and still there, but hardly what you'd call comforting. Like being swallowed by a giant whale, though the turmoil had ceased the uneasiness of being trapped still remained. Here, the group waited silently. None seemed to know how to begin or even what he should say to the others.
“Just over this ridge, they're waiting for us.” Zexion murmured, “Their scents… They're changing… We might not make it past this fight.” He spoke quietly, hesitantly. Luxord bowed his head solemnly, as did Demyx, both looking to the ground. Axel looked away from them.
“So what?” Axel looked back instantly, giving Roxas a hard look, “So what if we don't make it? No one's ever made anything of themselves from not trying. If we turn back now, we'll be like this forever, longing to seek out what we don't have. I don't want to live like that, I've already felt that way before and that's not living. The least we can do is try, and if we fail… Then we'll have failed together and if we go somewhere else, we can at least say `we tried'.”
“Together?” Zexion voiced questioningly.
“Of course! Friends stick together.” Roxas gave a nod looking around at each of them, “We fight for each other, live for each other, and die for each other… I don't want to go alone, do you?” The illusionist frowned turning his gaze away again, “Let's make a promise. A promise that no matter what, no one gets left behind, that we'll always be there.” Roxas placed his hand out, palm down, “To friendship and the light leading us.”
A light lit up in Demyx's eyes, a smile forming on his lips, “Yeah, all for one and one for all!” Throwing his hand over Roxas' Demyx gave a nod, “To never giving up, like the ocean's great currents.”
“If it's gotten you this far… Then it's got to be worth a try,” Luxord shrugged, “I may not be well versed in this game but it's a gamble I'm willing to take. I hate to say it, but I've got faith in you, all of you.” Placing his hand in the center Luxord joined the pact. “To taking risks.”
Axel remained still and silent, making no move to join in. His eyes glanced over all of them and when his gaze met Zexion's he crossed his arms and turned his back. This wasn't some child's game, this was serious, and all of them were acting like damned fools with this promise to stay together. Promises didn't keep things alive, talent and strength did.
“The past is a heavy burden to carry on one set of shoulders.” Came Zexion's voice behind him, “It's something that can never be changed, but it can be forgiven… In order to do that, one must have someone to be forgiven by. I don't think that it matters, what is gone and done, that is. Not anymore…” Axel glanced over his shoulder, staring at Zexion in both curiosity and wonder. “And I don't think that saying we'll never give up and stand strong together will keep us from being defeated… But I've been wrong before, and I've learned from the past. I don't mind sharing my burdens, and I don't mind trying to forgive others… So for the sake of the future, for our futures, I'm willing to take a chance and even though the odds are against us, I'd rather go fighting with someone by my side.” Hesitantly, Zexion placed his hand on Luxords, “To our uncharted future. To new endings and even greater beginnings.”
However, promises, although not set in stone, gave faith and hope to its makers; hope was what had gotten him this far, and it couldn't let him down now. Axel turned and boldly placed his hand among the others, “To the flames of passion… To our hearts undiscovered.”
“To our hearts.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Goodbye Basin
Their rapid footfall echoed off the ridges of the pit they'd now entered. The bowl shaped area they'd entered was relatively bleak; the blackened stones were solid and kept all plant life at bay at its edges. However, the barren terrain had plateaus of sheet rock and a maze of crevices added variety to make up for the lack of life. Many of the holes had a silver shimmering pool of water at the bottom, creating the illusion of a night sky beneath their feet.
Walking deeper into the gulf, they encountered no activity at all for a good time, before they stumbled upon the scene of the rival trio. Xaldin leaned up against a stone pillar, both his arms were around his chest and his heaving breathes were labored; he was closest to them. Yards beyond him, Xemnas stood, back to a wall, patiently waiting. His arms were folded across his chest and his eyes were closed. Most interesting though, was Saix. The berserker was settled beside him, sitting with his back against Xemnas' leg. From where they stood, his physical appearance had shifted some. His hair had turned a lighter color, gaining more of sheen to it, almost looking silver. The pointed ears that sprouted from his hair were discolored, tinged purple at the tips and shaped oddly. His eyes, though they had always been a bit psychotic looking, were now even more eccentric; they were wide and staring, but shaking from side to side rapidly with instability.
“My Superior…” He voiced quietly, the echoes carrying his voice to the group clearly, “We see someone.” Axel looked around. The others had noticed before him, but had stayed silent. On and among the rocks were hundreds of tiny bright yellow eyes, watching them in silence.
“The guests of honor have finally arrived have they?” Tipping his head back Saix grinned up at Xemnas, or perhaps his response, “I think it's best we entertain them accordingly, but for that… I believe our little friend needs some space.” Pushing himself away from the stone Xemnas turned away from Xaldin and looked to a nearby opening for escape. For a moment, Axel thought to rush in after him but Xaldin spoke.
“W-wait! Superior! Don't g- Ah! Don't go… I need help.” He cried out, pleading for their aid. Trying to follow, he stumbled and fell onto the ground in a helpless heap.
Saix's wild eyes lit up and a bitter smile lit up on his face, “Help?” He snarled lowly. Looking to Xemnas, Saix caught the small nod before slowly got to his feet and approached Xaldin, “Where were you, when I begged for help? When I writhed as you do? Oh, that's right; I remember `Xemnas, he's suffering. Put him out of his misery.'” As he quoted he faked worry, placing a hand on his chest. Then his cold eyes narrowed, “That's what you said… But, I'm so generous, I'll help you…” Getting on all fours before Xaldin he grinned, “We'll all help you.” A low rumble erupted from his throat, a strange rolling grind. At the sound the creatures all around them, filed in around them and joined Saix. The Shifters snapped their jaws excitedly.
“No wait-“ Xaldin scrambled back, “Please, I beg of you!”
“Calm down, we're ending your suffering.” Suddenly Saix's body convulsed and he pressed his head to the ground, snarling and shaking. The moment passed quickly and his eyes flashed up angrily, “Help him get rid of that useless body!”
Roxas shoved past him and out into the open. His keyblades were wielded and ready for battle. There was a moment's hesitation before the others went to join him, Zexion the least unsure of them all.
“Leave him be!” Called Roxas valiantly slicing through one of Saix's disciples to catch his attention. Immediately it was realized, Saix's attention wasn't something they wanted. Slamming his hand onto the ground, the stone began to crack and crumble an invisible force firing in their direction. When it hit, they were all on the ground struggling to get in another breath. Like the power he'd used before, it felt as though the weight of their own bodies would kill them.
“Saix! Stop fooling around.” The weight lifted instantly and the chaos disappeared as Saix staggered off to join Xemnas elsewhere.
Struggling to his feet, Axel willed himself to stay upright now. His muscles were extremely lax from the effort they'd put in trying to keep his body from being crushed. The others seemed to have the same problem, Demyx and Roxas fell several times before successfully gaining their balance.
Keyblade tips on the ground, Roxas used them as crutches for the time being, “Xaldin?” He voiced questionably. The said Nobody lay fairly motionless on the ground, his clothes tattered and torn. However, he wasn't fading into darkness, which meant he must have been fine. Perhaps the shock had overwhelmed him. Roxas took a step towards him, but Zexion grabbed his arm and jerked him back roughly.
“Don't touch him, something's wrong.” Zexion hissed cautiously.
“Wrong?” Repeated Luxord.
“He's not a Nobody, not anymore… Neither is Saix. They're changing into those things, the Burdened, I can sense it.” Confirmed Zexion, releasing Roxas, he took several steps back to stand between Luxord and Demyx.
“What is that?” Demyx voiced quietly. Axel didn't have to look at Demyx to know that he was pointing to the strange oozing pool that was forming around Xaldin. For a moment, the puddle was still, but then black tendrils crept up from the liquid attaching themselves to Xaldin's body. The black haired man stirred, his purple eyes fluttered open. For a moment, fear flashed across them but it was soon overcome with anger. Eyebrows knitted together, his lips stretched into a vicious scowl.
Throwing an arm out protectively, Axel backed up, forcing the others back as well. He had a bad feeling that Roxas' attempt at saving him had gone unnoticed and they were now his primary target. From the energy building up around him, Axel could also tell that the weakness they'd witnessed was gone and being replaced with growing strength.
Xaldin, slamming a hand onto the ground before him, struggled to his feet. The tendrils on him snapped and writhed, before wriggling in under his skin, infecting him with the contaminates. As the darkness shrank away from his exterior a new creature emerged before them. Though he was still very much a man in shape, the demonic look in his eyes told them that any words they spoke would not reach comprehension.
The liquid had remade his look. His hair had been crisply straightened from the dreads, leaving jagged bangs at either side of his face and the rest pull back into a lazy ponytail. Along his jaw, his sideburns had stretched to create a thin beard coming to a point at his chin. Covering his body was a mixture of iridescent white and oil black. The long trench coat, that hung on him unbuttoned and unstrapped, was the strange pearl color with raven trimmings. He still bore gloves, but they covered only his palms and wrists. On the breast of his shimmering chemise the shape of a broken, bleeding heart was etched, laced with the black hemming. His slacks, turning black just below his calves, gave way to heavy steel-toe boots.
A wicked grin stretched across his face, the air suddenly picking up at his feet raising him like a god before them. Holding his hand out palm down, a wisp of air flowed to it and from the stream metal formed. As he clasped his fingers around it, a pulse ran through the long melee weapon. This process was repeated with his other hand. The weapons were fairly similar to the ones he'd possessed as a Nobody, but the blade at the tip of each was large and more curved, like a slim ax.
Crouching on his air highland, he poised the weapons for battle.
Luxord took a stand, swinging his blade out, “Axel, conserve your energy, I have a feeling you'll need it for Xemnas… Zexion and I will take care of this.”
“I'm helping out too.” Roxas affirmed taking his place beside Zexion and Luxord, “Axel, make sure Demyx doesn't get in the way or get hurt.” Angrily Axel began to speak out but Roxas cut him off, “You're talents are no good here Axel. If you create a flame, his power over wind will wisk it away… Or worse turn it against us all. That goes the same for Demyx, our abilities lie in the area of the metaphysical.” Roxas was right; their physical and strongest attacks would be rendered useless against the enemy.
“Fine… Luxord, if Roxas gets hurt, I'm holding you personally responsible.” Axel warned.
“I know; I'll have him back to you in one peace.” Assured the gambler.
NEW Journal-
Character Links-
Xaldin: Having rested unknowingly in the heart-bearing rain, his weakness of following all too blindly has led to the destruction of his forming heart. Now he has become a Burdened seeking all the things he does not possess: power to both lead and destroy. In taking the form of a tainted being, all his potency is focused on his ability to control wind, leaving his wits less than skilled. LOG INCOMPLETE
Saix: The consumption of tainted hearts has loosed a fierce beast within him. Subtle signs in personality and physical appearance give insight to the change within him and the increasing lapses in his memory are a harbinger of the fate awaiting him. LOG INCOMPLETE
Save Game: to be continued…