Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 37 ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 37
Just a note, when I say final battle I mean that terribly long sequence of battles at the end of the game with three sequential battles. During major battles, I like to step back and let my allies have a go at the bad guy first. This way I can get an idea of what kind of attacks are used and avoid them. It's not cowardly, it's called strategy.
Also, while writing this fight I was rockin' out to Papa Roach `To Be Loved' and `Getting Away With Murder'. For Saix's moment I was listening to Aiden `The Last Sunrise (Dusk Mix)'. Do you really care? I don't know, but I thought I'd tell you.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Goodbye Basin
“You lads hold up for a moment. I'll go first so you can measure him up and take the necessary precautions.” Luxord voiced to both him and Zexion. Roxas opened his mouth to question him, but Luxord flashed him a cocky smile, “I'll be fine, just keep a close watch.” Then he looked back to Xaldin, his smile shifting to one of exhilaration, and left the safety of the pair beside him to induce war. As ordered, Roxas waited along side Zexion his blue eyes scouring the scene for any hint of how to block and determine attacks.
The first clash, a head on collision with Luxord's heavy bladed staff, was blocked easily both Xaldin's melee weapons scissoring to throw Luxord off the offense. The counter was easily recovered from, Luxord had expected the block; he was sizing Xaldin up for his own safety. Now things were going to get serious. Swinging round, Luxord made to strike their foe's back, again, throwing an arm back, Xaldin blocked, but the block opened a hole in the front and Luxord used it. With a forceful shove, Luxord deposited a handful of his explosives into Xaldin's clothing and leapt back. Time flickered and for a second he appeared to disappear, before coming back into view a yard away shielding himself from the blast.
Fire and smoke billowed up around the wind sorcerer and all went still. A strange sound, like air being sucked away, sounded within the inferno. Then there was a sudden gust of wind, clearing the air just as Xaldin rocketed forward. Both blades were held to his sides and as he came upon Luxord in a flash, those razors slashed at the blonde's body: length-wise, width-wise, diagonal, not a break between each cut only allowing Luxord to be driven back until he hit a rock face. Then there was a momentary pause in the assault, Luxord looked up in panic before being skewered with a single spear.
Luxord emitted a ghastly groan, reaching up to grasp the weapon. Then he drew his lips back in an angry scowl, “If I'd had a heart… that just… might have KILLED ME!!!” Wrenching out the blade Luxord struck back hard, his own staff catching Xaldin in the side and throwing him back. With a hand on his collar, he straightened his coat, “Not bad, you ruffled my jacket, but you'll have to do better than that.” Another rip in time and Luxord was on top of him, releasing a barrage of attacks mimicking the ones he'd received from Xaldin not just seconds before. Wind kicked up at their heels, ripples formed in the small puddles as energy built up around them.
Beside him, Zexion grabbed Roxas' arm and jerking him off his feet and to his knees. Just as he opened his mouth to object, the air was forced from his lungs and cold wind rushed around them from behind, almost throwing them forward. As quickly as it had come it was gone, but only from them.
Luxord was blindsided. The rush of air knocked him off his feet and into the air and while he fell, stunned, the pressure rose beneath Xaldin and he launched a final combo on Luxord. Rising up above him, Xaldin flipped into a dive and spiraled down like a drill on top of Luxord forcing him to the ground and assaulting him with the force of a hurricane before jumping back onto his feet and kicking Luxord across the ground. The gambler rolled to a stop before them.
“Luxord!” Roxas scrambled forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. Letting out a groan, Luxord forced his legs beneath himself, “Are you all right?”
“Fine. I just need to catch my bearings.” Nodded Luxord, crouching low on his feet, “Hope you didn't waste the time I gave you.” Luxord added before his eyes flashed up. Roxas flinched, feeling something brush up against his back. When nothing more happened, Roxas looked up as well. Towering over them, Zexion, having taken the form of Lexaeus, had stopped Xaldin from bringing his wrath down on them. In his right hand, he held one of Xaldin's blades, which the being was trying to cut through them with.
Gritting his teeth, Zexion thrust the blade back. Chest now exposed, Zexion raised a boot, “Get back!” Giving the tainted beast a swift, hard kick, he sent their enemy flying. The false form faded and Zexion shook his arm, trying to ease the pain and loosen up the muscles in it again. “Having afternoon tea? Or just chatting?”
“Sorry.” Luxord murmured as both of them as they got up.
“Just don't let your guard down again.” Summoning his blade to his hand, Zexion rushed in for the attack. The Bond of Flame and The Way appearing in his own hands, Roxas joined him to provide the support he would most likely need.
The illusionist gave a great heave, throwing his blade far over Xaldin's head. Dumbly, Xaldin looked up curiously at the sword's path and Zexion dropped a knee and skidded underneath him. Wide open for the taking, Roxas crossed his blades seconds before the strike. Then thrusting them apart sent Xaldin flying back into the trap Zexion had set. Poised just feet from the two, Zexion sprung up meeting Xaldin before he could use the wind to balance himself and ran his own sword along his back. Still running at full speed, Roxas pinned Xaldin up against the illusionist. Then the attack went into full swing, both Roxas and Zexion performing an onslaught of close range attacks.
One swing too many, Xaldin caught both Roxas' blades with his right handed weapon. His other arm was over his shoulder blocking Zexion's. Cold ran around their ankles and Roxas felt his gut turn. A discharge of wind around Xaldin hit both Zexion and Roxas like a train, sending them flying back. Xaldin didn't wait for Roxas to recover as he jetted right behind him and caught him with his javelins.
Roxas let out a cry of pain, cool blades of air cutting into him over and over, forcing him flat onto the ground. Rescue couldn't come soon enough, but it came eventually. Thrusting his staff between them, Luxord broke the cycle of attacks. Zexion came from behind with an aerial strike, and the battle was lead away from Roxas while he recovered.
Slowly getting to his feet Roxas looked on solemnly, his eyes scanning over the battlefield. Under these conditions, they were at a disadvantage. Xaldin had complete control; his attacks were sudden and destructive making them hard to block. They needed to find a way to turn the odds in their favor.
At his feet he could feel the wind pick up and he looked at his companions; they were deep in the heat of battle. That's what made it so hard to evade the wind; Xaldin distracted them, “The wind! Get away from him!” Roxas called his eyes surveying the land. The current began to pick up, causing the ripples in the water, “Dodge to your right!” Zexion ducked down rolling out of the wind tunnel's path before leaping up again to aid Luxord once again.
Looking to the sky, Roxas could see the clouds whirling against one another; the storm was brewing and growing wrestles. He looked down, but then a thought struck him and he looked up and the clouds again, “Like fighting fire with fire…” Keyblades clutched in his hands, Roxas stormed in. He easily worked his way into the rhythm of the fight, coming in close to Zexion, “I need you to take his form!” He called over the sound of clashing metal.
“What?! And waste even more of my magic?!” Zexion snarled angrily forcing back Xaldin's blade.
“Do it! It'll buy us some more time!” Roxas commanded, Zexion glared at him. Then he gave a great shove and escaped the flurry of attacks. Luxord was struck back again, “Crap!” Dropping down, Roxas raised his keyblades in defense to keep the damage of Xaldin's focused attacks to a minimum. The air was picking up again.
Zexion cut it, knocking Xaldin from his pursuit, “Now what?!” Voiced the camouflaged Nobody, his voice low and rough. Roxas' eyes skipped from pond to pond.
“There!” He pointed to the invisible force, “Send a current of air that way!”
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Zexion threw his hand out wind rushing in around his body and flowing towards the opposing stream of air. There was a strange whooshing sound and a small dust devil formed before dying away. The air was still. The true Xaldin being gaped, his purple eyes wide with surprise; whether he was surprised about the cancellation or his double they couldn't be sure.
“When the air picks up, find the gust and knock it out with your own. It'll give us an edge for a while, don't let him leave the ground or shift the air at all.”
“Got it. Go, I can't hold this form for long, it's unstable.” Roxas nodded and then turned to take advantage of the new situation. Their foe was still shaken by the appearance of another him, obviously not understanding it was Zexion. Close to the ground, Roxas crept around Xaldin stopping opposite of Luxord. Giving a hand gesture he queued for a simultaneous attack. Bond of Flame disappearing, Roxas shifted The Way to his right hand before closing in for the assault. Wielding the keyblade with both hands, Roxas struck Xaldin with a heavy blow to the chest, while Luxord struck his back with the weighted end of the bladed staff.
Instantly brought to his senses, the wind began to pick up and just as he was about to take to the sky with an attack, Zexion canceled out the air. Xaldin fell to a knee, unsure what happened. For the moment he was a broken-winged bird, a hawk with talons but weak none the less.
The battle commenced, blade against blade and bombarded with explosives. Metal clashed angrily and often blades ran against unhappy flesh and cloth. Xaldin's strength was immense, even without the wind, and overcame them on occasion, knocking them back a ways. At which point, Luxord threw in his erupting dice and chips, giving them an edge when they were able to come back at full force. For this reason, it seemed, Luxord was Xaldin's main target. Every attack, though very harmful to both, was primarily absorbed by the gambler and very slowly, the tables were turning. Xaldin somehow gained the upper hand, always having Luxord on the defense instead of offense. Now Roxas found himself casting curing spells more often than he was attacking.
Roxas' right sole slipped on the rock wet rock and he fell to knee and hand, after a critical blow. The advancement they'd achieved was slipping from their fingers. Behind him, Zexion was faltering badly. His counter attacks grew weaker and weaker and more delayed. Luxord was fighting an uphill battle alone now, both Zexion and Roxas too tired to continue; their magic and energy was spent.
As soon as his double `disappeared' Xaldin grinned widely and the air began to stir, but not like it had before. Drawing back from the attack, the Burdened perched himself on top a slick rock. The wind began to churn and howl; picking up traces of water as it began to spiral.
“Another heavy blow… And he's done for.” Panted Zexion tightly clenching his teeth in dread, “We… He needs our help.” Drawing out a vile from his cloak Zexion giving the substance a sniff, he quickly consumed the elixir. Almost immediately, his energy seemed to boost and his essential will to fight was revived, “Protect yourself; I'll take care of Luxord.” Roxas reached out and placed a hand on Zexion's shoulder.
“No way, we're in this together. I'm not letting you go at it alone.”
Zexion closed his eyes and smile, “You're such a hero… Your Somebody, Sora, he must have been very strong… I would have liked to meet him.” Letting out a hum Zexion opened his eyes and looked back at the gathering vortex, “We don't have a lot of time… I can buy us some more time and a second chance, but the opening won't be long so make it count.”
Clasping his hands onto the two hilts of his heavy blade, he raised the sword high above his head. Within its center, the orb of darkness began to crackle and swirl. Black electricity flickered down over Zexion's hands and face, other bolts sparking out to lick the water and clean cut rock. Then with the flick of his wrist, the blade parted into its two halves and he swung them down in a full circle, stretching out the darkness, before pressing the tips into the hard earth. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, but then the black stream that had been form from the motion of the blade expanded flying out in a spiraling motion.
As the dark substance flew over the ground, the battle ground flashed away. In the place of the barren ground, lush trees, brush, and flowers appeared filling the air with the subtle smells of life. The shadowing of the cloud and night washed away into day, and beneath their feet the soil glowed white.
“What is this place?”
“The Radiant Garden… My memory of its distant forests. The trees will diminish the strength of his wind and,” Beside Roxas there was a spell of petals, and Zexion disappeared behind the face of Marluxia, “as the flower boy… This is my type of terrain.” Holding out his right hand, the black scythe appeared in his grasp, “Hurry, before the illusion dies away.”
“Right.” Roxas flinched at the sound of a tree being ripped from the ground, its roots giving a wretched tearing sound. Looking back to where the air had been picking up before, it was evident now that a cyclone was picking up pace.
“Hurry up!” Snarled Zexion, already having taken off in the direction of Xaldin's last position. With a shake of his head, Roxas chased after him.
Coming upon their enemy, they found him to be at a complete loss. The Burdened couldn't seem to figure out what had happened, and was frantically look about the trees for a way out. His panic ceased, however, upon seeing both Roxas and Zexion and turned to rage. His lances appeared in his fists and he charged.
Zexion stood still, a small smile appearing on his lips, “Watch your step!” Throwing his hand out, vines burst from the ground wrapping about Xaldin's legs. Halted in his tracks Xaldin threw one of the weapons at them. With both his keyblades, Roxas easily deflected the attack, the said spear burying itself deep into the bark of a nearby tree.
In a flash, Roxas was at Xaldin's feet, driving his blades against him. He had little means of protection and what he had was used to deflect Zexion's more powerful blows. Feeling the air behind him begin to pull, Roxas leapt back. This was getting them nowhere fast. Ducking behind Xaldin, Roxas put their foe downwind, “Zexion! Axel's form, now!” Zexion asked no questions. Swiftly escaping proximity with Xaldin, he met up behind Roxas now tall and lithe in Axel's disguise.
Eyes closed, Roxas held both keyblades before him, summoning his power over fire. The heat was remarkable, the boost of Bond of Flame and the strength of The Way combined into an inferno and with Zexion pitting in fire of his own; the blaze was a hell storm waiting to be released, “NOW!!!” The forest engulfed in flames. So vast and hot was the burn, even he and Zexion were brought to their knees by its force. It fanned out, eating away every inch of the illusion before being sucked into the cyclone.
Back in the realm of reality, the tainted heart Xaldin had homed flew up, released from its prison, and the Whirlwind Lancer fell to the ground. Luxord had driven his staff into the rock and was holding onto the weapon in a valiant effort not to be consumed by the tornado, which was now a hurricane of fire. Zexion thrust his blade into the ground as well. Grabbing Roxas around the waist, the illusionist tucked him away next to his body to protect him from the wind.
At the sound of footsteps, Roxas pressed further up against Zexion's stomach. Xaldin had gotten to his feet and was now struggling towards them. Though he was not nearly as set back as them by the flowing air, it was obvious that the current created by his Burdened was even too much for him to handle. Just one solid hit, and he could be thrown into the fire, the battle would be over. Zexion must have sensed what he was thinking because his grip on him tightened, “I'll take care of it.” He murmured, ducking his head down and closing his eyes in concentration.
To each side, a figure appeared: two Zexion doubles. Unaffected by the wind the pair smiled at one another. Launching out of their crouching positions, they rushed forward capturing each of Xaldin's arms in their own, “Don't threaten what you can't oppress.” Then with wide grins, the replicas gave Xaldin a heavy shove in the `right' direction before fading into non-existence.
As his form was consumed by the flames, a quiet melody rang out of the landscape, barely loud enough to be heard over the growling blaze. Zexion smiled down at Roxas, a smile of peace as he rested his head against the sword, “My beloved plays such beautiful music.” He whispered happily, before his eyes flashed up. Roxas looked over as well. From the tiny pools of water, droplets were collecting and rising up creating a thin film of the liquid. The tiny droplets shimmered and as they connected, the entire structure rippled and gleamed magnificently from the light of the flames. All too soon, the fire only danced in a globe of rainwater. The bubble-like form gave way, swirling in to enclose the twister completely and quickly smothered both fire; the rapid decrease in temperature extinguished the current of flowing air.
As the water rained back to the earth, Demyx and Axel rushed out from hiding to great them. Zexion was tackled right off Roxas' shoulders and pinned to the ground by his lover. The schemer out of the way, Roxas was quickly swept up into Axel's arms. As he was hugged close, Roxas laughed.
“Hey, cut it out! Put me down!” Demanded Roxas squirming half-heartedly in Axel's embrace, “I'm fine!”
“I was so worried about you… You're never leaving my side again.” Growled Axel protectively, his voice muffled by Roxas' clothes. Shifting his head up, Axel kissed along Roxas' neck gratefully causing Roxas to reel with giggles again. Then he remembered Luxord and pushed away from Axel.
“Let me down!” He ordered, this time Axel obeyed and Roxas quickly looked around for their injured companion. When he spotted him, the gambler was lying face down in shale, “Luxord!” Shoving past Axel, Roxas ran to the blonde's side, skidding to a stop and falling to his knees, “Luxord, wake up!” An arm under the elder Nobody, Roxas rolled him over slightly and pulled his head onto his lap, “Come on, buddy, open your eyes!” Patting Luxord's cheek Roxas tried to pull him from his unconsciousness. Around him the others gathered in worry.
Blue eyes slowly opened, heavy with fatigue. Luxord groaned, “Keep it down, brat.” He grumbled unhappily. Roxas sighed in relief, “Don't worry so much… I'm not disappearing yet, am I?” Frowning, Roxas looked away, this was true. Weakly pushing Roxas away, Luxord sat up and grabbed his head, “I feel hammered.”
“He's just fine, let's go.” Said Zexion flatly folding his arms.
“That's a little cold.” Pouted Luxord.
“Axel, do you have anything you can give him?” Demyx inquired.
“Yeah, it's not much but it will help.” Confirmed Axel handing a potion over to Luxord before pulling Roxas to his feet, “But Zexion's right, we do need to get going. Xemnas is close-by; we don't have time to rest and have a nice chat.” Axel looked away from Zexion, folding his own arms as he stubbornly refused to recognize him. Roxas gave him a small nudge in the side, but smiled none the less at Zexion, who smirked smugly at the comment.
“Hm?” Zexion turned to Demyx in curiosity as Luxord grabbed his shoulder and heaved himself up, almost pulling Zexion down in the process. Then Luxord backed away and dusted himself off.
“Can't you say it? At least once?”
“Because I was really worried... When I saw you fighting, I thought something might happen and I'd never get to talk with you again.” Demyx frowned unhappily. For a long moment Zexion seemed to consider the request before turning away.
Demyx wilted, he looked like he was just about to cry, “But-“
“No, I won't say it… If you want me to because you're afraid I'll never get the chance to I have no choice but to refuse. I know it sounds harsh, but that's how it is. If I were to tell you that, to say those three words, you would be able to fade away with no regret. You wouldn't have a reason to fight as hard… We're not going to be beaten, I won't allow it because I still have something left to do, and you better not lose or you won't be there when I decide it's the right time… Think of it as something to live for.” Zexion let his arms drop to his side and he headed off to find Xemnas and his pet. Luxord took off after him lazily.
Roxas came up behind Demyx and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder, “Don't worry, he's just being stubborn. Just keep trying.”
“All right, come on you two. They're leaving us behind.” Axel ushered, placing a hand on Roxas' back to urge him onward.
“I'm going. I'm going.” Grumbled Demyx unhappily giving a wave of his hand before dashing away to catch up with both Luxord and Zexion.
Having cut ahead of them, Roxas lead them out into the open, out of the maze of stone and shadowy corners. This section of the basin was smoother than the others, only containing short curving plateaus resembling hills more than tables. Here Xemnas and Saix waited on the far side, their backs to a sharp cliff with forest to either side of them. Once again, Saix was on the ground, this time lying like a dog and panting heavily. At their approach, Saix lifted his head and drew his lips back in a snarl.
“Intruders.” He growled under his breath shakily getting to his feet. Hunched over he clutched his head tightly, “Ah!” He cried out in pain shaking his head side to side. Xemnas' hand on his back instantly calmed the fit. Saix looked up again in surprise and snarled again, “Intruders.” His yellow eyes flashed back to Xemnas.
“Yes, they are our enemy.” Xemnas confirmed, “Do you remember?” Bashfully, Saix bowed his head and looked up at his Superior timidly. In response, Xemnas tenderly stroked his hair, “They insulted me, tried to hurt me… And I have been nothing but so generous and kind? Remember how unrequited my love is?”
“I remember!” Saix perked happily smiling at Xemnas. Quickly raising a hand, Saix traced a heart shape on Xemnas' chest. Amused, Xemnas smirked. Putting his arm around the berserker's neck, Xemnas pulled their head close and tipped his forehead to Saix.
“They are my enemy, remember that… They tried to hurt me… They want me dead. Remember that.” Turning his face Xemnas let his breath brush Saix's cheek, “Remember that… What are they?”
“Nothing!” Responded Saix instantly setting his brows low in anger.
“Who are they?” Breathed Xemnas.
“The enemy!” Responded Saix a frown pulling at his lips.
“What did they do?” Cooed Xemnas.
“Hurt!” Responded Saix baring his teeth and retaliation.
“What shall be done?” Hummed Xemnas.
Bringing his hand up before Saix's face, he drew it into a fist and Saix smiled wildly, the anger mixing with excitement, “Kill!”
“Remember that.” Brining his hand back, he twirled some of Saix's hair in his fingers as he placed a kiss on Saix temple, “You're such a good boy. Can you remember?” Drawing back, Xemnas released Saix from his gentle caresses and embrace to stand on his own. Saix was shaking now, the excitement boiling over into physical energy.
“I will remember, my Superior!” He promised happily, his eyes intensely focused on the group before him, “Crush the enemy.” This last sentence was spoken as a verbal reminder to himself. Roxas drew his keyblades from the darkness, and Saix stepped back in surprise. His yellow eyes widened in curiosity and he tipped his head in a cautious way, “K… Ke…”
“Keyblade… It's what he uses to hurt us… They all want to hurt me, they want me dead.” Assisted Xemnas, “If you don't eradicate our enemy, they will get me… Then who will love you?”
Saix let out a strangled gasp, his mouth falling open in horror. Worry in his wild eyes, Saix looked back at Xemnas in fear then back at the group. His face contorted quickly with rage, “I won't- They can't! I won't let them hurt you!” He yelled fiercely, beneath him the ground let out groan before cracking under the heavy pressure. His hair standing on end, Saix's eyes light up like torches and he lurched forward.
Breaking from the faction, Roxas met him halfway. Bond of Flame ran clean across Saix's gut, The Way cut over his face. There was no resistance from his opponent, as he swiped blow after blow and very quickly Roxas finally ceased his attack. Lowering his blades he furrowed his brows in confusion, gazing at the still being before him. Saix stood motionless for a moment longer before crouching down and backing away, his eyes still glowing madly. Once a yard back, Saix slammed the palm of his hand to the ground. Roxas barely had time to register the result as he was brought to the ground, weight pinning him to the earth. Above him, Roxas caught a glimpse of red as Axel rushed in for the attack. His chakrams burned fiercely into Saix and the Luna Diviner let out a yowl before retreating further and releasing Roxas from his hold.
Axel retreated as well, quickly helping Roxas to his feet. Flashing his teeth in irritation, Saix rushed at them again. Roxas swung at him, Axel close by his side at the attack. This time, defiance! In inhuman agility, Saix dropped to the ground and slid under them on his stomach before soaring up and striking them across the back. The air was knocked out of Roxas' lungs and he was sent to the ground from the surprising force of the blow. Axel managed to retain his balance, turned and sliced Saix across the face again. In retaliation, the air suddenly grew heavy and gravity dragged Axel to the ground.
Sword drawn, Zexion came to their aid. Clipping Saix along the shoulder, the blue haired beast backed down again, his hold on Axel relenting. As he backed away, Saix fell to a knee and clutched his chest. Arching his back, he let out a cry of pain. Xemnas was at his side in a flash.
Hand over Saix's; Xemnas looked down in concern, “Are you all right?”
“It burns.” Gasped Saix shaking in silent sobs of pain, “The darkness… I'm scared.”
Roxas made to attack, but Xemnas swept a hand out and a wave of darkness thrust them back into the group they'd been in before. Then he smiled fondly down at Saix, “No need to be afraid… The darkness is my friend, it loves you… Give in to the darkness, give in to me and the burning will go away…” A symbol flashed onto Saix's chest, the symbol etched onto all Burdened and darkness filled the engraving, “Remember me…” Pulling Saix to his feet Xemnas pressed their lips together, kissing him deeply as he thrust his free hand into the depths of Saix's chest.
Roxas could feel his jaw drop and he stumbled back running into Demyx and Axel in his horror. It was not the kiss that had startled him so, even though its passion was unexpectedly great. He recognized that type of intimacy, connected with them for it… Instead it was that as the kiss ended, Xemnas smiled wickedly and yanked his hand out, holding something in his fist. In his gut, Roxas knew that Xemnas had just ripped out Saix's heart. The life seemed to slip away from him, his body limp and motionless in Xemnas' strong grip.
“With your heart… I can finally tell you how deeply I love you, Saix. I miss you so, already… Remember me.” With that, Xemnas released Saix from his grasp and pulled away. His arm was covered in the black oozing tendrils and they crept up over his shoulder and his neck as he retreated. Only in vague irritation did he pull at them with his other hand and infect that as well, “And remember the enemy.”
Saix fell to all fours, the wicked contents of his being spilling out over the dark rock. His body shook and convulsed in pain and shock, expelling more and more of the darkness to create an ominous pool around his form. In his agony, his hateful eyes flashed up at them and Roxas felt a chill run through his body, “Remember the enemy.” He spat out before the wisps and strands of darkness where throw up and pulled his body down into the consuming slime.
A long moment passed, the pool remaining infinitely still. Then there was a small ripple, a sign of life, before a large arm thrust its way out and slammed onto the solid surface. It was the arm of a beast, clawed, covered in fur, but also protected by armor and the anatomy of something human. The other arm followed, splashing some of the darkness out it struggled for release. Digging its talons into the ground, the Burdened hauled itself from the pool. Its head was weighed down by a massive helmet, fashioned the same shape as a Shifter, through the eye slits glowing yellow eyes could be seen and purple smoke came out of the mouth holes at every breath. Long ears poked out from the back of the mask and flattened back against what skull they could. A main of silvery blue hair also sprouted from the back and rained down over its shoulders and back.
Bringing a back leg up and out, the beast was fully revealed. Its chest was massive, heavily adorned in armor plates that resembled the surface of the moon. Body long, hips small it seemed disproportioned. Its back legs were short compared to its arms but they were also more animal like then the arms, making accurate guesses at what would be correct difficult. It also had a long tail, the top armors like a backbone, leaving the bottom to pour out lengthy silver fur. The beast was larger then any of them, but no larger than the Cerberus. Most of its body fur was a strange mixture of black and grey highlights.
Legs spread, the beast stood upright and inhaled deeply before slouching forward and releasing the breath in a purple haze. Turning its head it moved aside to look at Xemnas. The Superior had undergone a change as well. In his left hand, he held a chain that stretched out and attached to Saix's back, at the opposite end hung a small iron cage containing the heart, shrouded in a dark mist. The arm and hand infected were covered in silver armor, and part of his coat had morphed to a more wicked looking version. What had reached his face had turned into a black tattoo.
Eyes clouded over, Xemnas smiled hollowly, “I remember…”
NEW Journal-
Character Links-
Xaldin: Having rested unknowingly in the heart-bearing rain, his weakness of following all too blindly has led to the destruction of his forming heart. Now he has become a Burdened seeking all the things he does not possess: power to both lead and destroy. In taking the form of a tainted being, all his potency is focused on his ability to control wind, leaving his wits less than skilled. Unable to adapt quickly to the changes brought on by Zexion, Xaldin fell from grace and became a Nobody once more, only to be thrust into an end of his own making.
Saix: The consumption of tainted hearts has loosed a fierce beast within him. Subtle signs in personality and physical appearance give insight to the change within him and the increasing lapses in his memory are a harbinger of the fate awaiting him.
His time as a Nobody running out, Xemnas plunged deep into Saix's chest to save his heart from collapsing under the pressure. No longer able to restrain against the potency of only the tainted hearts, Saix is overcome by the taint and takes the shape of a Burdened half man from his loyalty and half beast from his untamable feral nature. From his devotion, Saix communicates with Xemnas' tongue and not through his own, but all his memories and thoughts are fed by Xemnas in exchange. LOG INCOMPLETE
Xemnas: Halving delved into the contaminated pit of Saix's being, he is stained with the mark of the pollutant and Saix's essence courses within his body reaching through the chain connecting him and his follower. He holds Saix's heart to keep the balance of their bond in his favor. LOG INCOMPLETE
Save Game: to be continued…