Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Chance... ❯ Bonds That Are Never Broken ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

XxX ~ Disclaimer for the whole story:
I do not own Zelda, Nintendo, Wii, Gamecube or any of its affiliates; this story is based on a mix of the LOZ OoT and LOZ TP with my creativity mixed in it....~ XxX
Mystic Sage's Note:
Xx-Xx within the story means point of view changes and ~*~-~*~ means its going to a different location/character
Chapter 1~ Bonds That Are Never Broken...
Epona galloped aimlessly through Hyrule fields as her riders admired the beauty of their surroundings.
Zelda's arms were tightly hugging Link as she laid her head on his back. How wonderful it was to see her kingdom even more beautiful than before. For once, she felt that peace would finally spread across Hyrule and that there was nothing to fear.
Only one thought occupied Link's mind: now that Hyrule was finally free of the impending doom and was at peace, what purpose did he serve? Would he be able to stay by his love's side or would she push him away. Did he have feelings for him or did she only see him as her savior “the Hero of Time”?
“Zelda?” Zelda lifted her head. “I-I...... Should I take you to the castle?” he blurted out. It pained him to think of how with those words he could bring happiness or extreme sadness to her life. All the more he regretted not asking her or telling her of his feelings.
“Link? Is there something wrong?”
So many thoughts, doubts, went through Link's mind: should he tell her? How will she react? Will she reject him? So many doubts clouded his min, but most importantly; “Was it really the right thing to do?”
Link slowed Epona to a stop, then dismounted and helped Zelda down. He held her hand and led her deeper into the forest to a small spring. Zelda looked around, but couldn't recognize anything; she had never wandered this far from her home before. Link turned to her and looked into her bright blue eyes.
“Z-Zelda. Ever since I first saw you, I knew you were different, special. Not because you were a princess, but because something made me feel calm and trusting around you. No matter what would happen, just having you near me would give me strength to go on. I wish to remain by your side, protecting you, but we have different paths to follow.”
Slowly tears began to form in Zelda's eyes. She knew exactly what he was doing, pushing her away. She had no idea how much longer she would be able to contain herself.
“You, as princess, must return to your people to bring support in rebuilding and stabilizing the economy. I, on the other hand, must return home; then travel to help those in need. You must return to your kingdom, your people need you; they need their prin-...”
Zelda could not take it anymore. It hurt to be rejected and she would not let him go. She stopped him with a short kiss that both surprised and relieved him. She slowly pulled back, but kept him near in a warm embrace. Her eyes remained closed as her tears continued to stream down her cheeks.
“Z-Zelda. We... I-I...” Link stared at the ground, unsure of what to say.
“D-Don't...Push...Me...Away....” she managed to whisper softly. Zelda knew he was using her duty as am excuse, she knew it all along; but did he push her away because he loved her or because he had no feelings for her what so ever?
Link continued to stare at her with a puzzled look. He was both surprised and glad to hear her say those words. Did this mean that she actually loved him as he loves her?
“I won't... I'll never leave your side. I promise...” With those words their lips met in a fiery passion that not only revealed their need to be loved, but all of their wins, losses, griefs, fears and most of all; how much they needed each other.
How long had they both waited, hoping...no...Wishing, for their lips to meet. After so many years of tragic losses and unexpected betrayals, their wish had finally been granted... But for how long???
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
“Wha- H-how?” Inquired Leon, as he tried to make heads or tails of his very unexpected encounter. “I thought you were moving to Georgia!”
“I did, but I came here to study... It is a free country after all.” Emma replied.
“I-I thought I'd never see you again.” He answered hesitantly, lowering his gaze.
“I thought the same thing... I guess we're stuck together...again...” she said with a hint of sarcasm.
“Well at least you still have a sense of humor...” he answered with a chuckle.
“Well I can say the same `bout you...” she answered with an exaggerated Texan accent and smiled back.
“Well, what did you expect? Making others laugh is my trademark...” he smiled, and then his smile slowly disappeared. “Without it... I'm nothing...”
“I've always thought that your fluffy side was a good part of you...” she replied shyly avoiding his gaze.
“Yeah, well you are the only one that's ever seen that side of me...” he smiled at the thought of every memory he had shown his fluffy side to her... “Wait! Ummm... Why are you mentioning this in the first place?”
“Well it's just I-I...”
“Excuse me! If you wish to pass my class then proceed to entering my class. IMMEDIATELY!!!” exclaimed the professor as he glared coldly at them unconcerned that he had just ruined a nearly perfect reunion.
Leon and Emma quickly passed by the professor and into the room, making sure they avoided eye contact. They sat opposite to each other with four seats between them. The professor stood glaring at his students from behind his desk. He was about 5 in shorter than Leon (“5, 2”), in his middle age with white hairs sprouting from what's left of his slick black hair. He wore a grey vest over a white T-shirt with grey slacks. He had very small black spectacles (in other words: glasses) and his left eye twitched every five seconds.
Leon looked to see Emma trying really hard not to burst out laughing at the professor. Even his black moustache looked out of place; it reminded Emma of the mustaches that most villains would twirl around their finger.
“*clears throat* Good afternoon, my name is Alexander Bartholomeu Jackson II; but I expect all of you to refer to me as proctor. As I was saying before I was distracted by two irresponsible students... (He glared at the two who lowered their heads in embarrassment) I shall not accept any excuses what so ever for incomplete work, assignments or research papers. No doubts or questions shall be answered by me and there will be no eating, drinking or bringing of children. Less than half of this class is expected to pass and I am determined that no more than half pass. This class cannot be repeated or......”
Emma slowly dozed off, oblivious to the procter's ramblings. Her mind dwelled on old school memories of lost loves that Leon and Emma had made together. His last words echoed through her thoughts. I've chosen to let go. All we've been doing is trying to relive the past and it hasn't worked out. Its time we both move on, and even if it does work out, you're leaving in one week... It's hopeless. I'm sorry.” Emma slowly opened her eyes and sighed. She stared at Leon to find him staring sadly back at her. Embarrassed, Emma looked away and hid her red face in her hands.
X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x
Leon sat confused as he thought of what had happened in the last few minutes. His first love, girlfriend, and kiss now sat a few seats away from him acting like a flirty schoolgirl. So many things had happened between them a few years ago and it felt like just yesterday.
Emma sat on a staircase trying to keep herself from crying as Leon approached her.
“Emma, stop doing this to yourself. You can't just bottle it all up. It hurts to see you doing this and not being able to help.”
A girl approached and kneeled in front of Emma.
“We're your friends. You know that you can trust us, but if you don't tell us what's wrong and stop pushing us away we can't help you. We're tired of trying and we're asking you one last time to stop secluding your self.”
Emma stared sadly at them as they sighed and walked away. Tears slowly filled her eyes and she hid behind a wall from everyone else. Moments later they returned to find her drying her tears.
“I'm sorry guys. Leon, Elianna; I'm sorry. I just can't help it.... I've done this for so long that it's so hard to let go and just talk. I'm sorry...”
End Flashback
That day she had told them everything she could and had made them promise. She made them promise to slap her if she ever began to bottle up her feelings again. He had kept his promise, but fortunately he never had to slap her.
They continued to think of their past throughout the class, forgetting how important it was supposed to be for them. The endless cycle of sighs and meaningful glances continued until the procter announced the end of the class...
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
An eagle flew gracefully and steadily in the sky above them as they rode through Hyrule Fields. Zelda slept upon Link as he led Epona on the path to the castle.
Maybe I should have taken my chance... She could have ended up telling me she loved me too. But it was all just a dream, how long shall I wait to know? To have my lips upon hers at least once in my life...
Link replayed his dream over and over again. Remembering how tears had flowed from her beautiful eyes as she took him in a passionate kiss and then told him not to push her away.
Zelda lay sleeping on him peacefully; slowly tears filled her eyes as her dream drastically changed. She gripped his tunic tightly and shaked uncontrollably.
“Link! No! D-Don't go! Please don't leave me, I-I need you! Don't Its-it-its..... Don't... I-I” she shouted as tears flowed freely down her frightened face.
“Zelda?” Link pulled Epona to a stop and quickly dismounted. He carried Zelda and laid her on the ground. Zelda continued to cry and struggle in her dreamy state. It almost seemed as if she was running from something. “Zelda. Its okay, you're dreaming. It's not real...”
“No... Where's Link.... No!”
“Zelda, I'm right here. I'd never leave your side. It's okay...”
“Link? Help...”
Link sat confused, trying to calm Zelda down as she continued to cry out his name and ask for help. As much as he tried, she would not awaken from her slumber. There was one last thing he could do...
“Zelda, I-I Love you... I LOVE YOU Zelda!” he cried out, hoping that his confession would reach her, no matter how deep her slumber.
“Link?” she replied groggily as her tears stopped and she stopped struggling. Her face was calm and seemed a bit happy as she slowly regained consciousness.
Zelda opened her eyes to find tears in Link's eyes as he smiled at her. She had been lying upon his lap and his arms held her tightly.
“Link? What happened?” she asked as she stared up at him.
“Oh....um...Well, it's just that I thought that it was no place for a princess to sleep upon a moving horse... Wouldn't want the people to see what happens to there princess when she wakes up on the wrong side of the horse.” he replied with a hint of sarcasm.
“Hmph. Liar.” She scoffed as she stood up. She stood staring down at him with one eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Now really.... Why are we in the middle of a field under a tree?”
Link sat pensive a moment. Awww man... What should I tell her? What that I just confessed to her.... No! Ummm... Damn, where's a distraction when I need one...
“Where's Epona?”
Link stood and looked to see Epona was gone. “Aw, man! She must have run off when I-I...” Link's face turned bright red as he stopped himself, seconds before he told her.
“When you what?”
“Nah... It doesn't matter. Aha!” Link dashed toward a brown weed and pulled it out. He lifted it to its lips and from it came a beautiful melody.
“That's so beautiful...” Zelda heard the sound of hooves in the distance and turned away from Link to see Epona galloping towards them. “Whoa!” She smiled and turned to look at Link. As she turned her vision began to blur, the only thing in focus was Link. She ran to him and held him close as everything became dark. “Link? What's happening?”
“Zelda, I don't know what's going on... I'd like you to know that ever since I met you I've always Lo-”
Link disappeared in front of her and she stood alone in the darkness as it closed in on her.
“Link?......Link!” It continued to get harder to see till she saw no more.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
The procter watched each student as they left the room. Emma got goose bumps when he glared at her, but managed to survive his evil gaze. Leon, on the other hand, didn't have it that easy.
“Mr. Yamato. Am I correct?” Leon turned at nodded solemnly. “The next time you come to my class with inappropriate attire, you shall not be permitted to continue taking this course. Am I being clear?”
Again, Leon nodded and exited to find Emma leaning against a column waiting for him. She had clearly gone to her car, left her stuff, gotten changed, and returned to watch the show. He couldn't help but notice she was wearing a red tank top and a very sexy mini skirt. “GOD! Why do I keep checking her out?”
“Yamato? I never knew your name was Yamato!” She said with a smile.
“*scoffs* I never knew your name at all!”
“Fine then.” she replied, standing and shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you Leon Yamato, My name is Emelia Trotsky.” Leon fell to the floor bursting out laughing.
“Trotsky? And to think you were making fun of Yamato!”
“Alright, alright... You had your laugh... Can we just go walk around or something?”
Leon bit his lip to contain his laughter, then; he held his breathe and let it out in a loud sigh. “Yeah sure... I know the perfect spot!” He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her across the campus. They ran across an empty parking lot and ended up running through a path in a forest.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked in vain as he pulled her by a huge stone wall and into the forest itself.
“Just wait and see...”
Just as he finished replying they had reached a clearing; he let go of her. “Check it out. If this ain't amazing then I don't know what is...” he said starching his arms wide.
It-its, beautiful!!!” she replied happily as she admired her surroundings. They stood upon a hill covered in millions of different flowers in bloom. Below them soft white sand led to the beach where waves softly lapped against the sand. In the distance, the sun slowly set behind majestic mountains.
Leon smiled. She was the only one whom he had showed this place to. He knew that only her amazement and admiration would be worth it. Happily, he put his arm around her shoulders and admired their surroundings.
They felt an unexpected blow to the neck and blacked out..... The rest is a blur in their memories.....
Soooooooo.... What do ya think? R&R! Oh! And for those that may be interested.... After a few chaps I'm thinking of making a filler FanFicin which I'll mention stuff that was originally supposed to be in the story..... Anyway R&R! See you next time!