Naruto Fan Fiction / Chobits Fan Fiction ❯ Chobit of the Sand ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Unfortunately, I do not have a word today for my journal for I have no interest in doing so. For I miss my sweet daughter... I love her; I wish I could be with her forever. But, being the father I am, all I hope now is for someone to love her; be her “someone just for her”. Just as my partner's children. I know completely how he felt now about his daughters.
The next morning, Gaara went downstairs to see Kankuro and Temari eating breakfast. There was Akiri, giving seconds to the table. She seemed normal, her smiling face and her kind voice. He quietly sat himself at the table as her back turned to the kitchen. Suddenly the entire kitchen went quiet, but no one seemed to mind. Akiri turned around with more food; she made a silent gasp when she saw Gaara. She grabbed a plate with food and gave it to him with a warm smile. “Here.”, she said. “I hope you feel better after last night. I was worried about you.” Worried, About me..? Gaara thought. “What happened last night?” Kankuro asked. “I don't want to talk about it.” Gaara answered immediately. Akiri looked at him, then at Kankuro. “It's okay Kankuro, the past is the past. We just need to move on.” She turned to Gaara. “But you are alright. When I went back, I could still see you. You were looking at your hand. Was it hurt?”
Gaara sighed. It was true. After that situation with Akiri he couldn't stop staring at his hands. He still didn't figure out why he let Akiri live. She really means nothing to me. He looked up at her; she had a big smile on her face. Doesn't she? “I'm fine. It was nothing.” He said. “Well, don't forget, you two have more training, but this time, we won't be there to go off.” Temari said. Akiri nodded. “Right, so Gaara and I will get to work!” She rushed to the seat next to Gaara. “So let's hurry up for training.” She said, raising her arms and waving them. “Doing that, you're like a cheerleader.” Kankuro said, laughing. “Thank you!” Akiri got up and bowed at Kankuro. He patted Akiri's head. “You know, for a Gaara look-alike, you pretty cute.” He said. Gaara glared at Kankuro. “What does that mean?” “Akiri's cute. She's got this innocence to her I like.” He said. Temari got up and dragged Kankuro away. “Leave her alone, you don't have a chance.” Akiri's head titled. “I don't understand, what is Kankuro doing?”, Akiri asked
“Hitting on you, that's what.” Temari answered. Gaara's face felt hot when she said that. He glared at Kankuro. “Don't do that ever again.”
Kankuro smiled. “What, jealous?” He asked. Akiri shook her head. “There is no need for any fights over me.” She smiled. “I'm open for everyone!” She widened her arms for a hug, but nothing. After a bit, she gave up. Gaara, now finished with the food, got up from the table. Akiri ran to him and grabbed his hand. “Well, should we go?” She asked, smiling happily. “Sure...” Akiri giggle and literally dragged Gaara out the house, she ran so fast. She finally began to slow down, and let go of Gaara's hand. “You're blushing again.” She said, still giggling. “Will you shut up about that.” He said, annoyed. “I may have spared you last night, but bother me like that for much longer, and I'll kill you for sure.” Akiri just smiled in return. “Well, if it bothers you...” She looked at him. “I'll think about it.”
“Hn.” He replied to that. “Were you trying to kill me last night?” Akiri asked, in a small voice. Gaara flinched. “You threat everyone... that you'll kill them, but I think last night, you really meant it.” She whispered. Gaara glared at her. “Are you that clueless?” She didn't answer. They kept walking quietly until they reached the training site. Training went pretty much the same as yesterday, but just a bit quieter. However, Gaara began to notice something. Sometimes Akiri would stop for a second or two and appear to change to punching and kicking, at fast speeds that amazed him a little. What is she doing....? He was dying to ask, but for some reason, he never did. After a couple hours, Gaara sat down for a rest, still watching Akiri doing her `self-practice'. Suddenly, she did a somersault, two back flips, and then skipped over to Gaara with a big grin on her face. “HI!!!” She squealed at the top of her lungs. Not expecting it, Gaara fell over on his back, with a big PLOP in the sand.
Akiri laughed. “Got you, didn't I?” Gaara scrambled to his feet. “What was THAT for? Gaara yelled. “I wanted to have some fun!” She laughed again. It was a sweet, hearty laugh. Listening to her laugh... almost made him want to laugh. When she was finished, she sighed happily and put her arm on Gaara's shoulder. “Ah.. What a great days it's been. I wouldn't choose a better day to spend with you.” Gaara looked at her. “Why? Why me? Out of everyone else?” he asked. Akiri laughed warmly. “Because you are special to me, ever since I first saw you, I saw you as special. You make me feel happy.” She smiled at him. Gaara was speechless. He didn't know whether to be grateful, or to think Akiri was just a mindless idiot. Who could like him, feel happy around him? All people mostly have been is bitter or afraid of him. Why this girl, supposed to be him, feel this way? Feeling her arm on his shoulder gave him a... strange feeling. His arm slowly moved up, onto Akiri's shoulder. “T-thanks,” Gaara stammered.
Akiri smiled. “Well, you think we should head for lunch.” She asked, standing up. Gaara nodded. “Sure, you did fine today anyways.” He said. In only a moment, they reached the house. Akiri burst in the door. “WE'RE HOME!” She shouted happily! Temari looked over at her. “Hi Akiri!” Kankuro walked in the room and waved. “Hi, just in time for lunch!” he said. Akiri laughed, and ran to the kitchen. “I'll be just a minute!” Gaara quietly sat on the couch, Kankuro and Temari just stood quietly. “Um... so... how was training?” Temari asked politely, trying to break the silence. “None of your business,” Gaara answered. Kankuro began to smirk. “So why are you blushing?” he asked. “Will everyone stop thinking I'm blushing?!?” Gaara shouted. They went dead silent.
What seemed like a long time passed, until finally Akiri signaled everyone to dinner. It appeared to be a type of stir-fry. “This lunch I made is special!” Akiri cheerfully said. Everyone began to eat quietly... well, until Temari and Kankuro began grabbing their drinks. “This stuff is HOT!!!” Kankuro breathed out, fanning his mouth. Akiri smiled. “I thought of making something spicy. Do you like it?” Temari and Kankuro looked at each other. Kankuro shrugged. “Well... spicy aftertaste or not, it's better than Temari's cooking.” He said chuckling so himself. Temari slapped the back of Kankuro's head “Jerk.” “Well, at least Gaara likes it.” Akiri said. Temari and Kankuro looked over. Gaara was quietly eating the food normally. “How can you eat that spicy stuff?” Temari asked, shocked. He looked up. “I don't see anything wrong.” Akiri's eyes lit up. “Uh... okay then. Oh, by the way everyone. We need to pack up, we travel tomorrow morning. We're getting a head start to Konohagakure.” Temari brought up. Akiri rushed to her feet. “Then I must prepare! C'mon Temari, to the room!” She grabbed Temari's hand, and rushed to Temari's' room. That just left Gaara and Kankuro. “Man, what a girl, so happy, always on the bright side.” Kankuro said to himself. Gaara glared at him. “Well... guess I better go then.”