Naruto Fan Fiction / Chobits Fan Fiction ❯ Chobit of the Sand ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Old Log:
Heart- 1the- principal organ that causes blood to circulate the body. 2. this organ regarded as the seat of vitality, intellect, emotion, ect. 3. Love; kindness; pity...
Whether it's the organ that circulates our blood, or what holds all our love inside of (or not for some), a heart is important to anyone.
The way Akiri is built. Her heart is as important as her CPU, if it dies, her CPU will crash. Strange occurrences of `memory flows', that are not of Akiri's are happening. Whether to tell anyone of not still bugs me, but I am concerned...
The night seemed to pass by very quickly. The next morning, Akiri burst out all over the room. “WAKE UP EVERYONE!!” She said cheerfully. Gaara just stared out her. “Well, except you.” Akiri added, smiling. Temari rushed out of bed, and Kankuro seemed be a little slow. Akiri began to push him around with high effort. She quickly served breakfast, and everyone was finished in the blink of an eye. In no time they were all out the door. For long hours they walked in the desert, no one really talked much. Finally during mid-afternoon, the stopped for a break, during the break, Akiri seemed to grow very quiet and look out in the vast desert land. Temari began to notice Akiri's unusual quiet behavior. “Akiri, is everything ok?” She asked softly. No answer came from her.
“Akiri?” A man asked. He was tall, had short brown hair. His eyes were a brown color as well. He wore thin glasses and a big white lab coat over a blue office shirt and brown pants. Akiri smiled. “Yes Daddy?” The man smiled warmly and ruffled her hair. “I brought you here to talk.” Akiri blinked. “About what?”, She asked. “Your design... and future plans.” Akiri's face filled with worry. “What plans? Design? Daddy, I know I'm a custom persocom.” “There's more to that.” The man who Akiri called `Daddy' said. He sighed. “You know about cloning, right? How some scientists cloned animals?” Akiri nodded yes. “Well... you're a clone of a human being. In fact, you're the first persocom who ever was copied from DNA.” He said, sighing more when he finished. “... and now that you're completely functional, you'll need to leave soon. And, have your memory erased.” Akiri gasped “No Daddy, I don't want to leave you! I...I love you Daddy!” She cried, and embraced the man... even to a kiss. The man only pushed her off. “No.” He whispered... Akiri began to feel a horrible pain in her chest as this passed her mind. Who is that man? I don't remember ever seeing him. What is this, a... memory? “Akiri, what's wrong?” She heard Temari's voice. She turned her head to see everyone looking at her. “It... it was nothing.” She said, shaking her head. “Just a weird thought went through my mind. I'm fine now!” She showed a weak smile. Gaara continued to stare at her. That look on her face a while ago... that was not normal. Something really bad must have come to her mind.
Soon enough, everyone was back on their feet, continuing to walk. This time, there was some talking.
“So, how long should it take to get to Konohagakure?” Akiri asked. “If we move at a quick rate, not too long,” Temari answered. “Have any of you been there?” They all nodded yes. She kept asking many questions until nightfall came around; they set up a small campsite. It was late so everyone except Gaara went to sleep. Gaara sat outside the tents, staring up into the sky. That night was quiet and seemed peaceful. Gaara kept looking over at the tent Akiri was in. Later on, he moved closer to the tent, little by little as hours passed. Why am I doing this? After a while he didn't seem to care. He finally crept inside the tent to find Akiri sleeping soundly. He sat against the side of the tent, staring at her. Now it was only hours before the sun would come up. Gaara overheard someone get up and walk around, but then stopped. After that, nothing else seemed to happen.
It was about morning, and Gaara was looking outside the tent. When he did turn his head toward Akiri's direction, there was her face right there in front of his. Gaara blinked, and then rushed to his feet. “When I did YOU get up?” He asked breathlessly. “Why were you in here?” Akiri asked back playfully. “Uh... well.” Gaara stammered, scratching his head. Akiri shrugged. “Oh well, good morning!” She said happily. Gaara walked out of the tent, and slapped his face. What an idiot I am... He walked over to Temari and Kankuro's tents. “Get up, you two. We have a long way to go.” He shouted. Temari and Kankuro groggily got out of bed, but only in moments, rushed to get ready. “So,” Kankuro yawned “What's for breakfast?” Akiri ran up, handing wrapped food. “Got that covered.”, and smiled.
So they went on for a long time again, but this time, Akiri and Gaara were a little behind. Akiri looked over at him. “I'm still curious, why were you in my tent?” She asked. Gaara looked down. “Can we please not talk about this?” “Oh please! I'm curious!” She begged, giving a puppy-dog look. He annoyingly looked away from her begging face. “I don't know, quit bugging me.” Akiri began to skip happily. “Oh, come on, you don't just come in my tent for no reason.” She said, giggling. Gaara rolled his eyes, and sighed. Suddenly a lump of sand formed out the ground and tripped Akiri. Akiri fell into the sand. Gaara smiled. “Maybe now you'll shut up.” Akiri rushed to her feet. “That was unfair!,” Then she smiled. “But fun, okay, I give in.”
Temari was looking over at their conversation. “Kankuro?” she asked. “Yeah,” he answered. “Ever since Akiri's been here... I think Gaara is starting to get a liking toward her.” Kankuro shook his head. “Well, yeah! I would too! Then again... Gaara isn't... the `friendly' type.” He said. “Yeah, but...” Temari said. She looked over at them. Akiri was smiling and walking happily and Gaara walking normally, glancing at her every now and then. “Also about earlier... I think something is wrong with Akiri. She looked rather depressed sometime yesterday.” Kankuro stared. “Depressed, about what?” “I'm not sure...”
The day passed quickly and soon enough, within sunset, they were reaching a forest-like area. “Good, were almost there. A couple more hours should do it.” Kankuro said. “Well, let's take a little break over by that tree.” Temari said, pointing toward a large tree. Everyone sat down to rest, except for Akiri. “Hey guys, mind if I look around?” She asked. “You may get lost.” Gaara said. Akiri smiled. “Nah, I can keep track of where I go pretty well! Please?” All three looked at each other. “What do you want to see?” Temari asked. “Were in the middle of a forest, what will you possible find?” Gaara asked. “I just wanna explore!” She said. “Well... okay, but not too far.” Temari said. “I'll get you when we the break is over.” Gaara said. “So don't go running off too far.” He added. Akiri nodded and jumped up into the trees.
“This place is cool! I've never been in a forest before!” Akiri whispered to herself. She occasionally looked back; she could still see Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara, so she kept going. She kept jumping tree to tree, feeling the wind as she passed by. She stopped as she came across a slow-moving stream. She stared into the water and saw the reflection of herself. At first, she thought she saw Gaara there, but she realized it was herself. The water looked very refreshing; she took off her sandals and dipped her feet in the water. It felt nice and cool on her toes. Then, she dunked her ankles in the water. It would be nice to take a swim in here. She thought. She looked over, but then she noticed she couldn't see anyone. I must have goneoff too far... well, I'm sure I'll find them later.And she took off her clothes, leaned her gourd against a tree and dipped in the river. She swam around a little; the river wasn't so deep anyway. The water felt absolutely wonderful on her body. She sighed. “I wish Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari followed me here, we could all have enjoyed this. Then again, I could probably...” She stopped. She could hear somebody whisper. “Whoa, is that that Gaara guy? Wait, no, that's a girl!!” “Who's there?” She asked.
She got out of the water and grabbed her shirt and gourd. She saw a bit of the trees move, then a person up in the trees. She jumped up, grabbed the person's leg, and threw him to the ground. The person hit the ground with a big THUD. The person was a boy, with blonde hair and blue eyes, with some whisker-like marks on his face. He was wearing and orange and blue outfit. “Ow! Hey, that really hurt! I..” He stopped. Akiri realized the boy was staring down her shirt, it was hanging loose. She was about to scream, but the boy covered her mouth. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sneak up on you!” He said. Akiri calmed down. “Well, okay, then who are you, and what are you doing out here?” “Me? Well, I'm Naruto. I'm out here because... well I guess I had nothing to do, so I just went around here, after all, the village isn't so far from here. What about you?” He asked. “I'm Akiri!” She replied, and she hugged Naruto. “I'm going to Konohagakure for a tournament.” Naruto thought for a moment. “Hey! I heard about one coming up! My sensei told me. So, that means you need a way there, right?”
Akiri nodded yes. “Well, come follow me, I know a shortcut to the village. Maybe I can get Iruka-sensei to get us some ramen!” Akiri smiled. “That sounds great, but first I gotta find Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari.” She said. “Yeah, speaking of that, you look a lot like Gaara...” Naruto said. “...Except, your kinda prettier than he is, being a girl and all. Are you his twin?” Akiri looked down. “I don't know... wait. You think I'm pretty?” Akiri asked, looking up. Naruto smiled embarrassingly. Well... he thought. “So, should we find your team?” Akiri looked around in the trees. “Well, to tell you the truth, I think I lost them...” Naruto smiled. “Well, I'm sure they'll come to the village. We can get help there.” Akiri smiled. “Then lets go!” She said as she grabbed the rest of her clothes to put on.
She's been gone for WAY too long. I think she got lost, that stupid girl. Gaara thought. It must have been an hour and a half since Akiri left to go explore. Gaara was getting annoyed. “That's it; I'm going to go find her.” He said, standing up. “We'll join you.” Temari said. So they burst off into the trees. They looked around, but the found nothing. “I can keep track of where I go... yeah sure you can.” Gaara mumbled to himself. “She has to be here somewhere.” Temari said. “Wait, I see someone. Over there.” Kankuro said. He pointed over to where Akiri was with Naruto. “It's that kid, Naruto.” Temari said. What's he doing out here?Gaara thought. Akiri turned her head toward them. “Gaara, Kankuro, Temari! There you are!” She ran over to them and gave them all a hug. “We told you not to go too far.” Gaara said. “Well, its all okay now!” Akiri said, smiling. She turned to Naruto. “Well, I guess were all ready to go.”